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Heart of the Falcon

Page 22

by Francis Ray

  “We won’t be in the way,” her mother said, the hurt returning to her voice.

  “Mama, I didn’t mean it that way. You know you’re always welcome.”

  “We just want to make sure you’re all right,” her mother told her. “You never minded us visiting before.”

  Elbow on her knee, Madelyn propped her forehead in her open palm. “Mama, I don’t mind your visiting. I’m just a little busy at the moment.”

  Daniel motioned for the phone. She shook her head. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Taggart,” he called loudly.

  “Who was that?” her parents chorused.

  Glaring at Daniel, Madelyn gritted out, “Daniel Falcon.”

  Silence stretched for long moments before her mother asked, “Why is it all right for him to be there and we can’t come?”

  “He just dropped by. I was about to send him on his way when you called,” she said.

  The grin on Daniel’s face was part leer, part recrimination—and all seductive. He held out his hand for the phone. She took great pleasure in slapping the receiver into his palm.

  To her disappointment, he didn’t even wince. “Mr. and Mrs. Taggart, this is Daniel Falcon. I believe I have the perfect solution. If I remember correctly, Tyler has an airfield. I can have her there and back in a matter of hours, saving you the drive, and she can work on a laptop during the flight.”

  “I see,” Mrs. Taggart said. “Thank you, Mr. Falcon. May I speak with my daughter, please.”

  He handed her the phone, making a cutting motion across his throat. She caught back a giggle. “Yes, Mama?”

  “He said he’d bring you, but I don’t want you in one of those crop dusters,” Mrs. Taggart said firmly. “Do you know anything about his plane or his skills as a pilot?”

  “No, but I’m sure he’s a good pilot.” Madelyn wrinkled her nose as Daniel mouthed “the best.”

  “I don’t want you flying at night in a small plane. Can he bring you tomorrow morning?” her mother continued.

  She didn’t need to ask. “Yes.”

  “Call with the time, and we’ll meet you at the airport.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Good-bye, Mama, Daddy.”

  “I don’t think your mother likes me,” Daniel said when she hung up the phone.

  “She doesn’t trust you,” Madelyn told him.

  “She might have been right at one time, but I’ll make things right, I promise.”

  Madelyn shook her head. “No promises.”

  His face grew harsh. “I wouldn’t lie to you.”

  “I never thought you would.” Sighing, she glanced at the phone.

  “What’s the matter?” He hunkered down in front of her.

  “The reprimands and inquisitions aren’t over.”

  “Kane and Matt.”

  “Exactly,” she stated, and reached for the ringing phone. She closed her eyes on discovering both brothers on the line. It wasn’t too long before they asked to speak to Daniel. He didn’t look too happy when he hung up.

  “Well?” she questioned when he didn’t say anything.

  “If you ever get sick again and I don’t call them, there won’t be enough left of me to … you get the general, gory idea.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “The one who’s going to be sorry is Sid. He’s going to learn to keep his big mouth shut where you are concerned.” Daniel headed for the door.

  Madelyn was right behind him. “You don’t know where he lives.”

  “He said two doors down. How difficult can it be?”

  Following an irate Daniel out the door, she hoped one of them would listen to reason, but didn’t hold out much hope. Sid, despite his easygoing manner, could be just as volatile as Daniel.

  Luckily Sid wasn’t at home. Unluckily she received three more phone calls from her family during the next hour. Daniel left by seven, saying he’d pick her up at ten the next morning.

  When she received the next phone call from Matt shortly after Daniel had left, she informed her brother to spread the word that if they kept calling, she wouldn’t be able to come at all because they were keeping her from working. If they were worried about Daniel, he had gone home. The phone calls stopped.

  A little after ten that night, Madelyn climbed into bed. Thankfully she had advanced further on working out the specifications for the pipes than she had imagined. By Monday she’d be able to give some important data to Mr. Sampson.

  The ringing phone set her teeth on edge. She jerked up the receiver. “This does it. I’m not coming home.”

  “Give ’em hell,” chuckled Daniel.

  Grinning, she scooted down in bed, her knees tenting the bedcovers. “They mean well.”

  “They love you,” he told her.

  “I love them, too.”

  “The both of you okay?”

  A blossoming warmth unfurled beneath her heart. Smiling at the teddy bear across the room, she laid her hand across her stomach and mouthed, he’s getting closer. Out loud she said, “Great.”

  “Then don’t fret about tomorrow. Things will work out.”

  Worry she had tried to ignore crept into her voice. “They’ve always been so proud of me.”

  “With every right.”

  “That might change when I tell them.”

  “Nonsense. From what I saw at the birthday party and heard tonight, their love is the kind that gets stronger, not weaker, when there’s a problem,” he told her. “Parents aren’t as harsh on us as we are on ourselves. They tend to want to heal rather than hurt. Mine included. Despite their differences, when Dominique and I were growing up and making mistakes, I think they loved us the most.”

  “I guess I’ll find out. Good night, Daniel.”

  “I’ll be there with you. Good night.”

  Hanging up the phone, she shut off the light and lay down again, dreading the coming morning and knowing there was nothing she could do about it.

  * * *

  Madelyn’s parents were waiting for them Saturday morning at Pounds airport in Tyler. The small Cessna Daniel piloted didn’t appear to impress either of them. Grace Taggart pulled her daughter into her arms seconds after she reached her. Bill Taggart stared at mother and daughter, waiting patiently for his turn.

  Daniel watched the three closely. There was no doubt that the trio loved and respected each other. It didn’t sit well with him that he might have jeopardized their relationship. He didn’t doubt that eventually they’d come to forgive, but the forgetting part worried him. Madelyn loved her family, and their love in return was paramount to her happiness.

  “Good morning, Mr. Taggart.”

  “Hello, Mr. Falcon,” Mr. Taggart said.

  “Please call me Daniel,” he said, extending his hand. The grip was firm, the eye contact direct. Here was a man Daniel could respect.

  At the twins’ birthday party, he had been too concerned with Madelyn to pay much attention to anyone else. He should have realized sooner, three extraordinary adults would have extraordinary parents.

  “Mrs. Taggart, nice to meet you again,” Daniel acknowledged, turning to the older woman.

  “Thank you for bringing our baby home,” she said, looking pleasingly plump and pretty in a soft blue cotton skirt and blouse.

  Madelyn blushed. Her father chuckled. “Now, Mama, you know she doesn’t like to be reminded she’s the baby.”

  “Well, she shouldn’t act like one,” her mother admonished, her arms still around her daughter’s still slim waist.

  “I won’t again, Mama,” Madelyn promised, glancing around for her brothers.

  “They’re not here,” her father said as if reading her mind.

  Madelyn sighed her relief. “Thanks, Dad.”

  Her father stared at Daniel. “They said there wasn’t a need.”

  Daniel accepted the hard gaze of Mr. Taggart. “They were very explicit and thorough in our conversation.”

  “Good, then I won’t have to be,” Mr. Taggart said, ignoring Madelyn’s shocked ex
pression. “Come on, the car is over here. By the way, what is it you do exactly, Daniel?”

  Madelyn groaned. It seemed she was going to be spared the inquisition. Daniel wasn’t.

  * * *

  Daniel—who hadn’t been grilled by concerned parents since high school—answered the myriad of questions with ease. It wasn’t until halfway through their lunch that he understood why. He honestly liked the Taggarts and wanted them to like him.

  The reason was sitting across from him, happy and teasing, as he had seen her few times. She rolled her eyes as her father told him about having to hide his tools when she was growing up to keep her from taking the electrical appliances apart.

  She was beautiful and alluring. She was also wearing another one of those gauzy, off-the-shoulder dresses she’d worn when he’d first seen her. His mind had no difficulty seeing her again, wet and tempting, her breasts high, her nipples proud and erect, her body lush. Glad he was sitting down, he gulped his tea.

  Later, sitting in the comfortable living room, half watching a golf tournament, Daniel saw the many photographs of the Taggart children progressing from infancy into adulthood on the piano, the mantel, the side tables. Scattered among the photographs were pictures of their twin grandchildren and wedding photos of their two sons.

  Graduation pictures of Kane, Matt, and Madelyn and their subsequent diplomas were proudly displayed on one wall. Daniel had given his diplomas to his parents as well. During the important events in his and his sister’s lives, they had always been together. The family unit was important to children, and he planned to be there for his child.

  A blip ran across the bottom of the TV screen, predicting severe storms moving into the area.

  Instantly Daniel was alert and on his feet. “May I use your phone?”

  “I’ll show you,” Madelyn said.

  In less than five minutes, Daniel had the information he needed. “There’s a storm cell moving in from the south—it shouldn’t get here for another hour. By that time we could be in Houston.”

  “Then you think we should leave?”

  “At any other time I wouldn’t think anything about taking off, but storms can be unpredictable and with you and—” Her startled gaze alerted him they weren’t alone.

  He turned to see her parents standing in the doorway and explained the situation. “It’s up to Madelyn if she wants to leave now or wait it out and go back in the morning.”

  “Of course you’ll wait,” Mrs. Taggart said.

  “We’re leaving,” Madelyn said. “Daniel says we’ll be back in Houston by then.”

  “No,” her mother protested.

  “You’re sure?” Daniel’s attention centered on Madelyn.

  “I’m sure,” Madelyn answered without hesitation.

  “Is it safe?” Mr. Taggart asked, his eyes direct and probing.

  Daniel faced her father. “I wouldn’t take off if it wasn’t.”

  The older man nodded. “Come on then, let’s get you two to the airport. Every minute probably counts.”

  “I’ll take care of her.”

  “You better,” chorused her parents.

  * * *

  Madelyn watched her parents on the runway until they disappeared from sight. Her mother had looked terrified.

  “We can still turn back,” Daniel told her.

  “I’m not afraid for us.” She straightened in her seat. “I’m just sorry she has to worry.”

  “You have that much confidence in me?” he asked, clearly surprised.

  She cut her gaze toward him. “A braggart and a fool you’re not.”

  Daniel laughed. “That leaves room for a lot of other faults.”

  “I know, but I’m keeping quiet until you land this baby.”

  The flight and landing were as smooth returning as it had been going. Madelyn called her parents from Daniel’s car. They didn’t talk long because the predicted storms had reached Tyler, and there was lightning. She didn’t want to tell her mother, but an unexpected storm was moving fast into their part of Houston as well. They barely made it inside her apartment before the hard rains hit.

  “That’s what I call cutting it close,” she said, looking out the window at the torrent of wind and rain lashing the cars in the parking lot. “Out-running two storms in a day has to be some kind of record.”

  “I kind of hoped we wouldn’t make the last one,” Daniel said.

  Jerking her gaze from the parking lot, she saw Daniel coming toward her, a dangerous glint in his coal-black eyes. She swallowed. “W-What are you talking about?”

  His hands settled gently on her waist. “I like this dress. It reveals and conceals and tantalizes. You were wearing one similar when we first met.”

  “It was plastered to me,” she said, then flushed with embarrassment in remembrance.

  “I remember. You were beautiful. I wanted to take you away and do wicked things to your delicious body. I still do.”

  Madelyn trembled.

  “Do you know, most of the day I’ve been fantasizing about your being wet and helpless in my arms.”

  Madelyn gulped.

  He reached out one long finger and traced her nipple. The point immediately hardened. His head bent, his teeth gently closed around the turgid point to lave and tug.

  Madelyn sagged in his arms, her breathing erratic.

  He lifted his head slightly and stared at the results. “On second thought, I may like getting you wet better myself.”

  Chapter 18

  The seductive inference of Daniel’s words caused Madelyn’s body to shake. She stared into his hot eyes and felt her resistance crumbling, then his mouth closed over her nipple again. She was lost.

  All she could do was feel the exquisite sensations sweeping through her, but somehow it wasn’t enough. She wanted his hot, knowing mouth on her bare breast. Even as the shock of her thought went through her, he was pulling the wet cloth away and granting her unspoken desire. His mouth closed on her taut nipple.

  Her knees buckled. Her back arched. A ragged moan slipped past her lips.

  His head lifted. If his eyes were hot before, they were a blazing inferno now. Swiftly he carried her into the bedroom, pausing only long enough to pull back the covers before laying her crossways on the bed, her legs hanging over the side.

  Dry-mouthed, she stared up as he removed the band securing his hair and unbuttoned his shirt. Naked from the waist up, his thick hair hanging down his back, he looked like a magnificent warrior, strong enough to bend anyone’s will to his. His gaze moved over her in blatant hunger.

  Instead of fear Madelyn felt a rush of greedy anticipation.

  Pleasure, not domination, was his intent. The irrefutable proof of his ability pushed insolently against his pants. The thought should have sent her rolling from the bed—instead heat and moisture pooled in her lower body. Her heart drummed.

  Slowly Daniel came down over her, bracing his hands on either side of her face, holding his body away from hers. “I’ve never wanted another woman as much as I want you. I’ve never wanted to give as much as I want to give to you.”

  As soft as a whisper, his lips touched Madelyn’s. Instinctively she opened her mouth to his. He didn’t take her up on her offer, but was seemingly content to nibble and taste her lips. Restless, she moved under him, wanting and afraid to ask until his lips moved away from her mouth.

  “No.” Her arms left her sides and wrapped around his neck, holding him to her.

  “Tell me what you want, Madelyn.”

  She moistened her lips. “You know.”

  “I know I want to make a feast of every sweet inch of you. I know I want your mouth greedy and hot on mine. I know I want to bury myself deep inside your silken heat, then do it all over again in a variety of ways, but I don’t know what you want.”

  Madelyn shivered from need, from his erotic words. This time when they made love, she wouldn’t be able to tell herself she was swept off her feet. She wanted him, and she was tired of denying h

  Tomorrow could take care of itself. She just wasn’t ready to say the words. “How … how about all of the above?”

  “That’ll do for a start.”

  She opened her mouth to ask what he meant, but then his mouth closed on hers again, his tongue plunging inside. Figuring she’d find out later, she joined in the blatantly arousing kiss.

  Lifting himself away, he grabbed her dress and pulled it over her head, leaving her in only a strapless, ice-blue lacy bra and panties that were just as quickly disposed of. Before she could get nervous, he was kissing her again, drugging her with the ecstasy of his touch.

  He began to slide downward, past her breasts, her stomach. The first touch of him there set her bucking. His hands beneath her buttocks kept her in place. Shock and pleasure rippled through her—she tried to scoot away, then his tongue flicked. She cried out—not in shame, but in rapture.

  Helpless, her hips moved toward him, her hands clutched the sheet. All she could do was moan his name, and soon she could not even do that. When it was over, she lay sprawled on the bed.

  “Open your eyes.” Daniel’s voice sounded strained, gritty. “Open your eyes.”

  From somewhere she found the strength to comply. His eyes looked like glowing coals. She shivered, then shivered for another reason as he began to slide into her. Unblinking eyes captured hers as he joined them completely.

  His moan of intense pleasure heightened hers. Her legs locked around his waist, bringing him deeper, closer. His hips began to move, slowly at first, then with a relentless rhythm she matched effortlessly. This time they reached satisfaction together.

  In the aftermath, her body sated and languid, reality came crashing back. Daniel’s touch sent her heart racing, her thoughts tumbling, but he had yet to speak of more than erotic, hot sex, and a child between them. He loved her body, but did he love her?

  Madelyn was already afraid she knew the painful answer.

  She snuggled closer, fighting the agonizing knowledge. He was afraid to love. Loving meant being vulnerable. He’d risk anything except his heart, which he defended with an unshakable iron will.


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