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Awaken (The Witches, The Spell Book, and The Magic Tree) (A Fated Fantasy Quest Adventure Book 1)

Page 12

by Rachel Humphrey-D'aigle

  Though spoken in attempts to alleviate fears, the words did little to do so. Hours went by without a word of news. Afternoon turned to evening, evening to night. Milo did his best to keep them busy, but after it got dark, even he could not hide the stress lines etching his face.

  Just after dark, Jae disappeared. With the excuse that he needed to check in with his parents. He returned about thirty minutes later, looking even more distressed. It also put the boys in a situation they had hoped to avoid, a conversation with adults about Jae.

  “So what do your parents do, Jae?” asked Milo a few minutes later.

  “Teachers,” he answered without hesitation. “They travel around helping students having difficulties, keeps‘em real busy.”

  “I imagine it would. They do this all year round?”

  “Yup. We don’t always stay in campgrounds. Only in the summer. My parents thought I’d have more fun while they were working.”

  “Yes. Well…” Milo glanced at the dark, empty road. He looked ready to go to Arnon’s trailer himself if they didn’t hear something soon.

  Colin and Sebastien took noticeably deeper breaths. First serious Jae confrontation over and successful. Colin’s chest tightened quickly though. The relief did not last long.

  “Should we go and check on them? Maybe they need help,” he said. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could sit and wait for news of his sister. The others agreed, but Milo said he thought it best for them to wait, and continued monotonously stoking the fire.

  As the night crept on, the chill of the air forced them closer to the fire. Sebastien excused himself after awhile, disappearing into the camper. He took forever. Upon finally returning, he brought along some tonics. Colin noted that his face was ashen as he handed them out.

  Finally, shortly after midnight, tired footsteps headed faintly in their direction. They each stood and breathlessly waited for a shadow to emerge from the darkness. It was Arnon. Colin was the first to bombard him, followed by the rest.

  “How is she? What happened? Is she all right now?”

  Arnon sat down, exhaustion and unease heavy in his gaze. He raised his hand for them all to sit.

  “She will be all right.” Everyone sighed in relief. “But…” he continued, pausing as they inhaled, waiting with baited breath. “It will take some time.”

  They exhaled again.

  “How long?” asked Colin.

  “A week, maybe longer,” he replied tiredly. “We’ll have to postpone the birthday party, Colin.”

  “Of course,” he said expectantly.

  Sebastien braved the next question. “What’s wrong with her?”

  “We had a local doctor come by.” He cast a fleeting glance at Milo. “Meghan picked up some kind of fever, but on the good side, it is not contagious in any way.”

  “Well that is something at least,” said Milo. He didn’t sound relieved in the least.

  “Kay is going to sleep with Meghan tonight. I hope that is okay.”

  “Yes, of course it is perfectly fine. We can all crash here tonight, give Meghan some space to recover,” declared Sebastien’s father. “Jae, you are welcome to stay if it suits you.”

  “Actually, I think I will go home and come back first thing tomorrow.”

  Colin and Sebastien escorted him to the dirt roadway. It didn’t get passed them that as soon as they were out of earshot, Arnon and Milo were in rushed whispered conversation. His uncle was holding back. Colin knew it. There was something else. Or Meghan was much worse off than he had told them.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to stay, Jae?” asked Sebastien. “There is plenty of room.”

  “Thanks, but no. I might be able to see if anything happens from my wagon. I will keep watch and report to you guys if I see anything.”

  Colin was jealous, and at the same time glad that Jae would do this.

  “Is there anything… magical you could do for her?” he asked, not hopeful.

  “No, I’m afraid I do not know much about healing, other than cuts and bruises. I am more apt to make it worse. When I disappeared earlier I did try to get a closer look, but I did not see much.”

  Both Colin and Sebastien watched as Jae evaporated into the night, to where his pretend parents were supposed to be camped, jealous that shortly, he would be closer to Meghan.

  “He wouldn’t actually try anything that would make her worse, would he?”

  “No. I think he just feels bad for her,” said Colin.

  “If something does happen for the worse, he will come back faster than my mom or your uncle would,” decided Sebastien.

  They rejoined Milo and Arnon at the fire. They’d stopped their hushed whisperings. Not long after they all headed into the trailer for bed. Colin crawled into the bottom bunk below Sebastien, but sleep would not come. His thoughts strayed to the magic that had somehow gotten him and his sister home. The book had probably helped in the end, he told himself. He could not have performed magic all on his own. It simply was not possible.

  He was the kid that read books, or watched movies, about someone that discovered they had some grand destiny, or secret magical gifts. It wasn’t real. And he certainly would not be chosen for any such quest if it were. He wasn’t brave. He wasn’t a leader. Heck, he was a thirteen-year-old stuck in the body of a ten year old! Well, thirteen in just a couple hours. But at the rate he was growing, he’d be lucky to reach a thirteen-year-old’s height by the time he was eighteen!

  Whatever this magic was, it had nothing to do with him. But at least it had helped him get his sister home. He just wanted her to be okay.

  She’d been feeling such intense pain. Colin had left that part out when explaining to his uncle, although he had to know enough after spending the afternoon by her side. But he didn’t want to worry Uncle Arnon anymore than he already was.

  Colin had tried to contact his sister through her thoughts, but to no avail. All he got from her was incoherent mumblings or blankness. At times, almost like his sister wasn’t around any longer. It was an eerie feeling. Colin tossed and turned for hours. He drifted in and out of sleep, his thoughts, restless, his dreams, unsettling.


  Meghan could not fathom that she was not burning everything, or everyone, her body touched.

  Flames licked every inch of her skin, but did not burn anything, including her own body.

  Even though the pain was unbearable, this understanding somehow calmed her. She would not hurt anyone else. And if she was lucky, when this illness went away she’d have no permanent scars.

  When it goes away…

  It would go away, right? This was just some temporary sickness and in a few days, she’d be better. Days… days… she repeated deep in her thoughts. She could not survive days of this.

  How long had it been since Colin found her? Minutes? Hours? There was no sense of time since the flames had overtaken her.

  Maybe it was all in her mind. The flames something only she could see. And feel. She’d heard of people having hallucinations during a fever; this must be it.

  A new wave of heat swept through her body, and although her thoughts were clearer by the fact that she was not actually on fire, it still felt as though she were burning alive. She let out a moan, followed by a panicked gasp. Her body seized and she started thrashing violently.

  A tall figure came closer, followed by another. Cold, wet hands pressed on her face and for a moment, she could see the face of Kay Jendaya staring down at her. She heard desperate voices around her, whispering words she could not understand.

  Meghan’s mind went blank, dissolving into a mass of darkness. Falling into unconsciousness. The searing pain that penetrated her body turned to weightless content.

  Distant voices echoed frantically. Somewhere on the verge of her consciousness.

  Time had no meaning. Had she been sleeping for minutes, or hours? Or even days?

  There was no way to tell.

  And then the heat cut back in, tearin
g her out of the blissful content.

  Hot. So hot. Too hot.

  More flames, covering every inch of her.

  Could no one else see it?

  Was she losing her mind?

  If this is what being sick was like, she was glad she’d never experienced before and had no idea how people survived it.

  More words she could not comprehend… followed by her eyes closing and darkness fighting to return… but something inside her fought it, hard. Her eyes burst open, her lungs seeking air, each attempt labored. A searing pain sliced down her and she bolted upward. A cool hand gently pushed her back down.

  It was a woman, Meghan thought. At least the voice sounded like a woman’s voice. But nothing she said made any sense. A second later though, her gasping breaths eased, the pain subsided and calmness claimed her. This time, Meghan did not descend completely into unconsciousness. But exhaustion prohibited her from doing anything but keep still and listen to the voices surrounding her.

  In the trailer, Arnon Jacoby, Kay Jendaya, and Kanda Macawi watched over Meghan.

  A few long hours later, there was a faint knock at the door. Arnon nodded toward Kay and Kanda, knowing who it was.

  “Amelia,” he greeted upon opening the door. “Please come in.” She entered and immediately took hold of his hand, her bony fingers gripping him kindly.

  “Hello, Arnon. It is good to see you. Although, I wish it were under better circumstances.” He hadn’t seen her in years. She looked worn. Thin. And yet her gaze, sharp as ever.

  “This situation… is… most unexpected,” he stumbled across the words.

  “Indeed,” she answered, looking down at Meghan.

  “She’s a Firemancer,” whispered Kanda. “I have never seen the change take place in such a violent manner.”

  “Is there nothing more we can do for her?” begged Arnon, his voice hollow.

  “I have every person capable researching now,” insisted Amelia. “I am so sorry, Arnon. As you said, this is a most unexpected turn of events. On the bright side, if there is one to this cruel torture,” continued the woman named Amelia, “is that this just might be the clue we have been looking for all these years.”

  “You speak of their mother,” assumed Kanda.

  “Yes. As you know, we already have our theories as to their father’s identity, which is why they have been in hiding all these years. However, Firemancy is not a common gift and always stays within family bloodlines. Passed down from mothers to daughters. We are closer than ever to discovering who the twins’ mother really is.”

  “Have you considered that she might be the twins’ mother?” Kay held her breath. This news would be devastating.

  There was a long silence before Amelia answered.

  “We have had that very thought cross our minds,” she sighed. “How that possibility could be true though, is still undetermined. There are only a few known Firemancy bloodlines. One of those bloodlines we can strike out, as we are already familiar with their history. The mother died with only a son left behind.”

  “If it is somehow possible that she is their mother, what then?” asked Kanda.

  “For now, I think we all know we can do nothing. Destiny has awakened their powers and fate is already in motion. Of course, had any of us had any inkling that Meghan was descended from a seer’s bloodline, especially Firemancy, I do not know that we would have chosen to bind their powers when they were infants. Torture like this is certainly not what we intended for these youngsters once they encountered their destiny. Her power should have developed slowly over many years. Now, it comes on like a firestorm.” She looked at Arnon pleading forgiveness.

  “I did not know either,” he replied. “I just wish there was more I could do.”

  Kanda squeezed his hand, smiling weakly. Her gaze swept to Amelia, a silent agreement passing between them.

  “I’m sorry,” whispered Arnon. Kanda’s gaze fluttered to him. “I know we all haven’t always agreed with everything in regards to Meghan and Colin. You know I would do anything for them. I love them like they are my own.”

  “I do know this. Like Amelia said, it’s in motion now. We may not have agreed with all the choices that brought them here, but the outcome would have been the same. It’s Amelia’s plans for the future, I’m not so certain of.” Kanda’s stern gaze met the woman’s again. “But for tonight, we work with a one-minded purpose.”

  Arnon nodded. “What can we do?”

  Kay tossed him a weak grin. “You should go to the boys. They will be going crazy by now waiting for news. We will stay with her tonight.”

  “Yes,” agreed Kanda. “You know we will do everything we can for her. I think of her like a daughter too. We all do.”

  Arnon could not argue with that. He was leaving Meghan in the most capable hands possible. He left the trailer, barely holding back the tears.

  Meghan tried to listen to the conversation going on around her. Exhaustion kept her from doing so with any retention, and she often slipped into and out of consciousness.

  “Okay, ladies,” said Kanda. “I have an idea of how to get Meghan through the next few days, but I will warn you, it will be anything but pleasant. The spells I have been using this afternoon are already weakening, and will not last. Her pain will keep intensifying.”

  “I think I know where you’re going with this, which is why I insisted that Arnon leave,” said Kay. “I do not think he could bear to see the amount of suffering Meghan will be in.”

  “Or the pain we will be in if my idea works,” noted Kanda.

  Kay nodded with a resolute understanding.

  “Bring it on then,” insisted Amelia, attempting courage. “We can take turns and rest in between.”

  Kanda nodded tightly in agreement. “I will take the first watch. I just hope this works. I fear that Meghan’s body is not strong enough to pull through on her own.”

  “If she’s immortal though…” Amelia muttered in weak argument.

  “We do not know this with absolute certainty yet,” stated Kanda.

  “But they are born from immortals…” said Kay.

  “Yes. That was proven long ago, but there’s only one way to test the theory of whether they are truly immortal, as well,” reminded Kanda.

  The three women stared at each other, unable to speak of it.

  The only way to test the theory was by death, and waiting to see if they came back to life.

  Something they all agreed was out of the question.

  Amelia nodded firmly. “We will take on the highest amount of pain we can tolerate, then. Immortal or not, we cannot lose this child. If our theory about her and Colin’s father’s identity is true, then they are fated to be two of the three.”

  “Which tonight, makes us Meghan’s path to that destiny,” smiled Kay kindly.

  “She’s too important. We cannot chance losing her.”

  “Of that, we are in agreement, Amelia.” Kanda took a deep breath and readied herself.

  Meghan wanted to understand what the women were speaking of, but her mind would not retain the conversation. A dull ache crept through her, sweeping through her body almost like it was searching for something.

  No. It wasn’t searching for something, it was releasing something.

  The pain.

  The heat.

  The fire pulsing through her blood.

  This time, however, along with the pain came strange visions. Pictures formed in her mind, mingled with flames, but the images dissolved into new ones so quickly that Meghan had no time to focus on them.

  Her eyes popped open and darted back and forth as if they were trying to read quickly. Her heart hammered inside her chest. Her breaths drew thicker and deeper and then…


  No pain. No images. No breath. Or movement.

  She blinked. Too tired to turn her head.

  A breath pushed out of her lungs, a new inhale followed.

  Is it over?

  Her memory was hazy
, but from what she’d managed to overhear and retain in her memory, it had sounded as if whatever was happening was just beginning.

  Then it happened.

  Meghan could not even scream. The visions returned and along with it, a burning so hot that she knew for sure she was actually burning alive. Her body thrashed on the sofa.

  “We have to hurry,” warned Kanda. She spoke something under her breath, grabbed Meghan’s hand and cried out, her breath hitched in the effort.

  Kay and Amelia were at her side instantly.

  “I’m okay,” Kanda exhaled roughly. She held Meghan’s hand in one of her own, her other fisting tightly. She rocked back and forth, chanting quietly. Her energy focused on taking as much of Meghan’s pain and she could manage, and transferring it into her own body.

  The two free women looked at each other knowingly. Not too long in the future it would be their turn.

  The visions in Meghan’s head slowed. The flames dissolving into darkness. Her silent screams turned to deep, even breaths. The visions raced in front of her brain like a wheel spinning. When the wheel finally stopped, her mind’s eye focused intently on the image in front of her.

  It was an old looking building. Run down. There was a sign hanging overhead indicating it was an orphanage.

  Meghan gasped. “What just happened? Where am I?” She turned around and around. She was standing in the image, able to see it as if it were a scene frozen in time.

  It was dark. Nighttime.

  She gasped again, holding out her arms to steady herself. The image started coming to life, in slow motion like a movie reel beginning to play, with Meghan watching from the middle of it. Like a dream she could walk through, and observe.

  Her head flicked upward. The door to the orphanage opened slowly. Out of the darkness behind it, three cloaked figures emerged. Two of them held small, wrapped bundles.

  Babies, Meghan realized. What were these cloaked figures doing? Stealing them?

  “At least we found them first,” whispered a man’s voice.

  “Yes,” agreed another. “To show powers at such a young age. It is unheard of. They’re lucky they did not cause any harm. Who knows what would have become of them.”


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