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Hidden Worlds

Page 336

by Kristie Cook

  “Why aren’t you trying to bring me back to the compound?” Kaitlyn asked suspiciously. “You’re taking this really well. Too well. I thought I would have to restrain you until you saw things our way.”

  Harrington sat back on the couch. “I’ve spent the last forty-eight hours worried how I was going to explain this to those self-righteous, military official talking heads. It’s with great pleasure that I can now tell them all to shove it.”

  “Lucas thought you would see it that way, but I wasn’t convinced.”

  “So you have had us fooled this whole time?” Harrington stared up at her, clearly impressed. “That’s incredible.”

  “Boring is more like it.”

  Harrington laughed. “I can imagine it was. So tell me more.”

  She wasn’t sure where to start, but she knew it was vital to have Harrington on her side. “I still have a lot to re-learn. My brain has been scrambled. But I really want to make this work. I’m willing to do anything it takes. Just … please don’t take away what I have left. I should warn you, if I think that you or anyone else will try to alter me again in any way that I do not approve of, I’m gone. My life has value, and I won’t let you take that from me again.”

  Harrington didn’t speak for a moment. “Understood. I wish I had known earlier.”

  “We can tweak things with the programming, but basically she will have to learn how to blend in to society. It will get easier with time,” Lucas chimed in.

  “Do you think it will interfere with her abilities?”

  “No, I don’t. I think it will only enhance her. She knows right from wrong and has a conscience. Her skills far surpass any soldier’s, and she has a strong sense of morality and justice.”

  “Imagine the possibilities. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this myself,” Harrington muttered under his breath. “Kaitlyn, you realize you will have to complete any mission you are tasked with.”

  That gave her pause. “I’ll be used for good?”

  “It’s not always so black and white. You may have to do things you don’t agree with.”

  Kate crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Lucas.

  “It’s always been that way for soldiers. Sometimes the black and white lines can blur to grey.” Lucas stated calmly.

  Kaitlyn nodded her head, but she knew she would figure out a way to only do good.

  “So it’s settled.” Harrington sprang to his feet. “We should get back to the lab right now and get started.”

  “Not so fast.” Lucas held up a hand. “Kaitlyn should have at least one day to herself. We can start the upgrades tomorrow. I’m sure you have a lot of phone calls to make.”

  Harrington shoved his hands deep into his pockets. “You’re right. Kaitlyn, I’m sorry. If we had known, I’m sure we would have done things differently.”

  “Thank you.” Kaitlyn took his offered hand and shook it. “I was worried you were going to try to drag me back to the lab and throw away the key.”

  His face fell. “God, I feel like a jackass.”

  “As long as I have some freedom and can make a difference, that’s enough for me.”

  “You will have some freedom, Kaitlyn, but don’t forget at the end of the day I am in charge. You work for me.”

  She nodded. She needed Harrington as much as he needed her.

  After seeing Harrington out, Lucas wrapped his arms around Kaitlyn with a grin. “A whole day off. What should we do?”

  “We could spend the day in your bedroom.” Kaitlyn stood on tiptoes to kiss him.

  “That does sound tempting. Why don’t we spend the day out, and the evening in the bedroom? I want to show you off to the world.”

  Kaitlyn’s face went blank. “What do you mean show me off?”

  “Not that way, Kate. I want to show off my beautiful girlfriend. Meaning, I’m honored to have you by my side.”

  She glowed, squeezing his waist. “You make me feel beautiful.”

  “I was thinking we could go bowling, or to the movies. Go on a real date.”

  Kaitlyn thought it over, and then smiled. “I like that idea.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “Are you sure this looks okay?” Kaitlyn asked, staring at herself in front of a mirror in the clothing shop.

  From the chair in the waiting area, Lucas grinned. “You look great.”

  “I wish I knew what I liked.” She was wearing jeans and a black sweater. The neck felt like it was choking her. Lucas said it was called a ‘turtle neck,’ which made sense. Flicking through her internal encyclopedia, she saw a plethora of turtles and their necks, but she was a person and not a turtle.

  “I don’t like the sweater,” she said finally.

  Lucas laughed. “See, you already know what you like. Or don’t like, anyway. One minute. Let me grab a couple more. Don’t move.”

  Lucas returned with three sweaters. “Do you like any of these?”

  “This one.” Kaitlyn reached for the charcoal v-neck, then moved to tug off her sweater.

  Lucas grabbed her hand, speaking quietly. “Not here, Kate. You need to go in the dressing room.”

  “Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot. All the time being observed by the cameras.” Kaitlyn dropped her head and went back into the dressing room. She was so used to everything being recorded; it was going to take some time for her to adjust to the idea of privacy. Moments later, she came out with the sweater and jeans in her hands. “These will work. I guess I’ll never be able to wear a dress again. At least not in public.”

  Lucas frowned, and glanced around for eavesdroppers before he said, “We could always change the coating to look like skin.”

  “No. I like the reminder of knowing exactly what I am.”

  “You’re unique.”

  Kate smiled. “I guess that’s one way to put it.”

  “Do you want to keep shopping or finish later?”

  “Later. I just wanted something to wear for our date. Shopping doesn’t seem as fun as Quess makes it sound.”

  “I’m not much of a fan of shopping, myself.” He kissed her gently, his thumbs brushing her jawline. “You can change in the bathroom, and then we’ll go on our first official date.”

  Lucas pulled into a bowling alley. “Heads up. I used to be on the bowling team. I figure I might actually have a chance of beating you at something for once.” He gave her a crooked grin that made her heart skip a beat.

  “I guess we’ll see,” she said smugly as she shut her car door and walked around to take his hand. “My visual-spatial awareness is quite excellent.”

  Competitiveness was ingrained in her, even before she had died. She’d been captain of the swim team for two years. She broke the tri-county meet record her junior year. Kaitlyn realized it was the first time she’d remembered that since her memories were unlocked, and it brought her a pang of sadness. Her parents had been at that meet. They’d been so proud of her.

  Lucas glanced over at her and stopped, tugging her around to face him. “What’s wrong?”

  Kaitlyn smiled sadly. “I was thinking about my parents.”

  He didn’t say anything, but he wrapped his strong arms around her and held her tight for several moments.

  When she was ready, they walked into the dimly lit building hand in hand. They were assailed by the smell of fried food and stale beer, and Kaitlyn stepped back as a tipsy brunette in high heels bumped into her. The girl balanced her clear plastic cup of beer and waved at Kate before she wandered off. “Sorry!”

  “I’m going to get our shoes and lanes,” Lucas told Kaitlyn, squeezing her hand before he let go. “I’ll be right back.”

  Kaitlyn nodded and scanned the bowling alley. It was really loud. There were a lot of people inside, congregating on the hardwood of the lanes and wandering around the area near the bar. It made her uncomfortable.

  She turned back to watch Lucas. A pretty blonde girl stood behind the counter, smiling at him. Kaitlyn narrowed her eyes as the girl threw back her
head and laughed at something Lucas said.

  ‘Caution’ flashed on her screen. Her body tensed, and she made her way to Lucas’s side.

  Snaking her arm around him, she glared at the girl. Lucas patted her hand, and she relaxed somewhat, but kept her eyes glued to the blonde. The girl dropped the money as she handed it back to Lucas, and Kaitlyn registered her suddenly elevated heart rate; Kaitlyn had made her nervous. She wondered what made her mood change from laughter to a bundle of nerves so quickly, and decided she must have done something wrong.

  Lucas grabbed their shoes and pulled her with him. “What was that about, Kate?”

  “She was potentially a threat.”

  “To who?” he asked wearily.

  “I don’t know. I got the caution flash.”

  Lucas groaned. “We’re going to have to make some changes to your programming now that we know you have feelings. Could you have been jealous and saw her as a threat?”

  Kaitlyn thought about the emotion jealousy and nodded. “It could have been. I didn’t like the way she was laughing and smiling at you.”

  Lucas stopped in his tracks. “Listen, Kate. Emotions are not easy to deal with for anyone, and I think it might be more amplified with you. There is not a woman alive that will ever be a threat to you. You are all I want. Understand?”

  “I’m trying to. It’s just so confusing, Lucas.”

  He kissed her softly, and a sense of calm washed over her. For a moment, it was only them in the room, embracing beneath the dingy lights.

  Lucas broke the kiss with a cocky grin. “Let’s see if I have a chance at winning against you. I’m telling you, I was captain of the team. Well, co-captain.”

  Lucas explained how the game worked. When it was Kaitlyn’s first turn, she walked up to the lane, pulled back her arm, and expertly rolled the ball down the lane. She jumped up, grinning when it cracked loudly against the pins, sending them all flying. Strike.

  Six turns later, she hit her sixth strike in a row. People were starting to notice.

  “Kate.” Lucas sidled up to her, shaking his head in amusement. “I know this idea will sound foreign to you, but you’ve got to miss some of the pins on your next turn.”

  “Why? This game is so easy.”

  “Blend in, remember?”

  Kate looked around; people were watching her. “I can do that.”

  Lucas smiled. “I’ll be back. I’m going to get a drink.”

  “Okay.” Sitting down on the hard, plastic chair, Kate waited for Lucas to return. She wondered if she was ever going to get anything right.

  She felt a man approaching before she saw him, and ‘warning’ flashed. He was six foot, one-ninety-five pounds, and had dark hair; she couldn’t make out his eye color in the dim light, but they were pale. Her body tensed, and she stood up, ready to spring into action.

  “Well, hey there, pretty thing. You sure are putting on quite a show for the rest of us.” He came to a stop only inches away.

  Kaitlyn’s alarms were off the charts. She stood with her feet shoulder-width apart, balancing on the balls of her toes in case she needed to act. However, a small part of her remembered the earlier interaction with the blonde girl flashing ‘caution’, and for the first time, she was uncertain. Was this guy a real threat?

  “What do you want?” she asked calmly, wishing Lucas would hurry up.

  “I’m looking at it.” His hand came forward as if he were going to touch her, and without considering whether she was doing the right thing, Kaitlyn grabbed his arm and threw him over her shoulder. He hit the hardwood floor hard on his back, and a long, low moan escaping him.

  Lucas rushed up, his eyes wide as he leaned down to help the guy, who—winded—was struggling to get to his feet.

  “What the hell happened?” Lucas asked, glaring at the man.

  “He tried to touch me,” Kate stated, her voice flat. Now that she’d laid him out flat, her indicators had switched to not a threat.

  “That’s it?” Lucas groaned.

  “Your girlfriend is a freak, man. I just wanted to say hello, that’s all, and then she went all ninja on my ass.” He rubbed the back of his head.

  “I thought he was a threat,” Kate mumbled.

  “She doesn’t like to be touched.”

  “No kidding.”

  “You need to leave,” Lucas said tilting his head toward the door.

  “You’re lucky I don’t call the cops on her for assault.” The guy stalked off, his ego probably hurt more than his body.

  Lucas closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “You’re not ready, Kate. We need to get out of here. Now.”

  Panic coursed through her veins, and she grabbed his arms. “Don’t say that! I can get ready. I promise. Please don’t make me go back.” Her eyes glistened by the neon lights.

  “We have a lot of work to do,” he said gently. “As you are right now, you pose a danger to the population. We’ll bring in help. Specialists. You need to relearn the rules of society.”

  “I can’t go back there,” Kaitlyn lowered her eyes, “I just can’t. Not to live.”

  “Aw, Kate.” Lucas put an arm around her shoulders and hugged her. “I would never make you move back there. You can still stay with me, but we can’t have any more of these outings until we get some help.”

  “You promise I can stay with you?”

  “I promise. Kate, this is serious. If you do something bad, you could get taken away from me.”

  The seriousness of the situation hit her hard. “I’ll learn, Lucas. I don’t want to lose you. Whatever it takes, I’ll do it.”

  “Let’s get out of here.” Lucas grabbed her hand, and they went back to the safety of his house, their first official date over.

  Chapter Twenty- Eight

  Six months later

  Dr. Olivia Chambers looked up from behind her desk as Lucas walked into her office. She was an attractive woman in her late thirties with long, dark hair. Today, it was piled into a messy bun. “Good morning, Lucas.”

  “Thanks for seeing me.”

  “You know you’re always welcome. I still think we should talk about setting up regular sessions.” She leaned back in her plush leather chair and nodded to the seat across from her.

  Lucas reluctantly sat down. He always felt uncomfortable around the doctor. She had an uncanny ability to see right through people.

  He didn’t bother to reply to her statement because they had gone over this subjects many times before. Lucas had no interest in therapy—he’d had enough of it when he was younger after his father left—but he knew Dr. Chambers was vital to Kate’s progress.

  Her expertise was in treating patients with Aspergers. She was at the top of her field, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It was a field based on the idea that how we think, how we feel, and how we act are intertwined and all interact together. Specifically that our thoughts determined our feelings and our behavior. At the suggestion of a colleague, Harrington brought the doctor in to work with Kaitlyn, and already they had seen amazing changes. Kate was less anxious out in public, was learning to react reasonably to certain social cues, and overall seemed more at ease with herself.

  Dr. Chambers had been instrumental in Kaitlyn’s reintegration.

  “Kate’s made tremendous progress. It’s quite remarkable really,” Dr. Chambers stated.

  “Do you think she’s ready? Harrington is itching to get her in the field.” Lucas wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold Harrington off. So much money had been dumped into the program getting it ready for Kaitlyn; all they needed now was for Kate to be ready to move the project forward.

  “I think she’s as ready as she can be, given the circumstances. Pairing her with Erik was a brilliant idea. He will be sure to keep her in check.” Dr. Chambers said, leaning back in her chair and folding her hands on her abdomen. “They make a great team.”

  Lucas felt a twinge of jealousy at the mention of Erik, even though he knew the pairing was the right thing to do. T
hey needed someone with her at all times, and sadly Lucas did not have the skill-set to be her partner. Erik was a super-solider in his own right without any enhancements, a highly decorated former Marine Recon. Lucas knew the soldier would be able to handle any situation thrown their way; making sure Kate was able to do her job was Erik’s main priority.

  “Do I sense jealousy, Lucas?”

  “I’ll get over it.” He wished it didn’t bother him that the two spent so much time together, but that was required to form a partnership. They had to have each other’s back. It’s me that Kaitlyn goes home with every night, he reminded himself.

  Dr. Chambers smiled and didn’t reply, which pissed Lucas off.

  “So you are giving the go-ahead?”

  “I am. I’ve already let Harrington know. As you can imagine, he’s very pleased.”

  “I’m sure he is.” Lucas tried to keep his apprehension off his face.

  “She’ll still need to see me on a regular basis. This is a long term situation.”

  “I know. Thank you for everything you’ve done. She really has made drastic improvements. Every day she seems a little more comfortable.”

  “You’ve been a huge factor in that as well, Lucas. You’re her anchor.”


  “Yes, you keep her grounded.” Dr. Chambers eyed him in her knowing way. “I really don’t know if she could have done this without you.”


  “It’s the truth.”

  With a parting nod, Lucas stood up and walked out of the office. Dr. Chambers had said exactly what he needed to hear. She seemed to have a knack for that.

  Lucas found his way to Harrington’s office. The moment they had all been waiting for was finally here. He knew Kaitlyn was capable of doing whatever was required, but he would still be on edge until she returned from her first mission.

  Behind the U-shaped desk in the outer office, the secretary smiled. “He’s waiting for you.”


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