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Reckless Love

Page 18

by Kelly Elliott

  Trevor sat down next to me on the swing, draped his arm around my shoulders and groaned. “Yep, right along with getting a tooth pulled.”

  I hit him lightly on the stomach before dropping my head onto his shoulder.

  “You okay?” he asked, kissing the top of my head.

  “Yeah, I’m just tired. I feel like I need to nap.”

  “You want to go home?”

  The temptation to say yes was strong, but I shook my head.

  “I need a few minutes of calm, then I can go back in.”

  “My family is a lot to take in, especially for someone who grew up as an only child.”

  A giggle slipped from my lips. “They are a lot to take in. How do you keep up with all of them? I mean, there are so many, and the family is growing by leaps and bounds. I think I need a chart, and I grew up knowing your family.”

  Trevor laughed. “Well, it’s all the babies that keep getting thrown into the mix. I’m honestly waiting for Cord and Maebh to say they’ve got a bun in the oven or Mitchell and Corina to announce they’re pregnant again.”

  “What about Paxton and Steed? Are they going to have anymore?”

  “I think they want one more.”

  We sat for a few moments in silence before I spoke.

  “I’m scared I’m not going to be a good mother. I look at your mom, Waylynn, Paxton, and Corina and they all seem to be so good at it.”

  Trevor pulled me close. Six months ago, if someone had told me I’d be having this conversation with Trevor I’d have told them they were insane.

  “Trust me, they mess up all the time. We’re going too also, but I think we learn by making mistakes.”

  My hand rested on my stomach. “I want to feel the baby so badly.”

  “Soon, baby.”

  Chewing on my lip, I pulled back to look at Trevor. “I keep having this nightmare that something happens to me. Like I’m stuck in water and I can’t get out. I’m not pregnant in the dream, and I just keep screaming for someone to help me. I’m surprised I haven’t woken you up when I have it. I sit up sweating and can hardly breathe.”

  Trevor frowned, then got in front of me and dropped to his knees. He took both of my hands and gently kissed each one.

  “You’re going to be an amazing mother, and I’m going to be a great dad and we’re totally going to screw things up. As long as we don’t drop the baby, forget to feed ’em, or leave the house without them, I think we’re going to be fine.”

  I chuckled. “Now you have me worried I’ll drop them.”

  He shook his head and leaned up, his hand moving behind my neck.

  “Listen to me, Scarlett, you’re going to be the best mother ever.”

  “I know. I’m scared, that’s all.”

  “So am I, baby. Fucking terrified. All we need is you, me, and our little Gummy Bear. That’s all we’ll ever need.”

  Tears pricked at the back of my eyes, but I laughed at Trevor’s nickname for the baby.

  “Sometimes I feel like this is a dream and I’ll wake up and none of it will be real.”

  Trevor pulled me close, our lips touched, and we were soon lost in a kiss.

  A throat cleared from behind Trevor, causing us to break the connection. I missed his touch as soon as he fell back on his heels. He gave me a sexy wink and stood.

  Steed was standing on the front porch, a smile on his face.

  “Hate to interrupt, but Chloe sent me looking for the two of you.”

  Trevor groaned. “No! Tell her you can’t find us.”

  “I’m not lying to my daughter, dickhead.”

  “Dude! She wants me to craft! Me!”

  Steed walked up to Trevor. “Do you know what I had to do the other day?”

  “Kiss Patches?” Trevor replied.

  “Ha. And for the record, I’ve had to do that. No, what I had to do was sit in my dining room, while Chloe laid out every single piece of make-up Paxton owned. It was make Daddy look like a princess day. By the time my daughter was finished, I looked like a drag queen down on her luck. Here. I even have the picture to prove it.”

  Steed pulled out his phone while I made my way over to them. When he turned it around, Trevor and I both lost it laughing. Steed had on a wig that looked like it came from the movie Frozen. He had pigtails, bright pink lipstick, purple and pink eyeshadow, ruby red cheeks, and fake, plastic diamond earrings that dangled from his ears. To top it all off, he had on a tiara.

  “What in the fuck?” Trevor asked, bending over to laugh. “Please send me that picture. God, I’ll give you five hundred dollars to send me that picture.”

  “Screw you, Trevor. The point I’m trying to make is, once you become a dad, you’re going to be doing shit like this.”

  Glancing up, Trevor whispered, “Please let me have a boy.”

  I punched him on the arm.

  “Just come in, make an ornament and then Mom and Chloe will be off your back.”

  “Scarlett’s tired.”

  I pointed to him. “Oh no, you are not putting this on me, Trevor Parker. I think it will be fun to make the baby an ornament.”

  Steed motioned to me. “See, your girlfriend wants to make one for your baby, so let’s go.”

  He headed into the house and I followed. Trevor reached for my hand, pulling me to a stop.

  “Steed, we’ll be right there. I want to ask Scarlett something first.”

  With a nod, he headed into the house, leaving me and Trevor alone on the front porch.

  “You know I love you, right?” he asked, his face serious.

  “I know.”

  “You know I’m not leaving you or the baby. I’m in this with you forever and always.”

  Smiling, I placed my hand on the side of his cheek. His unshaven face felt good against my hand. I wanted to feel it between my legs as I called out his name. Over and over.

  “I know.”

  “Then marry me, Scarlett.”

  My heart dropped to my stomach. Everything felt a little off, like the entire world had tilted a bit.

  “What?” I softly asked.

  “I don’t want people to call you my girlfriend. I want them to know you’re mine. And I’m yours.”

  “Trevor, I think…I mean…this is all so sudden. You’re moving fast and I’m not sure if you’re doing it all for the right reasons.”

  “Right reasons? Because loving you and wanting to make you mine isn’t the right reason?”

  I shook my head. “No, because your brother just called me your girlfriend, and you think we need to be something more. That this, what we have, needs a permanent title. We don’t have to be married to be parents to our baby. Things are different now and when we get married it’s going to be because we love each other, not because I’m pregnant.”

  “That’s not why…”

  Placing my fingers to his mouth, I closed my eyes and shook my head. I wanted more than anything to tell him I’d marry him. I wanted to scream out yes! But I knew in my heart we needed to wait.

  I opened my eyes and smiled. “I want nothing more than to be your wife.”

  His eyes lit up and a huge smile moved across his face.

  “But now isn’t the time to ask me.”

  “When is, Scarlett? I almost lost you once, and I refuse to risk losing you again.”

  Leaning up, I kissed him gently on the lips. “You’re never going to lose me, Trevor Parker.”

  He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me flush against his body.

  “Promise me that, Scarlett.”

  “I promise I’ll never leave you.”

  He kissed the tip of my nose. “And I promise I’ll never leave you. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  The screen door flew up and little feet came running out.

  “Uncle Trevor! Come on! I’ve got the glue gun ready to go!” Chloe declared.

  With a groan only loud enough for me to hear, Trevor forced a smile and wrapped his arm around my waist.

  Trevor plastered on a smile “We’re coming and so ready to do this!”

  Chloe jumped while clapping. “Yay! Let’s go! Wait till you see the crown I made you, Uncle Trevor!”

  Trevor tried to turn around, but I pushed him into the house.

  “Come on. This is good Dad practice!” I said, trying my best to hide my laugh.

  “I’m sure going to miss you, Scarlett!”

  With a grin, I kissed the cheek of my co-worker and friend, Mia. We worked together at the courthouse and I had to admit, a part of me was sad I was leaving. Only a small part.

  Once Harley found out I was quitting my job and going to work for Trevor, she begged me to come in and work two afternoons a week at the vet clinic. I was over the moon when she asked. Trevor thought it was a great idea, too. I was a little giddy at the idea that I would be working at a vet clinic, especially since my dream had been to go to vet school.

  Of course, my parents thought it was a bad idea and that I was being reckless with the pregnancy. They reasoned that a dog could bite me, or I could get sick. When that didn’t work, they tried rabies, and when that didn’t work, my father simply told me I was stubborn like my mother. He never once compared me to him. Everything had always been “like my mother.” Like he had no bad qualities or quirks, only the females. It had bothered me when I was little, but it didn’t bother me anymore.

  “I’ll miss you too, Mia.”

  “Promise you’ll still come in and have lunch with us? And make sure you invite us to the baby shower!”

  I nodded and smiled. “I promise I’ll do both.”

  Mia leaned against my desk. “I wish a tall, dark and handsome man would sweep me off my feet. Although, I could do without the knocking me up thing. I don’t want kids.”

  Frowning, I placed the last personal item from my desk into the box.

  “You don’t want kids?”

  “Nope. No, thanks. I think they’re gross. I mean, I like them for all of about an hour. Then I’m ready for them to be seen and not heard.”

  “That’s terrible, Mia!” I said, shaking my head and letting out a chuckle.

  “It’s true.”

  “Don’t ever go over to the Parker house for family night, then.”

  She grinned and gave me a thumbs up. “Noted.”


  Turning, I found Eric, hands tucked inside his pockets and a shy smile on his face.

  “Okay, who is this hottie?” Mia whispered in my ear.

  “A friend,” I responded.

  “Single?” Mia asked.

  I nodded. “Yep! Eric, what are you doing here?”

  He glanced down at my desk and then back at me. “I had to come and see if it was true. The bastard is really making you leave your job and your home?”

  Mia took a few steps back. “Um, I think I’m going to go grab a coffee.”

  I glared at Eric. Lately, he’d had a habit of doing things to embarrass me in public, especially saying things about Trevor that I didn’t appreciate.

  “Thanks, Mia,” I said, squeezing her hand to let her know I was okay.

  Once she was around the corner, I faced Eric.

  “You need to stop doing this.”

  “Doing what? Speaking the truth, love? I heard Maebh telling Cord you were renting your house out. What in the hell are you doing? I thought you were going to live there, and Trevor was going to have a room at his house for the baby? What are you doing, Scarlett? Why are you setting yourself up for heartache?”

  Rolling my eyes, I threw my purse into the box and picked it up.

  “Wait! Let me walk you to your car,” Eric nearly shouted as he took the box from my arms.

  “Fine, but after this, you will stop with this nonsense.”

  Eric followed behind me as I made my way through the courthouse. When we got to my car, I popped open the trunk.

  After placing the box inside, Eric shut the trunk and faced me. “Tell me why you’re leaving your job. Why you’re giving up your house.”

  “I’m not giving up my house, and I moved in with Trevor last month. He offered me a job at the ranch, working as his assistant. I’m also going to be working with Harley a few days a week at the vet clinic.”

  Eric scoffed. “His assistant? Really? He’s that insecure that he has to have you under his thumb by moving you in and making you leave your job?”

  “No, dickhead,” said a voice from behind me. “I love her so much that I want to be near her as often as I can. We got a problem here, Eric?”

  As I spun around, my heart felt like it stopped mid-beat. Trevor stood before us, arms folded over his massive chest, a look of pure hatred plastered on his face and pointed directly at Eric.

  Shit. This was not going to end well.

  Scarlett seemed surprised to see me, but Eric almost seemed gleeful.

  What in the fuck was this guy doing here?

  “Trevor, what are you doing here?” Scarlett asked.

  I let my body relax some and smiled at her.

  “I wanted to make sure you didn’t need any help.”

  The way she returned my smile made my knees weaken.

  “How nice, the hero rushing in. Tell me, Trevor, what did you do to force Scarlett to give everything up and fall at your feet?”

  “Eric!” Scarlett gasped. “What in the world has gotten into you? You promised me you were going to stop this the last time we talked.”

  It felt like someone had punched me in the gut. Scarlett had been talking to Eric since I found them sitting on her porch months ago, and she hadn’t told me? It wasn’t like I didn’t trust her, but I didn’t trust this asshole standing in front of me. He was obsessed with Scarlett, and she couldn’t see it. Even Cord said Maebh was beginning to be concerned with his behavior when it came to Scarlett.

  “Talked? When did y’all talk?”

  Eric looked pleased with himself as he waited for Scarlett to answer.

  “Eric stopped by here a few times to see how I was doing. I’ve assured him I’m perfectly fine and that he needs to stop acting like this. I’m happy, we’re happy, and his butting in is not doing any good.”

  I smirked as I looked back at Eric. Did he really think I was going to be pissed at Scarlett because he was essentially stalking her?


  “I care about Scarlett, that’s all.”

  “And I don’t?”

  With a smug look, Eric shrugged. “I don’t know. Does a leopard really change its spots or is this all just a show because you thought Scarlett might be falling for me?”

  “Wait, what? Eric, what in the world are you talking about?” Scarlett asked.

  I’d had enough of this prick. It was time to set him straight.

  I got in his face.

  “You need to stay the fuck away from her. She’s off limits, understand?”

  “You going to put a collar and leash on her, as well?”

  “Eric!” Scarlett shouted.

  Grabbing him by the shirt, I pulled my fist back only to stop when Scarlett pushed us apart.

  “Stop this! Eric, I’ve told you before, and I’ll tell you once more, I’m in love with Trevor. I’m having his baby. After I move the last of my things out of my house I’ll officially be moved in with him. I’m working for Frio River Ranch, not just Trevor, and I’m excited about it. I don’t care if you agree with that or not.”

  Eric rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. I knew how hard it was for him to believe I could have changed. Hell, even I couldn’t believe it until the moment I realized that I could lose Scarlett, that she was the only woman I’d ever loved and would ever love. I didn’t expect this jackass to understand that. He had Superman syndrome. He saw a woman in destress and felt like he had to fly in and save her.

  “Scarlett, I care about you,” he said. “I’ve seen you hurt, and I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I don’t need this stress from you, Eric. What I need is for you
to accept that I’m happy. Very happy. Won’t you just be happy for me and move on? I think this friendship is over, Eric. I really need you to leave and let me live my life with the man I love.”

  Eric pulled in a deep breath. When he looked back at Scarlett, he didn’t say a word. He simply turned and walked away.

  Scarlett sighed and faced me. Before she could say anything, I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her.

  When she wrapped her arms around my neck, the kiss deepened, but we both had the good sense to stop since we were standing outside the courthouse.

  Drawing back, I grinned. “I honestly would have thought it would be some crazy girl from my past causing us heartache, not this Eric guy.”

  “Ugh, don’t even say that, Trevor Parker. Come on, let’s head to my place so I can pack up the last few things to bring to your house.”

  Before she had a chance to walk away from me, I took her hand in mine.

  “Thank you for doing this. I know you didn’t have to move in with me or give up your job.”

  Her smile practically melted my heart. Scarlett Littlefield had a way of making it seem like it was only the two of us no matter where we were. I knew what she was giving up, and I also knew she didn’t do it because I’d forced her into it. We loved each other and if Eric couldn’t see that, then that was his problem.

  “I didn’t give up my job, Trevor. I’m doing this for us.”

  Kissing her forehead, I smacked her on the butt.

  “Meet ya at your place.”

  She giggled and got into her car. I watched as she buckled up and pulled out of the parking lot. Jogging over to my truck, I heard my name.

  “Trevor! Trevor Parker!”

  Stopping, I turned to see Kenzie Lewis, one of the reporters for the Oak Springs Gazette.

  “Hey, Kenzie, what’s going on?”

  She smiled as she headed my way. “Rumor has it you’re off the market.”

  With a frown, I looked directly into her eyes. “I didn’t think you ran the gossip column, Kenz.”

  She laughed. “I don’t. This is off the record. I’m curious, that’s all. Is it true? Are you and Scarlett settling down together?”

  “What is happening with me and Scarlett is no one’s business. Period.”

  “Seems like there are a lot of broken hearts in town. Especially with you quitting over at Cord’s Place. It appears all the Parker men are off the market now.”


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