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Page 15

by Celia Styles

  I went up to my window and peered out. In a few minutes, I could see Felix walking outside the house. It was common for him to party all night at a friend’s house, but this was different. Instead, Felix passed his car and went off the pavement. I watched as he approached the forest that was next to our backyard. I still remembered getting lost in that place while playing hide and seek. As I saw him enter the woods, I wondered why in the hell he’d go there. It wasn’t like he was going to build a bonfire or anything.

  “Looks like Detective Katie is on the case yet again,” I muttered. I grabbed myself a flashlight from the garage, a pair of old shoes, and some water. It was time to see what my stepbrother was up to.

  Chapter Two

  The night sky was overcast, meaning that there wasn’t a cloud or moon above me. As I turned on my flashlight and shined it into a forest, a small creature flew away from a nearby tree. I couldn’t tell if it was a bat or a bird, but whatever it was, it gave me the creeps.

  I walked through the forest, my shoes sinking into the damp mud. Just why would Felix enter the forest? He was acting off all this time, and it made me wonder if it had anything to do with what he said about him not being sure if he wanted to college.

  Nah, you’re overthinking it. It’s probably him up to no good, and nothing more, I thought. But despite his track record, this seemed different. It was unlike Felix.

  The woods were quite expansive for them being so close to the suburbs. Thick trees blanketed the already cloudy sky, and my flashlight was almost useless at times. A single dot of light fought against an entire forest of darkness, and it was obvious as to who would win in this battle.

  After a bit of walking, I heard a crunch! from behind me. I turned around, dimming my flashlight, and a silhouette walking in another direction. This definitely belonged to Felix. I turned off my flashlight entirely and began tailing him. Every step I took was carefully calculated to make the least amount of sound possible. He didn’t turn around once, so I knew I made some effort.

  There was a small clearing in the woods, and that’s when Felix stopped. I watched to see what he was doing, and he just stood there for a few seconds. He then brought his hands up to his shirt and began taking it off. He then reached for his pants, unbuttoning them. As he started to remove them, I jumped in the middle of the clearing and turned on my flashlight.

  “Just what are you doing?” I asked. Felix turned around, a surprisingly neutral glance on his face. My eyes shifted to his body. He had been working out. Felix was always a bit on the stick side, but he now had some well-defined abs, and his arms quite toned. Wait, why was I analyzing my stepbrother’s body? I looked him straight in the eye.

  “Just taking a night walk,” Felix replied. “Is that a crime?”

  My flashlight danced around his surroundings. At first, I assumed that there may be some girl with him, and he was planning on getting laid with nature, but there was no one of the sort. It was just him.

  “Do night walks mean that you go in the middle of the woods and take your clothes off? I know you’re an animal, but you aren’t literally one.”

  His face still had that stern glance. “It’s a long story, and I don’t want to waste my time telling it,” he told me.

  “Let me guess. You lost a bet, so now you have to walk through a forest naked?” I asked.

  Felix shook his head. “Not even close. I don’t do bets, sis.”

  “Then what is it?” I asked. “I’ll bite.”

  “Shortly after you left for college, a panther attacked and bit me. I was returning home from a bonfire when one jumped at me. It pinned me to the ground and sunk its teeth into my arm.”

  He extended his right arm to show me. Sure enough, there was a sizable scar near his shoulder.

  “Wait, how come my parents never told me this? I thought that would be an emergency,” I said.

  “I patched myself up on my own, that’s why,” Felix replied.

  “Is this one of your bullshit stories? Panthers don’t live around here, and there isn’t a nearby zoo where one could escape from. Knowing you, you probably got that scar while being a little too drunk.”

  Felix shook his head. “No, I’m serious. After that, something happened that I can’t explain. During certain nights, I become a panther.”

  I burst out laughing, literally slapping my knees at what he said. “Are you drunk?” I asked him.

  “I knew you wouldn’t believe me. This is the reason why I can’t go to college. I’m afraid I won’t be able to go to a place where I can hide from the world until I change back to normal,” Felix replied. After being with him for so long, I could usually tell when he was lying and when he was being serious, but I just didn’t know anymore when it came to this claim.

  “My transformation is slow. I start growing fangs, and that’s when I know that I’m going to turn,” he continued. “If you want to see them, then go ahead.”

  I approached him, knowing that he was probably about to pull the dumbest prank on me. As I faced him, I shined my light into his face. Felix flashed his teeth, and sure enough, there were fangs in there. They looked quite realistic, so if they were fake, then they were high quality, and not some cheap crap you get at a Halloween store.

  “Touch them, and you’ll see that they’re real,” Felix invited.

  “Why would I touch your teeth?” I asked him rhetorically. I reached out and grabbed one of his fangs, giving it a light pull. The tooth didn’t budge, and it felt just like a real one. Maybe he used some kind of cement to seal them.

  “See, I’m not lying,” he told me. “I’ll transform in the next hour or so. The other symptoms are about to come.”

  “What other symptoms?” I asked.

  “I feel hornier than usual,” he told me, a stern look still on his face.

  I laughed. “That’s always you, though.”

  “I feel an animal-like urge to have sex with anything I see,” he said. “I feel like a beast who needs to be satisfied.”

  I tried approaching him, but as I did, he held his hand in front of my face. “Stay back. I don’t know how much longer I can handle this.”

  Wait, is he saying that he has the urge to fuck me? I thought.

  Despite how much of an overly-confident shit he could be, I had to admit that he had become quite attractive. His raven black hair meshed with his defined body quite well, and if I had a man like him, I’d be ravenous for him at all times. But he was my stepbrother!

  “But we’re related,” I told him. “Even animals aren’t incestuous.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Since we don’t share anything genetically, I feel heated just looking at you.”

  “Blood or no blood, you’re still my brother. You’ve been in my family for over ten years. Even though you’ve been a pesky asshole at times, you’ve been my brother. Confession: I’ve seen you as family way more than my stepdad. Honestly, I think the reason we fight so much is because we’re one and the same. I-“

  Before I could finish my sentence, Felix grabbed me by the ass and pulled me in. Immediately, he gave me a kiss. It wasn’t the chaste kiss that you would expect for someone who’s giving their first kiss to someone. He was like a ravenous beast feasting on his pray. His lips rubbed against mine as his tongue explored my insides. He kissed hard, just the way I liked it.

  My first instinct was the pull away. This was so wrong! But I ended up grabbing him by the waist, my tongue lashing against his. I tasted his breath, rubbed my tongue against his fangs, and even gnawed on his lip lightly. He pushed me against a tree and I felt his tongue leave my mouth. Before I knew it, his tongue began licking all over my face, and then it deeply grazed my neck. I cocked my head back, making a moan as I did.

  “Felix!” I shouted, my words escaping me almost out of instinct. His hands reached for my pants, and he pulled them all the way down with one swift movement. He stared at my black thong that I wore, and I felt my cheeks redden. My brain screamed, “Get away!” but my womanhood y
elled, “Let him in!”

  I felt his hand slide down the front of my thong like a clever thief, and then his fingers rubbed against my sex. I let out a coo, sounding like a schoolgirl who was having her first encounter. But I’ve been with lots of men. And yet, a single touch by my stepbrother was enough to send my senses into oblivion.

  “Please, give it to me!” I shouted. Who was the animal in this situation? As Felix removed my thong, he pulled down his pants and underwear. Felix’s manhood sprung out. I had seen that thing a few times, whether it was because he forgot to lock the bathroom door or because I found him screwing some slut in my room. However, his dick appeared to be thicker than before, almost as if his transformation enhanced him.

  As he pressed me against the tree harder, I felt my legs spreading. My cheeks reddened even more when I realized that I was so wet that it dampened my legs as well. When the head of him poked my entrance, I cocked my head back and screamed. Just one touch by him and I borderline had an orgasm.

  I braced myself, but no matter how tense I felt, I didn’t expect the impact it would have as Felix entered me. I was thankfully lubricated, but it didn’t exactly matter when a hung beast was inside of you. Felix began thrusting slowly at first as my insides became used to his cock. When he picked up the pace, my walls tightened around him, just like a predator consuming its prey. Felix penetrated me until all I could see were his balls poking out from outside of me. I let it all out, my juices dripping out of me, soaking his testicles.

  I waited for him to make some snide remark about me being Squirt, but he simply went faster. I lost track of how many orgasms I’ve experienced because of this man. This was the best sex I ever had, and there wasn’t even that much foreplay.

  Felix made a shout, almost like a panther’s roar, as I felt his seed fill me. He pumped his come inside of me five times, and I felt my entire womb drowning. How could a man have this much inside him? I was thankful that I took my birth control today.

  Felix pulled himself out of me, and as I slumped to the ground, a mixture of both our juices began seeping out of me. I panted as I looked up, and Felix began backing away. Before I could stop him, he began running, his figure turning into a silhouette. The human outline made a drastic change, and soon I saw the shadow of the panther running away.

  I would have pursued Felix, but I couldn’t even move because of what he did to me. My mind was scattered, and I was more concerned with the fact that my stepbrother just fucked me silly than the fact that he was a were-panther. When I was finally able to get up, I made my way back to my house. At this point, I was so fatigued that I felt like it was a dream. Perhaps it was, as this was too much for me to process if it was true. I plopped on my bed, still panting over the sex that I had. I had wild sex with my stepbrother, and even if it was because of instincts, I knew our relationship could never be the same again. Perhaps this was for the better.

  Chapter Three

  “Honey, breakfast is ready!”

  The call from my mother woke me up, and when my head turned around like a rusted gear to look at the time, it read 10:00 a.m. I usually woke up an hour or two earlier. What was going on? When I attempted to stand up, my entire body ached. That was when the memories flooded back. Felix. Our encounter. His true form. My body was still in pain from what happened.

  “Ha, it has to be a dream,” I said to myself. Felix, turning into a panther? That was almost as unrealistic as him and me fucking. I mean, we were stepbrother and stepsister. It wasn’t exactly smiled upon. If it never happened, why did I hurt? Maybe I fell from my bed and got back on while still half asleep. It’s happened before.

  As I looked at my mirror, it didn’t help my case. I saw clumps of dirt and debris from leaves cover my hair. It did look like someone who had wild forest sex. How could I justify that?

  “Um… maybe you sleepwalked outside and fell on the grass. It’s… happened before.”

  With that said, if this did happen, where was Felix? If he hadn’t returned home, my mom wouldn’t make too much of a fuss about it. My stepdad may rant about how his boy needs to get his shit together, but there’d be no city-wide search. Guess the only way for me to find out is to go down there and see for myself.

  I went down the stairs, my heart pounding with each step. I can’t believe that I was getting this anxious over going to breakfast. Where has my life gone? I went to the table, and it looked like something straight out of a ‘50s sitcom. Mom was putting plates of bacon, eggs, sausages, biscuits, and oranges on the table, my stepdad was sipping his coffee and reading the Times, and my stepbrother had already fixed himself a plate.

  “Someone’s a sleeper,” my mom told me.

  “Yeah, didn’t get much sleep last night,” I told her.

  While I said this, my eyes glanced at Felix. He looked so inconspicuous right now, and I wasn’t sure if it was Felix being Felix, or if he was trying to evade me. Not like I couldn’t talk to him about it here or anything.

  “By the way, we’re having a little picnic with our work friends,” my mom told me. “I know you two wouldn’t want to tag along, so you two can stay home if you want.”

  I almost dropped my fork and sent a chunk of eggs splattering on the floor. I would have gone to Mom and shouted, “Take me with you!” but my parents would know something was up. When I was younger, I hated going with them to work stuff.

  Besides that, it’s not like I can avoid it for long, anyway, I thought. I would eventually have to encounter Felix, and what better time than while they were gone? Knowing them, they’d eat with their friends, go to the lake, and stay there until sunset. It wasn’t a quick event.

  We finished up breakfast, and soon my family headed off. Felix didn’t budge until he was sure that both of them were gone, and wouldn’t come back because they forgot their keys.

  I looked at Felix, unsure of what to do. He was still in his pajamas, which consisted of long underwear and a tank top, which looked quite flattering on him.

  “Uhhh, hi?” I said to him, my cheeks flaring. I was a full-grown adult, and yet I had the social ineptness of a middle-schooler.

  “Hey yourself,” Felix replied, yawning.

  I put my hands on my hips. “Okay, are we not going to talk about the elephant in the room here? Or rather, the panther in the room?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Felix replied. His tone was cold, and not his usual wit. I felt annoyed, but I also thought it was sexy. My stepbrother fucked me raw and then was acting like it never happened. Only Felix.

  “Maybe I was dreaming, but I doubt it. I still feel what happened last night, and the dirt in my hair proves it did. Are you going to admit it?”

  Felix let out a shrug, and then he flashed a smile. When I saw his teeth, there were no fangs. “What’s the point? We both know it happened, and there’s nothing we can do about it. If either of us tell someone that I turn into a panther, they’re going to lock us in a nuthouse before we even have a chance to prove it. And I don’t think we should go around saying that we had sex. Our parents wouldn’t appreciate it. I want to get out of this house, but being shunned away isn’t my idea.”

  So he admitted it. “So, how was it?” I asked.

  “What?” he replied.

  “The sex.”

  “You weren’t the best, but you were quite nice. I almost forgot you were my stepsister.”

  My cheeks began reddening. Normally, I would wallop him on the side of the head, but what he said made me tingle all over. “You were the best I ever had. But I think that should be a one-time thing. Mom and your dad have joked about us getting married before, but I don’t think that they would be appreciative of us actually getting married. I mean…”

  I began trailing off, and Felix was the one who finished for me. “It’s all right. I don’t think you would want to date someone who turns into a panther, anyway.”

  I chuckled. “You turning into a panther is the least of your traits I really worry about.”

  “True,” he replied. He stood up and walked closer. As I stared into his eyes, he was looking less like my stepbrother and more like someone I could fall in love with. True, he could be a bit of a partier, but I did like my boys wild. Even though I hated to admit it.

  “You know what, I’ll admit it,” he told me. “I’ve liked you for a while, and not as a sister. Sure, we fight, but I do like having someone who can put me in my place.”

  “You do?” I replied. The tingling sensation began climbing from my stomach to my chest.

  “Yeah. You’re the only girl who can put up with my shit. I know we’re not supposed to do this, but I don’t care. We’re not even related, so why does it matter? If our parents never got together and we met through different circumstances, no one would question our relationship,” he explained to me. As I looked into his eyes, I knew this wasn’t one of Felix’s tricks. He sincerely thought this way.

  “But yes, that’s why I’ve been an ass to you. Because deep down, I do love you.”

  As these words escaped his mouth, I turned away. I immediately wiped away the tear that started to form. “I love you too, Felix. I just don’t know what we should do right now. You turning into a panther is the least of my worries. Should we just bottle up our emotions and deal with the fact that we’re step siblings, should we go all out, or should we be in a relationship and make it discreet?”

  “We can get our own apartment and have a relationship there,” Felix explained.

  “Maybe,” I replied. “But I just don’t know. What if our parents find out?”

  “Hey, I’ve been keeping worse shit from them, and they’ve never found out.”

  “True,” I replied. I went closer to him and his eyes drew me in. I kissed him on the lips, tasting his morning breath. He smelled like a beast, and this actually made me hot for him even more. As I looked down, I could see the bulge in his pants. My hand moved on its own, and it ended up stroking the beast trying to break free from his crotch. I rubbed it gently, and Felix began lightly panting. It grew under my hand, ready to pop out at any second.


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