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Beyond The Sun

Page 11

by Sandra Bischoff

  Tony shot to his feet to tower over her, a sadistic grin on his face. “Giovanna, always a feast for the eyes. Just the person I wanted to see.” He ran a finger down the side of her face. When she tried to pull away, he grabbed her chin, forcing her to face him. “I could snap your neck right now. I’m sure your keeper wouldn’t care. Better yet, maybe I should finally get a taste of what the bastard called his.”

  She yanked her chin away. “You wouldn’t dare. Jared would kill you.”

  Tony laughed. “Little bro doesn’t even know you’re alive. Why the hell would he care what happens to a ghost? He took everything from me, now it’s my turn.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her to him and kissed her hard, smothering her protests. Giovanna slammed her fists into his chest repeatedly and screamed against his mouth. She bit his bottom lip and kneed him in the groin. He released his hold on her. Staggering away, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Spitting his blood at his feet, she watched him crumple onto the couch.

  “You bitch!” He tried to catch his breath. “I’ll make you regret that.”

  Tony made a grab for her, and she jumped out of his reach. She tried to put distance between them, moving to the other side of an overstuffed chair, but he was up and stalking her like a deadly predator. Tony was too quick. She came around the side of the couch. He was there, gripping her hands and forcing them against the wall behind her head. He maneuvered between her legs, pinning them with his weight.

  “Am I not good enough for the demon’s whore? Hell, Giovanna, you slept with Jared and the Russian scum. When did you raise your standards?” He backhanded her.

  Giovanna’s head snapped to the side. Her teeth cut into her cheek. Blood seeped from the corner of her mouth. Pain radiated up the side of her face. She let out a whimper.

  Tony’s insane laughter tore through the room and Giovanna stopped struggling. She curled her lip. Blood oozed down his chin from the gash in his lip and mixed with the black grease paint on his face. Her stomach recoiled at the smell. Bile rose in her throat. “Let me go, now.” She kept her voice low as she glared at him.

  “Giving orders now, are we? I don’t think so, precious. No one here is going to save you. They couldn’t care less if you lived or died, so guess what? I think I’m the one in charge. I hold your fate in my hands.” He smothered her mouth with his. The blood from the wound running into her mouth made her gag. Tony tore his mouth from hers. “You’re mine, not his. Never his again.”

  “Please, Tony. Let me go, and I’ll never say a word about this.” Tears trickled down her cheek.

  Tony stared down at her face, taking great pleasure in the fear he saw there. She closed her eyes. Her stomach churned over his forced advance. His hand trailed the outer curve of her breast. Suddenly Giovanna felt the weight of him jerk away. Letting out the breath she had been holding in, Giovanna slowly slid down the wall, hugging herself. For the first time in her life, she was grateful to be under Absinthe’s control.

  Tony hit the wall across the room with a thud. He shook his head to clear it and pushed himself up, leaning on the wall for support. Rubbing the back of his head, he searched out the person responsible for ruining his fun. Absinthe was descending the stair case, making a bee line right for him.

  Before he could move, she was there, shoving his face in the carpet with an arm against the back of his neck. Her breath was sweet and hot against his ear. “You ever touch something of mine with disrespect, and I’ll rip your heart out and shove it down your throat before it stops beating. Do you understand me? I only tolerate you because you can get close to him. Fail to do so and you’re as good as dead. Am I making myself clear, Anthony?”

  “Yes, Highness,” he croaked against the fibers of the carpet. Tony wasn’t about to tell her that he had already failed miserably. He valued his pathetic existence too much to ever be so stupid.

  She gave him one more shove into the floor before letting him go. Absinthe stood and crossed the room. Giovanna shrank back from her. Cupping her chin, Absinthe forced Giovanna to look up. She growled as she got the full view of the bruise on her cheek.

  Absinthe placed an uncharacteristically gentle hand on Giovanna’s cheek. “Go to your room, pet. You need to ready yourself for your performance. We must assure Bonatelli believes you have come back to him. We gain his trust and then we move in for the kill. He escaped the other night. He will not be so lucky this time.”

  Giovanna stood and wrapped an arm around her middle to hold her shirt together. She wiped the tears from her face, careful not to irritate her cheek further. “And what of the other woman? What is your plan for her?”

  A sneer curled Absinthe’s lips at the mention of Alexandra Toscano. “She will be his downfall, my dear. We shall make it so he will gladly trade his life to save hers, and when he does…” Her eyes glowed. “He’s ours.”

  Giovanna nodded and started for the stairs. She paused in front of Tony, still seated on the floor rubbing the back of his neck. Absinthe raised a brow, but said nothing when the woman grabbed the hair on the back of his head and yanked it, forcing him to peer up at her.

  “You ever call me a whore or touch me again, Tony, and you won’t have to worry about Absinthe. I’ll kill you myself.” She brought her knee up and smashed his face into it. She tossed him away from her and continued on her way to her room without another word.

  THE CURSOR MOCKED HER. Alex had been sitting at her desk all morning, and all she managed to do was develop one hell of a headache from staring at the computer. This was crazy. She’d been given the assignment for a reason. I can do this. Then why was she having such a hard time putting everything she knew about Jared in black and white?

  Maybe it’s because not everything about him is black and white.

  The man was knee-deep in things she never knew existed outside of nightmares until a few days ago. The truth of what happened in NYC after dark could make or break her career. Still, she was hesitant to write about them. If she exposed the world he lived and worked in, it could cause mass hysteria. She was tired of being a writer of sensationalistic journalism. She wanted to do real stories, not exposé crap. All those stories did was hurt the people involved.

  She was done with it.

  Alex pushed the research she had collected back in the folder and closed it. She sat staring at the folder, debating how bad it could get if she told Gene where to stick the story. She didn’t care about his opinion, but he could hurt her chances for landing another job in the city.

  Picking up the folder, she headed for Gene’s office. He was on the phone, laughing, and didn’t notice her come in until the folder slapped down on the desk in front of him. His brow shot up. He apologized to the person on the other end of the call and hung up the phone.

  The second the receiver hit the cradle, he picked up the folder.

  “Done already? I’m impressed, Toscano. Tell me, why has he returned to New York?” Gene lowered his bi-focals on his nose and sifted through the papers. When Alex didn’t answer him, he glanced up at her over the rim of his glasses. “Is there a problem?”

  Alex folded her arms across her chest. “What’s your beef with the guy? Why are you like a dog with a bone wanting to know all there is to know about him? He has no secrets. Bonatelli is a normal person, like you and I. He eats, sleeps, and works just like the rest of humanity. After getting to know him, I honestly believe you saw a mugging gone bad and elaborated on it for your own sick agenda. There is no story here. I’m not going to destroy Jared so you can have bragging rights.”

  Gene cocked a brow at her. “Since when did it become Jared and not Mr. Bonatelli? You’re letting your feelings get in the way of a job, Alex. There’s nothing normal about the guy. His girl was killed by vampires.”

  She held up a hand to stop him. “Gene, there is no such thing as vampires. I’m not going to drag an innocent man through the mud for you. He’s been through enough. You want the story, write it yourself. I’m

  Gene sat back in his chair and linked his hands over his stomach, regarding her in silence. “The kid cost me everything, Alex. His story was going to launch my career. I had interviews lined up with the Times, Daily News, Newsday, all of them. They all wanted the story on Bonatelli. I don’t know how he did it, but he destroyed it all.” His face hardened. “If you bail on this story, you better pack your desk and don’t bother looking for another job. No one will hire you, that I can promise.”

  “Are you threatening me? Because, O’Hanlon, if you are, it’s not going to work. You’re a laughing stock in this town. Your threats mean nothing to the other papers. I will not compromise my integrity for you or anyone else.”

  “He got to you, didn’t he? You fell for the person you said you couldn’t stand, you hypocrite. Don’t stand there getting all self-righteous with me. You compromised your integrity the moment you fell for your mark.” He threw the file across the desk. “Fine. Protect your boyfriend. He will fall, and when he does, I’ll take you down with him.”

  She snarled at him. Gene slid his chair away from her, his eyes a bit wider. “Go ahead, take your best shot. I promise you will lose, Gene. I’m up for the fight.” She left his office, shutting the door so hard the glass walls rattled.

  Alex crossed over to her desk and packed her meager belongings in a tote bag. She slung her laptop case over her shoulder and entered the waiting elevator without giving him a second glance.

  Alex felt a rush unlike any she had before. She felt the urge to spill Gene’s blood the second he threatened her. It was a remarkable feeling. The power she felt when he cowered behind his desk…my god. Her body felt like a bolt of lightning. What happened in there? She never had that effect on people before, least of all men.

  Leaning back against the wall of the elevator, Alex caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirrored panel. She blinked. It has to be a shadow, a play of the light. Moving closer, a golden light illuminated her face in the reflection. Her hand shot over her mouth. What the hell is happening to me?

  GENE DABBED AT THE SWEAT BEADING ON his brow with a handkerchief. He swallowed past his fear and reached for his glass of water. Hands shaking, he lifted it to his lips and spilled half of it down his shirt. He set the glass down, sloshing water all over the copy he had been proofing.

  “Damn it.” He blotted the ruined document with his handkerchief, smearing the ink into an illegible mess. Gene crumpled the sheet and threw it in the trash with a snarl. His boss wasn’t going to like this turn of events. This was something none of them had even dreamt would happen. Who would have thought Alex would fall for the bastard?

  His cell phone rang, and Gene nearly jumped out of his skin. As he picked it up, the touch screen lit up with the caller’s name. “Shit.” He slid his finger over the screen, cringing at the mechanical voice on the other end.

  “O’Hanlon, I trust you have good news for me. I would hate to terminate a demon who has served our purpose so well at this stage of the game.”

  Gene willed his voice to be calm, he still had an “I’m pissing my pants right now” edge to his words. “Things progressed relatively well, but Toscano, well, she just quit. I’m no closer to exposing Bonatelli and the others than I was before. I believe I can get to him without her. It’s going to take more time.”

  There was a long silence before the mechanical voice began again. “Time is not something we can grant you, demon. What aren’t you telling us?”

  A sharp pain exploded in his head and Gene dropped the phone, screaming. Employees closest to his office stared, baffled by what was happening behind the closed glass door. His secretary pulled on his door, it was stuck shut. She pounded on the glass, asking if he was okay. Gene waved her off and regained some of his composure, keeping red eyes averted from her worried face. He retrieved his phone.

  “All is not as it seems with Alexandra.” He panted into the phone. “She’s not -I don’t think she’s completely human. She has discernible supernatural traits.”

  A growl rattled through the phone, and Gene fell silent. “Explain yourself, demon. What do you think she is?”

  Gene shook his head. Honestly, he didn’t know, but he seemed to trigger the change in her. “I’m not sure, but whatever she is, her power must be bound by someone or something. I don’t think even she knows.”


  ALEX DIDN’T KNOW WHY SHE TOLD THE driver to take her here. When she left the office, all she could think of was getting as far away from New York City as possible. Her energy level soared, and it scared her. She’d never felt the overwhelming urge to do physical harm to another person until Gene had threatened not only her, but Jared, as well. There was only one person she could think of who might be able to help her understand what was going on. He swore he’d tell her anything she wanted to know. Well tonight he’d make good on his promise. If only she could get out of the car.

  The driver put his arm on the back of the seat and faced her. His white hair peeked out in wisps from his Yankees baseball cap, and the corners of his pale eyes crinkled in the corners as he watched her. “Excuse me, miss? I don’t mind getting paid to sit in front of a house, but maybe you should go ahead and knock on the door. You’ll never find out unless you do.”

  Alex fidgeted with her laptop case. Her eyes met his, and she let out a breath. “I know.” She glanced at the house looming ahead on the long driveway. “But, it’s complicated. I don’t even know…Wait, how did you know what I was thinking?” She frowned.

  The driver chuckled, flashing a glimpse of fang. “Complications are a part of life. We just have to know how to deal with them.” Alex shrank back into her seat, pulling the collar of her coat higher on her neck. He shook his head. “Child, if I wanted to take your life, your hand isn’t about to stop me. I’m not the monster you think I am. We are not all vicious killers. Just like humans, there are good and bad in all of us.”

  Alex swallowed and took a deep breath, relaxing a bit. “Okay, but it doesn’t explain how you knew what I was thinking.”

  “Alexandra, though I have the ability to slip into someone’s mind, I didn’t have to use it. Your feelings are written all over your lovely face. If I were a hundred years younger…” He laughed with a twinkle in his eye. He pointed at the front door. “He is one lucky man.”

  She hugged her briefcase to her chest. “You know my name?”

  The driver’s pale eyes took on an eerie luminescence.”I know quite a bit about you, more than you realize yourself.”

  “If you know so much about me, tell me what the hell is happening to me. Why do your eyes do that weird glowing thing? Why do I feel like a live wire all the time? Why is it, I feel the need to be here?” Her hand flew toward the window, pointing up the driveway.

  He continued to chide her gently. “Those answers are not mine to give, child. However, there’s someone in this house who can. All you have to do is knock.”

  Alex glanced between the man in front of her and the driveway. He was right, of course. She’d never know anything if she didn’t get out of the car. “But, why him?”

  “Because, Alexandra, this is your destiny. I’m not at liberty to tell you anymore. Go get your answers. They are all in there.” The driver swiveled back around in his seat and put the car in gear. He pulled around the long driveway, stopping at the bottom of stairs leading to a large wraparound porch.

  In the moonlight, the pale blue Victorian glowed, and the lights in the windows gave off a warm welcome feeling. It reminded her of homes on the outskirts of New Orleans. She could definitely see him fitting into one. Sitting there, she felt the pull again, stronger this time.

  Alex pulled her money out and leaned forward to hand the driver the fare. He waved her off. “Your money is no good here, Alexandra. I have completed my part in all this. Now the rest is up to you.” He gave her one last glance and patted her hand. “Go get your answers, child.”

  She gave him a slow nod and opened the door. “Thank
you for everything.”

  Alex stepped out of the car and closed the door, gazing up at the house. She twirled back to ask the driver one more thing but she was alone. The car and its driver had vanished. It didn’t surprise her; nothing did lately. Her life had been turned upside down. She’d seen things she never thought possible. Why not have the taxicab from hell vanish in the blink of an eye? It seemed logical.

  Climbing the steps to the front door, she let her hand trail on the smooth white washed wood railing. It would be so easy to see herself living in a place like this. But given the fact she was now jobless and soon to be homeless, a grand home was just not in her future. Her little Chelsea apartment was too expensive for her to begin with. To just be able to touch this kind of life for even a moment…

  Alex never even had a chance to finish her thought. The front door opened the second her foot hit the porch, and she was greeted with the stormiest set of grey eyes she had ever seen. The dark-haired woman welcomed her warmly, holding the door open wide. “You must be the infamous Alexandra. I’m so glad to finally meet you. I’m Sam.” She closed the door behind her and held out a hand to Alex.

  Alex took her hand hesitantly. “Hi. How did you…? Wait, nevermind, after the last few weeks it only makes sense that you knew my name.” Her gaze drifted around the large living room and immediately felt at home. Nothing about the place meshed with the assumptions she made about Jared.

  The house had a relaxed homey touch, and she was sure the one responsible for it was standing beside her. From what she could see, the house was filled with comfortable overstuffed furniture, not the typical style one might find in a home belonging to someone who had more money than she could even hope to see in her lifetime. Then again, she had been wrong about so many other things, this could be one more wrong added to the long list.


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