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Claimed by a Soldier Billionaire: A BWWM Instalove Romance

Page 3

by Simone Rivers

  "Mind if I borrow Ethan for a bit before the two of you take your trip down memory lane?" I interrupted. As much as I wanted to reminisce about the good old days, if I didn't get everything out soon, I was going to lose my nerve.

  "Sure thing! I need another beer anyway." He patted Ethan on the back. "Come find me when you two are done."

  Neither of us spoke until Senator Walters walked away. "I didn't think you wanted anything to do with me after this morning," Ethan said, staring off into the fire. His entire body was stiff and tense, and my heart ached, knowing how much I'd hurt him.

  "Honestly, I didn't. But I was talking to Libby, and I figured I owe you an explanation." He turned and looked at me, one eyebrow raised, and I let out a sigh. This shouldn't have been so hard. I'd thought I'd come to terms with my father's death years ago, but apparently not. "My father was a soldier. A Marine, actually."

  "He cheat on your Mom?" Ethan asked when I didn't continue. When I looked at him, he shrugged. "It happens a lot, sadly, on both sides. Figured maybe you were worrying about that."

  I shook my head. If that had been the case, this conversation would've been a lot easier. But, as far as I knew, my parents had stayed loyal to each other for their entire marriage. "When I was little, we moved around a lot, from base to base. Eventually, Dad got transferred to Camp Lejeune. Mom got a job teaching here and didn't want to move anymore, so Dad cashed in his chips to get a permanent station at Lejeune. Told them it was either that or he was retiring."

  Ethan smirked. "He must've been a damned good Marine if they went for that."

  "He was." I smiled, remembering the different times I'd gotten to watch him get one award or another. I'd always been so proud of him. "Then Desert Storm happened. He tried to get out of it, but even if he put in his paperwork to retire, by the time it worked its way through the channels, he'd have already been out there. But Mom had been a Marine's wife for so long, she told him to go. Do his duty for his country, you know?"

  Ethan nodded, not saying a word. When I brushed away the tears that had started to form, he turned and pulled me into his arms. I melted against him, just like I'd done at the bookstore.

  "He didn't come home, did he?" Ethan asked, his voice low and soft. When I shook my head, he cursed. "How old were you?"

  "Fourteen," I managed to get out. I'd been a Freshman in high school, still basically a kid. I still barely remembered anything from that year. I'd been such a mess. If it hadn't been for Libby, and for Kade and Owen, I'd have never passed my classes.

  "I'm sorry."

  I nodded. I heard so many condolence since that day, I barely even registered them anymore. "Mom tried to be strong, for me. But losing Dad broke something inside her. She died right after I graduated high school. Stroke. It was like she'd held on until I'd gotten through school, then she just couldn't do it anymore."

  For a long while, neither of us spoke. Ethan just held me and let me cry against his chest. It'd been years ago, but the pain was still just as fresh as ever.

  "So now you know why I can't date a soldier. I just can't get through that ever again. I can't."

  Ethan nodded. "I understand completely. I know what it's like to lose people you care about. I've lost track of how many brothers I've lost in the desert over the years. They may not have been my blood family, but they were my brothers nonetheless."

  For the first time, it felt like I was actually talking to someone who really did understand how it felt. Libby, and Owen, and all of them had done their best to be there for me. But none of them really knew how hard it was to lose my father, and then my mother, like that.

  Kade and Owen probably both understood that loss now. I'd been so hung up on having fun with them since they'd gotten back that I hadn't really thought about what they'd experienced over there. How many friends and brothers had Dad lost over the years? He'd never talked about them, not to me anyway, but every once in a while I'd find him in his office having a glass of bourbon and looking at old photos of his unit.

  Ethan reached between us, lifting my chin until the two of us locked eyes. "But what if I told you I didn't want to be a soldier anymore?"

  "You... you don't?" My mouth went dry as I thought about the possibilities. If he was getting out then.... Then there wasn't anything standing between us.

  Ethan took a deep breath, then let it out slowly before nodding. He looked out in the fire again for a long moment. When he looked back at me again, he smiled. "I haven't said anything to Kade or Owen yet, but yeah. I think I'm ready to retire. I've put in my years. I'm not sure what I'll do once I'm out, but I'm sure I'll find something."

  I didn't know what to say in response to that. So, I did the only thing I could think of. I stood on my toes and pressed my lips to his. Ethan didn't even hesitate before kissing me back.

  When the two of us broke it, we were both already breathless. My heart pounded in my chest. My entire body ached for him again, the same feeling I'd felt this morning in the store.

  "Is there somewhere private we can go?" Ethan whispered into my ear. "Otherwise I'm taking you out and fucking you in the back of our rental car."

  I shivered at the thought of that. I couldn't deny how fun that sounded, but I really didn't want Libby's parents finding the two of us out there. I wasn't sure I'd ever live down something like that.

  "I know where Owen's old bedroom is," I suggested with a wicked smirk.

  Ethan roared with laughter, grinning broadly. "Oh, you've got a naughty streak in you. I like that!"

  I did my best not to look guilty as I led Ethan inside. Not that it really mattered since no one was paying any attention though. We snuck upstairs, doing our best not to make any noise, not knowing who else might be inside.

  When we went down the hallway, I froze outside the door I knew led into Libby's room. Moans were audible even out in the hallway. Ethan and I exchanged smirks and both of us fought back giggles as we slipped down the hall to the next room and locked ourselves inside.

  The moment the door was closed, our hands were all over each other again. It was a miracle nothing ended up getting torn as we stripped each other naked. Once our clothes were in a pile though, Ethan had me in his arms again, scooping me right off the ground and carrying my over to the bed.

  I giggled, quite enjoying having a man who could pick me up and carry me like I weighed nothing at all. Once he laid me on the bed though, I wasn't giggling anymore! He worked his way down my body, kissing almost every inch of my naked body.

  I moaned, balling my hands around the bed sheets and fighting to get ahold of myself. Just like this morning though, jolts of electricity coursed through my body, driving me completely insane. Something about Ethan had me throwing all sense of caution to the wind. I didn't care that we were in the middle of a party where people could come looking for us at any moment.

  There was no way I was going to do anything to try and stop Ethan. Not for anything in this world!

  He knelt between my legs, and I looked down, the two of us locked eyes. Then, he leaned forward and licked up and down my slit. I yelled out as the pleasure seared into me. Over and over he licked me, teasing me. As much as I enjoyed his tongue, I needed more than just a tongue.

  I needed him to fuck me!

  "Ethan...." I moaned out. The world spun around us and nothing I could do stopped it. "Please.... Don't have much time...."

  He ignored me though, latching his lips onto my clit and suckling. I yelled out even louder from that, never having felt anything like that before. Very few of the guys I'd been with over the years had ever even been able to find my clit! And those that did certainly hadn't ever done that to it!

  "Please... Ethan.... Need you... Inside me...." I could barely even breathe now. My whole body was shaking, but even though Ethan was doing things to me no other guy had done before, it still wasn't enough. I needed him inside me. Now!

  Thankfully, Ethan took pity on me. He stood again, then bent to kiss me, I could taste myself on his lips,
and for some reason, that turned me on even more. Then, he pushed his legs forward and his cock pressed against me again, knocking the air from my lungs.

  "Is this what you want?" he growled into my ear as he slid his cock up and down my slit. I couldn't even answer him. All I could do was moan and shiver, already losing my hold on reality. But he didn't need an answer. He'd just been teasing me again, something he really seemed to enjoy.

  He reached between us, taking hold of his cock and lining it up right at my entrance. When he finally pushed himself into me, everything inside me exploded at once. Ethan didn't waste time with teasing. He just started fucking me, hard and fast, the bed slamming against the wall with each thrust.

  "Oh god! Oh god!" I yelled out, over and over again. I was too far gone to even try to control myself anymore. I just had to trust in Ethan, to give myself to him completely.

  When he leaned forward and start to kiss and suckle on my neck, I just couldn't do it anymore. My entire body went rigid, all of my muscles contracting at once. I wrapped my arms and legs around Ethan, pulling him tight against me. Even my pussy tightened, becoming like a vice around his cock.

  Ethan only lasted a couple more thrusts. Then, he slammed into me, letting out a roar that completely drowned out my own moans. I gasped and shivered as he throbbed inside me, filling me with his seed.

  Then, all at once, I came crashing down to Earth. I gasped for air, unable to even think about moving. Ethan slumped against me, his body heavy, but I didn't care. After what he'd just done to me, he could lay on top of me all damned night if he wanted to!

  Eventually though, he got his bearings again. Bracing himself on his arms, he looked down into my eyes and grinned. "You're amazing," he said, his voice still breathy.

  I laughed, smiling right back up at him. "No, you're definitely the amazing one." Leaning up, I kissed him again. "We should probably get back down there though, before someone realizes we've disappeared."

  "Well, I'm sure someone noticed." Ethan's eyes darted to the wall the bed leaned up against. It was the wall that separated Owen's old room from Libby's old room, the room that had been occupied when we'd first come up here.

  Heat rushed to my cheeks as I realized they'd no doubt been able to hear us. Then again, I hadn't heard a single thing from them. With any luck, they'd been so lost in their own passion they'd completely drowned us out.

  Ethan grinned at me again. "You're right though. We should get back down there. I've got quite a story to tell Owen about his old room!"

  I slapped him on the arm repeatedly, glaring at him. "Don't you dare!" Even though this hadn't been Owen's room in a long time, I still didn't want him to know I'd had sex in here!

  Actually, I didn't want him to know anything about my sex life, period!

  Ethan laughed and grinned the entire we got dressed. I doubted he'd actually say anything to Owen though. Not if he ever wanted to get laid ever again!

  5 Ethan

  Loud beeping pierced the silence. I groaned and rolled over, wishing the annoying sound would go away. It didn't though. Of course not because that would've been too damned easy. Groaning again, I rolled back over and swatted at the alarm clock until the incessant noise went away.

  I nudged Penny, getting nothing more than a light snore from her. Sighing, I nudged her again, harder. Still no response. On the third time, I nearly pushed her out of the bed, and she finally woke up. "Whaaa?" she asked, blinking and rubbing at her eyes.

  "The alarm went off. You've gotta get to the shop," I told her, sighing again. How she'd managed to get to her store on time every morning before I'd moved in with her, I had no idea.

  "Isn't it your turn?" she grumbled, snuggling even deeper beneath the blankets. She was most definitely not a morning person, something I'd learned not long after we'd first moved in with each other. At first, it'd been fine. I was used to getting up at dawn anyway.

  Now that I'd been retired for a while though, I was starting to enjoy the luxury of sleeping in once in a while.

  But at least she was cute, I thought as I watched her try to fall back asleep. That alone almost made it worth these constant battles in the morning. "Nope. I had morning yesterday. You've got the store this morning; I've got the baby."

  "Can't we swap?" She opened her eyes just enough to pout at me, and I damned near gave in. But I'd already swapped with her twice this week, and twice last week. It was my turn to stay in the nice warm bed while she went downtown to get the shop opened up for the day.

  "Nice try," I told her, leaning forward and kissing her on the nose. She giggled, just like she always did, then let out a dramatic sigh.

  "Fine, I guess I'll go brave the frigid winds so I can be the sole breadwinner for our family!"

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Sole breadwinner my ass! I worked just as many days in that little shop of hers as she had. Plus, it wasn't like we needed the money from the shop to survive. Even with buying ourselves a little house near where Penny had grown up, and putting a large chunk of money into an account for our daughter's college fund, I still had more than enough in my inheritance to support the two of us.

  But, despite her morning complaints, Penny loved her little bookstore.

  And, if I was being honest, I did, too. It was a cute little store and it wasn't a tremendous amount of work to run. Plus, with my inheritance for us to fall back on, it meant Penny was able to make the shop into whatever she wanted, without trying to compete with the big online retailers.

  "Try not to freeze off any of the important bits," I told Penny with a smirk as I pulled the blankets tighter around myself.

  Before Penny could reply though, a cry echoed through the baby monitor. Penny laughed while I groaned. Of course she'd pick now to wake up. The one day the little bugger doesn't want to sleep in!

  "Guess you're not sleeping in after all!" Penny teased. Before she could say anything else though, I pulled her into my arms and kissed her, effectively cutting off whatever else she'd been planning on adding. When we broke the kiss, Penny giggled again. "You've got morning breath," she informed me.

  "You're not any better!" I said with a laugh. Married life certainly wasn't glamorous, but I wouldn't have traded it for the world. "Now go get dressed while I see what our little princess is so fussy over this morning."

  I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, then stood and stretched. When I glanced back over at Penny, she was still laying on her side of the bed, grinning as she ran her eyes up and down my body.

  I'd been officially retired for over a year now, but I still made sure to keep in shape, which my loving wife very much approved of. And I had to admit, seeing the lust in her eyes every time she looked at me certainly never got old!

  "There'll be plenty of time for a show later," I promised. "Now get your butt up. I know how long it takes you to get ready in the mornings, and I also know just how much you hate being late!"

  Penny pouted, but she got up anyway, her sheer gown barely hiding her lovely assets. "It's not like I have customers lining up outside every morning..." she grumbled as she made her way to the bathroom.

  Chuckling, I headed down the hall to where Elizabeth's room was. Just as I'd expected, she was standing up in her crib, crying out. The moment I walked in though, she stopped and just looked at me with those sad puppy dog eyes.

  "What's got you all fussy this morning?" I asked, walking over to scoop her up into my arms. She was the most beautiful baby I'd ever laid eyes on. With her creamy brown skin and matching light brown eyes, she was the perfect blend of her me and her mother. She was just as stubborn as the two of us as well!

  She made cooing noises as she snuggled against my bare chest. When she looked up at me and smiled, my heart melted. It seemed she just wanted a bit of Daddy time this morning, which I was all too happy to provide.

  I bounced her up and down, smiling as she continued making her happy cooing noises. "You know what I bet would make Mommy happy today?" I whispered even though I knew Pen
ny would be in the middle of her endless morning routine. "How about we get you dressed, then the two of us can go with her to the bookstore. You wanna go to work with Mommy today?"

  I took her happy cooing as a yes and went about finding her an outfit to wear for the day. We'd often taken her into the store with us, especially on days when our shifts would overlap. And I swear, ever since she'd had the baby a couple months ago, sales have skyrocketed.

  Everyone loves a cute baby!

  Plus, it was nice to spend days with all of us together. After having spent so long without a real purpose in life, I'd finally found what I'd always a been missing.

  A family.

  Thank you for reading!

  More from Simone Rivers

  The Billionaire’s Collateral

  BWWM Romantic Suspense

  My father owes a debt to a dangerous billionaire. I'm the collateral.


  The Beast’s Untouched Bride

  BWWM Contemporary Romance

  I’ll give him the divorce he wants, but first I want to know what it’s like to finally be touched by a man…and I want a baby.


  Pregnant with the Boss' Christmas Triplets

  Interracial Christmas Romance

  My boss doesn’t know he’s the father of my baby…


  Saved by a Sheikh

  Interracial Sheikh Romance

  I bought her at auction to set her free, but now that she’s mine, I don’t want to let her go.

  This is only a small portion of all the books Simone has to offer. For a full list, visit her Amazon Author Page.


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