My Love Ain't Meant For a Thug

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My Love Ain't Meant For a Thug Page 18

by A'zayler

  “Get the fuck outta here,” Congo was smiling hard as hell at her.


  “Damn. This shit is crazy. I went from owning a mini mansion to living off the fucking system. I can’t believe this shit.” Congo’s mood went down that fast.

  Honey detected the change in his mood so she dropped the chicken in her deep fryer so it could start cooking and went to stand between his legs. “Don’t do that. We good, just be grateful.”

  “Honey, I was raised to take care of home, living of the fucking system is a kick to my damn ego baby. I don’ know if I can do this.”

  “Oh you can do it, and you gon do it too. Aint nothing wrong with taking advantage of the opportunity that has been presented to us. We both grinding, getting money, we doing what we got to do to get to where we need to be. Don’t punk out on me now. We in this together…staying down until the come up right?” Honey crossed her arms over her chest and waited for him to answer her.

  He rubbed his chin and looked at her with a serious look on his face but she wasn’t wavering. She meant exactly what she said. She could understand where he was coming from but she also knew to count her blessings when she got them.

  “Yo lil ass don’t run me.”

  “Yes I do.” Honey turned back around to the stove to check on her food. “I understand you want to feel all manly and stuff Congo, but listen babe, I’m not gon think of you no less than what I already do. I just feel like we need to maximize this moment.”

  “Aight Honey. I’ ma follow your lead with this one and see what happens. Shit goes south, I’m beating yo ass.”

  Honey did a little booty bounce. “Oh please beat it daddy,”

  “Sit yo wild as down and finish cooking that food. I’m starving. Fuckin with you got me feeling weak. I dun used all my energy.”

  “It’ll be done in a minute.” Honey finished cooking so they could eat.

  She made both of them plates and went to the living room to sit down. He took his from her and dug right in. She did the same thing. The whole room was quiet for a minute while they ate. When Congo gathered enough energy he wiped his mouth and started talking.

  “When I was locked up, I had a lot of time to think and I have something I want to run by you.”

  “Okay, go ahead.”

  “Aight so I was thinking, since I like to build buildings and you like to draw them, that maybe you should go to school for that and we can open our own contracting company. I’ll pay for you to go and everything because I don’t wanna work for other people all my life. I think that shit would be a winner. We can run it together and get paid. I’m not used to this lil boy money. If I’ ma work a job like this I need to at least be the boss. What you think?”

  Honey bit her chicken and twisted her mouth to the side. “I think that’s a great idea, and I think you’re crazy dope for coming up with it. I’m so proud of you. It means a lot to me that you want to be more than just a dope boy. All that is fine and well, but my love aint meant for a thug. If we gon’ be together you have to have dreams larger than the streets.”

  Congo looked like he was surprised that she agreed with him. He also took everything she’d just said very seriously. Honey wasn’t your ordinary chick. He’d learned that on the many occasions that they’d stayed up talking. She was ambitious, she had dreams and he now wanted to be a part of them. “I got you baby. Everything you’re saying, I understand.” He winked at her and smiled. “So you think this could work for real?”

  “Yes for real. We could get contracts and build all types of buildings. My imagination is limitless when it comes to my designs. I honestly never thought you took my drawing that serious.”

  Congo’s face frowned. “Why wouldn’t I? I believe in you Honey. Whatever you want to do love, I’m with you. Down until the come up right?”

  Honey smiled. “Down until the come up.”

  He held out his fist and she pressed hers against it. Every time he thought she’d done all she could to win him over, she’d do something else so Honey like and blow his mind again. He finished his food and sat back on the sofa just watching her. This feeling.

  Chapter Ten

  Everyone gets knocked down, but champions get up…

  -Dylyn Cady

  It was bright and early Tuesday morning and Congo was headed to work. Honey had just dropped him off and was on her way to work as well. They’d stayed up a little late the night before talking about their dreams and aspirations. Once Congo threw his idea out neither of them could stop talking about it. Never had he envisioned doing anything other than selling drugs but Honey was slowly changing that. It seemed as if their idea’s bounced off one another’s so effortlessly. They had so much they both wanted to do with their future business that it was hard to fall asleep. They tried and tried to close their eyes for the night but nothing worked. When all else failed, they stripped down and sexed each other until they were too tired to do anything other than go to sleep. Congo was paying for it now though. His eyes were heavy and it felt like he was dragging his body but he’d be all right. If for no other reason, he would make it through this day because of what he had waiting for him at home. The site they were working at today was already in full swing. He could see the men from his team working already so he tried to put a little more pep in his step so he could get to work. He pulled his gloves on and picked up one of the beams that were lying on the ground and joined in with everybody else. Congo worked through the morning and although very tired, he felt all right enough to knock the afternoon work out as well. When it was time for lunch he went into the trailer and grabbed his food. Honey had made him a lunch and packed it neatly for him to take to work. He had just sat down at the table with Clint and another guy on their team when the door to the trailer opened. Their boss, Mr. Sherman, was standing there. He looked around the room before stopping on Congo.

  “Mr. Jaquel can I speak with you for a moment?”

  Congo wasn’t sure what he wanted so he left his food on the table. Hopefully it wouldn’t take that long. He followed him down the stairs and to the front of the building. Once they were alone he turned to Congo and stuck his hands in his pocket.

  “I’m sorry I have to tell you this Congo, but I’m going to have to let you go. The supervisor over me found out about your recent incarceration and has instructed me to terminate your job.” Mr. Sherman’s face held a look of regret.

  “But I thought you said I was good?”

  “I did and I’m sorry. It didn’t bother me that you had been done any jail time. You hadn’t missed work, and it wasn’t anything serious but somehow it got over my head. I’m so sorry Congo. I fought for you as hard as I could. You’re one of my best men, but they weren’t hearing it.”

  “Fuck man!” Congo punched his hand. It took him a minute to gain his composure enough to thank Mr. Sherman for fighting for his job. Once he’d said what he had to say he marched straight to the front of the trailer. He wasn’t even in the mood to go back for his food or anything else. He just needed to get out of there now. He snatched his phone from his pocket and dialed Honey. She answered on the last ring.

  “What’s going on babe?”

  “You busy right now?”

  “Nah not really what’s up?”

  Congo sighed. “Come scoop me real quick.”

  “From work?”


  “On the way.” Honey hung up.

  Congo was so happy she hadn’t asked why he was leaving work early. He wasn’t sure he would have been able to tell her. After all the shit they’d planned to do, this was just going to fuck them up. How was he going to support them now? It had been hard as hell already trying to get that job. There was no way in hell he was going to sit at home and let Honey be the only one working. He already didn’t really want her to work, but she liked her job so he didn’t press the issued. Getting fired had just thrown a huge monkey wrench into his plans. Congo sat on the brick sign in front of his job waiting for Hone
y to pull up. When he heard his system beating down the block he stood up and walked to the edge of the street. Honey pulled alongside the curb so she could get in. He slid in and she pulled off.

  “Why you off so early?

  The dreaded question.

  “I got fired Honey,”

  “What? Why?”

  “Supervisor found out about me going to jail.”

  Honey sighed and grabbed his hand. “It’s gon’ be all right Congo. We’ll be fine. Don’t let it get you down, just start applying in other places.”

  Her words hadn’t completely lifted the damper from his mood but it did make him happy that she wasn’t upset or judging him.

  They rode in silence all the way back to her job. He dropped her off and went home. He took off his work clothes and took a shower. Once he was clean he grabbed his computer and began putting in applications online. After doing that for a little over two hours he rode around going from place to place filling out application as well. By the time he was done it was time to get Honey. She came right out as soon as he let her know he was outside. She kissed his face when she got in but didn’t say anything about his job. She could tell he’d been out doing something because he was dressed nicely and smelled good too.

  “Where you been looking all sexy like this?”

  “Looking for a gotdamn job. Aint nobody trying to hire my ass. As soon as I check felon they don’t look no further.”

  “Just be patient babe, it’ll work out. It’s only been one day.” Honey tried to reassure him.

  It sounded nice coming out of her mouth but he wasn’t buying it. People always said that and somehow, shit never worked out. Not really wanting to be bothered they went home and chilled for the rest of the day. They talked to Arizona and Toro for a few minutes but hadn’t told them about what happened with his job. All day Honey tried to cheer him up but nothing work. He hadn’t even really wanted to have sex. This little slump worried Honey, but hopefully it was something he could work through and return back to himself. Honey had no problem holding things down for them but he acted like that was the worst thing in the world every time she mentioned it. Just like them at the moment, Honey was up watching him sleep. They had gotten into a little argument and he’d gotten mad and gone to sleep. Honey watched him while her thought ran rapid. She tried to think of everything she could possibly do to help. When she felt herself getting sleepy she said her prayers and lay down. She needed God to come in and fix her boo because this wasn’t going to work.


  Two months later…

  Hair pins bounced across the bathroom sink as Honey unwrapped the ball on her head. Well more like yanked the ball a loose. She was livid and taking it out on her head. She and Congo had just got done arguing and he’d left. He made her sick with his close mind. What normal nigga got mad and chewed his girl’s head off just because she offered to pay the light bill? That was some crazy mess. It had been two months since Congo had been fired and he still hadn’t gotten another job. It was taking a major toll on their relationship and Honey hated it. They argued more and he was starting to stay out later and later every night. Honey didn’t want to believe he was cheating on her but she couldn’t help what popped into her head. She’d asked and he’d denied it every time. With no proof Honey was forced to let it go. Which left them with more anger to fight about bills. Congo insisted on paying all of their bills out of his savings versus letting her pay them, and now that he was getting low on funds he was walking around the house with an attitude every day. Honey let out an exasperated sigh as she walked into her dining room. She thumbed through her mail and decided to open up the letter from her uncle first. Everything else was bills, and she could do without those at the moment. Honey plopped down on her sofa and opened her letter. It had been almost three weeks since her uncle’s last letter and she missed him. She and him made a point to write each other at least once a week even if it was just to say hello. Her and her mom did the same thing. The only difference was she and her mom also talked every week as well. Her and her uncle talked twice a month and that was it. He didn’t like the phone. He said hearing her voice made him sad so they limited their calls. Honey opened up his letter and began to read it.


  How’s my girl? I miss you, I hope you’re doing well. I know you’re wondering why you haven’t heard from me, but I’ve been in the hole. Some nigga in here tried me on some bullshit. That’s nothing for you to worry your pretty self about. How’s Congo? I’ve been hearing some things involving him that concerns me. Tell him I’ll be calling tomorrow morning and I need to speak with him. If he gives you any problems let him know that he has in house connections and to calm his young ass down. I’m not going to hold you baby girl.

  Uncle/Daddy loves you.

  Honey read over her uncle’s letter a few times trying to gain understanding. What could he have possibly heard about Congo in jail? What was Congo doing? Honey hoped whatever it was, it wasn’t bad. Oh no! What if her uncle heard about him cheating on her? That would be so embarrassing. She hoped that wasn’t it. Is that what he meant by in house connections? Ah dang. Congo was cheating. Honey threw the letter on the floor and lay back on the couch. She felt small pains in her chest as she thought about another woman having Congo the way that she had him. Honey eventually ended up crying herself to sleep.

  “Honey, get up baby. Go get in the bed.” Congo shook her awake.

  Honey looked around disoriented for a moment before focusing her eyes on him. He was completely dressed and all black. He looked so sexy. Hold on, where was he going?”

  “Where you finna go?” Honey smelled his cologne at the same time she noticed the necklace and watch he had on. This nigga was dressed up for whatever bitch he was about to see.

  “Just got to run out for a minute.”

  Honey got up from the sofa and followed him into the kitchen. “Where?”

  “Out Honey damn. Didn’t I just say that?” He gulped down the water he’d just grabbed from the refrigerator. He threw the bottle away and walked out of the kitchen not bothering to continue her conversation.

  “Congo, who you spending your time with? You’re hardly here, when you are we’re arguing. What’s going on? Just tell me so I’ll know. I‘m not about to sit around and wait on you to come home one day and decide you love that bitch more and you want me to leave.”

  He looked at her like she was crazy. “Say some stupid shit like that again.”

  “Well what you expect me to think Congo? You’re changing babe.” The tears she so desperately wanted to hold in was at the brink and threatening to roll out. She stood in front of him searching his eyes for an answer but he wouldn’t look at her. Instead he took her hands off of him and stepped around her.

  “Get some rest Honey, I’ll be back.” Congo walked out of the house.

  Honey’s heart turned in her chest the same way she watched her locks do as he locked the door from the outside. Where had they gone wrong? Honey shook her head and walked to her room and got into bed. Honey didn’t know whether to be mad or sad. She was unsure because as terrible as it may have sounded. Whatever he was doing, if anything, she wasn’t leaving him. She loved him. Until she knew for sure what was going on, she was there to stay. Honey scooted lower under her covers and pulled them up over her head. She closed her eyes and prepared herself for sleep until she heard the front door slam. What was he doing back so fast? Instead of letting him know she was awake she lay under the covers and pretended to be asleep. She could feel his presence in the room before she felt the bed sink beneath his weight. He blew out a frustrated breath but didn’t say anything at first.

  “Honey, I’m not cheating on you baby. I would never do that.”

  Honey slid the covers from her face and sat up against the headboard.

  “I’m trying to put some stuff together for us, and I’m having a hard time with it. Then arguing with you every day be having me thrown off.”

  “Tell me what
’s going on Congo. I know its something because my uncle wants to talk to you.”

  Congo turned around quickly and looked at her. “Talk to me for what?”

  Honey shrugged her shoulders. “He just said he’s been hearing some things about you.”

  “Shit,” Congo cursed under his breath.

  “Did he say when he was gon’ call?”

  Congo and her uncle had gotten pretty close in the past couple of months. When she expressed how deep her relationship was with Congo in one of her letters her uncle had wanted to speak with him. She wasn’t surprised that they hit it off the way they did. She’d known from the beginning Congo was somebody her uncle would like. They talked on the phone whenever he would call and everything so him asking to speak with Congo this time, didn’t alarm her but Congo looked a little worried.

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  Congo nodded and got up to leave again.

  Honey hopped up and jumped in front of him. “You leaving again?”

  “Yeah. I go shit to do. I just didn’t want yo ass up in here thinking I’m fucking around when I aint. Get back in the bed.”

  “No. You’re staying here tonight. Whatever it is you doing can wait. Take these clothes off.” Honey started pulling on his shirt trying to take it off his body.

  “Stop crazy ass girl.”

  “No. You need to get in the bed with me.” Honey fumbled with the buckle on his belt.

  Congo laughed as he tried to push her hands away. Honey wasn’t backing down though. She missed him, and he was staying at home with her tonight. She pulled at his clothes while he continuously tried to knock her hands away. He eventually got her to loosen her grip enough for him to run out of the room and away from her. Honey took off behind him and jumped on his back.

  “Get yo ass off my damn back girl.” Congo was still laughing and she didn’t find anything funny. He slammed her on the couch and held her arms down by her sides so she couldn’t get up.


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