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eyond Desire Collection

Page 83

by JS Scott, M Malone, Marie Hall, et al

  “Well then, you’ll be really happy because I not only have today off, but the next two weeks.” Her eyes stung with threatening tears, forcing her to look away as she headed for the door. She still couldn’t believe it. “Two. Weeks.”

  “Hey…” Thorsen tucked her against his side, and with an arm around her shoulder, he guided her towards the path. “What happened, Riley?”

  “I’ve been forced to take my vacation time because that horrid woman from Holt doesn’t want to hear anyone’s opinion except her own.” Whatever hope Riley had of Holt keeping the current integrity of the Siren and its programs evaporated in that meeting.

  “Two weeks?” Thorsen’s jaw tightened as he shook his head and tightened his hold on her. She thought it sweet that he’d get so angry on her behalf.

  His scent of leather and the salty sea helped to calm her and it didn’t take long before she was able to get a hold of her emotions. “Needless to say I’m not too happy about it. That…woman”—Riley could certainly think of more creative words for her but would refrain—“wants to completely overhaul the Siren. It’ll be unrecognizable by the time Holt’s done with it, and they just don’t get that the changes they make will have an effect on the rest of the island.”

  With brows drawn together, he frowned, his entire demeanor more serious than she’d ever seen him. “Maybe they’ll realize that the reason people come to the inn is its uniqueness and the variety of offerings. It could just be that the woman they’ve sent is being overzealous. But I doubt she’ll be the one in charge of making any of the decisions.”

  “Do you think that’s actually the case?” She sure as hell hoped Thorsen was right, since she had few other alternatives but to deal with the changes or leave the island and get a different job.

  Thorsen slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, his body brushing against hers and distracting her from her troubles. “Let’s try to stay positive, darling. Maybe this is just what we need. We can use the weeks you now have off to get reacquainted. You could show me around the island or we could go away for a bit.”

  She buried her head against his muscular form and breathed in his clean scent again. Having him so close worked its magic, the stress of the day finally easing as the knots in her shoulders slipped loose. He was right. She had to stay positive, even if it was hard to do. The Siren would manage—even with Holt at the helm. And she now had the perfect distraction in the form of a gorgeous and sweet man. “I think that sounds perfect. Might as well make the most of my vacation, right?”

  “Exactly.” He gave her a quick kiss that sent a molten heat traveling south, reminding her that it had been nearly six months since she last hooked up with anyone.

  She was tempted to drag him to her cabin—and her bed—though she didn’t want the moment ruined by her troubles distracting her, even if she was certain Thorsen was more than capable of making her forget them.

  “Don’t suppose you’d like to come check out my new rooms? I just got the keys and I’ve yet to see them.” He pulled a set of keys from his pocket and jingled them. “I was able to book one of your cabins for the next few weeks with the option to extend my stay.”

  “You don’t say…” Going on the tips of her toes—’cause the man was damn tall—she nipped at his neck and tightened her hold on him.

  “I do indeed.” He nuzzled her, his stubble rough against her cheek, sending goose bumps across her skin.

  And then he kissed her. Kissed her until her knees all but buckled and she was left clinging to him, her entire body alive under his touch. If he still wanted to take things slow, then he better stop kissing her like that. Her self-control around him was tenuous at best.

  When she could finally think straight, her words came tumbling out on a needy breath, desperate to get him alone. “I’d love to check out your cabin. Which one are you in?”

  He ran a thumb across her lips and kissed her again, her heart still racing even after he’d pulled away. “I think I’m in the Neptune.”

  She did her best to think of anything but the way his body felt under her hands or how his stubble felt against her skin when he kissed her. “Nice. You’ve got the cabin right next to mine.”

  Thorsen’s lips kicked up in a smile that spelled trouble in an oh-so-sexy way. “I’m afraid I was rather mischievous and requested a place close to yours. Your friend—the one with the dashing good looks, who’s still in love with you, by the way—didn’t think you’d mind, though if it’s an issue, it’s easy enough to change.”

  “Do you mean Logan?” She waved him away with a shocked laugh. “Sure, he loves me, but there is no way he’s in love with me. No way.”

  His smile kicked up a notch and the look in his eyes said he didn’t believe her. “When did it end?”

  “Ages ago—sort of.” She cringed, knowing how that sounded. “The winters can be long and lonely, is all—and he’s one of my best friends.” She waved him away and tried not to blush. The last thing she wanted to do was rehash old relationships and with Thorsen, no less. “If you must know, Logan’s always bugging me to get out there and date more. Do you really think he’d have given you the cabin next to mine otherwise?”

  “So, it’s not a problem that I’ll be close by?” He ran the back of his fingers down her cheek and stole another kiss as she slipped away.

  Taking his hand, she led him down the path away from the inn and towards the tree-shaded area where the cabins were situated. “Nope. Not a problem. And if you’re planning on staying for any length of time, then that’s hands down one of the nicer and roomier cottages, though I’m scared to think of what your bill will look like by the end of your stay.”

  He shrugged, not looking too worried. “I haven’t gone on holiday in a very long time. As far as I’m concerned, it’s money well spent and a break like this is long overdue.”

  “If you really do have plans to stay, then you might want to look into renting something.” She told herself not to get her hopes up, but it was damn hard to keep down the tiny bubbles of excitement bouncing around in her chest.

  “I might have to do just that.” When he smiled at her, her body’s response to him was immediate, need and desire unfurling in her center and slipping south.

  She knew she was throwing caution to the wind with Thorsen, especially when he’d only come into her life a day ago. And yet, she couldn’t help herself, given their history. How many people got a second chance with their first love? It was as if she’d awoken in a dream where her entire world was brighter and more vibrant. As long as he stuck around and didn’t go breaking her heart.

  They took the steps up to the Neptune’s porch and Thorsen unlocked the door. “After you.”

  Like her own cottage, his had a similar loft setup and a large stone fireplace running up to the cathedral ceiling, with walls painted a calming sea blue and trimmed in white. This cottage, however, was larger and had an additional bedroom located beneath the loft that served as a master, complete with master bath.

  Riley looked around before turning to face him, hoping he’d like the place. “What do you think?”

  “I think this is perfect.” Yet his eyes weren’t on the room, but rather on her with an intensity she couldn’t pull away from.

  He leaned against the arm of the sofa, his long legs extended out in front of him, as he reached out and took her by the hand, slowly luring her in, until she was nestled between his legs. Her breath hitched when he ran his hands down her waist to her hips, capturing them in his firm grip as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Her body thrummed in response to his touch, even if her troubles were still clawing at the corners of her mind. Losing herself in those blue eyes of his, she touched his cheek, liking the way his stubble felt against her palm. Covering her hand with his, he turned and kissed her palm. “I still can’t believe you’re here after all these years. What possessed you to come back—especially when you’ve been globe-trotting?”

  When he kissed her
neck, his stubble rubbed against her delicate skin and sent a wave of goose bumps rippling through her. “Like I said, there’s only ever been one reason, love. You.”

  His words had her taking a deep breath to steady her pounding heart, and when he gently pulled her closer, a flutter took up in her belly, making it impossible to ignore the way his body felt up against hers. “Are you sure it’s not just your teenage crush talking?”

  Thorsen ran his hands up her neck to cup her face, before brushing a thumb over her bottom lip, his eyes taking her in as if he could see nothing but her. “Does this feel like a teenage crush?”

  And then he leaned in and kissed her, his lips hard on hers. He stole her breath and set every nerve in her body alight with need, staking his claim and leaving an indelible mark on her heart.

  Desperate for him, for his touch, she pressed herself against him, his hard length impossible to ignore, sending a wave of need through her. When he nipped his way down her jawline to her neck and his hands slipped over her back to settle at her waist, she all but shivered under his touch. It had been too long—far too long.

  His breathing was heavy and when he spoke, his voice was thick and ragged like wood smoke in the rain. “I want you, Riley. And after a lifetime of thinking of you, I need you to know that I’ll do whatever it takes to make you mine.”

  Though the logical part of her brain wanted to protest against such a possessive comment, she couldn’t ignore how his words sent her pulse tripping over itself. Or how her breath hitched at the thought of being his. Still…she wasn’t one to just give in without a bit of a fight.

  She was surprised to find her voice steady, despite the quiver in her stomach and the wobble in her knees. “So then, what are you going to do about it?”

  Chapter Six

  Riley’s challenge left Thorsen struggling not to take her then and there. Any and all thoughts of taking things slow, of waiting until the sale was finalized, dissipated in a wave of want and need, the animalistic urge to claim her impossible to ignore.

  Just as he got ready to devour her, she slipped out of his grasp and with a teasing look over her shoulder, wandered across the room. “You’ve yet to see your new place.”

  She spun to face him, taking another step backwards towards the bedroom, as if luring him in. And damn if he wasn’t ready to pounce. “You’re playing a dangerous game, lass.”

  “Lass, is it?” Her eyebrows flicked up in a teasing flirt. “And are you my bonnie wee laddie then? I think I’d like that.”

  “I just got through visiting a friend in Scotland. We could go if you want. But one thing’s for certain—I’ll be bonnie and I’ll be your laddie, but there’ll be nothing wee about it, darling.” And wasn’t that the bloody truth if his raging hard-on was anything to go by.

  Her laugh made him want to get her alone and far away from the distractions and worries of the inn—though that would have to wait. He wasn’t going anywhere until he’d had his fill of her.

  With a few long strides, he gained ground on her as she shifted towards the back of the cottage. He could easily catch up to her, but he didn’t mind playing her games, knowing that it’d only make catching her all the more sweet.

  “If we go to Scotland, will you wear a kilt for me?” She flicked her eyebrows at him with a sexy smile.

  “I would, though it’d not be staying on long.” Shifting towards her, he cut off her escape route and herded her back towards the bedroom.

  “Ooo…tempting!” She let out a small giggle. “Or we could stay here and make the most of my time off.”

  He was by her side in a heartbeat, snagging her off her feet and into his arms as he spun her around and she squealed with laughter. “You’re mine, darling. All mine.”

  “Am I?” He heard her breath catch as her gaze roamed his face, settling on his lips for a moment before wandering to his eyes. “Yours… I’ll have to think about that. It might work.” She giggled again as he nipped at her bottom lip and covered her mouth with his, tasting her sweetness as his heart slipped another notch.

  He wanted her like he’d wanted no one else before. And he was going to have her, time and again, until she was his, body and soul, until he’d claimed her heart the way she’d already claimed his.

  “Mine.” He spoke the word against her skin, a low rumble in his throat, as if saying it again would make it true. As if saying it would make it feel less like the dream he’d played over and over in his head all the years past.

  “Tell me again…” Her words were spoken against his lips as his hands skimmed over her curves and down to her hips, pulling her to him as he all but carried her off her feet and onto the bed.

  “Mine, darling. I want you to be mine.” Yanking her t-shirt up over her head, he tossed it aside, and bent his head to her luscious breasts, biting her pert nipples through the sheer white lace. With a whimper of need, she arched her back as if to offer herself to him, her eager sounds spurring him on. Undoing the clasp, he set her breasts free, thinking her the most gorgeous creature he’d ever laid eyes on.

  He bit one nipple and then the other, pulling each nub into his mouth, sucking and teasing them until she moaned, her fingers tangled in his hair and her heart beating just below the surface of her skin. Needing more of her, he trailed his kisses down over the curve of her stomach, her pants stopping his progress.

  She pulled his t-shirt up over his head before he undid the button and zipper of her jeans. Grabbing at the waistband, he pulled them off her, taking her lace thong with them.

  By the gods, she was beautiful.

  After so many years of imagining this very moment, he could honestly say his imagination had not done her justice. His cock pulsed against the constraints of his jeans, desperate to be set free, desperate to have her. He stood to make quick work of his jeans and boxers when she came to his side and took over for him, tugging them down so he could toss them aside.

  She ran her hand over his hard length so it pulsed in response to her touch—and then she dropped to her knees. His breath caught at the sight of her naked and kneeling before him. How he even found the words, he hadn’t a clue. “Riley, you don’t need to…”

  “I want to, love.” Her hot breath on his cock had his hands dropping onto her head, his fingers tangling in her hair, as it took every ounce of self-control to not press himself past those full and luscious lips of hers.

  She flicked her tongue at his head, licking the tip before taking him in her mouth. With her lips tight around his cock, she worked to take more of him with each pass, while her hand ran up and down the length of his shaft to stroke him. He couldn’t help but watch her, and the sight of her taking him had his self-control slipping.

  Unable to help himself, he slowly thrust into her mouth, reveling in the way she took all of him. He dropped his head forward as he watched, his pace quickening as she worked her way to the very tip of his head before devouring him again. When she moaned, the vibration of it sent him reeling, and unable to help himself, he gently guided her head to take him deeper with each thrust, claiming her as his own as he surrendered his heart and soul to her.

  Knowing how close he was, he let go of her, not wanting to force her into anything she might be uncomfortable with. “I’m going to come, darling.” Yet she didn’t pull away, but rather took all he had to offer as he groaned with his release and his cock pulsed until he was spent.

  With his heart still racing, he scooped her up into his arms, and laid her on the bed. He kissed her, still not quite believing she was naked by his side, not quite believing she’d taken him as she had, and still wondering if it wasn’t all a dream. He was desperate to have her, taste her, desperate to make her come.

  His hands slid over her body, pausing to tease her nipples as he trailed kisses over her luscious curves, before running his tongue over that delicate spot above the flair of her hips. He nipped at the soft skin of her inner thighs and then nestled himself between her legs, so his tongue could explore all she had to of
fer. He heard her breath catch as his tongue parted the folds of her skin, the taste of her like warm summer honey and the salty sea. When her hips shifted towards him and she knotted her fingers in his hair, he flicked her clit with his tongue and sucked at it while slipping a finger deep inside her and then another.

  She moaned as he slowly thrust his fingers deep while teasing her clit, her breaths now coming in ragged, as her hips squirmed under him. He felt her muscles tense around his fingers as he continued to take her, knowing he was pushing her closer towards that delicious edge, her whimpers of need and pleasure making him hard again.

  “Will you come for me, my love?” He spoke the words as a whisper against her slick folds, now knowing he would never feel complete without her in his arms. He consumed her body and soul, as she cried out and came, her body shuddering in its release.

  He trailed kisses over her skin as he gave her the time she needed to recover before he took her again. For he had to have her, though he wasn’t sure his desire for her would ever be satiated.

  Pulling him to her, she nipped at his bottom lip and kissed him as her hand stroked his hard length. It took all he had to pause long enough to slip on some protection. She opened up for him, her knees falling to the side as he lowered his body over hers and with a deep thrust, buried himself to the hilt, his head spinning with need. He stayed there with her pinned under him until she started to grind her hips against him with a whimper.

  “Please…Thorsen.” The plea in her voice left him dizzy. He slowly pulled out to the curve of his head and then thrust into her hard, pinning her once more, sending her squirming as her legs wrapped around him.

  “Tell me what you need, Riley.” He’d never wanted anyone more. Yet he knew drawing things out would leave them both spent and satisfied in the end. He pulled out slowly again, before following it with another slow, deep thrust, eliciting an eager moan from her sweet lips. “Answer me, sweet Summer.”

  Before she could fully protest, he slipped out of her, and spun her around, getting a perfect view of her plump arse before he nestled himself against her. Tangling his fingers in her hair, he gently pulled her back towards him so he could feast on her neck while his other hand dipped between her legs to tease her clit.


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