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Mrs. Mcgillocotty Finds A Body

Page 2

by J.R. Bowles

  Chapter 2

  Sarah had been up for thirty minutes, it was Monday and school started in one week, so she told herself it’s time to get Nicholas in the habit of getting up early. When his mother died two years ago he had come to live with Elva and herself.

  Nicholas was the son of Elva and Sarah’s brother, Jason McCoy. He had died while in the military some years back and then Nicholas’ mother had been in a car wreck. Nicholas hadn’t had another relative from either side of the family volunteer to take him so Elva and Sara took him. The stipend provided by the government helped pay the bills but they would have taken him without any additional money. They tried to put most of the money away for Nicholas’ future.

  Sarah sighed as she clicked on the light in Nicholas’ room. She looked around at the morbid hobby he had taken up. Taxidermy was what the boy had called it. Various chemicals, jars with animal parts, plastic and Styrofoam forms filled the tables they had provided for him and his hobby.

  To her it looked like an obsessive attraction for dead things and it worried her. She shook her head and dismissed the thought. How could a fourteen year old boy be responsible for killing three, no four grow men. But then, the boy had been through more than most boys his age. She dismissed the thoughts, even if he had, how had he committed the deed? What had killed them?

  “Nicholas.” Sarah softly sang out. “It’s time to get up dear.”

  “Nicholas,” again she softly called out. She waited a few moments and then yelled, “Nicholas! Get up!”

  He groaned, rolled over and opened one eye, used his hand to shield the overhead light and said, “What for?”

  “Well, I want you to get used to getting up early. School starts in a week, and that also means you have to start going to bed before midnight. Midnight! Gracious me, I can’t believe we actually let you stay up that late. Our Father would have trounced us good for staying up so late.”

  Sarah walked over to the curtain and opened them wide as the boy pulled the covers over his head.

  Sarah smiled, how she had come to love the boy, he was the spitting image of her brother down to his auburn hair and freckles. “Come on, get up. Breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes, don’t be late. I want you to meet our new boarder.”

  “Whoopee.” The boy replied sarcastically, scrunching down further into the covers.

  “Well, you may want to meet him. He’s the new science teacher at the high school.”

  “What?” Nickolas sat up eyes wide and asked, “The new science teacher?”

  “That’s right so get up and get moving.” Sarah scolded.

  “I’ll be there.”

  Sarah shut the door behind her, turned left and went to the next door on the left, tapping lightly. “Sister…? Are you up?”

  The door snapped open quickly. “Good morning Sarah, it’s such a lovely day. I’ll help with breakfast this morning. After all we do have a new gentleman caller, I mean boarder. Dear me, now why would I say such a thing?” Then in a whisper she said, “What are we going to say about Mr. Smythe? You know Aggie will have her nose back over here snooping around.”

  Sarah smiled at her sister. This was the Elva she always loved, so together. She patted Elva’s hand and said, “Don’t worry sister, we will think of something while we cook breakfast. Now what are we going to make?”

  “How about drop scones and sausage links.” Elva answered.

  “Mmm, I can taste them now, with lots of syrup.” Sarah smiled.

  Sarah set the tableware and breakfast china on a white laced table cloth. She set the milk and juice pitchers, along with a variety of individual cereal boxes on the solid hardwood buffet. She thought about checking on Elva but it was early morning so she would be fine.

  “Good morning,” Patrick Donovan said as he entered the dining room. He sniffed, “Mmm, you’re making my tummy rumble this morning.”

  “Good morning to you too Mr. Donovan,” Sarah answered with a smile.

  “Patrick.” He corrected.

  “Of course, I’ll try but I have a long history of using the sir names. So if we forget please overlook our ill-manners but do call us Sarah and Elva, and we will endeavor to call you Patrick. Elva’s cooking this morning. And since I mentioned her; I do want to tell you she gets a little confused sometimes as the day goes along. Oh, and we have a thirteen year old nephew that lives with us. No other boarders at this time.”

  “Thirteen? That may be the age I teach. I’m not too sure yet. This town is so small the high school consists of grades 8 thru 12.”

  “Here’s Nicolas now.” Sarah turned to the doorway as he entered.

  “Good morning.” Nicholas said overhearing part of the conversation. “I am fourteen now. Remember? You must be the new science teacher.”

  “I am.” He stuck out his hand and Nicholas grabbed it and shook it. “Patrick Donovan. Outside of school call me Patrick.”

  “Oh, no, he mustn’t do that,” Sarah interrupted. “He may forget and call you that at school and then he would get in trouble. And Nicholas I’m sorry I forgot you’re fourteen now.”

  “No problem Aunt Sarah.” Then turning to Mr. Donovan he added. “It’s best if I call you Mr. Donovan and please, please call me Nick.”

  “I understand, Nick.” Patrick grinned.

  “Hot stuff! Comin’ through.” Elva yelled as she pushed the swinging door open with her hips both hands full of hot dishes of food. “Hot stuff and the food is warm too.” She laughed.

  “Let me help you dear.” Sarah rushed to help set the food and arrange it on the buffet.

  They all grabbed plates, knives, forks and food was retrieved.

  “Where would you like me to sit?” Patrick asked Sarah.

  “Thank you for asking. So often our boarders just pick a place, which is actually okay with us but if you would, how about there.” She pointed at a place on the far side of the long table.

  Patrick sat down and waited until everyone had been seated and watched Sarah. “Do you say grace?”

  “We do, to ourselves. Thank you for being polite. Manners are lost now-a-days. We say blessings silently. We have had so many boarders with different faiths; we couldn’t keep up with them so we decided to do them quietly. We’ve even had atheists.” Sarah said as she sat down on the other side of the table but not directly across from him.

  “Are you an atheist?” Nicholas quizzed. “I’ve read that most scientists are.”

  “Nicholas! A person’s faith or lack of it is their own business.” Sarah censured.

  “No problem. No I’m not an atheist.” Patrick watched Nickolas’ face sag in frustration.

  “Well I am.” Nicholas said.

  “Nicholas you most certainly are not.” Elva piped in as she sat down directly across from Patrick and beside her sister.

  “Am too,” Nicholas muttered sitting down beside Patrick directly across from Sarah.

  “Ding dong.” The doorbell rang.

  Sarah and Nicholas turned to stare at Elva’s reaction. Sarah sighed with relief and started to get up.

  “I’ll get it.” Elva said as she stood up, folded her napkin and left the room.

  “Oh, Mr. Dono… I mean Patrick ― I forgot to mention it. Elva likes to call her pancakes drop scones, so we play along with her. It’s a game we play. We live somewhere in the British Isles, near the bonnie glens and the foothills of the highland, where the pink heather grows wild on the moor. It makes life so much easier. Well sometimes we pretend we do. You do understand don’t you? ”

  “I do and thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “It’s Aggie.” Elva sang out from the doorway.

  “Good morning Sarah, hello Nicholas. Good morning Mr. Donovan.” Agnes said.

  “How are you?” Patrick asked.

  “Tea or coffee?” Sarah asked. “Do sit and join us.”

  “Don’t mind if I do.”
Agnes busied herself at the buffet loading a plate with food.

  Patrick turned to Nicholas. “Do you like science?”

  “Sure do, I like biology, things that live and die.”

  “That’s great. Maybe you will be in one of my classes.” Patrick stood up took another sip of coffee and set the cup down. “I have some running to do today and papers to sign. The scones were very tasty this morning. What shall I do with my dishes?”

  “Just leave them there. We will take care of them.” Sarah answered.

  “I like taxidermy.” Nicholas spat out rapidly. “I have some that I’ve done. Maybe you would like to check it out later.”

  “I’d like that a lot. I did a bit of taxidermy myself when I was young.” Patrick nodded and left the room with one last, “Good day ladies.”

  “Oh humph!” Agnes said aloud as she sat down with her plate and tea.

  “Did you hear that Sister?” Elva asked.

  “What’s that dear?”

  “He said, ‘when I was young.’ Isn’t that funny, he’s just a pup himself.”

  “It’s all relative dear.”

  “I told you Aunt Sarah, taxidermy is normal. See Mr. Donovan did it.” Nicholas chimed in.

  “My apologies dear, you certainly are correct.” Sarah sipped her tea.

  “May I be excused? I want to straighten my room before Mr. Donovan comes back.” Nicholas jumped up wiped his mouth, laid the napkin down folded and took off before he had an answer.

  “That’s fine…” Sarah watched as he left the room. “Wished I had that much energy….”

  “Well in my day, we had more manners.” Agnes manages to say between bites.

  “So how are you this morning Aggie and what brings you here so early?” Elva inquired.

  “I haven’t seen Mr. Smythe for several days now, have you?”

  Sarah forgot completely about Mr. Smythe, what was his reason for leaving. Her mind began searching.

  “Do you spend your entire day and night watching our house?” Elva countered.

  “Of course not,” Agnes replied.

  “Then why are you constantly snooping around? Mr. Smythe was only here temporarily. He went back to his corporate office.” Elva shook her head stood up and began gathering the dishes.

  Sarah smiled inwardly so thankful Elva was shining bright this morning.

  “Did you notice I had my hair cut and styled?” Agnes patted her hair gently. “The girl there said it makes me look younger. She said I don’t look like an old woman.”

  Elva walked over gave her a quick once over and said, “No it makes you look like an old man.”

  “You are incorrigible Elva. Oh, well I asked the Sherri…, Constable to come by and check on you two. I do so worry about the two of you taking in all these strange men.”

  “Oh my,” Sarah said standing up so fast her hand hit the cup on the table spilling a bit of tea. “Excuse me ladies, I’ll be back in a moment. What time is he coming?”

  “He should be meeting me here soon.” Agnes watched suspiciously as she left the room.

  “Agnes,” Elva began, “you are the nosiest busy body I’ve ever known.”

  “What was the matter with Sarah? She sure seemed nervous for some reason or the other.”

  “Don’t you know?”

  “Know what?”

  “She’s always been sweet on Willie McTavish. Just wait and see if what I’m telling you is correct or not. I’ll bet she went to change dresses. He comes around every few days. I’m surprised I thought you with all your snooping would have known that.”

  “Well I have seen him quite often, now that you mention it. But I thought he was just doing his job checking on two old women taking in boarders.”

  Elva laughed out loud. “You’re a good one to be calling the kettle old.” She snorted and added with a giggle, “Oh he’s checking alright.”

  “Whatever are you talking about?” Sarah reentered the room, smoothing her hair down.

  Agnes smiled into her cup. “Elva was just saying that Willie McTavish comes around to ensure the two of you are safe, quite often. Isn’t that a different dress Sarah? It’s so lovely.”

  “Uh, thank you.” She ran her hands down her sides smoothing the fabric of the pale blue classic chemise.

  “Oh he checks on us often.” Elva giggled, “Usually late on Wednesday nights. How had you ever missed that Aggie? ”

  “Elva! Now don’t go starting rumors.” Sarah frowned.

  “Do tell.” Agnes grinned. “Well, my, my. I had no idea.”

  “Please ladies that will be enough.” Sarah demanded.

  “Ding dong.” The doorbell chimed.

  Both Sarah and Agnes looked to Elva for her reaction.

  “What?” Elva grumped, “I’m cleaning the dishes can’t one of you get it.”

  “I’ll get it.” Sarah left the dining room.

  “So how long has this been going on?” Agnes interrogated Elva as soon as Sarah left the room.

  “Years and years…. Of course it’s not every Wednesday. And truthfully anymore I’m dead to the world so I haven’t kept up with it for a long time. But from what I remember around 11:15 right about the time his shift ends he would show up. And well, let your mind do the rest. He always would leave by midnight on the dot.”

  “Isn’t he married?” Agnes knew the answer.

  “No, his wife died many years ago.”

  “Would you like some coffee or tea, Constable?” Sarah asked loudly as she entered followed by a very distinguished gentleman, trim fit, full head of silver hair and a roguish sparkle in his gray eyes.

  “Coffee, please Sarah. Hello Elva — Agnes, I see you’re here early.” Willie sat down at the end of the table in the captain’s chair, smiled and nodded.

  “Oh no, that’s Papa’s chair.” Elva gasped.

  “Papa’s no longer with us Elva dear.” Sarah said as she mixed cream and two sugars into the cup then placing it in front of Willie.

  “Thank you Sarah.” Willie smiled up at her watching her blush.

  “My, my,” Agnes began. “Sarah how on earth did you know how the Constable likes his coffee?”

  “It’s my memory. It’s just one of those things I can do. I know how you take your coffee.” Sarah sat down with her second cup of the day and added, “Two creams, one sugar.”

  “Aggie, didn’t you know that about Sarah? She remembers beverages. What you drink and how you like it. No matter who they are she remembers what they like.”

  “You’re joking.” Agnes said.

  “No, try her?” Elva said.

  “Ladies, this is not the time or place the Constable is here for an official inquiry so we must give him our full attention.” Sarah reprimanded.

  “The coffee’s great Sarah.” He sat the cup down on the saucer and turned to Agnes. “What seems to be the concern?”

  Agnes fidgeted in her chair then inhaled deeply. “Willie as you know, I live just across the street and I feel it’s my civic duty to keep an eye on Sarah and Elva here alone with strange men as boarders. The way the world is now a days they could allow murders or worse in the house.”

  “What’s worse than a murder?” Elva sneered.

  “Why a rapist of course,” Agnes answered.

  Elva laughed. “Speak for yourself.”

  “Well anyway,” Agnes continued, “I haven’t seen Mr. Smythe in several days and….”

  “Agnes, Elva told you Mr. Smythe finished his business and headed home.”

  “How about Mr. Berkinbuss…?”

  “He went to attend his sister.” Sarah answered.

  “Elwood didn’t have any sisters.” Agnes countered.

  “I don’t know what to say. That’s what he told Sister and me.” Sarah shrugged.

  “Elwood?” Elva giggled. “How well did you know Mr. Berkinbuss?”

  “We had several conversations.” A
gnes said stiffening her back more rigid in the chair.

  “Conversations…? Is that what you call it? Ha!” Now I’ve heard everything. My goodness Aggie, your husband just killed himself and here you are conversating all over the place.” Elva smugly stated.

  “Jeffrey most certainly did no such a thing!” Agnes said her voice trembling with anger.

  “Well, I suppose somebody could have pushed him out of the upstairs window.”

  “Now ladies,” Willie interrupted. “Let’s get back to the question at hand and that would be a Mr. Berkinbuss. Is that correct?”

  “Yes.” Agnes answered.

  “And you ladies say he went to his sisters. Do you know where that was?”

  “Let me see.” Sarah said.

  “Thought you had some kind of phenomenal memory?” Agnes accused.

  “Bruburn.” Sarah answered ignoring Agnes’ taunts.

  “Agnes, are you missing your conversations?” Elva interrupted. “Got that need to conversate do you?” Maybe Willie can help you conversate. I hear he might be pretty good at….”

  “Elva!” Sarah interjected loudly with scorn. “That will be enough of that.”

  “I understand.” Willie said aloud to the group but looked directly at Sarah and smiled. “No problem. I will check with the local law there and see if they know anything. Don’t worry Agnes I will find Mr. Berkinbuss. That was Elwood correct?”

  “Are you knocked up?” Elva’s eyes widened and stared at Agnes.

  “Isn’t it a little early for you to be getting so loony?” Agnes accused.

  “Loony? I’ll show you loony.” Elva balled her fist and stood up.

  “Ding dong.” Both Agnes and Sarah turned to look at Elva.

  “What? I’m up, okay, I’ll get it. Don’t put yourself out and me being the one with the trick hip. Thank god it doesn’t hurt today. All this traffic ― I will be crippled by noon.” She grumbled as she left the room.

  “Agnes please be patient with Elva, she gets so confused sometimes.”

  “I know.” Agnes sighed. “But she just pushes me to the limits. Just like when we were kids she knew what buttons to push to get my dander up.”

  “Thank you dear.”

  “It’s the Reverend Reed.” Elva announced loudly as the slightly balding portly red faced man entered.

  “Good morning to you ladies.” He smiled at Sarah and Agnes, then frowned at Willie and nodded. “Willie. What are you doing here on a Monday morning?”

  “Randy. It’s called noneya… noneya-business. Did I ask you what kind of hate and discontent are you planning to be peddling today?”

  “Touché Willie. Fair enough. But I don’t hide my business.”

  “It’s been such a long time since you’ve had any business a closed sign has been stuck up and the roof’s caving in over the front door. Can you even see the front door anymore, or do you need a mirror.”

  “Gentlemen!” Sarah reprimanded. “It’s been ages since you two were kids fighting in the streets, let’s not revisit those days, shall we please.”

  Elva gripped a salt shaker in her hand and pulled it close to her mouth. “And in this corner we have Randy Reed, the rockin’ sockin’ big belly bopper. And in this corner, ladies and gentlemen we have Willie McTavish, long lean lanky Willie boy. Let’s give it up now ladies for long Willie and rocking Randy.”

  “Elva!” Sarah jumped up from the table. “That will be enough of that!”

  “Ding dong.” The doorbell chimed.

  Everybody turned and looked at Elva.

  “Ding dong.”

  “Avon calling,” Elva chimed as close as she could to the same intonation.

  Sarah shrugged. “I’ll get it, looks like the fog has come in early over the moor today. Elva dear, please sit down and behave for goodness sakes. Reverend, help yourself I’ll be back in a moment.”

  “Well gentlemen,” Agnes began, “you certainly know how to stir up long lost memories.”

  “It was not my intention.” The Reverend said. “We always were like oil and water.”

  “More like piss and vinegar.” Elva said as she raised her right arm and stuck her nose to it with a loud sniff. “Holy mackerel, that three day deodorant just don’t work anymore.”

  Willie began to chuckle.

  “Elva! I do think you need a rest.” Agnes suggested.

  “Rest…? I just got up. What time is it? I can’t sleep in the daytime anyway.”

  “Why is that?” Reverend Reed inquired.

  “I have phobo-phobia.” Elva stood up and headed to the buffet, poured herself some hot tea, added milk and began to stir.

  “What?” Agnes asked. “I’ve never heard of that? What is it?”

  “I have a fear of fear.” Elva answered flatly. “I’m afraid that if you don’t leave soon… Well, I’m afraid I might have to hurt you. So you see. I’m afraid that I’m afraid I’ll hurt you. Understand now, phobo-phobia.”

  “Oh Elva, you crack me up.” Agnes laughed. “That doesn’t make a bit of sense.”

  Willie McTavish sat his cup down. “Agnes, I’ll check and see what I can find out about Mr. Berkinbuss. I really have to be going. It’s almost ten. I have some paperwork to do.”

  “Hello darlings.” The voice from the door resonated a hint of a Hungarian accent, with an over exaggerated attempt at a suggestive sexuality. They all turned to stare at the big chested, salon colored platinum blond, mid-thirties, one size below Rubenesque dressed in a black Betsy Johnson form-fitted knockoff, with five inch Christian Louboutins, definitely not knock offs.

  Sarah cleared her voice. “I would like to introduce you to our newest boarder. Karalina Jacobson. She plans to stay a few days. This is our Constable, Willie McTavish, Reverend Randy Reed, and Agnes Petrie-Hilltop our neighbor from across the street.

  Elva cleared her voice loudly but sat quietly.

  “Miss Jacobson this is my sister, Mrs. Elva McGillocotty, I believe I mentioned her to you.”

  “How are you!” Karalina said very loudly.

  “She told you I’m addlepated not deaf.” Elva glared.

  “Miss Jacobson,” Willie jumped to his feet extending his hand.

  Not to be outdone, Randy stood up so fast his feet became tangled under the table and barely maintained not falling.

  “Please call me Karalina.” She extended her hand gracefully.

  “Car-line-a,” Willie attempted to repeat.

  Karalina smiled and gently took her hand cupping Willie’s face near his lips to where she could move his lips with her fingertips. “Repeat after me… Care-a-lean-na.”

  He grinned and repeated it.

  She then turned to Randy, inspected his collar and said, “How are you father?”

  “Oh, it’s not father. I’m Episcopalian. Although, some people call me Father, most call me Reverend. We can marry… I’m not married.” Randy stumbled through the explanation. “Call me Randy.”

  “He’s Randy alright looks like both of them are Randy.” Elva cackled.

  “Sister, we must remember our manners.” Sarah interjected. “Please have a seat Miss Jacobson, would you like some tea? Or would you rather inspect the room first?”

  “Well gentlemen, as much as I would like to sit, I really must check the room. I have so many things to do this afternoon. Perhaps tomorrow morning we could all have a chat.” Karalina smiled and offered her hands out, one to each man.

  “That would be wonderful.” Randy answered.

  “Well, if I can get away from the police station, I’ll be here. There’s a lot that goes on.” Willie stated.

  “Hah!” Elva spit out. “There’s nothing ever happens in the rinky-dink town of Hilltop.”

  “Why do they call it Hilltop?” Karalina asked. “I have yet to see any hills for miles and miles.”

  “Oh, didn’t you notice my last name ― Hilltop?” Agnes in
terrupted. “The town is named after my late husband’s family.”

  “That’s because they don’t have enough sense to recognize a hilltop from a molehill.” Elva said.

  “If you will show me the room now Mrs. McCoy, I need to be on my way.”

  “It’s Miss…, she taint never been married ― now isn’t that right Willie?” Elva clarified. “She lives by the motto, why buy the pig if all you want is a little sausage.”

  “Sister is correct. I haven’t married but please call me Sarah.” She turned to Elva and said, “Sister, please don’t use the word taint and mind your manners.”

  “And everyone calls me Karalina. I’ve got to go, so tootles for now gentlemen ― until tomorrow.”

  Both men watched as she followed Sarah out of the room and heard them go up the steps.

  “Well I really need to go. Agnes I’ll see what I can find out.” Willie McTavish placed his hat on his head and nodded then left.

  “Well Reverend besides the floor show why are you here?” Elva asked.

  “Oh I brought over some quilt pieces Sarah had asked about. I believe she said they were for you.” He smiled. “When you want them I will bring them in.”

  “Oh goody,” Elva said. “I’ve got to go wash dishes now. So if you want to bring them in you can place them over by my chair. But you both must excuse me now. I have to go. Where was I … oh, that’s right … wash dishes and start lunch.”

  Agnes watched as Elva left the room then turned to the Reverend. “Randy, Elva’s getting so much worse. I think she needs to be placed in a rest home.”

  “Isn’t this something you should discuss with Sarah?”

  “I was planning to.” Agnes said. “That’s one of the reasons I asked you to come over to help me reason with her. When it comes to her sister Sarah can be pretty stubborn. Good grief, she believes we’re part of the British Isles.”

  “Thank you Karalina.” Sarah said as she stood at the door behind them. “Here’s your key and we will see you later tonight or whenever you decide to come back.”

  Sarah reentered the dining room poured some coffee and sat down. “I’m so sorry, but I had to show her the room.” Sarah said and then added, “Where is Elva?”

  “She said she was going to wash dishes and then start lunch.” Agnes answered. “Sarah, I really want to be careful how I broach this subject and the Reverend and I know what kind of burden you have been under lately. We have discussed it and we know you have to have thought about it.” She took a deep breath of air. “Elva’s getting worse. Surely you see that. She really needs to be put in a home where she can be watched more carefully.”

  “Agnes I know you think you are trying to help me, but I can take care of Elva. If and when she gets to the point where I can no longer take care of her then I will consider it. Until then, the subject is to remain off the table. Do you understand?”

  “Bam! Clank!” A loud metallic noise issued from the kitchen at that moment.

  Everyone jumped from the table and rushed into the kitchen. They all stopped dead still as they saw Elva standing on a stack of pots. She had placed two pots on the floor and placed an additional one on the top of those two like a triangle. Then she had climbed up on the top pot and was reaching into the cabinet retrieving or placing plates. They didn’t know which.

  “Sister, what on earth are you doing?” Sarah probed as she rushed over to steady Elva and help her down from the stack of pots.

  “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m practicing for the circus. Looks like you brought Dumbo and Goofy.” She sighed loudly. “I’m trying to get the extra plates down for later today. We’re going to have an extra placing this evening aren’t we? We do have a new boarder don’t we?”

  “Yes dear we do.” Sarah smiled. “But do be careful.”

  Agnes had gasped and her hand flew up to her mouth in reaction.

  “Did you swallow a fly Aggie?” Elva taunted, “How about you, Randy? Is the sex pot gone? Are you feeling a little unholy? Like those magazines you used to snitch and take out behind the smoke house when we were kids.”

  “Let’s go back to the table.” Sarah suggested. “Now Elva, I want you to finish there and please get down. It’s making Agnes nervous.”

  “What’s the matter Aggie, weren’t you saying I’m an addlepated old woman and need to be put away?” Elva accused. “Afraid I will hurt myself or someone else?”

  Agnes gasped and said angrily. “Have you been listening to us?”

  “Ah! Ha! So I’m right.” Elva countered. “So you do think I need to be put away. Let me ask you something have you ever thought about that niece of yours. I bet she wants to put you away. She’s the heir to the so called, quote Hilltop estate. She’s more of a Hilltop than you are. It’s in her blood.”

  “Sarah, I won’t stand for this kind of rude talk. Something has to be done about that woman.” Agnes stormed out of the kitchen.

  But not before Elva shouted. “She isn’t your niece. She is a warm loving person and you don’t share any of those traits. I imagine she would like to have you put away, permanently. And if you’re not careful something will be done about you.”

  “Now Sister you really should play nice with Agnes.” Sarah smiled at her sister as she followed the Reverend back into the dining room.

  “I told you!” Agnes accused. “She’s a menace to herself and those around her.”

  “Sarah, won’t you at least consider a little more care for Elva before she gets hurt. She could have fallen climbing like that and when you break something at her age, well it’s not good.” The Reverend reasoned.

  “Thank you, Randy and you also, Agnes. I know you both mean well. I will keep all of that in mind but for now I really need to get in the kitchen and help her. We have lunch to prepare and things to clean. If you like you are welcome to stay and chat, and help yourself. Now if you would like to stay for lunch I’m sure we can accommodate you both. Unfortunately if you do I will have to charge you. You understand, of course. Now if you decide to stay let us know so we can prepare.” Sarah nodded and left the room.

  “I told you the woman has gone senile. I’m beginning to think so has Sarah.”

  “Now Agnes, let’s not start any false rumors. Why don’t you and I spend more time here? That way we can access the situation and evaluate just how dangerous it is for all involved.”

  “I can’t stay for lunch but maybe we could come back later for dinner or later than that.” Agnes suggested.

  “Dinner it is. I’m tired of heated dinners in the microwave anyway. I’ll tell them we will be back in time for the evening meal tonight.”

  Agnes watched as Reverend Reed went into the kitchen, then she hurried over to the desk in the corner and glancing over her shoulders a couple times then rifled through the stack of bills and letters. There was one on the desk for Mr. Berkinbuss, she glanced again and slipped the unopened letter into her bodice. She turned and walked back to the dining table just as the Reverend returned followed by Sarah.

  “That will be wonderful Reverend, and you too Agnes. We can always use the money so anytime you want to eat here, please do. So any time you want, have a meal here and I will keep track of them and I will send you a bill at the end of the week.”


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