And Then There Were Three

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And Then There Were Three Page 4

by Renee Lindemann

  “Fuck no Eva why would I want to go out with her. This woman that you are falling for that I have already met. What is there to say?” Mark demanded angrily.

  “I do not know but perhaps we can all talk this out and I can put these stupid feelings to rest. I want to be here with you and follow through on our plans to grow old together. However I do not want there to be an air of mistrust for the next sixty years.”

  “I do not want to see you with someone else, male or female. That is my answer to this. Fix whatever it is and let’s move on with our lives Eva, please.”

  “I think this is the best way for us to move on Mark.” I was drained of answers but wrought with questions. Mark reluctantly agreed slamming his fist down on the granite countertop. He didn’t even flinch as the skin above one knuckle broke. I immediately retrieved the first aid kit. After patching him up we sat together in our family room locked in a tight embrace. I could feel his body and mind begging me to stop this madness. I so desperately wanted to take these feelings and chuck them off the nearest bridge. I was so happy in my marriage before I walked into that studio. If only I could un-walk into that studio and never lay eyes on Nicole, we would be fine. Or would we?

  The dinner with Mark and Nicole was initially unremarkable. The children were at my parents’ house for a few weeks of their summer vacation. So aside from everyday breathing the dinner table was silent as a mouse. Why do we say silent as a mouse are they really silent? Sorry I digress. I was tired of the quiet and having never put my filter back on I opened the dialogue.

  “So are we going to talk about what brought us all here or not,” I said with a touch more anger than I meant. Mark gave me a deadpanned glare that made me shrink in my seat.

  “Mark, I just want to say that I am really sorry about all of this. I really did not mean for any of this to happen. I was really happy to be making a new friend. I never thought I would develop feelings for Eva or vice versa.”

  Mark looked at Nicole incredulously. “I would prefer if the two of you would quit wanting to fuck behind my back.” Looks like Mark has no filter today either. I blushed and paled at the same time. Not sure how that is even possible but I did. “Mark!”

  “Eva, I am done with formalities. I do not want to be apart of this little weird shit you two have going on. You’re a married woman. It is time you started acting like it. Nicole you are a very beautiful woman I am sure you can find a woman or a man for that matter to love that doesn’t already belong to someone else.” Mark stood from the table ready to end our great talk.

  “I am sorry Mark, I never meant to come between the two of you. It’s just that from the first day I saw your wife I couldn’t help the instant connection. I could tell that she had never been with or attracted to a woman before. I could also tell at the party how in love the two of you are. It’s so palpable what you two have that there wasn’t a soul in that room that wasn’t envious of your wonderful relationship, myself included. I guess that’s why I am so attracted to you both. What you have is so amazing and highly unusual these days that I can’t stop myself from wanting to bask in it,” Nicole replied. She pushed her chair back from the table managing a graceful stand on five-inch heels. I was processing her words a lot faster than my husband and I waited for him to get the sledgehammer hit I just received. She was attracted to us both. WTF!

  “What did you say?” Mark stammered as recognition flood his features. Before she could answer he looked from her then to me to see if I were on the same page. The look of shock was enough to convince him that I was not privy to this new development before this meeting. Nicole walked over to Mark and planted a full on kiss. I watched in fascinated horror as he fought to release himself from the kiss. He gave in to the passionate assault, as I stood not in anger but to actually get a closer look. Go figure! When they saw me approach they instantly split apart. My face conveyed not a hint of anger as I searched my entire body for one thread of jealousy to fuel a quick surge of anger. There was none. I somehow knew that no matter what Mark would never leave me. He would never put her before me or choose her over me. We may disagree but he would always have my back. In essence the response to feel threatened had completely escaped me.

  Nicole realized I had not approached them in anger and she rewarded me with my own kiss. I faltered a bit I am not ashamed to say. Hey it was my first kiss with a woman. I had no idea what I was doing. It turns out it’s just like kissing a man only its not and it’s a woman. I slipped into it so easily and out just as fast as Mark’s feelings jumped to the forefront of my thoughts. I did not feel threatened but I couldn’t be sure he didn’t feel the same on some level. Mark shook his head in my direction and I wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad sign. When he gave a slight smile I knew he was encouraging this kiss. Nicole picked up immediately and kissed me again. I am not ashamed now to say I fell head first into this kiss. This kiss that I have wanted for the last few months so desperately and now that it was here, it was everything I thought it would be.

  The softness of her lips I could only liken to satin sheets. They were so smooth and delicious as I devoured them figuratively not literally. Slowly she allowed her tongue to invade my mouth after I initially put up a weak protest. Our tongues caressed ever so gently against one another. A moan actually escaped my lips, which was another WTF moment for me. Mark interrupted the kiss pulling me into his arms. It wasn’t a super manly macho display of prowess, he simply felt left out. The ease and comfort with which I kissed my husband nearly knocked Nicole off her feet. I had been kissing this man for eighteen years I was well versed in his lips and mouth. After eighteen years his kisses still bowled me over as they did on the day we met. We took this little burlesque-like vaudeville show to the couch.

  I have never ever made out with a woman. Let alone made out with a woman and my husband. I was practically vibrating with sexual energy as I kissed first Mark and then Nicole. Mark took turns placing various kisses on both our female bodies. I was not ready to move past Nicole’s lips and touch her more intimately. That however did not stop Mark as he navigated both our breasts with practiced know how and beautiful execution. We were both writhing under his wonderful touch when I felt an additional touch. Nicole’s hand was lightly brushing across my breast while my husband greedily sucked the other. I thought I was going to detonate right then and there. Nicole looked to be in a tennis match alternating between watching my facial reaction and watching Mark tend to my very erect nipple. And then I had an absolutely out of this world orgasm from their joint ministrations. I could see two looks of self-satisfaction when I dared open my eyes.

  Mark, pleased with himself, turned his attention to Nicole. I took this opportunity to determine if she was being genuine with her admission regarding my husband. If she were just going through the motions so that we would have opportunity then this would not work. That alone would be cause to eject her from our home and our lives. I would not allow her to split us up even if I knew deep down that she would leave before that would ever happen. I had a good feeling about this and not just from the recent orgasm. Mark continued to ravish her body with the same enthusiasm as he had so kindly bestowed upon me. I could see the look of absolute pleasure strewn across Nicole’s beautiful features as he licked and sucked her nipples to submission.

  Mark took my hand careful not to stop what he was doing and placed it upon her free breast. I tried to pull away but he held my hand in place. If we were doing this he was determined to see me through this. Either this would get out of my system or we just found a new uh something. I didn’t know what to call what this was. I thought about my own breasts and touched Nicole, as I would want my breast stroked. Nicole’s groans intensified and she like me gave into the pleasure. With both of us temporarily sated we turned our attention to Mark. I pulled his polo shirt off revealing with pride my husband’s well-defined body. Nicole’s jaw dropped slightly as she took in the sight of Mark’s beautiful body. Needing no further directions we both licked and teased
his chest while he relished the double attention.

  I took the initiative and unzipped his pants slipping my hand inside. Mark let out a loud exclamation as I stroked him. Nicole continued kissing his mouth as he moaned. When I fully released him from his underwear we took turns stroking his fantastic length. At some point we developed a cohesive strategy that allowed us both to stroke him at the same time. Mark could barely survive this much attention at one time. His appreciation spilled forth covering both our hands as he whimpered our names. Our names together sounded like a high-end fashion boutique, Eva-Nicole. We hovered over his mouth, Nicole and I, kissing. His breath was finally starting to settle down and we felt it safe to include him in the kisses now that his breathing was somewhat stable.

  I expected this awkward silence as we cleaned up from our couch exploits. That didn’t happen. We talked excitedly about one subject or another. Nicole took in the majesty that was our house, which could easily be the topic of a million conversations. The unique design of our six-bedroom home usually left people badgering us with questions. Nicole and I took up positions on either side of Mark as we settled into an easy conversation. Hey what is there you can’t talk about after a sort of threesome without penetration.

  “I have a performance coming up next week. I would really like it if you two were in the audience,” Nicole said wistfully.

  “I think that would be a nice date for us,” I agreed looking at Mark. He was looking at me waiting for my decision. Once it was settled that we would attend I got up to retrieve a bottle of wine. For the next few hours we talked incessantly with lots of laughs thrown in for good measure. Nicole was very interesting and it appeared that we were as well. She listened to our eighteen-year history with bated breath.

  “Wow you two really are a success story. I think that’s really impressive,” Nicole said. The smile plastered on her lips lit up the room. She just had this natural glow and we were drawn like a moth to a flame. I had never ever in my life considered the sexual love of a woman but this particular woman dashed all that resistance. I wanted to know everything there was to know about her in the hopes of understanding how she came to be. I knew the questions would have to take a more serious tone at some point. I had no qualms asking the tough questions.

  “So I have to ask Nicole. Are you seeing anyone else?” My question was intended to bring the laughing to a halt and get to the information we would need to proceed.

  “I am not seeing anyone right now. My last relationship ended in disaster so I have just been on the mend this last year,” she answered. I could hear the pain in her tone as she spoke. Probing her further was going to be painful for her but we needed to know. If she was in the habit of dating couples or engaging in threesomes then we would need to know if any of those ended badly. I suddenly felt embolden and the lovesick puppy I was before was now a Doberman protecting her brood.

  “Can I ask what happened there?” I said casually sipping from my wine glass. Nicole looked momentarily flustered as she formulated her words. At first I was under the impression she was going to spin a neat little web of half-truths but then a look of honesty registered across her delicate features.

  “My fiancé, Jason, decided two weeks before our wedding that he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life with a woman who could not bear him children. Rather than tell me face-to-face he left me a Dear John letter or I guess Jane in this case. It included an address where I could forward my engagement ring. I was devastated to say the least and swore off both men and women.” Nicole looked only slightly relieved to get out the truth. “I am not looking for pity if that’s what you’re both thinking.”

  Mark said knowingly, “I think what happened to you was terrible but as for pity we wouldn’t do that. You’re a very beautiful woman who could have her pick of the litter. So I’m going to assume that this Jason person fooled you into thinking that he was the pick of the litter. However he turned out to be a total ass clown. For now I just pity him.”

  I shook my head in agreement with my husband. Nicole smiled shaking her head probably more to the ass clown reference than anything else.

  “I have never been with a couple before if you think this is how I spend my time you are both wrong. I have always been attracted to both men and women but never a couple so this is new to me too.” Nicole dropped her head in a gesture that indicated she had no idea what she was getting into.

  “I can assure you this is not something we have ever done before. We have a very healthy sex life that has never lacked for excitement. So please do not get the idea that we are trying to repair our marriage somehow,” I said a tad bit too defensively. Mark immediately tensed hoping this would not lead to a confrontation. Nicole shook her head, the long strands of brown hair framing her face. “This is unusual even for me. What are you two looking for?”

  “I do not think we are looking for anything. We just found ourselves in a situation where my wife has developed this fondness for you. We have tried to deal with it but it seems that her feelings persist. I thought meeting with you today would force her to confront her feelings so that we can move on. I am not losing my wife and family to this,” Mark explained. “Now it seems that we have a bigger problem because I find myself in my wife’s shoes. So what now?”

  I looked at my husband unsure of what I was feeling, again it wasn’t jealousy, but it was wrought with confusion. Nicole mulled the question over in her head before answering.

  “I think we should just spend some more time together and see where this goes. I mean you two are the first individuals that made me want to date again. Eva, you are so beautiful with this surprising innocence that I find absolutely refreshing. Mark, you are so strong and capable but with a sensitive side that I just adore. I think the two of you have so many amazing qualities and even if it’s for a little while I want to be a part of that. I promise that no matter what I will not come between this marriage, not that I think that’s possible, but I would walk away first,” Nicole reiterated. “So dinner tomorrow night at my place.”

  Mark surprised us both when he reached over to kiss me first and then Nicole. I watched his hands find purchase in her long brown hair. He pulled away from the kiss and pushed Nicole in my direction. Our lips connected and the sweet deliciousness that was her mouth was once again causing my body to heat up. I thought the heavy breathing was coming from me but it was actually coming from Mark. I guess watching me with another woman was more of a turn on than he initially suspected. Nicole pulled away from the kiss first. “I guess I should probably go. I will see you both tomorrow.”

  Mark and I watched her move with absolute fascination unable to do anything beyond a nod. When she reached the front door our manners kicked in. Mark opened the door for Nicole as I gave her a quick goodbye peck. I could see the pink blush in her light skinned cheeks as she dropped her eyes to the floor. “I can see you two need some alone time.” Mark gave her a goodbye kiss then we watched her walk to her car. She appeared to be a little unsteady on her heels but not in an inebriated kind of way, in a giddy kind of way. Mark leaned against the closed door exhaling loudly as I stood unsure what to do next. So much had happened that we both felt drained. Mark extended his hand to me, “No matter what happens this does not separate us.”

  “I meant what I said Mark. I will never walk away from us,” I smiled softly. I love when he behaved like a caveman and threw me over his shoulders carrying me to our bedroom. I giggled like a little girl as he dumped me onto our bed. Mark unclasped the garters to my thigh high stockings, rolling them down slowly. Every time his fingers brushed against my skin I moaned softly.

  “Do you want me?”’ Mark asked as he slipped a finger beneath my lacy panties.

  “Yes baby I want you,” I replied, taking a deep breath. Mark removed my clothes and just stared down at my naked body. I started to feel more than naked, completely exposed. All my insecurities and the new feelings I had for Nicole came to the forefront as I fought back tears.

“Mark, you know that I love you right?” My lips trembled as I tried to get the words out.

  “I know you love me Eva. Do you still want me?”

  “What I feel for Nicole is different? It’s new but it does not undercut the love and attraction I still have for you. Mark you will always be the man I need and the man I want.”

  “I always want you Eva. But I have to admit that I am curious about Nicole. Does that bother you in any way?”

  “I thought that it would and with any other woman I would be ready to fight to the death but I don’t feel that way with Nicole. I think she is genuinely interested in both of us. I am actually relieved to know that you are interested in her as well.”

  “Can I have you now?” Mark removed his clothes standing naked before me. I admired his lovely body as I ran my fingers over his skin. The smooth texture and definition of each muscle recorded in my memory for a thousand lifetimes. I sat on the edge of the bed poised in front of his wonderful erection. Slowly I ran my tongue over the tip and down the shaft. The soft cry from my husband was all the encouragement I needed to do this job. In a matter of minutes his hips were slowly thrusting into my mouth as I relished the feel of him hitting the back of my throat. A few times I purposefully gagged throwing off his movements as he struggled to cope with the sensation. The power and control I felt was working my libido into overdrive. It took everything I had not to allow Mount Vesuvius to erupt into my mouth. I pulled the lightweight duvet covering our bed back as Mark joined me underneath.


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