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The Glory and the Dream: A Narrative History of America, 1932-1972

Page 200

by William Manchester


  (pages 643–691)

  643 audience laughed: Fab VI 136. 644 “fallow period”: ibid 152; Donovan 202, 203; Davis 320; Acheson 694. sold at $5.95… from her mother: Fab VI 70–71; NYT 4/9/56, 4/23/56; Life 6/25/56; T 3/19/56, 6/18/56. 645 as Vitaphone: Fab VI 222, 58; NYT 11/28/52. great as ever: Fab VI 68. frame was plastic: ibid 182–83. sharp, chill wind: NYT 12/6/52; Donovan 17–18. 646 fateful one: NYT 12/6/52; Donovan 17; NYT 11/21/52. “massive retaliation”: Donovan 19; NYT 5/13/53; Goldman Decade 248–49. 647 “since my return”: NYT 12/6/52, 12/10/52; Donovan 19–20. outgoing administrations: Donovan 20; NYT 12/11/52. 648 January 12 and 13: NYT 11/25/52; Adams 5; Hughes 52. Labor Department: NYT 1/17/53; Donovan 105; NYT 9/11/53. do the same; NYT 4/8/53, 4/3/53; Donovan 77; Hughes 77; NYT 2/11/53. “grocery store”: Rovere Years 111; Donovan 25; NYT 1/24/53; Fab VI 43; Hughes 75–76. 649 “free economy”: Hughes 76; NYT 8/28/52; Decade 280, 243. times as large: Hughes 67; Years 74. “illustrious ruler”: Hughes 134; NYT 1/22/53; Mazo 150; NYT 10/1/53; Mazo 251. 650 “East issues settled”: Hughes 134–35; Donovan 9; Hughes 76; Adams 99. “except to kids”: Donovan 20–21; NYT 1/19/53, 1/25/53, 1/21/53; Donovan 23. 651 senator’s fire: Acheson 707; NYT 3/5/53. into history: Phillips Truman 431–32; NYT 1/21/53. it every morning: NYT 1/22/53, 1/25/53; Adams 71; Donovan 206. 652 is his reward: NYT 1/22/53. in “deportment”: Donovan 69–70; T 1/9/56; Donovan 61. his famous grin: Donovan 3; Hughes 103. 653 “rock the boat”: Donovan 200; NYT 2/12/53; Donovan 204–205; Adams 73; New Republic 2/18/57. “not to interfere”: Donovan 69, 207, 208. “every other individual”: Adams 74; NYT 1/22/53; Walter Johnson 321, 319. 654 “Sincerely, DE”: Donovan 207, 195; Adams 426. Bernard Baruch: Years 315. 655 with Sherman Adams: Donovan 196; Adams 427. “do any harm”: NYT 1/3/53; Mowry 329; Years 103; Rovere McCarthy 188. be reckoned with: NYT 2/8/53, 1/11/53. had to lose: NYT 3/19/53; Griffith 101–102. 656 only seem worse: NYT 3/21/ 53; Adams 94; Hughes 93; Griffith 202; Donovan 89. “of Mr. Bohlen”: Adams 95; NYT 3/26/53. votes to 13: NYT 3/28/53. Joseph R. McCarthy: Adams 95; McCarthy 33; Donovan 89; Griffith 204; NYT 3/31/53; McCarthy 33–34. 657 half of 1954: NYT 4/26/53, 2/7/53; Walter Johnson 280. “this is done”: NYT 6/28/50. applauded vigorously: Hughes 109. IS RESCINDED: Donovan 28. 658 “releashing Chiang”: NYT 2/3/53; Years 266; Walter Johnson 301. extremely awkward: Years 91; Donovan 86–87.. 659 and the Russians: Adams 91–92. was deadlocked: Donovan 87. “horse of containment”: McCarthy 240–41; Donovan 70–71. 660 stricken in Moscow: Schlesinger Thousand 187; Years 106; NYT 3/6/63. “his death makes”: Donovan 41; NYT 3/6/53; Hughes 99–101. “their own toil”: Hughes 103–104. 661 “speech about it”: ibid. at the end: Hughes 112; NYT 4/17/53; Hughes 110, 105, 112; Adams 97–98. 662 “out to be”: Adams 117–18. of the talks: NYT 5/8/52. “with the Communists”: Adams 98. 663 a major offensive: Fontaine 66–67; Adams 96; Donovan 122–23. Rhee gave in: Fontaine 67; Adams 101–102; NYT 7/12/53; Donovan 124. “present agreement”: Years 149. “has been implemented”: T 8/10/53. 664 “against Communism”: Years 145. “Eisenhower’s appeasement”: Donovan 119, 126. “noticed no change”: ibid 125–26. Robert A. Taft: T 10/3/53. 665 further reductions: NYT 1/10/53. strategy followed: Adams 21–22; Donovan 110. counsel despair: NYT 6/5/53. in ill health: T 6/22/53, 8/10/53. 666 “Howard Roberts”: NYT 6/14/53. “back in January!”: NYT 6/11/53; Adams 25. postponed indefinitely: NYT 7/5/53. 667 “futile battle”: NYT 7/27/53. he was dead: NYT 8/1/53. “beyond calculation”: NYT 8/1/53. “man, go on”: NYT 1/4/53, 8/4/53. “now under discussion”: NYT 1/25/54; Donovan 239. 668 “into their business”: NYT 8/5/53; Hughes 28–29. “to the ministry”: Donovan 85; NYT 3/31/53; Donovan 87. 669 for the demagogue: Hughes 132. “nearly impotent”: Walter Johnson 279; Washington Post 7/20/53; Donovan 143–44. 670 the House 265–2: Hughes 119–20; NYT 6/2/53; Donovan 133; Years 216. late Joseph Stalin: NYT 10/21/53, 10/25/53; Kendrick 36–37; NYT 9/24/53. 671 other Radulovichs: NYT 11/25/53. and the press: NYT 4/16/54; Donovan 287–88. Communists in Asia: NYT 12/19/54; Donovan 285–86, 297–98. “national security”: NYT 4/29/53. 672 from the payroll: Donovan 289; NYT 10/24/53; Adams 150, 152; NYT 1/8/54; Mazo 155–56. side down: Donovan 298; NYT 4/29/53. Bricker amendment: Donovan 105, 239; NYT 8/19/53. 673 half—million Americans?: Donovan 238–39; Hughes 144. “for this amendment”: NYT 2/18/54, 4/7/53; Hughes 144. “of Almighty God”: Years 206. 674 listening to him yet: NYT 1/31/54. executive agreements: Donovan 240–41. individual states: Hughes 142–44. 675 “treated that way!”: Adams 410. “forty—eight governments”: NYT 7/15/53; Donovan 237. 676 and 42 opposed: NYT 2/26/54, 2/27/54. to resist it: NYT—2/4/54; Donovan 241; Adams 108–109. 677 rejected as unconstitutional: NYT 2/27/54. lost India’s friendship: Donovan 309; Hughes 205; Kenneth Davis 343–44; NYT 5/12/53. “embrace this principle”: Hughes 147; NYT 7/18/53. 678 “their captivity”: Hughes 147–48; Adams 88–89; NYT 7/2/53, 12/1/53. “of this country”: Walter Johnson 298; Hughes 285; Parade 9/28/69; N.Y. Herald Tribune 8/12/58. “enemy attack”: Adams 399–400. 679 it would be: ibid. “and then some”: NYT 7/7/57; Walter Johnson 309; Years 199. 680 “does not happen”: NYT 2/11/54. “war may go?”… “with large units”: Donovan 263. “not look back”: NYT 12/31/49, 2/8/50; Acheson 672, 674. 681 Roy 194–95, 172. 682 declare war: Donovan 263. force in Korea: Burns Soldier 379. “totalitarian sea”: Rostow “The American National Style.” 683 and he did: Acheson 677–78. ask for it: NYT 5/16/54; Roy 225, 240; NYT 3/23/54. “resolute today”: Jungk 310; NYT 3/30/54. 684 “power in Indochina”: Years 193. London and Paris: Donovan 259; Adams 122–23. “profound influences”: NYT 4/8/54; Adams 120. 685 Congress could act: Roy 271. “such a decision”: NYT 4/17/54; Mazo 255–56. was “unlikely”: NYT 4/20/54. 686 fire upon himself: NYT 4/17/54. honor of France: T 5/8/72; Roy 340. “may prove inescapable”: Kendrick 359. 687 “with a crash”: Donovan 267. Cambodia, and Laos: ibid 268. “relations as now”: Adams 126–27. “blessing in disguise”: Hughes 208. Norma Jean Baker portrait: Guiles passim; Current Biography 1962; NYT 8/6/62; T 8/17/62.


  (pages 692–729)

  692 “rolling readjustment”: NYT 1/3/54, 2/7/54, 3/2/54, 3/18/54. St. Lawrence Seaway: NYT 5/7/54, 5/8/54. 693 in September: NYT 6/20/53; Donovan 247; NYT 9/1/54. heart disease: NYT 10/8/54, 12/22/54, 7/3/54. called a hippy: Fab VI 80. 694 staying in Hollywood; NYT 5/21/54, 4/16/54. telecast March 7, 1955: NYT 10/21/54, 2/26/54; Kendrick 374–75; NYT 7/8/55, 12/26/51, 9/13/54, 11/30/55. morning sickness: NYT 1/16/53; Goldman Decade 266. 695 any previous year: Mazo 155. “H—bomb program”: NYT 2/7/54; Decade 260; NYT 4/13/54; Donovan 294. “except Communists”: NYT 6/17/54; Kendrick 41. 696 Hall of Fame: NYT 6/11/54. behind Borden: NYT 6/16/54; Schlesinger Thousand 457. he knew it: NYT 7/1/54, 11/11/54; Jungk 317. 697 Joseph R. McCarthy: Donovan 295. refused to take it: Jungk 318. “for the occasion”: NYT 4/13/54; Jungk 322, 324. 697–698 interrogation of Oppenheimer: Jungk 325–26. 698 “the devil’s work”: ibid 324. “interests of security”: Donovan 296; Jungk 330. not be overlooked: NYT 7/2/54, 6/30/54. 699 had already formed: Jungk 229–38; NYT 12/3/63, 2/19/67, 6/16/54. flying over India: NYT 2/16/55; Jungk 310; NYT 3/16/54, 4/26/55. 700 everyone on earth: NYT 10/16/55. named Irving Peress: NYT 1/8/55. investigative powers: NYT 2/20/54; Adams 145; NYT 1/31/54. 701 “from him, too”: T 3/22/54. Permanent Investigations Subcommittee: ibid; NYT 9/5/52; 1/3/53. 702 “directions please”: Harvard Crimson 5/7/54. he met McCarthy: T 3/22/54; Rovere Years 130. they might go: Rovere McCarthy 191. 703 “Cohn Schines best”: T 3/22/54; McCarthy 200. “issue in 1954”: NYT 11/17/53, 11/25/53. “of American money”: NYT 11/25/53. 704 “friendly countries”: Donovan 247; NYT 12/2/53. the President: NYT 12/5/53, 12/4/53. 705 Joseph R. McCarthy: McCarthy 23; NYT 2/3/54; Years 97. McCarthy support: McCarthy 22. needed Schine: ibid; NYT 11/5/53. 706 Reber about that: Griffith 245; NYT 3/12/54. Reber—Welch exchange: McCarthy 208–209. of the Navy: Straight 30–31. “routine step”: ibid 27. 707 “unreasonable about”: McCart
hy 206. “of the Army”: Adams 143–45. “to regret it”: Donovan 250; Walter Johnson 292; NYT 2/21/54; Straight 200. 708 “will be available”: NYT 2/25/54; Straight 61; NYT 2/24/54, 2/25/54. “on his knees”: McCarthy 31; Griffith 247–48. 709 “known Communists”: NYT 3/4/54; Griffith 248–49; NYT 3/5/54. “wreck the Army”: NYT 3/5/54, 3/10/54; Griffith 273; NYT 3/11/54, 2/28/54. in the chair: Walter Johnson 292–93; NYT 3/13/54, 3/17/54. 710 “point of order”: NYT 4/23/54, 7/11/53. “be so named”: Straight 9. “of the Army”: Straight 12. 711 “the Communist Party”: NYT 4/23/54; Straight 235–36. “any place, anywhere”: McCarthy 221. 712 “to the end”: NYT 11/14/54; Straight 84–85. “not get the information”: ibid. 125; NYT 5/5/54; McCarthy 216–17. 712–16 Welch-Cohn-Mundt-McCarthy: NYT 6/10/54; Straight 249–53; Transcript of the Hearings 2428–30. 713 “from a pixie”: NYT 4/28/54. 716 and the CIA: NYT 6/18/54; Transcript 2973–77; NYT 6/19/54. 717 with disfavor: Griffith 264; NYT 11/4/54, 7/20/54. they had won: Congressional Record 83rd Congress 2nd Session 6/11/54 8032–33; NYT 7/1/54, 8/1/54. 718 the previous January: McCarthy 227; NYT 12/3/54; McCarthy 229. “is McCarthywasm”: McCarthy 231. with a sling: NYT 7/20/54, 11/30/54; McCarthy 235–36; NYT 11/18/54. “in the United States”: Donovan 280. 719 “of the United States”: ibid 277; Adams 164–66; Mazo 152; NYT 9/16/54; Donovan 280–81; Kenneth Davis 300. cheered him accordingly: Walter Johnson 285. exposed as myth: Donovan 274–75. 720 the jitters: NYT 10/12/54; Hughes 75–76. “through with politics”: Mazo 138, 152–57; NYT 6/13/54; Mazo 157. “at the polls”: NYT 11/5/54; Years 230; Washington Post 11/4/54. 721 “that goddamned drum”: Donovan 282–84. 722 withering “Hardeeharhar”: Fab VI 81. bombing or spooking: Hechinger and Hechinger 82; Fab VI 80. 723 “highly emotionalized child”: Hechinger and Hechinger 144, 147. 724 “women of means”: ibid 148, 154. “her life”: ibid 125, 126. “by their families”: John Brooks Leap 233; Hechinger and Hechinger 126. a billion dollars: Leap 233. 725 “the wild frontier”: Newsweek 12/27/54; Fab VI 58–59; NYT 6/1/55. 726 carried too far: Hechinger and Hechinger 142–43. of the 1950s: Fab VI 86. “beautiful to feel!”: quoted in Fab VI 89. 727 “just your glassy flesh”: NYT 3/2/50; quoted in Fab VI 88. “to the wheel”: NYT 9/5/57; quoted in Fab VI 89. 728 SMOKE POT: Fab VI 90; Leap 237. 729 “everybody goes ‘Awww!’”: quoted in Fab VI 84.


  (pages 731–771)

  731–734 American Institute of Public Opinion The 1954 Pocket Almanac. 734 “to see me?”: Schlesinger Thousand 924. 735 in states’ rights: NYT 9/9/53, 5/17/54; T 10/12/53, 5/24/54. are inherently unequal: NYT 5/18/54. 737 “just plain nuts”: Hughes 241–47, 201. expected of others: Walter Johnson 273; Donovan 159, 154–55. the White South: Walter Johnson 273–74. 738 expanding rapidly: Lerner 78; Donovan 390; Graham and Gurr 389. permanent expulsion: T 2/20/56; John Brooks Leap 289; T 3/12/56. closed its file: NYT 9/2/55. 739 “and us white”: T 9/10/56. 740 nearly three to one: T 12/10/56, 12/17/56. “machinery had shifted”: NYT 12/6/55; T 1/16/56. 741 “to their demands”: T 2/6/56. 742 “to hate them”: NYT 3/20/56; T 3/5/56. “boycotting the buses”: T 2/6/56. “black ape”: NYT 3/23/56; T 3/5/56. 743 roared “No!”: T 4/2/56. for civil rights: T 11/26/56. “humility and meekness”: T 11/26/56. “That’s right”: T 12/31/56. 744 “interest demands it”: Phillips Truman 399. 745 “Chinese civil war”: Kenneth Davis 303; Donovan 301. and for all: Adams 131; Donovan 303. “seven—thousand—mile frontier”: Donovan 302. 746 Eisenhower’s message: NYT 1/25/55. “or anything else”: Rovere Years 264. offshore islands: Adams 130; Donovan 305; Hughes 166. 747 “of this resolution”: Donovan 306. had been removed: NYT 1/30/55; Donovan 307; Kenneth Davis 303. as the Soviets: Walter John son 303; Years 269–75. 748 in the past: Donovan 75. he said grimly: NYT 6/23/55. “What they’re doing”: Adams 114, 91. in his briefcase: ibid 177. 749 Parc des Eaux—Vives: Years 280; NYT 7/18/55. in helicopters overhead: NYT 7/19/55; Years 287. democratic Germany: NYT 7/19/55; Donovan 350. 750 “all our peoples”: Donovan 349; NYT 7/22/55; Donovan 344; NYT 7/22/55. just stared: Donovan 344. 751 have proposed it: ibid 345. with MIGSs: Years 290–91. it didn’t melt: Adams 179; Donovan 350. 752 vacation in Denver: NYT 7/25/55; Donovan 352. to Open Skies: NYT 9/25/55; Donovan 359–60. across the hall: NYT 9/25/55; Donovan 360–61; Adams 183. “better come over”: Donovan 362–63. 753 President’s chances: NYT 9/25/55; Donovan 363; Adams 183. oxygen tent: Adams 154; Donovan 363–65. “to the car”: Donovan 366. “My God!”: Mazo 189; NYT 9/25/55. 754 into the car: Mazo 190. for some time: Adams 181–82. since the crash: NYT 9/26/55. 755 chief’s absence: Donovan 369; NYT 9/26/55. due until January: Years 319–28; Donovan 370–71; Adams 186. “some other guy”: Adams 187–88; Donovan 378. accompanied recovery: NYT 10/15/55; Donovan 376; NYT 10/23/55; Donovan 376. 756 “agreeably surprised”: NYT 11/12/55, 11/15/55; Donovan 385; Adams 191. to think about: Hughes 174–76; Donovan 397. of this term: NYT 1/9/56; T 1/16/56. 757 “his own appointees”: Donovan 393–95; Adams 226. vote for him: Adams 224–26; NYT 2/15/56. “that is, affirmative”: T 1/2/56; NYT 3/1/56. hearing aid: T 3/26/56. 758 “in this matter”: NYT 3/1/56. “an egghead”: T 3/12/56. “Secretary of Agriculture”: T 3/19/56. future President: T 1/2/56 (Man of the Year). ribbons of concrete: Chapman 38. six cents to seven: NYT 5/6/56, 7/7/56. 759 year for humor: T 2/27/56. “Aw rutti!”: NYT 12/10/56, 8/12/56, 10/18/56, 4/22/56. a million copies: NYT 11/16/56. “through the fence?”: T 5/14/56. 760 “the same response”: NYT 5/14/56. of American culture: NYT 10/2/58. implications then: NYT 4/21/56, 7/20/56. criminal irresponsibility: NYT 5/5/56, 3/19/56, 4/10/56, 1/13/56, 7/27/56; T 11/12/56. things personally: T 7/2/56. 761 “just plain loaf”: Ladies’ Home Journal October 1960. “came back with”: Redbook September 1960; NYT 4/22/56, 4/20/56, 8/5/55; T 1/16/56. 762 a million francs: T 1/16/56, 1/23/56. “like the Kellys”: NYT 4/5/56, 4/16/56, 4/19/56, 4/20/56; T 4/23/56. 763 IN FEBRUARY: NYT 4/19/56, 4/20/56; T 4/30/56; NYT 8/3/56; T 8/13/56. campaign for reelection: NYT 6/25/56. “Egyptians!”: NYT 7/20/56, 7/27/56; T 8/6/56. Eden in 1956: NYT 8/1/56. 764 “quite a combination”: TC 1956 106; Hughes 212. “may be necessary”: NYT 10/30/56. “honor our pledge”: Hughes 214. 765 “the Hungarian people”: NYT 11/1/56, 11/4/56; Adams 258–59; NYT 11/6/56; Hughes 220. without outside help: NYT 11/2/56, 11/4/56, 11/3/56. “how are you?”: NYT 11/7/56. “involved answer”: Adams 259. 766 a major issue: NYT 7/18/56. “known and respected”: Years 368. operating table: NYT 9/25/55, 6/9/56. 767 Walter Reed Hospital: NYT 6/9/56; T 6/18/56. SAY DOCTORS: NYT 6/10/56. him gingerly: Kenneth Davis 327–28. 768 be a catastrophe: NYT 10/12/56; T 11/5/56, 10/29/56; Kenneth Davis 256–57; Mazo 179, 169, 180; NYT 8/14/56. “presidential timber”: NYT 7/24/56; Hughes 173. “the Vice President”: Mazo 165; NYT 4/27/56, 6/27/56. a major issue: Thousand 596; NYT 8/23/56; Kenneth Davis 335. 769 of his “image”: McGinniss 27; Kenneth Davis 323. “need to win”: NYT 8/12/56; Kenneth Davis 332–35; Hughes 190; NYT 4/22/56; Davis 343. 770 for the challenger: Kenneth Davis 340; NYT 9/6/56. against odds: NYT 10/24/56, 11/6/56. Hoover’s in 1928: NYT 11/7/56; Walter Johnson 285–86. “the way I feel”: Hughes 224–28. 771 “across the nation”: NYT 8/18/56; Thousand 8–9; Adams 253; McCarthy Kennedys 119; Bums Kennedy 190. “for President”: McCarthy Kennedys 119.


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