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Hidden Worlds

Page 92

by Kristie Cook

  Tears that were already threatening to fall streamed down Skylar’s cheeks as her lips trembled. “Please, don’t say another word. You can just leave. I’ll understand. It’s my fault for caring. You’ve already warned me that you could never care for me.”

  “Sky, don’t you know why I’ve come?”

  Assuming the worst, she tried to prepare herself for the twisting of the knife in her heart. Waves of hot and cold rippled across her ribs. Layer by layer, her heart was tearing apart from the sharp pain occupying every inch of her chest.

  “Sky, I can’t do this anymore.”

  “I know.” Her eyes continued to focus on his sweater, too afraid to look him in the eyes. Her spirit was already breaking. She didn’t need more reminders by seeing the rejection in his eyes. Instead, she inhaled the scent of his after-shave and molded into him, thinking this would be the last time she would feel his arms around her like this. “It’s okay. You can leave.”

  “I want to, but I can’t. I care. Do you hear me? I care too much. I’ve missed you. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. Every waking moment I think of you. Every second of my sleepless nights, you’re on my mind, and if somehow I sleep, I dream of you. You’re all that I can think of. I tried to stay away, but I can’t. I’m sorry. I had to see you. I’m sorry if I’ve ever hurt you or wronged you in any way. It was not my intention. I didn’t want to feel again. Before you, my life was empty and cold, but you made me feel alive again, a feeling I thought was buried so deep from all the pain and loss that it could never resurface.”

  Skylar couldn’t believe what she was hearing as her tears continued to fall. The sad tears turned into happy ones. The sweet words Mason was whispering overwhelmed her, making her weak in the knees. If not for his hold on her, she would have fallen, as he continued to make her legs feel like jelly with his words and his touch. Her arms that had been dangling at her sides, moved up to the curve of his neck.

  “Mason,” she whispered, peering up to meet his eyes. “I’ve missed you too. I’ve been a mess.”

  Still cupping her face, he pulled back and wiped her tears. “You missed me too?” He sounded completely surprised.

  “More than you know.”

  “I’m sorry to put you through all that. I told you I was broken and that I couldn’t be fixed, but somehow you’ve torn down the wall I built around myself, and no matter how hard I try to resist you, I can’t. I didn’t want to care for you, but I do. I knew you were trouble the moment I set my eyes on you … at least trouble for my heart.” He produced the biggest grin Skylar had ever seen on his face. “I care about you, Skylar Rome, in more ways than I ever meant to.”

  “I care about you, too, Mason Grand,” she giggled, taking in the delight that erupted within her.

  “I don’t know what it is that I’m feeling for you, but I want it. I’ve never felt this with anyone before. I want to know what it feels like to really love someone, and to be loved back just the same. I want to know love with you, if you’ll let me.”

  At this point Skylar was speechless, but she managed to nod. Blinking her eyes, she soaked in all of his words, the words she had been so sure would never pour out of his mouth.

  Mason continued, “Everett and Amanda were right. I’ve been so consumed by the pain of losing my mother and the guilt over not being able to save her life, it was controlling me. I had forgotten what it felt like to really live, to care, to love, to be happy. I lived my life just passing through. I think I was just waiting for you,” he smiled again. “Everett, Amanda, Nick, and I need to start acting like a family. Perhaps they were already. I just got lost. I didn’t want to be a part of something that I may lose one day. Now I know I’d rather have it and risk feeling the pain than not have it at all. You helped me realize that. This past week without you has been pure torture. I want you in my life, even if it kills me.”

  Skylar suddenly remembered she could literally kill him, and she took several steps back. Mason seemed to understand the meaning behind her gesture and pulled her into him again. “Don’t be silly. I didn’t mean that. You know you can’t kill me with your kiss, thank goodness. If you could, I would’ve been dead by now. Not being able to kiss you? Now that would really be torture.”

  Happiness filled her. Mason was always reassuring her that she wasn’t poison, and he’d even proven it by giving her a life-affirming kiss in his room, the kiss she’d held onto until this day.

  “So, now that we’ve got that settled, how about I take you to dinner? It must be around dinnertime. Are you hungry?” His hands held hers and guided them to the front of his chest, kissing each of her knuckles.

  “Yes,” Skylar nodded, enjoying his attention.

  Mason pulled her in again. “I’ve missed holding you. I’ve missed the way your scent seems to follow me wherever I go, the way you always repeat what I say, your smile, your laughter. I’ve missed every part of you, Sky. You made my wish come true.” Mason reached into his back pocket and pulled out the wishbone. “I kept this with me, hoping. Do you remember this?”

  “I made your wish come true?” Skylar repeated his words, looking flabbergasted. “Yes, I remember. What did you wish for?”

  “I wished that you would care for me as much as I cared for you. That you would have the patience to wait for me. To put up with my dark side and give us a chance when the time was right, or that my feelings for you would disappear so that I wouldn’t care.”

  “You wished for that?” Skylar couldn’t believe it. Those times she thought it would be impossible, it was right there all along. She just had to be patient. For him to not want to feel anything if the feelings weren’t reciprocated? Well, that simply showed how much he did care. She had set him free because she had no choice. Like her mom said, since it was meant to be, he came back to her, thankfully, but setting him free had been easier said than done.

  Mason continued to hold her and gaze lovingly into her eyes. “You are the only wish I’ve ever had. And maybe what I’m about to do would come right after.” His eyes became playful.

  “What would that—”

  Skylar was unable to finish her words. Mason dove in and conquered her lips, molding them perfectly together. Gently and slowly, his lips tasted hers, leisurely savoring every touch, every moment, and every thrill. At first, Skylar stood still, unable to believe what was happening. When she finally realized Mason was kissing her and it wasn’t a dream, she took in the reality, looped her arms around the back of his strong neck, and pulled him in tighter.

  Responding to him, she kissed him back with hunger and passion. Hot, tingling sensations poured through her soul like a wild blaze, driven by all the anger, sadness, wanting, hurt, and most of all from simply missing him. She couldn’t believe he was there. They were sharing this tender moment, knowing that this time, his kiss meant so much more than the first.

  Like two lost souls finally understanding each other, their bodies entangled, and their kisses intensified. His hands explored her every curve, as she moaned from his touch. Oh, he was experienced all right, from what she could tell. He knew exactly where to place his hands to make her come alive, completely unraveling her.

  Suddenly he pulled back, panting, his hot breath on her. “You’re going to the naughty corner.”

  “What?” Skylar’s eyes shot open, remembering him telling her several times that she needed to go to the naughty corner for not listening to him, for risking her life. She gulped nervously, yet it sparked excitement at the same time. “What happens in the naughty corner?”

  Mason’s brows arched playfully. “You’ll see. I’m taking you there now.” He pulled her in for another kiss. With his lips on hers, he ran his hands down the length of her back and on to her thighs. Effortlessly, he lifted her up, carried her to the dining table, and carefully lay her down.

  Captivated by the sweetness of his display, his playfulness, his caresses, she didn’t know how she got there when she looked up and saw the dining room lights as his lips moved downward.
Every place he touched, every place he kissed, she could feel the heat rising from within, burning hotter by the second. Quivering, a feeling she didn’t want to have end, erupted through her whole essence. How wonderful it was to be in his embrace, to feel his desire, to fulfill the need.

  “I think I’ll have my dessert first,” he teased, trailing sweet kisses down her neck, then up to her ears. “You owe me two shirts, but I’ll gladly take yours.” With his chest pressed to her, she could feel his heart racing just as fast as hers was. Lowering his hands to caress her sides, he slid his fingers under the hem of her sweater. Flesh upon flesh, she ignited, and heat exploded from her head to her curling toes.

  “I love it when you wear pink,” he whispered, kissing her around the area of her bare stomach. “But we need to stop. Not here and not now.” Seductively, his soft kisses traveled upward until he held her gaze, while his hands laced through her hair. “I want to do right by you. I want to know you. Spend time with you. We need to take it slow, okay?”

  Skylar nodded, trying to calm her breathing that had gone into overdrive. “Ouch,” Skylar yelped. Her body jerked slightly, and she looked at Mason with wide eyes.

  “Sorry, did I hurt you?” With one long stroke, he ran his hand down the front of her body, making sure she was fine. “I kind of … .” Raising his hand, he wiggled his fingers, and released small sparks. “ … sizzle from your touch. I call this the love shock, baby.” He paused, and then gave her a mischievous, crooked grin. Oh, that grin he worked so well, lassoing her with one whip, reeling her in, and roping her into Mason’s world. Skylar could do nothing but smile immensely, but shyly. That was way too hot and sexy for her ears.

  “I want to try something,” he continued. Delicately he rubbed the flesh surrounding the area near her belly button, where her sweater was already uplifted. Light illuminated dimly from his fingertips as he moved them in a circular motion. Pleasant warmth kindled at first, then gradually flared deeper and the heat dispersed. The hot, sensual wave of desire coursed through every inch of her, completely taking her in.

  “Mason,” she yelped a pleasurable cry, barely a whisper caught in her throat, surprised from the sensation. It was almost the same feeling he had unknowingly caused when he was asleep, but with more intensity. Panting and breathless, erotic vibrations erupted, especially in areas she could never possibly have guessed they could, just from that simple touch. Losing control, she arched her back to him as she took all of his tantalizing energy in.

  With the sound of the doorknob turning, Mason snatched Skylar off the table and took her to the kitchen with the speed that she was learning to love. Feeling light headed, grinning, and feeling the flush on her cheeks, Skylar ran her fingers through her hair, straightened her clothes to look presentable, and tried to suppress the lingering hot sensations. Just as Emily entered, they walked out of the kitchen together.

  “Hey,” Emily exclaimed, looking surprised. Her eyes focused on Skylar. “What happened to your hair?” she asked slowly. “Static much?”

  Skylar brushed her hair back again, imaging what it looked like. Lighting up an embarrassed smile, she diverted the conversation. “Hey, you remember Mason, don’t you?”

  “How could I forget?” she curled her lips flirtatiously. “Dex will be coming by soon and then I’ll be off. I’ll catch you both later.” She headed up the stairs.

  With a flash, Mason pulled Skylar into his arms. “I don’t like your body away from mine too long.” Mason ran his fingers through her hair to settle the rest of the static down. “Let me help you. I didn’t know I could do that,” he chuckled.

  Giggling, she replied. “I didn’t know you could do that either, but I like the naughty corner.” She decided that had she known what he’d meant by “naughty corner,” she would’ve gone a long time ago.

  “I know you do. Let’s get out of here and get some dinner.” Mason released her and waited for her response.

  “Let me grab my purse.” Skylar slipped on her jacket, grabbed her small black purse from the sofa, and walked out the door with Mason. The cold breeze slapped Skylar’s hair on her face as she huddled into herself. The dark sky was somewhat merciful tonight compared to the nights before since the rain had stopped.

  Hand in hand, they walked down the path to the parking lot. He had held her hand before, but this time it meant so much more. His fingers intertwining with hers felt so right, so at home, as if they were made for her to hold. All the pain and torment she had felt disappeared, as if it had never existed.

  “Are you cold?” Mason asked, taking smaller steps to match hers.

  “I was a second ago, but not anymore.” Skylar gazed down toward their clasped hands. A glowing dim light shone from them. Skylar’s smile was as bright as the light, knowing the warmth that flooded through her body was Mason’s doing. “I’m fine now. I’m perfect.” Indeed she was. She was in a state of bliss as he guided her to his car.

  Mason had changed for the better, to the man she was always so sure existed behind those hopeful, soul-burning eyes. He battled the hurt, the grief, and the regrets to get to where he was, here and now. He wasn’t the only one. Skylar knew that she had also changed. Being called “Sky” wasn’t as heart wrenching as it used to be. Not only that, with Mason’s help she’d accepted who she was, and that would help her prepare for whatever danger lay ahead.

  Her gut feeling told her there would be a heavy storm coming soon. How heavy? She would not know until it hit. That was the most frightening part. Who knew what they would be up against? She had been forced into a war that started long before she was ever born. She was what the Oracle called “the unknown factor” or “the keeper of death,” but knowing Mason would be there for her, that alone was enough. It had to be.


  “Where are we going?” Skylar asked.

  “I have a surprise for you.” His tone was cool, but his eyes beamed with excitement.

  Changing lanes and turning right at the light, Skylar recognized the familiar roads. If her sense of direction was correct, they were headed to Starla. After parking in the back of the building, Mason gripped her hand and led her through a private back door. Upon entering, they went straight to the bar.

  “Do you own this restaurant too?” Skylar wasn’t sure, but since the employees were more attentive to him than the other customers, it was the only explanation. Without a word, he grinned humbly, so she took that as a yes.

  Mason pulled her in and batted his eyes with a serene look, moving in at a snail’s pace for a kiss.

  “So, what’s the surprise?” Skylar asked, pushing him back a bit just before his lips brushed hers. When she pulled away, she was startled by something, like a blurred image of a man. Whatever it was, it moved with inhuman speed. She didn’t want to lose sight of him, but it was too late. He was gone.

  “Ouch, rejected already,” Mason whined, curling his lips downward, looking adorable while expressing his vulnerability.

  “Sorry,” Skylar shrugged, still trying to figure out what she had seen. “A girl’s gotta play hard to get.”

  “I don’t know if I like you playing hard to get.” He frowned. “Keep my seat warm, I’ll be right back. If someone tries to take it, tell him he’s making a huge mistake. I will scorch him and fry him up extra crispy. Nick doesn’t call me ‘Mace the Ace’ for no reason. I’m really good with my fingers.” He wiggled them, twitching his eyebrows playfully.

  Indeed he was, in more ways than one. With a wink and a sweet kiss on her lips, he walked away. Skylar twisted her neck to see Mason stride toward the back. The women sitting at the nearby tables followed him with their eyes as he passed by. Skylar gloated inwardly as she continued to watch until he disappeared from her sight. Mine. Hands off, ladies.

  Waiting for Mason, she focused on the people around her, trying to figure out who or what she had seen earlier. She couldn’t help feeling edgy. Though Alena was gone, she knew there were others after her and the danger was ever-present.
  The bartender placed a glass of water in front of her, even though she hadn’t ordered one. She recognized him from the last time she was there.

  “Thank you.”

  He smiled and attended to another customer.

  Sensing a body next to her and thinking Mason was back, she turned and smiled, but that smile disappeared shortly after. “Sorry, but this seat is taken.”

  “I don’t see anyone here except me, sweetheart. Why don’t I buy you a drink?” the stranger said.

  “Thanks, but I’m here with someone. And if you don’t mind, like I said before, this seat is taken.”

  He was young and attractive, but she suddenly felt a chill. Though she was flattered, she couldn’t help the inexplicable frightening connection, as if somehow she knew him. Was it in the familiarity of his scent, or his voice? Whatever it was, it was definitely something she couldn’t pinpoint. Brushing away the thought, she figured since she had been through so much, paranoia was kicking in.

  He leaned in closer, too close for comfort. “Your blood smells sweet.”

  Skylar jerked back. She wasn’t sure what she’d heard through the loud music. Surely, he said she smelled sweet and not her blood, but she didn’t like his words either way. “He’ll be back soon.”

  “Are you sure? I’m really fun to be with,” he murmured, running his index finger down the back of the hand she had resting on her glass.

  “Ouch.” Skylar pulled her hand away and jumped from the sharp sting. Apprehension crawled through her as she wondered if he was like Mason. Instead of stirring with questions, she ignored it. She didn’t want the stranger to realize she knew. That would confirm she was one of them. And she definitely didn’t want to make a fool of herself in case she was wrong, so she kept her mouth shut.

  “Sorry. I shocked you,” he said flatly, without looking at her. “There’s a whole new world out there. A world that can be placed in your hands. Why don’t you come with me?”


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