Kinked Kisses (Club Stratosphere Book 1)
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“Yes, kitten.” He kissed her clit, the subtle suction causing her pulse to jump and her nerves to skitter. She bit her lip, stifling a groan as she clamped down hard on the need to cum. He’d given the order not to, and she would obey. “Give them a good twist. Show me what you like.”
Lowering her hands, Lexa curved each one around the firmness of a breast as Tom resumed his feast between her thighs. She pinched her nipples between a thumb and index finger, twisting the swollen nubs viciously. Pain and pleasure lanced through her in tandem, bowing Alexandra’s back off the bed. A heavy moan slipped from deep within her throat, a plea for more. More pain. More pleasure. More him. Her focus narrowed, all external stimuli ignored as her brain tried to make sense of the warring sensations within her body. She managed a faint whisper of thanks as the tide of pain washed over and eased her back from the edge of orgasm.
Alexandra released the vice grip on her nipples, a fresh wave of agony hitting as blood rushed backed in to fill the sensitive tips. She whimpered, the probing of Tom’s fingers at the entrance to her pussy drawing her attention away from her throbbing tits. He pushed in, fingertips pressing and turning the pain into pleasure with each slow, torturous drag through her oversensitive flesh.
With her eyes squeezed shut, Lexa panted hard as she tried to stave off the orgasm looming just out of reach. She rocked her head back and forth, her fingers grasping frantically at the coverlet on either side of her hips. “Please,” she moaned. “I’m going to cum. Please, Sir, let me.” Lex begged. She groaned, locking down her muscled, desperate to keep her hips from jackknifing off the bed and riding his hand like the shameless slut she was.
“Not yet, little girl.” Tom growled, pinching the top of her right thigh and driving back the orgasm. She bucked, the sharp pain doing very little to stop the wave of heat rushing through Lexa’s body. Hyperaware of her body, Lexa groaned as she felt a heavy surge of wetness gush from her opening. His tongue was there instantly, catching it as he sealed his mouth over her pussy and sucked. Lexa screamed, limbs trembling as she fought against the current and struggled to keep herself from drowning in it. Tom released her, his breath labored when he spoke. “You’ll wait until I say that you can, and not a moment sooner. Understood? Open your eyes and tell me you understand.”
He pinched her harder and drove the point home. Lexa nodded, biting her lip to stop herself from crying out. Tears spilled from the corners of her eyes, running in warm trails down her temples to vanish into her hair.
“Yes,” she whimpered. Wicked pain exploded from her clit and Lexa’s eyes flew open. She gasped for air, her mouth working like that of a fish as she struggled to overcome the sudden torment.
Tom rose above her, roughly shoving her thighs apart. Her eyes met his, brown clashing with green. “Answer me properly.” He punctuated the request with another pinch to her clit, the second no less agonizing than the first. “Be a good little slut, and I’ll let you cum while I fuck you, kitten.”
Lexa swallowed, her tongue thick in a mouth dry from panting hard and fast. She drew in a shuddering breath, her body still despite the storm raging inside, and answered him. “Yes, Sir. I understand, Sir.”
“Good girl.” Tom smiled, kissing the tip of Lexa’s nose as he slipped his arms beneath the crook of her knees and opened her up to fit between them. Her hips, no longer used to being spread so brutally wide, protested the position, an ache settling in the joints.
She looked down, inexplicably drawn to watch as Tom positioned his cock at her seeping entrance. He pushed in with one thrust, the condom sheathed length sinking balls deep into the pink depths of her pussy. Lexa gasped, her back arching as her body fought to accommodate the sudden, forceful invasion. He stretched her, the girth borderline painful as he forced her body to accept it.
Lexa met Tom’s gaze as he pulled out, and then pushed in torturously slow. Lust blazed from the darkened depths of his green eyes, his breath rushing out in short, staccato bursts. She moaned, bowing her back into the mattress and lifting her hips to meet his on the down thrust. Warmth rippled through her, curling Lexa’s toes as Tom built a slow rhythm of deep, penetrating thrusts. She lost track of time, her world narrowed down to the slide of their bodies together and the pressure building low in her belly.
Tom ground against her clit each time their pelvises met, the friction turning her into a writhing, whimpering creature beneath him. He dipped down, releasing Lexa’s legs, and kissed her between breaths. “Cum, Babygirl. I’m not going to last much longer. Let it go, and cum for me, kitten.”
His command broke through the fog and Lexa let go, shattering into a million pieces. Pleasure exploded through her body, a cascade of bliss that lit up her soul and obliterated the darkness within. Legs locked around Tom’s waist, Alexandra lifted her hips from the bed as she held on tight. Her toes curled, flexing with each pulse of the orgasm rippling through her pussy.
She heard Tom curse beneath his breath, his pace becoming quick and erratic as his own release drew closer. Her nails dug into his biceps, a crime Lexa knew she’d pay for later, and she arched her back as a fresh bloom of pressure built, lightning quick and just as intense as the last. “I need…” she panted. “Please. Again.”
Tom nodded, sweat trickling down his forehead. He opened his eyes, looking into hers. “With me,” he grunted. “Now.” He shuddered, his hips flexing hard against hers. “Fuck, kitten. Cum. Now!”
His cock kicked inside of her, pulsing with Tom’s release and Lexa’s body tightened, cumming once more as commanded. Head tilted back, belly to belly with Tom, she let loose the scream built up in her throat as a series of warm gushes streamed from her pussy.
“Fuck,” he half growled, half panted above her. “Jesus, kitten.”
Lowering himself down on top of her, Tom rolled them so that Lexa lay on top of him. She closed her eyes, settling against his chest for a moment to regain her senses. Strong arms wrapped around her, his fingertips tracing the line of Lexa’s right shoulder as he cuddled her close. Loose limbed with a small smile curving her lips, Lexa let out a sigh and let herself do something she hadn’t thought would ever happen again. She drifted off to sleep in the arms of someone who made her feel safe, and accepted.
Chapter Four
Tom listened as Lexa’s breathing settled into the steady, even pace of sleep. His left hand smoothed down the length of her back, gently tracing the bumps of her spine on the return trip up. He brought his nose to her hair, breathing in Lexa’s scent, and let his mind wander back over the last couple of hours. The marks on her body and the familiarity of their distinct pattern continued to puzzle him.
Gently easing her down onto the bed, Tom brushed the tangle of Lexa’s hair aside to reveal the smooth skin beneath. Faint bruises peppered her shoulders, their light yellowish color indicating they were almost healed. He leaned in closer to get a better look at the pattern of what he suspected were riding crop marks. Each mark connected at the bottom with its neighbor to form what resembled a butterfly shape.
He sat back, heart racing. A cold shiver ran down his spine. His eyes remained glued to the telltale proof that confirmed what he’d suspected since seeing the marks in the bathroom earlier. A butterfly shaped bruise decorated the curve where her left thigh met her buttock. A bruise that matched one he’d given to a submissive at the club on the Saturday prior. He knew now for certain, Lexa was the woman he had sessions with in the dungeon at Stratosphere. She was known at the club as Angel, an incredibly sexy, confident and masochistic submissive. Tom had never seen her full face due to the half mask she wore to conceal her identity. But those marks. There was no denying he was the one to put them there. None of the other Doms at Stratosphere patterned their crop marks the way he did.
“Fuck,” he muttered and ran a hand over his face, recalling the session that had left the marks in question. Angel had been fastened to the St Andrew’s cross, petite wrists bound high above her head and her ankles spread wide. She faced the wooden fo
rm, thick hair in its usual twist at the crown of her head, and her body naked with the exception of the heavy leather cuffs at wrists and ankles. Angel was a thing of beauty when she climbed up on the platform and submitted to Sir Daniel’s sadistic penchants. There was yet to be anything he dished out that she couldn’t take. She was a sadist’s dream come true, and there she was laying naked in his bed.
Lexa’s back, buttocks and legs knew no mercy from Sir Daniel’s riding crop that night. Tom’s alter ego had laid a heavy pattern of welts into her skin, already forming angry red and purple marks when he was through with her. Tom had released her from the restraints when they reached the line of what he knew Angel could take. He’d kept an eye out for the signs, her head bowed forward and a loosening of the firm grip she kept on the clips keeping her bound to the wooden structure. Releasing her, he’d cradled the delicate woman to his chest, and carried Angel to a private room reserved for the house Dominants to provide aftercare. She never spoke, the only sounds she made were the occasional soft grunts when whichever implement Tom was using touched upon a sensitive spot. In accordance with Angel’s aftercare guidelines, he’d curled up on the large bed with her, cuddling the trembling woman as he gently applied ointment to her back and allowed her to come down from wherever she went while he wailed on her dainty little frame.
He knew she was far from delicate considering the strength Angel showed each time they came together at Stratosphere. Her pain threshold, and the level of punishment she could take, had left him stunned on more than one occasion. Over the nearly three years since they’d been paired together at the club, Tom had developed a deep respect and affection for the little submissive under his protection. No words had ever been exchanged between the two of them. She carried out all communication via a series of hand signals, never once speaking a word to him; yet Tom felt a deep kinship with her—as if they were good friends and had a relationship that extended beyond the end of his whip or flogger.
Laying a gentle kiss in the small of her back, Tom crawled out of bed and covered Lexa with the blanket. He slipped on a fresh pair of boxers, his mind racing with the possible reactions she might have if he brought their previous association as Angel and Sir Daniel to light. It would come out eventually. There was no way he could continue to service her as Angel and not see Lexa at the end of his favorite single tail.
He set one of his t-shirts on the bedside table for Lexa to slip on when she woke up and padded quietly from the bedroom. All of her clothes were in the suitcases currently soaking his garage and kitchen floors. She would have to make due with something of his until they could dry off some of her stuff. The thought of her in his clothes brought a smile to his lips.
The discussion surrounding the topic of Sir Daniel and Angel played itself out in his imagination as he made his way to the kitchen. He was starving, their earlier dinner preparations interrupted by the discovery of Lexa’s belongings outside, and the incredible lovemaking afterward. Tom smiled, mentally thanking Barry for being such a massive prude and epic asshole.
He surveyed the chopped mushrooms and julienned peppers on the counter, deciding on a quick stir-fry instead of the more elaborate dinner he’d originally planned. Opening the fridge, Tom gathered ingredients—celery, sprouts, carrots and ginger. He straightened, a devilish grin spreading over his lips as he eyed the ginger root in his left hand. Placing the rest of the items on the counter, Tom retrieved a small paring knife from the block and began whittling down a piece of the spice into a long cylindrical shape. Satisfied with his handiwork, he set the ginger on a small plate and put it on the end of the island counter where Lexa would undoubtedly see it when she came into the kitchen.
Tom resumed his prep work, careful not to make much noise and wake Lexa from her slumber. Were it not for his inability to stop thinking about the origins of the marks on her skin, and his stomach’s incessant demands for food, Tom would be right there napping with her. The last couple of days had been brutal for both of them as they worked toward that day’s presentation. Their success at winning the account putting paid to all of their hard work. When he added in the emotional turmoil of what Lexa had dealt with since her decision to serve Barry with divorce papers that morning, Tom couldn’t fault her for being exhausted.
He looked out the kitchen windows as he stripped celery stalks from the bundle. His eyes peered through the rain to the house across the way. The place was dark, except for the dim flicker of the television in the living room. A shadow crossed in front of the window, one with curves and much smaller than what Barry would cast with his linebacker build. Tom shook his head, returning his attention to the vegetable in his hand. He wanted to be surprised that Barry had moved on so quickly, but couldn’t bring himself to muster the energy to feel anything beyond contempt for the man.
Shaking his head, Tom resolved to ensure the beautiful woman sleeping down the hall in his bed never regretted her decision to pursue things with him. She deserved the best, and he planned to give it to her.
Lexa yawned and stretched, luxuriating in the warm blankets wrapped around her. She rolled to her back, the silky smoothness of unfamiliar sheets sliding over her bare breasts and hips.
“What the…?” She sat up, eyes flying open as her brain fought to catch up with reality. A small lamp shone from its perch on the tallboy dresser across the room, highlighting the café-au-lait walls surrounding her. Dark wooden furniture dotted the space and she sat in the middle of what appeared to be a California King bed piled high with lush sheets and a thick coverlet.
Tom’s bed, his room. She frowned. But where was Tom?
Glancing around the spacious room, Lexa located an alarm clock on the left bedside table. What appeared to be a folded gray shirt lay next to it. The clock’s LED display read 7:35 PM. Lexa let out a long breath, her shoulders relaxing as she scooted to the edge of the bed and swung her legs over. She picked up the shirt, slipping it on as she slid off the mattress. The thin material covered her to mid-thigh, highlighting the pebbled tips of Lexa’s nipples where it draped over her chest. Her toes curled, digging into the heavy pile as they touched down on a plush, cream colored area rug extending from beneath the bedframe. The man was definitely a creature of comfort. Everything she had seen of his house so far attested to the fact.
“Tom?” she called out as she walked to the doorway and glanced down the hall. Dim light shone from somewhere off to the right, and she stepped into the hallway to follow it.
The delicious smell of what appeared to be chicken cooking intensified the further she progressed down the hall. Her mouth watered. Dinner. Lexa had completely forgotten her hunger as they’d rushed to bring her things in from the rain, and the events following their mad dash. They’d satisfied a different appetite then, but the rumble of her stomach reminded Lexa that she hadn’t eaten anything since their celebratory lunch.
“I’m in the kitchen, kitten.” Tom called to her from down the hall and Lexa followed the sound of his voice. She rounded the corner, smiling widely when he came into view. Bare chested, boxer briefs hugging his hips, Tom stood in front of the stove and stirred something in the wok on top of it. “Good timing. Dinner is almost ready. I made us a quick stir-fry.” He winked and popped a piece of what looked like green pepper into his mouth.
Stepping into the kitchen, Lexa drew up short as a red pie plate on the end of the counter drew her attention. A small, plug-like item rested in the middle of the dish. She smirked and moved to stand at the end of the island, nudging the edge of the place with a fingertip.
“Interested in trying out figging, hm?” Lexa picked up the piece of ginger root and brought it to her mouth. She winked at Tom, enjoying how fixated he was as she flicked her tongue over the tip of the plug. The ginger’s fragrance tickled her nose, its warm spice tingling on her taste buds. “It’s been a while but, sure. There’s nothing like a little ginger in your bum to spice things up.”
Tom snorted. Lexa grinned, mentally patting
herself on the back for the pun, and put the spice back on the plate. She rounded the cupboard, putting herself between the counter and his body, and tilted her face up to his. Lifting her arms, she placed her hands on his bare chest. Heat radiated off Tom’s skin, warming the front of Lexa’s body where it pressed against his.
“Dinner’s almost ready,” he murmured against her mouth. “I just need to plate everything up and we can eat.” Tom nipped at her bottom lip and a frisson skipped its way down her spine. “Are you hungry?”
Lexa threaded her fingers through his hair and tugged him closer. “Mhmm. Stir-fry sounds good. Smells good, too. Is there dessert?”
He chuckled and kissed her once more. Lexa smiled as he nudged her, and scooted aside to let him put their plates together. She raked her hands through her hair, leaning a hip against the countertop as she watched him go through the motions of putting a steaming mound of fluffy white rice on each bright red plate.
“Dessert is you, kitten.” Tom grinned, a devilish glint twinkling in his eyes, and nodded toward the table on the other side of the kitchen island. “Go on. Be a good girl. Face down with your elbows on the table, ass in the air, and wait for me.”