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Dragon Kin Captive Heart

Page 4

by Anne Kane

  Cassie tossed her head, and let the warm air currents play across her face. Already, she loved the feel of the air rushing past her while she perched on the back of her dragon.

  Not her dragon, she corrected herself. Not yet. Maybe not ever. She’d told herself that she’d reserve judgment until after she talked to Mireya, but she couldn’t see how she could possibly agree to be anything that would take her back to that horrible time of being a Boundling. Those memories were still too painful to contemplate.

  Haydn circled over an outcropped cliff, angling in to land in front of a small house. Dropping to his knees, he let Cassie dismount before shifting back to his human form.

  “I thought you said they lived underwater.” Cassie looked at the house in front of them.

  “They do.” Haydn strode to the front door and hit a button mounted on a large plate. “This is just the way in.”

  “Hello?” A male voice issued from a speaker mounted in the plate.

  Haydn depressed the button again. “Egan? How are you? It’s me, Haydn, and I’ve brought someone who needs to talk to Mireya. Can we come down?”

  “Sure. Come on down.” A loud click signaled the door unlocking, and Haydn held it open for Cassie.

  She entered the house and looked around. Except for a large elevator shaft in the middle of the room, the house was empty. Completely empty. Not only was there no furniture, there were no interior walls or any attempt to make it look like a home. She glanced over at Haydn.

  He shrugged his magnificent shoulders. “It’s just an entrance. Their home is below.” He hit the button on the wall to summon the elevator. “You’ll see. It’s quite stunning.”

  “But…” The elevator doors interrupted her, letting out a warning ding as they slid open. Haydn grabbed her hand and drew her inside with him, letting the doors slide shut behind them. The walls of the elevator were clear, giving them a good view of the layers of rock that made up the cliff.

  He drew her up against him, lowering his head to brush a gentle kiss across her lips. “Egan and Mireya haven’t been together all that long and she didn’t want to accept him at first. You two have quite a lot in common. Egan and I will leave you to talk in private, so you can ask her whatever you want without worrying about me overhearing.”

  “Thank you.” Cassie didn’t know what else to say. He seemed so sincere, so determined to let her find out everything she could before she decided whether to commit. Then again, the cynical side of her warned, he was also controlling whom she got information from.

  The dinging of the elevator as it reached its destination interrupted her confused thoughts. The door slid open to reveal Egan and Mireya waiting to greet them.

  “Haydn, good to see you.” Egan stepped forward and the two dragons clasped each other by the forearms. His gaze slid to Cassie. “And who is this?”

  “Cassandra.” Haydn urged her to his side. “My fire companion. Your company freed her a while ago, and she has some questions I thought Mireya could answer.”

  “I’d be happy to help.” Mireya smiled at her, and Cassie suddenly felt less nervous. “Why don’t you guys go check out the new pod of whales in the Bay?”

  “I just checked on them this morning.” Egan frowned at his mate. “They’re fine.”

  Mireya stood with her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes at her mate. “That’s not the point. Go check them again.”

  “Oh!” Understanding dawned on Egan’s face. “Of course. We’ll do that right now.”

  Mireya laughed and turned to Cassie. “Men! Come on into the kitchen. I just put on a fresh pot of coffee.”

  Cassie turned to look at Haydn, and he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Go ahead and ask your questions. Egan and I will go take a look at the whales.” He turned and followed Egan into the elevator.

  “So what did you want to ask?” Mireya led the way into the kitchen and poured them each a coffee.

  Cassie wrapped her hands around the mug. “Haydn says he wants to seal a mate-bond with me, and the thought scares me. He says it’s not the same as when I was bound, but I can’t see the difference. He thinks you can explain it to me.” She took a sip of the dark liquid.

  Mireya nodded. “That’s a reasonable question. When Egan first started asking me out, I refused to even talk to him. I was so confused and there was no one I could ask. If he hadn’t decided to take matters into his own hands, I would have thrown away my only chance at true happiness.” She gave Cassie an understanding smile. “Binding is done without the consent of the human and is a heinous crime. If you accused Haydn of trying to bind you, he would be horrified.”

  Cassie sighed. “He sure was. That’s when I got confused. We had sex in a meadow up in the mountains, and then in the water in a beautiful cove, but he said if he spilled his seed in me one more time, then the bond would be complete.”

  “He said bond, not bound. There is a world of difference. A fire companion is someone who is born to be the other half of your soul.” Mireya held up one hand. “I know that sounds corny, but it’s true. The word souler means soul mate, literally the other half of your soul.

  “The third time you make love, there is a magical bond that joins the two of you to each other for the rest of your lives.” She smiled, her eyes sparkling with laugher. “If Haydn says you are his fire companion, then it must be true. He’s played fast and loose with just about every female on this island, and he’s never shown any interest in settling down before now.”

  “Really?” Cassie found that little tidbit reassuring. Maybe everything else he’d said had been true and he really did want them to be together forever.

  “Truly, I swear it on a stack of the shiniest things I own.” Mireya laughed. “I’m a ferret shifter, and I can’t resist anything shiny.” Cassie turned toward the doorway at the sound of the elevator returning. “Is there anything else you needed to know?”

  “No, thanks. You’ve been a great help.” Cassie found herself in a hurry to get back to Haydn. The thought of making love to him again suddenly seemed like the best idea she’d heard in a long time.

  “Is it okay to come back in?” Egan’s voice came from the other room.

  “Sure is. I think I’ve answered everything Cassie wanted to know.” Mireya looked over at Cassie, who nodded.

  “Yes, thanks. And thank you for the coffee. Haydn and I will be going now.”

  “We will?” Haydn raised his brows as she walked over and placed a kiss full on his lips.

  “Yes, we have something to finish.”

  “We do?” He looked down at her, and she wondered how she could have ever thought he would do something as despicable as binding her.

  “Yes, you promised to show me your lair.” She took his hand and led him to the elevator.

  Mireya giggled. “I think you’ve met your match, Haydn. The females on the island are going to have to look elsewhere for their fun from now on.” She wrapped her arm around Egan’s waist.

  Cassie stepped into the elevator and turned to wave goodbye to her new friend. “Thank you, Mireya. You were a great help.”

  “You’re welcome.” She leaned against Egan. “Us girls have to stick together, you know.”

  The doors slid shut and the elevator started its ascent with a slight jerk. Cassie turned to face Haydn and reached up to wrap her arms around his neck.

  “So this fire companion thing means you’re going to do anything I say?” She didn’t give him time to reply, pressing her lips against his in a kiss that conveyed her willingness to commit wholeheartedly to their relationship. Haydn brought his arms up to hold her close against him, returning the kiss with every bit as much enthusiasm.

  Chapter Five

  “So this is your lair, is it?” Cassie looked at the log cabin perched on the edge of the cliffs. Haydn’s element was air, so she should have known his home would be as high off the ground as he could get it. The meadow that they’d first made love in was just over the rise behind them.

sp; “My home, yes.” His shift complete, Haydn strode over to place his arm around her shoulders. “And yours as well. I can’t wait to show you the view from our bedroom.” He led her to the front entrance, unlocking the door with a wave of his hand.

  Cassie watched the shimmery swirl of magic. “That is so cool. Can I learn to do that?”

  “Of course, once our mate bond solidifies, you’ll be able to draw on my magic for minor things like unlocking doors.” He grasped her hand and led her through the hallway into the great room.

  The ceiling soared two stories above them, giving the impression of unlimited space. A gigantic stone fireplace took up one end of the room, and an assortment of comfortable looking chairs and sofas sat at random intervals on the polished hardwood floors. She nodded in approval. He’d done a good job of making his house a home.

  “The bedroom is this way.” Haydn tugged on her hand, leading her toward a circular staircase of rough-hewn timbers.

  Cassie resisted, looking at the soft rug in front of the fireplace. “That looks comfy.

  Haydn gave a negative shake of his head. “You’ll like it better up here. Trust me.”

  Trust me. Just two little words. Cassie realized she did trust him. With her heart. With her life. With her happiness. She followed him up the stairs.

  At the top, he led her through an arched doorway. Cassie’s mouth opened in wonder as she looked around. Glass walls soared from the floor to the clear ceiling, making it feel as though they were outside. The sun shone down through the ceiling, and she could see fluffy white clouds drifting across the blue sky.

  The house was perched on the edge of a cliff, and the transparent walls let her look out over the entire valley, right down to the edge of the ocean.

  “This is…” She stopped, at a loss for words.

  “It is, isn’t it?” Haydn stood behind her, his hands resting on her shoulders. “I wanted us to solidify our mate bond here, with the sky bearing witness to our love.”

  Cassie turned to face her lover. His eyes shone softly in the sunlight, and she reached up to trace the rugged line of his cheek before she covered his mouth with hers.

  The kiss was gentle, loving. She appreciated the fact that Haydn let her take the lead even now. She could feel the tension in his shoulder muscles flexing beneath her fingers, and knew he’d prefer to skip the foreplay and just take her.

  She tugged at his shirt, suddenly impatient to feel his naked flesh beneath her fingers. A deep chuckle escaped him, and he reached down to undo the buttons so that he could shrug the garment off his shoulders.

  Cassie ran her hands over the tight coils of muscle covering his chest, anticipation curling its way down her spine at the thought of him completely naked. She lowered her hands to the waistband of his pants, fumbling with the catch on his jeans in her haste.

  “I see I’m not the only one in a hurry to finalize the bond.” Lust lent a rough edge to Haydn’s voice. He grasped the front of her blouse and ripped the fabric free of her body, tossing the scraps aside before undoing the clasp at the front of her bra. “We can get you more clothing later.” His gaze was riveted on her full breasts as they spilled out into his waiting hands. He drew in a loud breath, squeezing the tender mounds in his large hands before he let them go.

  Cassie knew she should be shocked, scared even. Haydn wasn’t even attempting to control himself. He stepped out of his jeans and tossed them aside before skimming his briefs over his hips to allow his cock to spring free. The briefs followed the jeans, and he advanced, a determined expression on his rugged face.

  She stood still, frozen in place by the raging lust flaring throughout her body. Damn, she wanted him. He grasped her skirt by the waistband and jerked it down over her hips. “I want you naked. Now.” His tone brooked no argument.

  And Cassie didn’t want to argue. She kicked the skirt off, leaving her standing in front of him clad only in a red leather thong.

  Haydn hooked a finger through the thin strip of leather circling her waist and ripped it from her body, his attention fixated on the nest of dark curls at the apex of her thighs. He let out a long low whistle. “Damn, that looks good enough to eat.”

  Picking her up as though her well-fleshed body weighed little more than a feather, he carried her to the king-sized bed that dominated the center of the room. With amazing tenderness, he laid her down on the soft comforter. Lifting her legs up, he knelt on the bed between her thighs and tossed one knee over each of his shoulders. Using a hand to part the soft lips that guarded her entrance, he gave her a long, wet lick from clit to anus.

  Cassie whimpered and damn near came on the spot. Just one touch of his tongue and her pussy gushed cream. He flicked another slow lick across her clit and hot tongues of flames licked their way up her spine.

  Haydn settled in to feast. Licking. Nibbling. Sucking. Long, slow swipes of his tongue were interspersed with teasing nibbles. Cassie writhed and moaned beneath his talented tongue, pleasure blazing its way along every nerve ending. Just as she felt her orgasm start to blossom, he lifted his head.

  “Nooooo…” She opened her eyes. “Don’t stop.”

  “I’m just getting started.” A darkly wicked grin crooked his mouth. “Spread them pretty little thighs of yours and let me show you how a dragon claims his mate.” He took his cock in his hand and gave it a long, slow stroke.

  “Like this?” Cassie returned the grin, running the tip of her tongue around her lips while she spread her legs wide.

  “Oh yeah, exactly like that.” His nostrils flared, and Cassie wondered if he could smell her arousal. He positioned himself between her thighs, his weight resting on his forearms. The tip of his cock parted the soft lips of her pussy and pressed against her moist entrance. “I love you, my souler.” He seated himself balls-deep in her slick heat with one powerful thrust.

  “And I love you too.” Cassie wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her heels behind his back. “You’ve captured my heart.”

  Haydn withdrew slowly, and Cassie tilted her hips to make sure she got every possible inch as he slammed back into her waiting pussy. In and out. Harder. Faster. The pace quickened and their breath came in ragged gulps. Lust and love vied for supremacy in Cassie’s body, and she could feel her orgasm gathering.

  Shimmering glimmers of magic gathered in the corners of the room. Cassie could see it out of the corner of her eye. Thickening. Coming closer to the two of them. Colorful strands of magic that wove itself in intricate patterns around them while they made tender passionate love under the warm rays of the sun.

  “I can’t believe I fell in love with a dragon.” Cassie stared up at his beloved face. She could feel herself losing control as she teetered on the brink of orgasm.

  “It’s destiny. You couldn’t do anything else, you were born for me.” Haydn held her hips still as he pistoned in and out, taking her higher and higher until she couldn’t think, only feel. Her orgasm burst over her like a sudden squall barreling in from the ocean.

  Haydn shouted her name as he too came, his hot seed spurting into her and sealing their mate bond. Cassie felt wave after wave of pleasure wash over her and the shimmering lines of magic wound tight around them, binding them together forever.

  Two hearts, willing captives of their love.

  Anne Kane

  Anne Kane lives in the beautiful Okanagan Valley with a bouncy Jack Russell terrier, a cantankerous Himalayan cat, and too many fish to count. She has two handsome sons and three adorable grandchildren. By day, she’s a respectable bean counter, but after hours her imagination soars and she writes romances that span the galaxy and encompass beings of all sizes, shapes and origins. She first started telling stories as a child and she just can’t seem to stop.

  Her hobbies include kayaking, hiking, motorcycles, swimming, skating, karate, playing guitar, singing and of course, reading.

  You can find Anne at:


  Blog: http://annekane.wordpress.c






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