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The Lion

Page 13

by D. Camille

  Rion shrugged and Tauri looked at him in question. “I'll tell you later...on the rooftop,” he whispered.

  Tauri shook her head. “Nah, you can tell me in the morning.”

  Corvus rushed back to the table. “Lance, Khayla's here with the FBI dude!”

  Chapter 11

  Tauri sat at the table across from her friend with a smile on her face as Lisa studied her closely and shook her head.

  “I can't believe this is Tauri Patterson.” She laughed before raising her glass to her mouth.

  Tauri flushed. “I know. This is crazy.”

  “So you two met two weeks ago?” Lisa asked confused.

  Tauri nodded. “Yes, and he's met my grandparents. I've met his family and he says we're going to get married and have five babies.”

  “Rion Shaw?” She sat her glass back on the table.

  “Yes! Orion Shaw has turned my world upside down,” Tauri said shaking her head slowly.

  Lisa smiled. “Girl, Rion Shaw can turn any woman's world upside down.”

  Tauri sighed. “I tried to fight it but he's so different from anyone I've ever met. He's so strong and confident. He says and does things that keep me totally off balance.”

  “He must be a damn wizard because this isn't the Tauri Patterson I know,” Lisa commented. “The Tauri Patterson I know doesn't fall in love in two weeks.”

  Tauri looked at her friend. “I didn't say I was in love Lisa.”

  Lisa smirked. “Tauri, he's clearly giving it to you... and very well. If you're not in love now, you will be.”

  Tauri frowned. “Just because Orion and I are intimate doesn't mean I'm going to fall in love with him.” She picked up her utensil. “I have been intimate with other men and I didn't love them.”

  Lisa laughed. “Those other men weren't fine ass billionaire baseball players who wanted to make babies with you,” she pointed out. “Babies that they wanted to take care of.”

  “You're so wrong,” Tauri told her.

  Lisa became serious. “No I'm honest. If a brother came correct to me like that and knew what he wanted, I'd be screaming my love from the rooftops, butt ass naked at three in the morning.”

  Tauri shook her head. “You're a nut.”

  “Girl please, if Head Prosecutor Brandon Williams even murmured the words marriage and babies in front of me, I'd drag his fine ass to the nearest Justice of the Peace.”

  Tauri laughed. “I'll warn Brandon.”

  Lisa lifted a brow. “But the Negus? Got damn, them brothers is fine as hell! I hate that I had to leave Lance on the dance floor, but I got his number...and I will be calling.” She smiled naughtily.

  “Wait, how are you going to talk about Brandon and Lance in the same breath and they're friends?” Tauri questioned.

  Lisa sat back in her chair. “Well unlike you girlfriend, fine ass brothers who want to get married aren't coming to turn my world upside down.”

  Tauri stared at her for a moment. “Right now I'm focused on winning Orion's case. That's what's most important.”

  “It doesn't matter if you win this case,” Lisa informed her.

  “What are you talking about?”

  Lisa leaned forward and smiled. “Tauri, honey...Rion Shaw is trying to become the first black owner of a baseball team in a major city. Your life won't be sending bigots and racists to jail. You'll be the wife of an incredibly powerful man and mommy to a bunch of cute ass little baseball players.”

  “Why does everybody think that just because that's what Orion wants, it's going to happen?” Tauri demanded.

  “Girl stop.” Lisa picked up her fork. “Hell yeah, you're marrying that man. Granny Patterson did not raise no fool.”

  Tauri sat quietly formulating her response as Lisa started on her lunch again.

  “What did Granny say about him?” Lisa inquired.

  Tauri frowned. “Granny and Granddaddy have formed a love fest with Orion.”

  “Of course they have.” Lisa pointed out. “And you know how protective they are of you. If he won them over, it's a done deal. Congratulations Mrs. Shaw.” She smiled. “You'd better make me a bridesmaid and pair me up with one of the Negus. It doesn't matter which one.”

  “Shut up,” Tauri told her.

  Lisa laughed loudly. “I knew when I saw you in class, looking all mean, that making friends with you would pay off one day.”

  “You mean using all my notes wasn't enough?” Tauri lifted an arched brow.

  “We were sharing notes,” Lisa corrected.

  “Okay, sharing notes...” Tauri said eating her salad. “It was funny I was the only one taking them.”

  Lisa shrugged. “Hey, a girl had to do what a girl had to do, ya feel me?”

  “You were one of the smartest in the class Lisa. If you weren't clubbing all the time you would have had time to take your own notes,” Tauri reminded her.

  Lisa smiled. “I like to have my fun...ask Brandon.” She winked at Tauri.

  “I don't want to know anything about you and Brandon. He's my boss and I hold him in high regard, so keep your little freak stories to yourself.”

  “Okay, then tell me your freak stories about Rion,” Lisa asked eagerly. “I know you got some. He looks like he can get it in.”

  Tauri smiled naughtily. “I have no complaints about Orion.”

  “Ooooohhhhhh....spill the tea girl.”

  Tauri leaned across the table and whispered, “Underneath the stars...he's a god.”


  Later that afternoon, after receiving a call from Brandon, Rion was en route to the Prosecutor's Office to meet with Brandon, Marc and Trent. His thoughts drifted back to where they seldom strayed away from...Tauri.

  To be honest Rion wanted to get this business over, the threats and closing the deal, so that he could focus on building his life with her. He needed to be able to make her his top priority without all these distractions. Hopefully Brandon had some good news for him today and he could move forward with his plan.

  Rion entered the office where the three men sat. They all greeted one another before he took an empty chair.

  “What's up?” Rion asked the group.

  “We now know who's working with the men threatening you,” Marc informed him. “And we have a lead on who bugged Tauri's computer.”

  Rion's eyes narrowed. “So what do we do now?” he asked.

  Brandon answered, “Now we set a trap for them and let them hang themselves.”

  “A trap?” Rion questioned.

  Brandon nodded. “At the Mayor's party next week. They'll all be in attendance.”

  Rion turned to Marc. “We're still good on Ray's plan?”

  “Yeah, everything is on schedule,” Marc relayed.

  “Mac wants you to wear a wire,” Brandon told him.

  “She thinks they're going to admit something to me?” Rion asked confused.

  Marc leaned forward. “You're going to need to bait them.”

  “These guys are so arrogant it won't be hard. They don't believe anything can touch them because they've gotten away with it for so long,” Brandon added.

  Rion shrugged. “Whatever I have to do, I'm in.”

  “All of the prosecutors are invited to the party and we think you and Tauri should come separately,” Marc told Rion. “We don't want her by your side while you're interacting with these guys.”

  Rion looked concerned. “I won't let her out of my sight,” Brandon promised.

  “Damn, I need this to be over,” Rion said taking a deep breath.

  Brandon agreed. “I know. Mac is going to put Marc on the police detail for the party and Trent is going to handle the wiring and recording.”

  Rion turned to Trent. “Thanks.”

  “No worries. Next week we should have all the evidence we need for Tauri and she can file her case,” Trent told him.

  “Good, this case is important to her,” Rion added.

  All the men looked at Rion knowing that it wasn't just the c
ase that was important to Tauri Patterson. It was Rion Shaw. Brandon was the only one that knew if anyone tried anything with Tauri, Rion would become an enraged lion and nothing would be able to stop him. Not him, Mac, his parents, the Negus or anyone else. Rion wasn't called the lion for no reason.

  “Let her do her job Rion,” Brandon cautioned. “She's the best.”

  Rion nodded. “I have no doubt about Tauri's abilities. I also have no doubt that justice isn't always served in a courtroom.”

  Brandon sighed. “I know Khalil. Let's just do this right for the time being.”

  Rion smiled at Brandon calling him Khalil. “Will Khalil be at the party?”

  “Yes, all the Negus will be in attendance but I'll be watching Khalil closely. We know how he gets.”

  Trent looked at Marc and smiled.

  Marc turned to Rion. “Do you have any concerns Rion?”

  “No, I'm cool.” Rion leaned back in his seat. “Let's get it done.”

  He looked at Brandon. “Don't let her out of your sight,” he reminded him.

  “I won't. None of us will.” Brandon assured him.

  “Because if anything happened -”

  “It won't.” Brandon cut Rion off before he said anything else.

  Rion got to his feet and stared at Brandon. “You know me.”

  Marc and Trent stared at each other in confusion as the other two men in the room sent silent messages.

  Brandon got to his feet. “The lion can rest...for now.”

  Rion nodded shortly and turned to Marc and Trent. “I'll see you guys later.”

  Both men nodded slowly and watched Rion leave the office.

  Marc turned to Brandon. “What was that?”

  Brandon shook his head. “Just know that Tauri is the priority at the party. Rion will handle himself.”

  Rion walked down the corridor to Tauri's office. He spotted her at her desk with her glasses on deeply engrossed in her paperwork.

  “You make glasses the sexiest thing in the world,” he told her and she jumped in her seat.

  Turning she smiled at him. “Hello Orion. What are you doing here today?”

  He stepped further into the office. “I came to meet with Brandon.”

  Tauri looked him over in jeans and a T-shirt that showed his muscled chest and arms. She slowly removed her glasses and stared at him.

  “You stopped in to see me?” she asked.

  He nodded as he approached her desk stopping when he stood next to her chair. Tauri turned and looked up at him.

  “I want to take you somewhere,” he told her.

  She smiled again. “Where do you want to take me Orion?” she whispered.

  He crouched in front of her and ran a hand up her bare leg from ankle to knee. “Later, I want to take you underneath the heavens but right now I want you to come somewhere special with me.”

  Tauri leaned forward. “I have work to do.”

  Rion matched her movement until their faces were inches apart. “It's the end of the day.”

  She touched his handsome face and stared into his dark eyes.

  Rion smiled. “You want me to lock the door?”

  “Not a chance. We won't be doing that again...not in here,” she told him.

  “Then you'd better stop looking at me like that and let's go,” he warned.

  Her eyes darkened even more. “Then you should do something to persuade me to go.”

  Rion touched his lips to hers bringing his hand to her head holding her in place. Tauri leaned into his kiss and was rewarded with his tongue tangling with hers. She moaned softly in her throat as he continued to engage her mouth so passionately.

  Tauri pulled away and whispered, “I'm at work,” she protested softly.

  Rion raised a brow confused. “You do remember what happened in here?”

  She flushed and removed her hand from his face. “Alright, let's go Orion.”

  Rion laughed as he stood to his full height and helped her to her feet. Tauri reached into her drawer and retrieved her purse.

  “We can stop by your apartment so you can change,” Rion told her taking her hand.

  Tauri looked down at her beige linen business suit. “Do I need to change?”

  “Yes, we're doing Detroit today,” he confirmed. “I need you to wear something comfortable like jeans.”

  She looked at him. “Are you planning to help me change?”

  He nodded. “We have about an hour or two before we have to be there so I'll do my best to persuade you some more.”

  Tauri walked toward the door with Rion's eyes on her behind. “I don't need anymore persuasion Orion.”

  She turned back to look at him where he was still standing. “But I do have a craving for some deep, dark chocolate.” Tauri licked her lips and his eyes were glued to her mouth.

  She turned back and walked out the door.

  Rion shook head then looked up to the heavens. “Damn, I love that girl!”

  Two hours later Tauri sat across from Rion who had donned a baseball cap and sunglasses. She had changed into jeans and a T-shirt matching his attire. Rion found her Detroit look extremely sexy as most of the time he saw her either in her business attire or completely naked.

  She looked up in surprise as they pulled up into the crowded parking lot at one of the local recreation centers. There was a huge crowd at the baseball diamond and she looked over at him.

  “It's the playoffs,” he said exiting the car.

  Rion helped Tauri out of the car and took her hand as they walked toward the field.

  “Is that why you have the cap and sunglasses?” she surmised.

  He nodded. “I'm not here to draw attention. I came to support somebody.”

  Tauri smiled up at him. “You just won't let me find a reason not to want you.”

  Rion winked at her. “I'm the whole cake baby, not just the crumbs.”

  “And it's so delicious,” she whispered, then licked her lips.

  Rion laughed. “Girl, you don't know what you're going to make me do to you.”

  Tauri joined him in laughter as they entered the field and found their way to the bleachers. They managed to find a couple of seats before Rion began studying the field.

  “Who did we come to see?” Tauri asked.

  Rion pointed to the field. “The left fielder.”

  Tauri looked surprised. “He plays your position. Checking out your competition?” she teased.

  Rion smiled. “Yeah, you know my position?”

  “I told you I watched you play,” she reminded him.

  Rion turned to her. “You just watched because I'm sexy.”

  Tauri turned her attention back to the field. “I watch you now because you're sexy.”

  They watched the rest of the game and Rion had to admit the boy was very talented. He made more than a few spectacular catches and had a huge fan base in the crowd. During the game Tauri would glance over at Rion who seemed mesmerized by the game in progress. She could tell he truly loved this element.

  When the game was over Rion made his way down to the field along with Tauri. The winning team was celebrating near home plate when Rion approached the boy.

  “Jeff,” Rion called and the boy turned.

  Tauri watched as the boy froze after recognizing Orion. Rion walked over to the boy and stuck out his hand.

  “Good job young god. Congratulations.”

  Jeff put a hand to his mouth. “Ah man, this is crazy. Rion Shaw is at my game!”

  At the sound of Rion's name, all the other players turned and recognized him. They all swarmed around him before they began asking for autographs. Baseballs and bats appeared out of nowhere and Rion patiently signed one for each boy who asked. They asked him questions and shook his hand over and over.

  Finally the team's manager herded up all the boys and they said their goodbyes. Jeff remained and shook Rion's hand again.

  “Thank you for coming. Man, I don't know what to say.”

  “You're rea
lly good Jeff. I enjoyed watching you play.” Rion told him.

  Jeff shrugged. “Really?”

  Rion nodded. “You have a future in baseball. I'll be keeping my eye on you.”

  “I can still apprentice for your team?” Jeff asked.

  Rion had offered the boy an apprenticeship with the new team once the deal was completed. After meeting him at the community center, he'd known Jeff was special and wanted to help guide and mold him.

  “Of course, I'm looking forward to it.”

  Jeff smiled. “I can't thank you enough.” The team began calling for Jeff as they were all going to celebrate.

  Rion smiled. “Go enjoy your win. I'll talk to you soon.”

  Jeff nodded happily before running to join his teammates. Rion turned to Tauri and smiled as she walked over to him with her hands behind her back. When she reached him, she produced a baseball.

  “Will you sign this for me?”

  Rion frowned. “What?”

  She lifted the ball higher. “Will you sign this for me?” she repeated.

  “I'm not signing a baseball for you Tauri. That doesn't make any sense.”

  “It's not for me. It's for my Granddaddy. I know he'd love one.”

  Rion frowned even more. “Now I'm really not signing it.”

  “You won't sign a baseball for my Granddaddy?” Tauri questioned.

  Rion shook his head and began walking to the parking lot. “No. That's like signing a baseball for my own father. Hell, your grandfather knows more about baseball than I could ever learn. I should be asking for his autograph.”

  Tauri dropped the ball and followed him. “Orion, you're going to be a Hall of Famer. You're the best baseball player since Jackie Robinson and Hank Aaron.” She placed a hand on his arm to stop him.

  Rion looked down at her. “I played baseball Tauri. Do you know your grandfather marched with Dr. King? Do you know he grew up during Jim Crow laws and the lynchings of black men? Just because I played baseball well, I've done nothing compared to him and the men who fought to change this world for me,” he finished passionately.

  Tauri watched him for a long moment before reaching up and removing his glasses and hat. She held the items in one hand and touched his face with the other.

  “You are amazing Orion Shaw. That you can be so humble when you've accomplished so much amazes me. That you spend your evening at a summer league game supporting a young man you just met amazes me. That you spend an afternoon teaching your little godson to play baseball amazes me. That you are so good to people amazes me,” she told him in a voice full of emotion.


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