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Thank You for Being Late

Page 55

by Thomas L. Friedman

  export systems

  Express, L’

  extreme weather

  “Eye, The” (song)


  Facebook Messenger

  Fadell, Tony

  Fairchild Semiconductor

  family planning

  FAO Food Price Index

  Fargo (film)

  Farook, Syed Rizwan

  Fast Company

  Faten (Syrian drought refugee)

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  Federal Trade Commission

  Feldon, Barbara

  Fendrik, Ármin

  Ferguson, Mo.

  Ferrucci, David

  fertility rates

  fertilizers, overuse of

  fiber optics

  FICO scores

  financial crashes

  financial flows

  financial reform

  financial services: big data and; democratization of

  Financial Times


  5G wireless networks

  Florida, Richard

  flows: of knowledge; power of; see also financial flows; global flows

  Fofana, Mohamed


  food labeling

  food prices

  Foreign Affairs

  foreign aid; gender equality and; military vs. educational and social

  Foreign Policy

  “40 Developmental Assets for Adolescents”

  fossil fuels

  fossil record

  4G wireless networks

  Francis I, Pope

  Franken, Al

  Franken, Owen

  Fraser, Don

  Fredericks, Frank

  Freedman, Andrew

  freedom: advances toward; in cyberspace; ethics and; inequality of

  Freeman, Orville

  Free Syrian Army

  free trade agreements

  Frenzel, Bill

  freshwater use

  Friedman, George

  Friedman, Harold

  Friedman, Jane

  Friedman, Margaret

  Friedman, Shelley


  Fukuyama, Francis

  Funda, Ndumie

  F. W. Olin Foundation

  Gaffney, Owen


  Galor, Oded

  Galston, Bill

  Galván, Arturo


  Garber, Jake

  Garten, Jeffrey

  Gates, Bill

  Gates Foundation

  gays, gay rights; violence against

  Gaznay, Karwan

  GDP (gross domestic product); Internet penetration and

  Gebbia, Joe

  gender equality

  gene drives

  gene editing, as weapon

  General Electric (GE); Additive Manufacturing Lab of; engineering-design contests of; Niskayuna research center of

  General Mills

  generative design

  genetic engineering

  genetics, human manipulation of

  geopolitics: climate change and; Cold War in, see Cold War; foreign aid in; innovation in; interdependence in; post–Cold War; post–World War I; post–World War II; U.S. hegemony in

  geopolitics, post–post–Cold War era in: accelerated pace of; ADD (amplify, deter, degrade) policy in; breakers in, see breakers, super-empowered; climate change and; great-power competition in; innovation in; interdependence in; low-wage jobs in; weak states in, see weak states

  Georgia Tech


  Get Smart (TV series)


  Ghonim, Wael

  ghost apps

  GI Bill

  gig economy

  Gil, Dario

  Gilhousen, Klein


  Global Change and the Earth System (Steffen, et al.)

  global flows; bandwidth and; destructive aspects of; developing world and; digitalization of; education and; human relationships and; infrastructure and; innovation and; Internet of Things and; the Market and; as percentage of world GDP; population growth and; power of; push vs. pull in; social technologies and; supernova and; weak states and; see also connectivity, advances in

  globalization: acceleration of; Moore’s law and; traditional definition of; see also Market, the

  global warming, see climate change


  God: cyberspace and; Jewish postbiblical view of

  Goldberg, Jay

  Golden Globes

  Golden Rule

  Goldwasser, Lesley

  golf, author and

  Golf Digest

  Goodwin, Tom

  Google; MapReduce of; proprietary systems of; search engine of; self-driving cars of

  Google Apps

  Google File System (GFS)

  Google Maps

  Google News

  Google Photos

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  Gorbis, Marina

  Gordon, John Steele

  Gordon, Robert

  Gorman, Michael

  Governing the World (Mazower)

  Government Accountability Office


  Grantham, Jeremy

  Great Acceleration; see also age of accelerations

  Great Barrier Reef

  Great Britain; EU exit of

  Great Depression

  “Great Green Wall”

  Great Recession of 2008


  “Green Corps”

  Greenland, ice sheets of

  Grinstein, Gidi

  Gross, Susan

  GSM (Global System for Mobile)



  gun reform


  Hagel, John, III

  Hagstrom, Jane Pratt

  Haick, Hossam

  Haidt, Jonathan

  Haigazian University

  Hang, MayKao Y.

  Hanks, Tom

  Hans-Adam II, prince of Liechtenstein

  Hanseroth, Tim

  Harlem Children’s Zone

  Harmening, Tom

  Harrison, Lawrence E.

  Hartman, David

  Harvard Business Review

  Harvey, Hal

  Hautman, Pete

  Hautman family


  Hazeltine National Golf Club


  health care


  Heifetz, Ronald

  “Hello” (song)

  help desks

  Henderson, Simon

  Henry, Buck

  Hessel, Andrew

  Hewitt, Brad

  Hewlett Packard Enterprise

  high-frequency trading

  Hillel, Rabbi


  Hiroshima, atomic bombing of

  history: Eurocentric view of; inflection points in, see inflection points; McNeill’s view of

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hmong people

  Hoffman, Reid

  Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Georg

  Hollande, François

  Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, ransomware attack on

  Holmstrom, Carl


  Holocene epoch; planetary boundaries of

  Holt, Bill


  Hong Kong

  Horn, Michael

  hospitality industry, supernova and

  House of Representatives, U.S., Homeland Security Committee of

  Huffington Post

  Hughes Aircraft

  human adaptability, in age of accelerations

  human capital; investment in

  human networks, see intelligent algorithms

  Human Resources Development Ministry, India

  Human Rights Campaign

s: godlike powers of; tribalism of

  humiliation: adaptability and; as geopolitical emotion

  Humphrey, Hubert H.

  hunger, population growth and

  Hunting Terrorism (Navarro)

  Hutchison Telecom

  Hyatt, Joel

  Hyett, P. J.


  ice sheets; shrinking of

  identity, proof of

  IEDs (improvised explosive devices)



  Ilulissat, Greenland

  Immelt, Jeff

  immigrants, immigration; diversity and; as entrepreneurs; into Europe; integration of; policy reform for

  imperialism, fading of

  inclusion, ethos of

  India; connectivity in

  Indian Institute of Technology


  Industrial Revolution; Second

  inflection points; age of accelerations; year 2000; year 2007

  information technology revolution

  infrastructure; in weak states

  innovation: in geopolitics; global flows and; in India; lag between consequences and; in Mexico; in post–post–Cold War geopolitics; as response to change; in social technologies; supernova and; see also education, innovation in; ethics, innovation in; politics, innovation in; software innovation; technological change; workforce, innovation in

  Institute for the Future

  integrated circuits; Moore’s law and


  intelligent algorithms

  intelligent assistance; AT&T and; skill sets and

  intelligent assistants; education and; job seekers and; workforce and

  interdependence; in ecosystems; in financial flow; in geopolitics; healthy vs. unhealthy; of natural systems

  International Commission on Stratigraphy

  International Institute for Strategic Studies

  International Journal of Business, Humanities, and Technology

  International Organization for Migration

  International Rescue Committee

  Internet; cloud and, see supernova (cloud computing); digital divide and; GDP and; government policy on; mobile phones and; weak states and

  Internet of Things

  Internet of Things Foundry

  intuition, and detection of weak signals

  Invictus (film)

  Iorio, Luana


  iPhones; AT&T’s gamble on



  Iraq War

  Isbin, Sharon


  Islamic State (ISIS); videos by


  Islamist terrorism

  isolation, as disease


  Israeli-Palestinian War (1982)


  Itasca Project

  Jabr, Jumana

  Jacklin, Tony

  Jackson, Wes

  Jacobs, Irwin

  Jacobs, Jeff

  Jacobs, Lawrence

  Jacobs, Paul


  Japanese Americans

  Jennings, Ken

  Jennings, Peter


  Jerry Maguire (film)

  Jersey Boys (musical)


  Jet (company)

  Jewish Mafia

  jihadists, see Islamist terrorism

  jobs, see workforce, innovation in

  Jobs, Steve

  “Jobs Crisis, The: Bigger Than You Think” (Mead)

  job seekers: credentials and; intelligent algorithms and; intelligent assistants and

  Johnson, John

  Johnson, Lyndon

  Joint IED Defeat Organization

  journalism: author’s career in; explanatory; opinion writing vs.

  Journal of History and Theory

  Kagol, Miriam

  Kalra, Prem

  Kalra, Urmila

  Kanagawa, Treaty of (1854)

  Kannan, P. V.

  Kaplan, Fred

  KARE (TV station)

  Karp, Alexander

  Karsner, Andy

  Kauffman Foundation


  Kelly, John E., III

  Kennedy, David

  Kennedy, John F.


  Khan, Salman “Sal”

  Khan Academy

  Khomeini, Ayatollah


  Kilby, Jack


  King, Jeremy

  Kissinger, Henry

  Knight Capital

  knowledge, stocks vs. flows of

  knowledge economy

  Koch, Hannes

  Kreisky, Bruno

  Krishna, Arvind

  Krzanich, Brian

  Kshirsagar, Alok

  Kunene River


  Kurniawan, M. Arie

  Kurzweil, Ray

  labor market, see workforce, innovation in

  Labour Party, British

  Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, Mohamed


  Lanchester, John

  Land, Edwin

  Land Institute

  laser science


  Latin America; emigration from


  Lavie, Peretz

  leadership; definition of; ethics and

  learned behavior

  Learning by Doing (Bessen)

  Lebanese American University

  Lebanese PTT

  Lebanon; U.S. educational aid to

  LED lighting

  Lee Kuan Yew

  Leuthardt, Eric C.

  Levesque, Anna

  Lewis, B. Robert

  Lewis, LaShana

  Lexus and the Olive Tree, The (Friedman)

  liberty: impossibility of transplanting from outside; positive vs. negative


  lifelong learning; in Mother Nature; workplace and

  Lincoln Delicatessen, St. Louis Park

  Lindley-French, Julian



  Linnee, Jane

  Linnee, Paul

  Linnee, Susan


  Liss, Jeff

  Lithium Corporation of America

  Litwak, Robert

  locomotives, sensors on

  London, Iranian Embassy in

  London Review of Books

  Long, Mark

  Lord, John

  Los Angeles County Museum of Art

  Lovejoy, Tom

  Lovins, Amory

  Lucene (search engine)

  Ludwig, Cornelia


  Macalester College

  MacGregor, Clark

  Machine, the; in age of accelerations; definition of; impact on people and cultures of; inflection points and; technological change and

  machine learning

  machines: sensors on; supernova and


  Maersk, sensors for

  Maersk Alabama

  maintenance, new modes of

  makers, political, see geopolitics, innovation in

  Malagasy Armed Forces


  Maldonado, Raúl

  Malik, Khalid

  Maltzman, Jonathan

  Mandela, Nelson

  Mandelbaum, Michael

  Mann, Thomas E.

  manufacturing, jobs in

  Manyika, James

  Marcus, David

  Market, the; connectivity and; financial flows in, see financial flows; global flows and; interdependence in; Moore’s law and; positive and negative aspects of

  Markoff, John

  Marshall, Will

  Martian, The (film)

  Marx, Tzvi

  massive open online courses (MOOCs)


  Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii


  Mazower, Mark

  McAfee, Andrew

  McAfee, David

  McCarthy, Eugene

  McKinsey & Company

  McKinsey Global Institute; Connectedness Index of

  McMillon, Doug

  McNeill, William H.

  McWilliams, Carey

  Mead, Carver

  Mead, Chuck

  Mead, Walter Russell

  Meadows, Dana

  medicine, Watson software and

  Megginson, Leon C.

  Meiji Restoration

  memory, computer; Moore’s law and


  messaging apps


  Metz, Rob

  Mexico; innovation in

  Meyer, John C., III

  Meyers, Scott

  microprocessors, see integrated circuits


  Microsoft Azure

  Microsoft Office 365

  middle class: jobs and; postwar growth of

  Middle East; agriculture in; cultural diversity in; education in; emigration from; ethos of commonality as absent from; U.S. policy toward; weak states in

  Miliband, David

  Military Balance, The (International Institute for Strategic Studies)

  Millard, Brooke

  Miller, Claire Cain

  Miller, Richard K.

  Minneapolis, Minn.: anti-Semitism in; blacks in; economy of; Jewish community in; poverty in; schools in

  “Minneapolis: The Curious Twin” (McWilliams)

  Minneapolis Journal

  Minneapolis Star Tribune

  Minnesota: anti-Semitism in; blacks in; business community in; economic disparity in; Ethiopians in; harsh weather in; Hmong in; inclusive ethos of; political leadership in; progressivism in; public-private collaboration in; racism in; Somalis in

  Minnesota, University of

  “Minnesota nice”

  Minnesota Twins

  Minuteman ICBM

  Mission Failure (Mandelbaum)

  MIT, OpenCourseWare platform of

  Mitchell, Joni

  MIT Technology Review

  Mittermeier, Russ

  mobile phones; adoption of; as IEDs; Internet and; Moore’s law and; people’s attachment to; see also smartphones

  Mobile Revolution, The (Boston Consulting Group)

  Mohamed, Qassim

  Mohamed bin Rashid al Maktoum, emir of Dubai

  Mohasen, Syria

  Mondale, Walter

  Monterrey, Mexico

  Montreal Protocol

  MOOCs (massive open online courses)

  Moore, Gordon E.

  Moore’s law; climate change and; computing power and; financial flows and; the Market and

  morality, see ethics, innovation in

  Morning Edition (radio show)

  mortality rates

  Mortenson, David

  Mother Nature; adaptability of; as complex system; as entrepreneurial; interdependence in; as political mentor; resilience of

  Mother Nature, human impact on; black elephants in; deniers of; Great Acceleration in; natural buffers and adaptive responses to; novel entities introduced by; planetary boundaries of, see planetary boundaries; stewardship and; see also biodiversity loss; climate change; population growth

  Mubarak, Hosni

  Mukunda, Gautam

  Muller, Wayne

  Mundie, Craig

  Muñoz, Andrés, Jr.


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