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My Love Ain't Meant For a Thug

Page 4

by A'zayler

  “It’s strange I know, but we kind of ran into each other yesterday unexpectedly in a very crazy way and we forgot to exchange pleasantries.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Now y’all get out my business.” She pushed the barber leaning closer to her away and went back to her notebook.

  Arizona’s mind was going a mile a minute. She pulled her phone out and called Congo but he didn’t answer. She called again and it rung to the voicemail again so she sent him a text telling him to call her. She waited few minutes for him to respond to either her call or text when he didn’t she snapped a picture of the girl without her seeing it and sent it to him with the caption. Is this your Honey? Malakhi was almost finished getting his hair cut and Congo still hadn’t responded. She decided to give it one more try before she left. It rung twice before he picked up in a groggy voice.

  “What up Z?”

  “Where you at?” She needed to know why he sounded sleep.

  “At a hotel getting some rest what’s good?”

  Arizona was filled with excitement hoping this was the Honey he was talking about. “Did you get my text?”

  “Probably but I aint checked em’. I was sleep but the phone woke me up.”

  “Look at them right now while we on the phone.”

  She could hear some movement before he came back on the line.

  “Oh shit Z. Where you find her at?”

  “Hold on, I might have a surprise for you,” Arizona stood up and walked over to the girl. “Excuse me, can I ask you something in private please?”

  Honey looked confused but nodded and sat her book down. She followed Arizona outside and stood near the door watching her.

  “I know you don’t know me and probably think I’m crazy but I couldn’t help but to overhear your conversation earlier about your friend.” Arizona held the phone to her hear while talking to Honey. She still looked a little bewildered but she nodded for Arizona to continue. “Well I think you might have been talking about my brother. I have him on the phone now, will you talk to him and see?”

  Honey smiled subtly. “This is crazy, but sure.” She reached for Arizona’s phone.

  Across town Congo sat on the edge of the bed in anticipation of hearing Honey’s voice again. When he’d heard Arizona talking to her he sat straight up. For some reason his heart was beating fast waiting for her to come on the line.

  “This is Honey,” Her voice was as sweet as her name.

  “What’s going on lil mama. You doing aight?”

  Congo heard her release a sigh. “Oh my gosh it is you. You okay?”

  “I’m good as could be expected. I just wanted to say thank you for everything.”

  “You don’t have to thank me.”

  The line was quiet for a minute. She wasn’t saying anything but he could hear her breathing. It was soft, almost as if she was waiting for him to say something else or maybe she was battling with herself about what to say next. Congo didn’t want to seem too forward but he wanted to see her.

  “You should let me take you out or something. You know, kind of like a thank you.”

  “Umm I don’t know about that,” She let out a laugh that’s sounded a bit nervous. “I don’t even know your name.”

  “It’s Congo.” He heard Arizona said.

  He laughed. Her old eager ass.

  “Tell my sister to shut her ass up,”

  “I’m not about to tell that girl that.” Honey giggled.

  Arizona cut him off before he could say anything else. “Tell me what? I know his ass said something smart. See if I help him again.”

  “Aye, forget all that shit she talking about Honey. Let me come take you to get some food or something.”

  She was quiet again and he waited patiently for her to respond. “Can you come today? I go to lunch in about two hours.”

  “Bet. I’ll be there. Where you at?”

  “I’ll have your sister text you the address.”

  “Aight then Honey.”

  “Aight then Congo.” She mocked him and started laughing.

  He laughed lightly.

  “Say thank you nigga.” Arizona’s voice had now replaced Honey’s.

  “Good looking Z. Text me that address.”

  “All right.”

  Arizona disconnected their call.


  The two hours Congo had to kill before going to see Honey he decided to get his car washed. It was a little dusty and he was too clean for that kind of shit. The fresh wash and wax on it had brought his old school back to life. Now all he had to do was run by his crib to grab something else to wear. The clothes he’ thrown in the bag earlier was just some around the way shit. He didn’t want to look a mess on his real first encounter with Honey. He already had to redeem himself from the police incident. His music was bumping as he made his way down the street to the apartment he shared with Neeka. It was so loud the windows vibrated as he drove. People turned their heads to see who it was as he passed by. When he pulled into the parking space he noticed her car was there. He hadn’t been a fool to think she wouldn’t be there by now. She’d been blowing him up since he’d left her job. If she was on some more shit when he walked in he had no business finishing what he’d started earlier. Congo killed the engine and sat in his car for a minute to get his thoughts together. If he went in right now he could see himself choking the life out of Neeka’s oud mouth ass. It took about ten minutes for him to calm himself enough to go in. Walking through the door he could already tell it was about to be some problems. The smell of bleach almost suffocated him as he closed the door. He could hear the water in the bathroom running so that’s where he went first.

  “What in the fucking fuck man?” He yelled. He couldn’t count how many pair of his shoes he saw floating in the bathtub filled with blue water. Congo stepped closer to get a better look and he could see all of his watches sitting at the bottom of the tub. “NEEKA!” he boomed as he observed the blue tint to all of the shoes that had white in them. “Dumb ass, stupid ass, psycho ass bitch man.” He was furious as he exited the bathroom.

  “NEEKA!” Congo couldn’t get to his bedroom fast enough.

  When he got inside he could see her through the mirror. She was sitting in the closet with his Beats by Dre headphones on and a pair of scissors. This hoe was so busy cutting up his shirts she didn’t even hear him coming in. It pissed him off even more that she was fucking up all his shit while chewing gum and listening to music. Her ass was so relaxed while cutting the sleeves of his favorite shirt. Congo lost it. He reached around the closet door and snatched her from the floor.

  “Ahhh!” She screamed as he pulled her to him.

  “Keep screaming so I can break your damn neck. The fuck you fucking up my shit for?”

  “Fuck you nigga. You think you gon’ come up to my job slapping on me and I aint gon’ do shit about it? You got me fucked all the way up.” Neeka snatched away only for him to snatch her right back. He pulled her by her arm into the bathroom.

  “Why you got my shit in the tub like this? Fucking up my Rolex’s and shit. And why the fuck this damn water blue?”

  Neeka snatched her arm away and crossed them over her chest. “Because I put food coloring and vinegar in that shit. Don’t fuck with me.” Neeka stated like she didn’t have a care in the world. She even had the nerve to turn around to walk out the bathroom.

  When Congo felt the urge to punch her in the back of the head, he knew then it was time to go. He stormed past her and went back into his bedroom. He surveyed his closet to see what was left that she hadn’t destroyed. The fact that he couldn’t find anything, only pissed him off more. Instead of trying to piece shit together Congo turned and left. On the highway back to the hotel his mind was flooded with thoughts of why it was time to leave her alone. She’d gone too far fucking up his clothes. The clock told him he had thirty minutes before it was time to meet Honey so he would have to just go in what he had. He didn’t have time to go by the mall right now, nor did he have the
money. When his brother got killed and the feds seized all of their belongings and froze all of their accounts he’d lost everything. He had been dumb back then. Jabar told him all the time to put his money up but he was young minded and blew every penny he had knowing he could make it right back. Sadly that wasn’t the case. He didn’t have not one ounce of cash saved and anything the police could tie back to Jabar had been taken. He was growing to love his new job but it wasn’t paying him the type of cash he was used to. After taking a quick shower Congo threw on a pair of black Jordan gym shorts and a black V-neck shirt. He paired it with his black and gray Pittsburgh fitted hat and his Bordeaux 7’s. He needed a haircut but didn’t have time to do that either so his hat would have to do for today. The grey oyster Rolex and his silver chain with the cross pendant was all he had left to dress his simple outfit up and it did just that. He sprayed on some cologne, brushed his teeth again, and was out of the door. Twenty minutes later he was pulling into the same shopping center he’d gotten arrested in. Seeing where she’d told him to pick her up from helped him realize the reason she happened to be in the right place at the right time. He cut his music down as he pulled his impala into a free parking spot. He was leaned back in his seat watching the door. She hadn’t given him a number or anything to contact her so he was forced to go inside. He swaggered to the door calmly and went inside. He was greeted with love by a few niggas he knew from around the way. He noticed that a few of the barbers that worked here were some of the same niggas that used to be on Jabar’s team. Guess the hood was suffering too.

  “Congo. What’s it looking like my nigga?” Zay, dope dealer turned barber, asked him. He walked over to dap him up as he was talking.

  “Shit. I can’t call it my nigga. How’s shit treating you?” Congo looked down at his old friend.

  “Streets dry my boy. They missing you and Jabar hard,” He paused. “I’m sorry about that too. You been hiding out since all that went down so I haven’t had a chance to express my condolences. But your brother is missed my nigga. Bar was a good dude.”

  Congo wasn’t in the mood to talk about Jabar. His brother’s death was still too fresh and he wasn’t over it yet so he changed the conversation. “It’s all good. You eating though?” Congo asked in code for how much money he was making cutting hair.

  Zay shrugged his shoulders. “I’m making it. Shid, if I cut half as much hair as my girl Honey, I’d be balling.” Zay laughed as he turned to look at Honey. She hadn’t even looked up, she just shot him a bird and kept lining up the man in her chair.

  Congo finally turned his attention to her and left it. He probably couldn’t have taken it away if he wanted to. It was something about her that appeased him. She was so graceful and serene even while cutting hair. She had a pink apron tied around her body as she leaned over the man’s lap in her chair with her clippers across the front of his forehead. Her hand was resting on the top of his head while she perfected his cut.

  Zay was smiling when he turned back to Congo totally unaware that Congo was there for Honey. “That’s my lil homie. She a beast with them clippers, niggas stay calling for her. Shit I don’t even think it’s just cuz of the way she cut though.”

  Congo’s interest was piqued so he fished for more information subtly. “Word? Why you say that?”

  Zay looked at Congo like he should have already known. “Man look at her. Honey badder than a muthafucka. But its crazy as fuck cuz its like she don’t even know the shit. She walks around all day blinded to the way these niggas have they fucking tongues out at her ass.”

  “Damn. Lil mama is cold. So she don’t be fucking with nobody?”

  “Hell nah. I thought about trying my luck but she friend zoned my ass the day I started working here. Calling me her brother and shit.”

  Congo and Zay both laughed at that. When he looked back at her, she was looking at him. She was now standing behind the man in her chair. Her eyes were piercing and inquisitive. Her gaze went from his shoes to his face, where it lingered. Judging by the way she was looking at him, she had to have just noticed his presence. Congo held eye contact with her until she looked away.

  “Nigga don’t tell me your ass here for her too?” Zay had apparently noticed he and Honey watching each other.

  “Hell yeah, but shit it wasn’t about no cut. She looked out for me big time yesterday and I came to say thank you.”

  “That’s what up my boy. Let me get to my client, if you ever decide to get your hands back dirty, make sure you call me first.” Zay held his hand out and Congo dapped him up.

  Once Zay walked away Congo took a seat on the couch in front of Honey’s station and watched her until she was done. He caught her stealing glances at him the entire time she cut but he played it cool. Women were always looking at him. He was a good looking nigga. When she finally finished she pulled off her apron tossed it across the back of her chair and walked over to him.

  “Let me wash my hands and I’ll be right back okay?”

  “Take your time.” Congo leaned forward and rested his arms on his knees.

  He watched her walk away. Even her walk was graceful. She moved slowly, like she had no reason to rush. The sensual way in which her hips swayed would give any man watching an appreciative view. It was enticing but in a respectable way. He noticed the few strands of hair that had been falling around her head earlier were now pushed back and her band was tied tighter. The brown and pink purse she had thrown across her body hung off to one side while she held some keys and a phone in her other hand. He stood to meet her as she got closer.

  She stopped in front of him and smiled. “You ready?”

  “Hell yeah. I thought you was going to make me wait forever,” Congo reached up to touch her hair.

  Her body jumped slightly but she recovered quickly and let him massage her scalp briefly.

  “I didn’t think you would be on time.”

  “It’s cool. I was just fucking with you. You ready?”

  She nodded before turning around and letting everybody know that she was heading out for lunch and would be back in a few hours. Congo opened the door to let her walk past him before following her out. He noticed that she kept her distance while they walked. He hit the start button on his key fob and his car crank up as they were walking to it. Honey giggled for some reason before stopping at the passenger side door.

  “Congo, can we walk?”

  Congo’s brows scrunched up as he looked at her like she’d lost her damn mind. It was damn near one hundred degrees outside and she was talking about walking somewhere? Fuck no they couldn’t walk.

  “Honey, it’s hot as hell out here. Hell nah we aint walking no damn where.”

  She pouted and shook her head. “I don’t ride in cars with people.”

  Congo walked around to the passenger door and opened it. “Well yo ass about to today. We aint finna walk no fucking where.”

  She stood there with her arms folded like she thought he was playing but he looked right back at her. He wasn’t giving in. It wasn’t no way in hell she was about to sucker him into walking nowhere in the heat. The little game they were playing lasted a good five minutes before she sucked her teeth and slid into the passenger seat. Congo smirked to himself as he rounded the car to get in. He could already see Honey was about to be a problem.

  Chapter Four

  Do you ever wish you had a second chance to meet someone again for the first time?

  What have I gotten myself into?

  Honey watched Congo walk around the car before sliding in next to her. Being that his car was so old there was no separation between the seats. It was one long bench seat. The way he relaxed in his seat had his leg so close to hers they were almost touching. He adjusted the volume of his music some and turned to look at her.

  “You got a taste for anything?”

  “Not really. We can go wherever you wanna go.”

  He nodded and pulled out of the parking lot.

  “So what’s going on Miss. Honey? Why
you sitting over there like you scared for? Relax girl I aint gon’ do nun to you.”

  Honey didn’t know her feelings were that visible. She tried to relax herself some so she sat back in the seat and looked at him. “I know you aint gon’ do nothing to me. I’m not worried about that.” Honey waived her hand dismissively.

  The way his chocolate skin was shining in the sun had her thinking things a girl with a boyfriend shouldn’t be thinking. Congo was so handsome. He almost reminded her of the basketball player Serge Ibaka, just darker and younger. The way his body was built and everything made her think of the Congolese basketball player. His eyes were light brown and his teeth were straight and white. She’d observed them when he smiled at her comment about him not hurting her. She tried not to but couldn’t help but to stare at the way the shirt he was wearing hugged the muscles in his chest. When her eyes caught site of the flex in his arm muscles as he maneuvered the steering wheel she turned completely and started looking out of the passenger side window. She couldn’t keep looking at him. It was bad enough his cologne was making her mouth water. The view out her window had nothing on the one inside the car but she couldn’t think about that right now. This was supposed to be a friendly lunch and her eyes needed to get on the same tract with her mind, because right now they were doing whatever they wanted to do.

  “You like seafood?” Congo’s voice was deep and sounded like sex and not just any sex, good sex. Not that she would know anything about that but she still thought about it. Congo looked like he could have some good sex too. Oh Jesus help me!

  Whew! What is my problem?

  “Honey, I said do you like seafood?”

  “Yeah that’s fine.”

  “Aight well we gone stay and eat here then.”

  Honey looked out the window and noticed they were at a place called Blue Marlin. She’d heard people talking about it before but she’d never been. Samuel never took her anywhere nice. He thought if he brought her home a big mac meal from work he was doing something, so coming to a place like this was definitely out of the question. Honey looked down at her attire and felt a little self-conscious. She didn’t on have on anything presentable. The only thing that put her at ease was that he had on pretty much the same thing she did. Only it looked better on him. The way the simple black on black looked on him you would have thought he was decked out in Gucci. He was so confident and relaxed that it eased her mind about her attire. He opened the door and held his hand out for her to take his. He helped her out and headed inside. Congo told the people he needed a table for two. They followed the hostess outside to a row of tables beneath a decorated breezeway. Honey was already enjoying herself and they hadn’t even done anything yet. Just being there with him was making her happy. She removed her purse and sat it in the chair beside her. She picked up the menu and began to look through it. She found what she was going to order so she put it back down and looked at Congo. He was frowning at his phone.


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