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Black Rim

Page 25

by B A Fleming

  Two paces into the room they stopped and looked across to the King and Queen, who both stood from their respective thrones to greet their guests. A large table and chairs was laid out with fruits to the right and the older elf stood next to it. They all bowed to the Queen and King as Nowé introduced each of the guests in elven. Nathe wearily glanced again at the older elf who smiled back to him.

  Both the King and Queen were immaculately dressed in fine robes although most others in the room wore leather waistcoats, or long green robes made of fiber, decorated with green or red gems, the same as Nowé. They were all very happy to see the strangers arrive in their village. No one seemed ill at ease with their presence.

  “We are pleased by your visit,” the Queen said to the humans. “I am Queen Sedna and this is King Valinar. So few bare us in their hearts enough to connect with eyes.”

  “Thank you for admitting us to your realm, Queen Sedna,” smiled Casperi as he and the others bowed.

  An ornate cup was filled with a liquid from the table and passed to Nowé by the old elf. He took a short sip and presented it to Casperi who followed suit, passing it to Thais and then the others. Nowé took the cup from Temar and carried it to his mother and father, who did the same.

  “We drink from the cup of welcome,” commented the King just before he drank. The Queen watched the cup as it was placed back on the table.

  “Most, unlike yourselves, are usually dissuaded to continue much beyond the first hour of their intrusion. You are either stubborn or unwise, the truth of this will be revealed in time,” she said as she smiled.

  The humans smiled to this as she studied her guests.

  “Temar Bolyl. Should I welcome you back?”

  Temar bowed.

  “I am happy to return to your presence in more favorable circumstances, your majesty,” he smiled. The Elvem King grumbled.

  “It’s so warm here,” commented Soze, as if trying to open the conversation.

  “Yes, this is the temperature of our village all of the year,” smiled Valinar. “So few outsiders have felt this before. We can see the snow sometimes and have this. The spell weavers contain the temperature of our forests.”

  Thais measured the King and Queen with her eyes. Most of the elves were taller than her, but these two were another head taller than them. They were still skinny, with the facial features of the elves, but distinctly different nonetheless.

  “Great dragon. I come to you to offer alliance,” Thais bowed her head towards Queen Sedna.

  She smiled at this.

  “Ha!, young dragon, you have as much to fear of me as I do of you!” she chuckled. “I’ve been watching you for some time, Thais. Eren chose well. You are truly a remarkable soul.”

  She looked at the princess with a gruesome smile. As stately as she was, there was no doubt that Queen Sedna was awkwardly scary.

  “My apologizes, we have such few guests,” she smiled and bowed again as she seemed to lighten, her husband stoic in the occasion.

  “I noticed the blade that your party carries. May I look?” asked Valinar, indicating to Casperi. He unsheathed it and presented it to the King, who held it lightly by the pommel, Queen Sedna stepping back from it.

  “No harm will be aimed at you from our blades, your majesty,” reassured Casperi.

  “Dragons’ stone?” questioned Valinar.

  “Yes, from the tunnels of the den of Arthung.”

  “This dragon soul is not to be trusted, Hardular,” Sedna spoke to them all in general.

  “We have certainly learnt that the hard way,” commented Soze with a chuckled. Thais looked across to him, slightly unamused.

  “There are few to be trusted in these lands,” the Queen continued. “Both the Narthal and your Herula friends have created the rule of nobody, with most being played as beggars and servants to incessant human greed. They will suffer the fate that they deserve in the fullness of time, as this ending will happen without either of us. Evil never wins, but it also never dies. You must always be vigilant of this.”

  King Valinar waited for his Queen to finish talking before examining Casperi’s sword.

  “The blade is rare, Lord Casperi. Wield it well though with caution for your greatest weapon lies within,” said the Elven King, looking at the sword and then him before stepping back. Casperi did the same, sheathing the blade.

  “Princess Thais,” Queen Sedna felt more comfortable now and stepped forward slightly again. “You come to me in alliance. The soul of Eren will explain to you in time that dragons are not so friendly to each other. Even within this moment both you and I need to measure the outcomes of our meeting, not in seconds, as humans or elves would, but in the energies of our world.”

  Thais nodded at this.

  “Rest now, for we will meet in private soon. Posto vae. There is much to discuss,” indicated the Queen as both she and her husband turned to sit again.

  Nowé showed their guests out as they walked along the path that branched off to the right and across to another tree. They then wound their way up into the canopy until they appeared on a balcony with two rooms.

  “You will rest here. My mother has requested a private meeting with you, Princess Thais. Please rest and eat. In an hour of your time I will retrieve you. Our swordsmen will come to entertain the warriors whilst they wait.”

  An hour later Nowé returned with two women. They were finely dressed and beautiful. The women led Thais to the private quarters of Queen Sedna whilst Nowé led the men down to the ground where two warrior elves awaited.

  Queen Sedna watched Thais as she entered, sitting on a long bamboo sofa filled with white linen pillows.

  “Come join with me, Thais,” indicated the Queen to sit nearby her.

  The Queen waited for her to sit as one of the women prepared a honey tea for them. The women then left, leaving them to speak in private.

  “The ancient dragons kept the same bodies for many thousands of summers. We have changed this, you and I, during these past few hundred years. Our souls have grown old Thais. I recognize that you have just become a dragon within these past few days.”

  “Did you know instantly?”

  “Yes. You were within my realm. I can feel all dragon souls here, which is why I observed the battle.”

  Thais thought on this.

  “We haven’t always fought. You know this, don’t you.”

  “Yes, Eren explained this to me when we first met.”

  “I don’t seek to create enemies, actually the opposite. I wish to remain separate in the battles of men. The elves have been kind to me for over five hundred years. Originally, we dwelt these entire lands until the Herula arrived, clearing the forests and killing our kind. We retreated until our spell weavers were able to create protection for us.”

  “But you’re a dragon. You could have killed all of them.”

  Sedna smiled. “I killed thousands of Herula, but they brought beasts of unnamely nature. Creatures that I eventually banished to the whiteness, far west of the Imuhagh Dominion.”

  Thais looked at her, incredulously.

  “I feel that Eren was part of that.”

  “Erensuge was, I mean you were, as was Shang and Honorata, the Brown Dragon. We all suffered. Honorata was never seen again and we others were reduced to shreds of our previous selves.”

  Thais nodded, sipping her tea. She felt the memories of this time stirring from deep within her in a foreboding sense.

  “I sit here within my warm blanket Thais, but even this will turn cold soon. Young dragon, you must prepare yourself for what is to come.”

  “What do you mean. Prepare yourself?”

  “There is another battle to come, much worse than any you could imagine to bear witness too.”

  “But, I don’t want to battle, Sedna,” she looked at the Queen, confused.

  “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings, Thais. You and I both know that we must face this battle, and we both know your recent enemy, but this w
ill be something completely different. Thais, you must prepare yourself, for they are returning. Even now, Amadghor feels the wrath of their servants that meander the streets, stealing souls and crushing wild dogs that bark at their shadows.”

  Thais looked worried.

  “The teacher, Shang, he will know how to prepare you. Your brother Casperi has experienced his wisdom, and it has only been through the teachings of Master Shang that Temar Bolyl stands here, still breathing. Shang is the last of those that can trusted, for the cold winds will bring far worse evil than that of the north. Zenath is old and weak and will not intrude on us again. No, our battle comes from different lands and even the teachings of Eren could not help you to defeat it.”

  Chapter 31

  Casperi and Thais rode west towards Masterstone with the remainder of the group, except Aryz Coun and Jotnar, who were two days ahead. Trajunus had assigned an Imperial Guard that had awaited them in Banias. The embalmed bodies of Lapse and Canute laid in the back of the wagon as they made their way towards the western center of trade.

  Casperi sat at the table of the dwarven King’s home in Masterstone. Jotnar sat across from him.

  “Our King has asked a favor of me,” he shared with his sister, Aryz Coun, Nathe and Jotnar.

  “Your King or mine?”

  They all smiled.

  “My King, my friend. Yours would have me scrubbed the floors of your tunnels for a month if he thought he was allowed to do so.”

  “Ahh, he would. But you would deserve it, young Lord.”

  The others looked at the dwarf for a few moments, who eventually smacked his lips and drank more ale.

  “King Daikin,” Casperi stopped and looked at the dwarf. “Has asked me to visit with Queen Emba again, to, well, solidify our relationship with their Kingdom.”

  “Snaggly bitch, that one,” offered Jotnar. “I’ll leave that disservice to yourself.”

  Aryz Coun smiled.

  “I’ll come too. I wish to meet this Queen, and her animal,” said Thais.

  “Sounds like another adventure to me,” called out Temar as he made his way across the room with Soze. They had been out buying exotic weapons and new clothes in the markets. Nathe looked at them all. He felt old in this moment.

  “You look like you need a rest, Nathe” offered Casperi. “I wish for you to return to our home and assist those to put our house in order. I know as well that Birger will need some support in transporting his lost siblings.”

  “And explaining the young mistress he has brought back with him,” added Jotnar offhandedly.

  “That will be Birger’s delight!” laughed Nathe. The young royal, Daak and Arzon entered after checking on the Imperial Guard, that would transport the bodies to the Har-Koln tunnels. They had personally taken it upon themselves whilst the others were at Elvem to manage the care of the royal corpses.

  Carey had remained in Corone as a ward of the Emperor. Nolar looked after him with imperial rights afforded by Trajunus to the boy. He was a great asset to the Chancellor in reducing the number of spies and thieves who had almost free reign in the past.

  “We have another destination as well.”

  The dwarf looked at them. He seemed to be the only one that didn’t know.

  “We need to visit with Master Shang.”

  “That, my Lord, is a much easier task. Our tunnels can take you straight to his door.”

  “I’m feeling much better about going home,” mentioned Nathe. “I don’t look forward to endless days in those tunnels.”

  Birger placed his hand on Casperi’s shoulder. Casperi turned to face him.


  “Yes, Casperi. They have left with the guards. We will follow in the morning.”

  “They are well kept lad. My best will transport them through the Har-Koln for you, and deliver your letter to the Dark Forest garrison, where they will await you.”

  He still struggled with their deaths.

  Casperi, Thais, Soze, Aryz Coun and Temar prepared to travel to Monastery of Moung. They all would go together to the heart of Har-Koln before trekkers would lead the Catheridge party up to the top of Erg Adagh. Once they had completed their time with Master Shang, they would travel down through the tunnels to the Imuhagh City.

  Daak had also been assigned on a special mission to visit with Lord Boru in Tharkomad. Although Prince Halsten wished to lead this, the King thought better to let others go first to assess his state of mind.

  Chapter 32

  Master Shang approached his guests uncomfortably, bowing slightly to them, as they bowed in reverence to him. He then graciously hugged Aryz Coun, Temar and Casperi like old friends, stiltedly shaking the hand of Thais and more heartedly Soze as they were introduced by Aryz Coun in Imuhagh.

  He turned to all of his guests.

  “Welcome, it has been a long time, and wait worth every moment,” he spoke in clear Hardular. Casperi and Temar looked at him.

  “How can you learn if I don’t give the opportunity to myself?” he half scoffed at Casperi.

  “The novices will show you to your accommodations, but firstly, Princess Thais, if I may have a word,” Master Shang signaled her to follow as he made his way out onto the landing, the soft snow falling on the black slate.

  They both glanced to ensure that none of the others could hear.

  “Do you find discomfort with my arrival Master Shang?” she enquired unemotionally.

  “The spirit of Eren has been a friend for many hundreds of cycles. I would hope that this alliance may continue.”

  “Master Shang, you are revered by my brother and friends. I hope that it is my presence that may strengthen our friendship. Being a dragon is new to me, even with Eren’s wisdom, he would recommend that I refer to you to understand the nature of our being.”

  “Then I will enjoy your company knowing that this new transformation of you is welcome.”

  “We still have an enemy in Arthung and Zenath.”

  “They are of far less consequence than you might imagine,” offered Master Shang with a slightly raised eyebrow as they commenced their walk back to the group.

  “Princess Thais is in agreement with her accommodations,” he smiled. “I was concerned that my humble monastery would not be to her liking.”

  “Humble indeed,” murmured Soze, looking up at the high, vaulted ceilings.

  The novices, who had stood patiently behind them, slightly bowed their heads as they turned to lead them.

  Note from the author

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