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Hidden Worlds

Page 331

by Kristie Cook

  “You’re welcome to watch her in the field. I just wanted to give you a quick glimpse into her potential. Ladies and gentlemen, what we have seen here only scratches the surface. She can sense targets before they even become a threat. Her body temperature controls itself in any environment. The list goes on and on. I don’t want to give away all of her secrets until we know for sure there is interest.”

  A woman from the end of the table spoke up. “Oh, there’s interest all right. What’s the downside?” Kaitlyn blinked at the question, and waited for his reaction. She had never thought of the downsides herself. Surely, there must be some.

  Harrington paced before them for a moment. “Really, the only downside is perception. Society is not ready for something of this magnitude. She would have to be kept top secret.”

  “Well, that’s easy enough,” the woman replied. “Who would want to risk such a gold mine in the public eye, anyway? We would keep her locked away until needed.”

  Kaitlyn tensed up; she had her answer. Yet again, she would be locked away. Only this time, there would be no Lucas or Quess.

  “So,” Harrington clapped his hands together, rubbing them, “where should we start the bidding?”

  “Not so fast,” said the surly man in the middle of the table. Kaitlyn’s scan calculated him to be the most dangerous of the crew despite his age. A person doesn’t get to his level without being a threat. “A video might be good enough to catch our attention, but we need to see her in a real environment before we talk money.”

  “Very well. You can use my compound to set up any scenarios you wish. I assure you, she will pass with flying colors.”

  A tall, slim man in his mid-forties stood up. He was wearing an Air Force uniform, and the name on his tag said Fenderson. “I would like to speak to the subject.”

  Harrington nodded to Kaitlyn, and she stepped forward.

  “What can you tell us about yourself?” the man asked, directing his question at her.

  “My name is Kaitlyn. I am programmed to be efficient and deadly. I follow orders without hesitation.” She stood with her hands to her sides, motionless, and spoke in a monotone voice.

  Nods of approval went around the room. Like Harrington, they also wanted a mindless robot. The thought caused her to clench her hands into fists.

  Another woman, with short grey hair, was next. “I think she would have a hard time blending in. She sounds like a robot. With her looks, she will draw a lot of attention. Some missions might require she interact in public, even if on a limited basis.”

  “We’ve been working on that. We have installed a slang chip and facial recognition program so she can mimic emotions when needed. Which brings up another issue. If you are interested, we would like our main programmer to stay involved.” He nodded toward Lucas.

  “He’s not much more than a boy. We have our own people,” one of the men said curtly.

  The old man nodded. “I’m afraid the only way we could agree to this project is if we have complete control. Once she left this compound, everything would be in the black. Top secret, even to you. If you and your team were involved, there would be an increased risk.”

  “Not acceptable,” Harrington stated firmly. “My team is to remain with Kaitlyn or there will be no negotiations.”

  “Do you really want to be the ones to take responsibility if something went wrong?” another man asked. “If the subject is handed over to the government, you will not be responsible for any of the backlash. What you’ve done in creating your cyborg is illegal. By handing her over to us, you would be free and clear of any legal recriminations were knowledge of her existence to hit the media.”

  “I don’t give a shit about backlash,” Harrington snapped. “She was my vision. And pardon me for not quite taking your word. The government has been known to throw people under the bus when it suits their needs.”

  “Then you would be seeking another buyer.” The older man in the middle folded his hands calmly in front of him on the table. Outwardly he appeared calm, but his heart rate had increased substantially. Kaitlyn knew he was bluffing, but he seemed to be in charge of the show, so everyone else remained quiet.

  The usually calm Harrington’s jaw was clenched, and a flush rose to his face. “Fine. I believe this meeting has reached its end. When you are ready to be sensible, you know how to reach me. I don’t think I have to remind you there are other potential buyers. Out of loyalty to my country, I gave you first chance.” He turned on his heel and strode from the room. Kaitlyn and Lucas followed close behind.

  Harrington slammed the door open with a thud.

  “Those arrogant jackasses. She is mine! They cannot expect me to hand over something I have put my heart and soul into and just walk away.”

  “I thought you expected this.” Lucas raised an eyebrow.

  “I know, but when we are so close to handing her over, I can’t do it. I need time to think. Make sure those fools make it off the compound.”

  For the first time, hope rose in Kaitlyn’s chest. Maybe Harrington would find a way to keep control … which meant she could be with Lucas.

  “Why didn’t the others bid?” Kaitlyn asked, confused.

  “It wasn’t a bidding war. All of the branches work together for SOCOM, so it would have been a joint project. Harrington never planned on giving anyone a chance at you. He just wanted them to offer the maximum amount of money. Harrington is a lot of things, but he’s not a traitor to his country.”

  Kaitlyn let the info sink in. If the government officials didn’t change their minds, what would become of her?

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kaitlyn sat on her bed with her arms wrapped around her legs, lost in thought. She’d been in the same position for over an hour—since she returned from the meeting—but had barely noticed the passage of time.

  Back and forth emotions pulled her in different directions. Could Harrington convince the buyer to allow Lucas to be a part of the package? If not, she’d be starting a new life all over again. Her sensors picked up on Lucas down the hall, moving quickly in her direction, but she was too worried to care. Soon, she could be gone. He was probably coming to take her away now.

  Lucas rushed into her room without bothering to knock. “We have to get you out of here, now.”

  Kaitlyn jumped to her feet. She noted the black rucksack in one hand and a pile of clothing in the other. “What happened?”

  “Harrington caved. He’s willing to give you over as long as he gets credit for you. I really thought he would stick to his guns on this. You should have heard him the other night. I know he doesn’t want to give you up, but he thinks it’s the only option.”

  She glanced up at the camera.

  “Disabled. For now. Hurry, Kate. We don’t have much time.” Lucas handed her the change of clothing. “Put these on.”

  “Where will I go?” she asked, clutching the all-black clothing to her chest as she stared at him.

  “As far away from this place as possible. I have money saved up. You can start over.”

  “Start over? Without you?” It felt like someone was pressing on her chest and she couldn’t breathe.

  “It’s for the best. They’ll turn you into a killer, Kate. I can’t stand the thought of that. I’m not going to let it happen.”

  Kaitlyn dropped the pile of clothes on her bed and stepped forward, cupping his face in her hands. His eyes were wild. “I don’t want to leave you.”

  She rose on her tiptoes to kiss him in an attempt to calm him. For a brief moment, his heart rate slowed. The rucksack he held hit the floor with a thud, and he pressed his body against hers. As the kiss deepened, he grasped her by both arms and pushed her away.

  “Kate, don’t you get it? Either way, you leave me. They will never allow us to be together. They want someone with no ties, no emotions. Now that I know you can feel, I can’t allow them to do this to you. I don’t care if I lose my job or get sent to jail.” His gaze swept across her face, as if he were dr
inking in the sight of her, and he plunged his hands into her hair. “I can’t let them have you.”

  “Where would I go? I don’t exactly blend in,” Kaitlyn murmured, her hands resting on his chest, her mind filtering through all of the information.

  “You can blend in, Kate. You just have to wear long clothing to cover what we’ve done to you. Don’t get in extended conversations with people. Keep to yourself.”

  “It won’t work, and you know it,” Kaitlyn said. “You’re shaking.” She covered his hands with her own. “There is no way out of this for me. I should just go, Lucas. It’s not worth you getting in trouble. It’s too big of a risk.”

  “It’s my risk to take. You have to try. Please, Kate.”

  She bit her lip, scanning her mind for options. “Do you have a plan?”

  “Of course. But, Kate … I can’t know where you are. If I know, I will look for you. I can’t lead them to you. They’ll watch me, they’ll watch all of us once you escape.”

  Escape. The word sounded so foreign to her. She reluctantly stepped away from his warm embrace and tugged off the clothes she wore. She could feel Lucas’s eyes on her as she dressed in the black pants and pulled the long-sleeved black shirt over her head. “What about the GPS?”

  “I’m going to fry it. As long as you stay out of the limelight, they won’t be able to track you.”

  “Limelight?” Kaitlyn frowned.

  Lucas smiled sadly. “Just don’t get caught.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her deeply, as if he only had a moment left to live. It literally took her breath away.

  “I still don’t know how you do that to me,” she said against his lips, stealing one more kiss.

  He gently brushed a strand of her hair out of her face. “Whatever you feel is magnified by a thousand for me. God, I’m going to miss you.” His voice was hoarse.

  Kaitlyn opened her mouth to argue such a thing was not statistically possible, but something overrode the reaction. She realized without having to be told that he was just being sweet, but was it her computer that recognized the sentiment, or the real Kate?

  “Kate, I’m going to do something I should have done a long time ago. I hope you can forgive me for all I’ve taken from you.”

  “Lucas, don’t say that! None of this is your fault. You were just a pawn in Harrington’s game.”

  “Shh.” He pressed his finger to her lips. “Turn around.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m giving you your past back. Memories of your old life.”

  Kaitlyn’s breathing hitched and she paused in the act of turning to look at him. “My real life? Human life?”

  Lucas nodded. “I programmed it so that your memories won’t hit you for thirty minutes. That should give you more than enough time to get off the compound.”

  “But how? I thought they were gone …”

  He closed his eyes, pained. “Not gone, Kate. Saved to a hard drive and taken away from you.”

  “They saved my memories?”

  Opening his eyes, he said, “No. I did.”

  Kaitlyn couldn’t stop her jaw from dropping. “Do they know?”

  He shook his head.

  “Why would you save them?”

  “Because I cared about the girl you were before you came to us.” Before she could ask another question, Lucas continued, “I can’t take you through this time. I need an alibi once they realize you’ve escaped. It will give you more time. I’ll have to sound the alarm when Harrington sends me to pick you up, and I find the room empty.”

  Pivoting on the balls of her feet, she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him in for one last kiss. The thought of never tasting his lips on hers again made her feel hollow. “Thank you.” A small part of her was annoyed that he’d had her memories the whole time, but she pushed the thought aside. He was risking so much for her.

  Once they broke away, Lucas gazed at her sadly. She wondered if his heart was hurting as much as hers. “Let me implant the chip to override the commands. I wish I had known you then, Kaitlyn.”

  She hesitated, but slowly turned around. Pulling down her shirt, he kissed her neck before she heard an audible click. Suddenly, she felt a pinch as something was inserted into her mainframe.

  “Okay, it’s done.”

  She turned to face him, and he handed her an iPhone. Kaitlyn had never seen one before, but it would be easy enough to figure out.

  “There are maps on here and access to information. The phone is not traceable. If you need information, double click on the round button and speak into the phone, asking it what you need.”

  Kaitlyn looked at him like he was crazy. “You want me to talk into the device, and it will answer me?”

  “I know it sounds silly, but it really works.”

  “Where am I going to go?”

  “I-I don’t know. Just trust your instincts. Remember, try not to draw attention to yourself. Harrington will not stop looking for you.”

  “I don’t want to say good-bye.”

  “It’s the only way,” he whispered. “Don’t underestimate the guards, Kate, they know what they’re doing.”

  She shot him a look. “I’ll be fine. I’m quite efficient, thanks to IFICS.”

  Lucas stared down at the floor as a flush of red covered his cheeks. “I’ll still worry about you. Every day.”

  Kaitlyn reached for his hand, entwining his fingers in hers. His hand was large and warm in her own; it felt so natural. How could she walk away from him? And Quess?

  “Quess!” she blurted out.

  “I’ll tell her you’re safe, but you have to go. Now.” Lucas picked up the rucksack and handed it to her. “Don’t kill anyone getting out. The guards are just doing their job. They all respect you. I think some have even grown to like you.”

  “No collateral damage. I’ll get out without loss of life.” She nodded and slung the bag over her shoulders.

  Lucas peeked out the door first, and motioned for her to follow. They hurried down the empty hallway. At the back door, Lucas came to an abrupt stop. “I have to go back to the lab so I’m seen.”

  “I’ll never be able to repay you for giving me my freedom back. I will find you again,” Kaitlyn told him, her heart pounding.

  Lucas’s eyes glistened under the fluorescent lights. “Good-bye, Kate. I’ll never forget you.”

  Pushing the metal door open, Lucas hurried to the right, and Kaitlyn silently took off to the left, blending into the night. Her night vision kicked in, and her eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness. She had to admit the technology came in handy. At first, it had taken her a bit to get used to, but now it felt no different than her day sight. It was an advantage the guards did not have, at least not automatically like she did. They would have to go to the supply closet and pick up night vision goggles, buying her more time.

  Kaitlyn knew the location of all of the guards, and she also knew that at any minute they would be alerted that she had escaped. She had to act fast.

  She flitted across the campus, aiming for the far reaches of the compound. It only took five minutes before she heard crashing in the bushes behind her. The erratic bouncing of flashlight beams danced around her, followed by excited yelling. Lucas must have sounded the alarm.

  A bullet whizzed past her ear. She heard it thump as it hit the grass. They’d spotted her! It took all of her self-control not to turn around and break the guard’s neck. Lucas had told her no death. She ran in a zigzag pattern—typical of her training—because it was hard to hit a moving target, let alone at her speed.

  Vectoring in through her location sensors, Kaitlyn found the nearest wall almost four hundred meters away. So close. She increased her speed, legs and arms pumping, breaths equal and strong. Just a little further, and she would be free.

  Don’t think. Just move. Let your body do what it was made to do.

  The high fence loomed before her. Skidding to a stop, she tossed her bag over. One quick glance beh
ind her, and she scaled the fence. Once she was close to the barbwire, she jumped over, her arms flailing as she fell toward the ground. She hit the ground, bending her knees and tucking in her elbows to absorb the impact.

  With one last glance behind her, Kaitlyn shrugged her rucksack on. Her heart constricted and an ache filled her chest. So that was what pain felt like, she thought sadly.

  Move, Kaitlyn scolded herself and took off in a full sprint, disappearing into the night as if she’d never existed.

  Chapter Twenty

  Kaitlyn crashed through the woods, the cracking branches beneath her feet filling the dark silence. The green-tinted night spread around her as far as she could see. She had been on the run for thirteen minutes and eleven seconds. Scanning the forest, she could see the body heat of several startled animals. There wasn’t a human form in sight. If they were chasing her, they weren’t close—at least, not yet.


  She had to get out of the woods and into civilization … a town. There had to be one near here, somewhere. They would be combing the woods for her for days, but she didn’t plan on being there that long.

  Recalling the phone Lucas had given her, Kaitlyn came to a halt, swung the bag off her shoulder, and dropped it to the ground. Unzipping the side pocket, she slid out the smooth, thin phone. When she pressed the round button on the bottom, the screen came to life.

  A small square on the screen said ‘Maps.’ Not knowing what else to do, she tapped it. She was surprised when it opened to a map. She had spent extensive time with Frank learning to read the terrain and navigate maps, so it didn’t take her long to realize the pulsing dot was her location. When she moved forward, the dot moved with her. Genius.

  There was a major highway approximately fifteen miles due north. She stuffed the phone back in the bag and took off in that direction. The undergrowth was getting thicker, and the hills steeper. Reaching up, she grasped hold of a branch to help pull her forward, and then another until she made it to the top. She broke free of the thick shrubs and trees, finding herself standing on the edge of a cliff over a stream.


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