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Naughty Nights House Parties - The Beginning (Erotic Romance)

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by Sophie Shearer

  Naughty Nights House Parties – The Beginning

  The Naughty Nights House Party Series

  (Short Story)

  Sophie Shearer

  Copyright: Sophie Shearer

  Published by Briba Publishing 2013

  © All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be used, transmitted or reproduced in any manner without the express permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations for the purpose of a review.

  This book is fictional and any names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author's imagination.

  Warning: This book is an Erotic Romance and contains some sexual content (m-f)

  Recommended for over 18’s

  Chapter One

  Jenny stood in the doorway and looked round the sumptuous Play Room with a smile of total satisfaction. This was the last of the refurbishments to complete the total revamp of the old three storey house she had bought with a small mortgage, the money she had inherited when her father had died two years ago with the balance coming from Padraig, a friend who thought her idea to start the ‘Naughty Nights House Parties’ business was brilliant. Padraig was her sleeping partner – in both senses of the word.

  The house had six bedrooms, three with their own bathroom, arranged on two floors, a family bathroom, three reception rooms and a large kitchen with utility room and cloakroom.

  The bedrooms and bathrooms had been the first rooms Jenny had updated. They had only needed redecoration and furnishing with quality items to make them useable. Luxurious towels, top quality bedding, new lighting and bespoke curtains completed the look.

  The drawing room was the next room she refurbished, completely re-plastering and papering the walls. She made use of some of the period furniture, including a beautiful old grand piano, which had been left in the house when she bought it. When the room had been dressed with soft cushions, heavy damask curtains, two elaborate chandeliers, carefully chosen ornaments and pictures it looked very elegant – a room she was very proud of.

  Once that was done ‘Naughty Nights House Parties’ was ready to open for business. Hers were going to be the very best parties available to the discerning thrill seeker. Exclusive and expensive, Jenny was going to make sure every one of her clients enjoyed their visit to the house.

  Although the first few evening events were a huge success, Jenny had asked her guests what else they would want to keep them coming back. The answer had been unanimous; they had wanted a room dedicated to group sex. So she decided to convert the large room next to the drawing room into a Play Room.

  The new Play Room had been sumptuously decorated with beautiful and very expensive flocked wallpaper. The design she chose was called ‘Ralph Lauren Jinping Dragon’ in dark grey. She had gasped when the man in the interior design shop had told her the price per roll – nearly £200, but she still had a little money left in the kitty so she bought it anyway – nothing but the best for her exclusive Play Room.

  Jenny had a huge mirror specially made and installed on the ceiling. All the furniture was carefully chosen and complemented with custom made soft furnishings in red and black. There were two dark oak King Sized Plus beds and two large, soft, red leather sofas. A huge tallboy containing seven drawers was filled with all sorts of goodies for her Play Room clients to use if they wished. From fluffy handcuffs, leather masks and bondage cuffs to riding crops and bull whips; it was all there, discreetly stored so any newcomer could be introduced slowly to the secret delights the Play Room held. There was also a shelf adorned with a huge array of vibrators; from the simple to the very elaborate.

  In one corner was an antique barber’s chair that she’d had restored, it had a foot lever used to adjust the height – and it still worked. Next to that was a small stool; just the right height for lots of games involving the chair.

  Dotted round the room were several small occasional tables where, on party nights, Jenny would place crystal glass dishes of ribbed and flavoured condoms next to bottles of good quality massage oils and boxes of tissues.

  The lighting was perfect; it was fully adjustable from ultra-bright lights to subdued and anywhere in between. There was a built-in, state-of-the-art sound system with controls available in three places on the wall around the room. There was also a discreet alarm system that could be activated in the unlikely event of an emergency; better to be safe than sorry...

  She had installed a peep hole in the large busy picture on the wall opposite the two beds. This was for the voyeur who could sit in what used to be a large walk-in store cupboard but was now transformed into a small room with a strategically placed comfortable chair, a small table, a small hand basin and a pile of fluffy hand towels.

  Standing there surveying the scene, she couldn’t help feeling very proud of herself for making such a success of her new enterprise. Just wait until Padraig saw the new Play Room!

  You see Naughty Nights House Parties were now fully booked and with a long waiting list for future events, all from word of mouth. Her house parties were kept small and exclusive and were very expensive but the price didn’t matter to the clients she wanted to attract. Her fee was just pocket money to most of them.

  Jenny had built a simple, discreet website and had placed just one advert in a countrywide free ads newspaper and one cleverly worded advert in Horse and Hound. She had answered a few phone queries but her business, at the moment, was based solely on recommendation.

  Everything had gone so smoothly except one small thing; she’d had a little trouble at first impressing on her clients that she wasn’t part of the package. Jenny was providing the perfect venue for them to enjoy consensual sex with as many partners as were willing, and she wasn’t joining in.

  This beautiful old house with all its charm and class will be the best party house in the country, Jenny thought, and the Naughty Nights House Party Company would organise the best parties around the country for her clients; she would make sure of that.

  Chapter 2

  Just eighteen months ago Jenny had been on the brink of having to dip into the legacy left to her when her father died, after losing her very well-paid job during a company restructure. When she failed to secure a job with similar pay and benefits she became an escort; it was a difficult decision and a last resort, but a girl’s got to eat and the money was excellent.

  She was employed by one of the high class escort agencies in Manchester. The agency took the bookings and payments from the client but it was common knowledge that a lot of the escorts would provide ‘extras’ for their clients. But not Jenny; she was never going to become a call girl – high class or otherwise…

  Very quickly Jenny became one of the most popular girls at the agency with some clients, who had become her regulars, giving her large tips and even expensive gifts. Her popularity was mostly due to her stunning good looks and her near perfect figure, she was tall, slim and very elegant. She had mid-length naturally blonde hair, blue eyes and absolutely flawless skin; clients loved to be seen with her. An added bonus was that she was also very confident and could hold an intelligent conversation which always went down well with foreign businessmen.

  But Jenny thought it was also because the clients knew where they stood with her; no ‘extras’ but excellent company and they could rely on her to be an interesting and attentive dinner date when they were in town. Another of her attributes was the ability to stroke the ego of her clients. In other words, she allowed them to talk about themselves and their successful lives for as long as they wanted to, whilst making all the right noises. Her regular clients were
from all walks of life; from Bankers to Broadcasters and Princes to Physicists and Jenny really enjoyed the challenge of making each ‘date’ fun and interesting.

  After around 5 months of being an escort, she was asked by Bob, one of her very wealthy regulars, to be his partner for a swingers’ party. She was a bit dubious because Bob was well aware of her ‘no sex’ policy but he assured her that she would not have to participate if she would rather not but he always felt more confident when he took a partner with him.

  So, with nothing to lose and a big fat tip to gain, she agreed to go.

  On the journey to the venue Bob had told Jenny a little more about the parties. He said he’d had to book three months in advance on the website and pay the fee online, then print off a special invitation. When he told her how much he had to pay Jenny was astounded. Apparently the swingers’ parties were always very popular and quickly became fully booked.

  He told her that some of the parties he had been to were simply group orgies in rented houses. Others, like the one they were going to, were more exclusive and civilised occasions held in grand houses with the owners as hosts.

  Jenny was glad they weren’t going to the less expensive ‘orgies’; group sex wasn’t her scene at all.

  After giving it a lot of thought, Jenny decided she would watch what happened and, if she felt comfortable, she would look out for a suitable partner and have a little uncomplicated sex herself. She needed it; it had been several months since she last had sex in a never-to-be-repeated drunken fumble with Jake, her best friend.

  The night before it happened, she had been an escort for an extremely wealthy, rather portly gentleman who wanted a partner to accompany him to an important dinner with Arabian Diplomats. He had been so grateful after a very successful evening that he had given her a mind bogglingly large cash bonus, but it was probably loose change in his world.

  To celebrate her good fortune she had taken Jake out for dinner. It had involved a lot of wine and, at the end of the evening, a rather unsatisfying night of noisy sex. Jenny resolved never to have sex with anyone again unless she was stone cold sober, it would avoid the guilt and self-loathing she had felt the day after. Another downside had been the effect on her friendship with Jake; they were never quite as comfortable with each other after that.

  Chapter 3

  When they arrived at an impressive looking house on the outskirts of Harrogate in Yorkshire, Bob helped Jenny out of the sleek red Jaguar and held her arm almost possessively as they walked up the gravel drive to the front door. It was opened by a middle-aged man who looked as if he needed a shave. Not a good start, thought Jenny. For the money Bob had paid she had expected a bit of class but, in her eyes, the doorman had lowered the tone slightly.

  Once Bob’s invitation had been checked against a list held by the man who answered the door, they were shown into a rather shabby sitting room and handed a glass of wine each. Bob was greeted by a variety of people who obviously knew him from previous parties.

  A little while later as Jenny watched the evening unfolding, the germ of an idea began to form in her mind. She had the money from her inheritance and bonus’s sitting in the bank and had not decided what to do with it; but now she thought she knew.

  She was considering the possibility of going to go into business for herself; she had the money to buy a house large enough to hold this type of party. As she looked round she could easily see where she could improve on what was being offered tonight. She would give the matter more thought tomorrow after she had experienced what went on at the parties and made some mental notes.

  Standing quietly next to Bob who was busy chatting to a large buxom woman, Jenny looked round the large room. Her gaze fell on a very interesting looking man standing alone near the door with his muscular arms casually folded across his chest. He was about the same height as Jenny, with thick blonde hair that flopped over his eyes every so often. He looked good in black jeans, a pale blue polo shirt and a pair of highly polished black shoes.

  Jenny caught his eye and smiled; he smiled back revealing sparkling white teeth. He gestured for her to go over to him so she whispered in Bob’s ear asking if he minded; after all he had paid the agency for her to be his date for the evening. He kissed her cheek, patted her bottom and with a wicked grin, told her to enjoy herself. It was only because Bob was such an amiable man that Jenny had not reacted to the bottom patting; she let it go but would gently remind him next time if he tried it again, that he was stepping over the invisible line.

  Although she wanted didn’t want to appear too keen, there was something about the way the blonde man was looking at her that made Jenny go straight over to him. Jenny had never seen this man before in her life, but she really hoped this was the guy she was going to spend the evening with.

  “Hello, my name is Jenny,” she said formally, not knowing if she should shake his hand or give him a kiss.

  “Hi, I’m Pete,” he said smiling broadly. “First, I have to tell you, I'm not sure how it goes; I’m new at this. Coming here was my wife's idea. I resisted for as long as I could but, it was either try this or divorce, so here I am.”

  “I’m new too,” Jenny said with a grin, “we’ll just have to muddle through somehow.”

  Preliminaries over, Pete took Jenny’s hand, led her into the hall, pulled her close and kissed her passionately, their mouths melting into each other. She was beginning to get lost in the kiss when he pulled away. He grabbed her hips and pulled her right up against him not trying to hide his erection. His cock was rock solid and as he pressed himself up against her pubic bone she was acutely aware of their being just a few layers of fabric separating their desire.

  After a few minutes of gently kissing her mouth, ears and neck he turned her round and pulled her body back up against his. As she leaned her head back he kissed her neck some more then slid both his hands under the top of her dress. His touch slowed and became more deliberate as he discovered that Jenny’s breasts were double D's. Her larger than average breasts had been providing her with both wanted and unwanted attention since she was 13 years old; but this was the type of attention she loved.

  Pete must had been pleasantly surprised with his discovery that she was bra-less because he let out a soft groan as his big hands began to squeeze and gently knead each of her breasts.

  “Let's find someplace a bit more private,” Jenny said quietly. Her body was getting hot and very bothered, and she knew she wanted his cock inside her very soon.

  Pete took her hand and led her down the corridor towards the back of the house; he seemed to know exactly where they would be having sex.

  “I had a wander round earlier,” he said, “There’s an orangery at the back of the house with a couple of soft sun loungers that can we can use.”

  They found the secluded room and as he locked the door behind them, Jenny was happy it was such a warm August night. They both took a moment to stare up at the stars through the clear glass roof, each silently acknowledging their brilliance and beauty; it was even just a little romantic. But they were not here for romance, they were here for sex.

  Jenny turned to face Pete; she unfastened his jeans and quickly pulled his shirt up and off of his body. Although she had seen through his shirt that he was in good shape, his naked upper body was so much more powerful and erotic than she had imagined.

  “Wow Pete, what a body! What do you do to get so...big?” Jenny said, playfully leaning in and running a finger up the length of his thick hard cock as it jumped forward out of his pants.

  “I'm a firefighter,” he said calmly. “Plus I do a bit of bodybuilding on the side. You like?” He asked the question, but by the way his eyes confidently sparkled, he already knew the answer.

  “Oh yes, I like. Let's get naked,” Jenny said urgently. “I want you inside of me; and soon.”

  Jenny quickly removed her dress, shoes and panties then turned round to see that Pete was completely naked too. His body was nothing short of magnificent. He was huge
everywhere she liked a man to be, and the sight of his naked body made her pussy ache with desire.

  Pete took her hand again, and led her to a sun lounger that was already laid down flat. But instead of trying to get both of them on the unstable chair, he pulled the mattress off and laid it on the floor. He pulled Jenny down with him so he was on his back with her kneeling next to him, his solid cock pointing straight up at her.

  Jenny moved down to the bottom of the mattress and positioned herself between his legs then kissed the top of his left foot. His body shuddered as if electrified. She then kissed the top of his right foot. He reacted again, but a little less so being that he was expecting it. She moved slowly up his legs leaving a trail of moist kisses. When she reached his thighs still kissing and licking, she pushed them apart with her hands. His skin was so soft there that, using only her tongue, she took her time giving him a chance to enjoy the feather light kisses and tongue trails she was leaving on his thighs.

  As she positioned her mouth over the tip of his stiff cock, Jenny could feel his body freeze with hopeful anticipation. After letting him suffer for a brief moment wondering if she was going to give him a blow job, her mouth carefully closed in around his huge erection. Pete's body stiffened, his cock was wide and very hard; she stopped for a moment to run her tongue slowly from the silky smooth tip to the base and around his balls. He gasped and grabbed her hair with both hands.

  Jenny’s right hand wrapped around the base of his member and with her left hand gently squeezing his balls, she took him as far into her mouth as she could. She moved her head up and down, sucking seductively as she looked up into his eyes. She knew Pete was enjoying the experience because he was moaning in pleasure, his rhythm matching up perfectly with the rhythm of her mouth.


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