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Becoming a Legend

Page 20

by Sarah Robinson

  Nora nodded, because that was definitely the situation she had gotten herself into.

  “If you just allow yourself to feel what you feel, and go all in, that’s when the good things can start happening. You either get your heart broken and learn a wonderful lesson for next time. Or you can fall in love and get married in an Elvis chapel in Vegas.”

  Nora burst out laughing. “Oh my goodness, please tell me you’re getting married by Elvis!”

  “No, but wouldn’t that be amazing?” Fiona giggled, prancing into the bedroom with a towel still wrapped around her as she mimed Elvis dance moves. Nora quickly joined her, and they spent the next two hours dancing, laughing, and getting prepped for the most exciting moment of Fiona’s life.

  Chapter 23

  “You look great, K.” Kane smiled at his twin as he adjusted his bow tie in a room off the chapel in the hotel.

  Kieran laughed. “You’re only saying that because we look exactly the same.”

  “I know perfection when I see it,” Kane joked.

  “All my boys are perfect,” Dee gushed as she wrapped an arm around each of them and kissed each on the cheek. “Look at you guys. So grown up. One of you getting married. I just—” A sob escaped her lips. “I’m just so proud of you boys.”

  “Thanks, Ma,” Kieran told her, hugging her tighter.

  “Fi is such a wonderful girl, Kieran,” Dee continued. “You treat her right, because I raised you to be like your daddy. I’m your mama and I’ll always love you, but that woman is the number one lady in your life now. Not me, not anyone else. You make sure she knows that every single day for the rest of your life, you understand?”

  Kieran nodded, and Kane patted him on the back. “Fi is really great. I’m happy to have her as a sister.”

  “Shit, guys. I’m going to get all emotional,” Kieran told them, his smile wavering.

  “Kavanagh men don’t get emotional.” Seamus walked over and smacked both twins on the back. “Buck up, kid.”

  Dee rolled her eyes. “All right, well, I didn’t raise you to be completely like your daddy. Don’t listen to a word he says.”

  Seamus grinned at their mother as she walked away to find the women in the next room. Kane hadn’t seen Fiona yet, since he’d been with Kieran, but he knew that Nora was over there, too, and that in a few minutes they’d be walking down the aisle arm in arm, best man and maid of honor.

  “I’m just kidding, boys. I like to stir up your mother.”

  “I’ve noticed,” Kane said, shaking his head with a chuckle.

  “That’d be my advice, Kieran.” Seamus turned and laid a hand on Kieran’s shoulder. “Me and your mama stayed in love all this time because of laughter. Always keep her laughing. Shit happens and life gets hard, but you get through it if you have someone holding your hand who can help you laugh off the worst of it.”

  Kieran nodded, looking like he was really taking it in. “Thanks, Pops.”

  “That goes for you, too, Kane.” Seamus turned to him.

  Recoiling inwardly from the thought, Kane frowned. “I’m not getting married.”

  “You will soon enough,” said Seamus with a glint in his eye. “Just remember, when you pick your woman, pick the one who makes you laugh when nothing is funny. The one who could make life great even if you were homeless and living under a bridge.”

  “Are we doing ball-and-chain advice over here?” Quinn asked as he and Jimmy joined them. He slung an arm around Kieran’s shoulder. “Here’s my advice for marriage—learn how to delete the browser history on your computer.”

  Kane grimaced at Quinn. “You’re such an ass.”

  Kieran just laughed. “Believe me, Q, with a girl as amazing as Fiona, there’s nothing I’d see online that could even come close.”

  “Right answer, kiddo.” Seamus bestowed Kieran with an approving smile as he smacked Quinn on the back of the head.

  “I don’t have any advice,” Jimmy said with a shrug. “I can’t even think about marriage yet.”

  Kieran smiled at all of them, and Kane couldn’t help but feel proud of his twin. He had changed so much in the last year. He was Kane’s other half, and it made him so happy to see the amount of joy Fiona had brought him.

  “Thank you, guys,” Kieran said. “I know we surprised you with this at the last minute, but it means so much that you’re all here and that you all support Fi and me. Especially you, Kane, with your big day tomorrow. Letting us hijack today means so much to both of us. She’s an amazing woman and the love of my life.”

  Kane listened to his brother’s words with increasing amazement. The sincerity on Kieran’s face as he spoke made Kane wonder if he was missing out on something. Was Kieran onto something by finding and settling down with a woman who made him so happy? Rory’s words hung in the back of his mind, especially now, when he was seeing a man who was happy not because of anything he did for himself but rather because of the gift of a special woman in his life.

  “All set?” Dee stepped back into the room and motioned everyone over. “Time to get in your places, boys. The ladies are ready!”

  Everyone headed for the door, but the twins lagged behind. Kieran turned to him and took a deep breath. “This is it.”

  “It is,” Kane said, putting his hands on Kieran’s shoulders and looking at him squarely. “You deserve this, bro. You deserve someone who loves you as much as Fi loves you.”

  Kieran nodded, anxiety creeping over his expression. “Everything is going to change—you and me, growing up together, a team. Like Ma said, Fi’s my priority now. She’s my partner.”

  Kane exhaled slowly. A pang of sadness rooted itself in his heart at the idea of saying good-bye to his twin. Of course they’d always see each other and be around each other, but they wouldn’t be each other’s main connection anymore. Fiona would take his place—already had, really—and that was the way it should be. He wanted that for his brother, and, as he thought about it, he wanted it for himself, too. “It should be that way, K. I’ll always be here for you; we all will. But you’re going to have your own family now—an absolutely amazing one. I want that for you.”

  “I want that for you, too,” Kieran told him. “Give Nora another shot. Or think about it, at least. Fighting isn’t everything, Kane.”

  “Today’s about you, bro. You’re getting married!” Kane embraced his brother in a tight hug. “You’re going to be the best fucking husband out there.”

  Tears welled in Kieran’s eyes. “I love her, Kane.”

  “We all do.”

  Dee popped back in and gave them a big smile. “Ready, Kieran?”

  “I’m so ready,” he said as Dee gave each of the twins a huge hug, then led them out into the chapel.

  Kane waited in the back of the chapel as he watched Kieran and Dee walk down the aisle arm in arm. Kieran helped his mother into her seat in the front row, then took his place at the front of the chapel. The music was playing, and Kane watched as the groomsmen and bridesmaids walked up the aisle together. Jimmy and Kiera went first, which earned a frown from Quinn, who was paired with Casey. Rory and Clare followed, and finally it was Kane’s turn.

  When Nora stepped up next to him, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was in a short green dress that made her hazel eyes and bright hair stand out in the best possible way. Her legs seemed longer than ever, and they were so tan that it took all his effort to keep his thoughts clean.

  “You’re gorgeous, Nora,” he whispered as he held out an arm to her.

  She took it and gave him a small smile. “Thank you.”

  Together, they slowly walked down the aisle. Kane enjoyed the feeling of her hand on his arm and the sound of music serenading them. Nora didn’t look at him once, instead keeping her eyes forward on the rest of the wedding party, but he couldn’t stop looking at her. It wasn’t even that she was beautiful, or how wonderful it felt having her hand grasping his arm, but rather it was something on her face. He saw strength in the set of her jaw, a loving f
ierceness in the hazel of her eyes—she seemed somehow confident and new. It was the Nora he’d first met so long ago, the one who had put him in his place and believed in herself. His affection for her had never waned when that Nora had disappeared for a while, as the stresses of her life had gotten the better of her, but next to him now was the woman who’d first caught his attention and held it for so long.

  When they reached the top of the aisle and parted ways, Kane squeezed her hand tightly, then let go. She looked up at him in surprise, and her smile faltered momentarily while a blush bloomed on her cheeks. Her gaze darted away, and they stepped into their assigned places as the music changed to the Bridal Chorus.

  Looking beautiful in an emerald-green dress with ruffles and lace, Shea walked down the aisle, throwing white flower petals onto the crimson carpeting. When she reached the front of the chapel, she sat down next to Dee. The little girl wasn’t smiling, but she looked happy to be there nonetheless, even as she toyed with the end of one of her braided pigtails. Kane smiled as he saw Dee whispering encouragement to her and telling her what a great job she’d done.

  Finally, Fiona appeared at the end of the aisle, her arm wrapped around Seamus’s. He looked down at her with such affection that a stranger watching never would have guessed he wasn’t her biological father. She was the epitome of elegance, wearing a long, white sheath dress that hugged her curves and accentuated her tall frame. Her face beamed with happiness.

  When Kane glanced sideways at Kieran, he found his twin’s face beaming as well. Kieran’s hands were clenched in front of him, as if he didn’t know what to do with them.

  Kane reached out and patted his brother on the back, whispering, “She’s perfect, bro.”

  “She is,” Kieran agreed, not once taking his eyes off his future wife.

  When they arrived at the front of the chapel, Seamus gave Fiona over to Kieran, and they held hands as the minister began to talk. The couple looked so happy, squeezing each other’s hands and mouthing I love you multiple times during the minister’s words.

  Dee sniffed in the front row, and Seamus lifted both arms, settling one around her and the other around Shea. The three of them made up the entire audience. The rest were standing as part of the wedding party, but Fiona and Kieran didn’t seem to mind at all. These were the people they loved, the people who mattered to them and with whom they wanted to share this moment.

  Kane felt honored.

  “And now, the bride and groom have chosen to write their own vows,” the minister informed them, as he handed small pieces of paper to both Fiona and Kieran.

  Kieran took his, unfolding it slowly, his hands shaking slightly. He took some calming breaths and began to read. “Fi, the moment I saw you, I knew that I wanted you. What I didn’t know was you would turn me down again and again…and again.”

  Everyone chuckled at the reminder.

  Kieran continued. “Then I got to learn more about you, and I slowly fell in love with you through the eyes of a little girl. Through Shea, I met the strongest, most courageous woman possible. A woman who protects those she loves with the ferocity of a lioness, and who can do it all on her own. A year later, the only thing that has changed is that you finally said yes.”

  Fiona sniffed, wiping a tear from her cheek as she listened to her fiancé’s words. Kane noticed Nora brushing her fingertips over her own cheek, wiping away evidence of tears. She was feeling the emotion of the moment, and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t also.

  “Shea, can you come here for a second?” Kieran held out one hand to the little girl in the front row.

  Releasing the pigtail she’d been playing with, Shea stood and joined them in front of the altar, clutching Kieran’s hand tightly in both of hers. Fiona’s hand was on her heart, as she was clearly just trying to hold it together. Kane swallowed a lump in his throat, trying to do the same.

  Getting down on one knee, and still holding Shea’s hand, Kieran made sure he was at eye level with the child. He then took one of Fiona’s hands as well and looked up at her from where he knelt, even though she couldn’t return his gaze. “Fi, you don’t need my help, and you’ve never asked for it, but today, I’m asking you. I’m asking you to do me the honor of letting me take care of you in whatever ways I can. Letting me love you with my entire body, heart, and soul; letting me love Shea as if she was my own. If you’ll say yes one more time, I promise that our family will always be the most important thing in our lives, and I will love you with everything I have.”

  “What do you say, Shea?” Fiona’s words were thick with emotion as she looked down at her little sister.

  Shea looked around the room hesitantly, then put her arms around Kieran’s neck and gave him a hug. The gesture spoke more clearly than any words could, and Fiona smiled wide at the sight.

  “It’s settled then.” Fiona giggled. “I do!”

  “Um, we’re not quite at that part yet,” the minister interjected, but it was too late because Kieran was already on his feet, arms wrapped around Fiona, and kissing her.

  The rest of the group laughed as the happy couple parted, not at all embarrassed about their actions, as they let the minister go through the rest of the ceremony. And soon enough, everyone was cheering, and Kane had his very first sister-in-law.

  Chapter 24

  “Hey, Kane!” Kieran came jogging up to him in the hallway outside the wedding chapel only a few minutes after he and Fiona had officially tied the knot. “Can you do me a favor?”

  “Need tips on your wedding night? I’m a pro in that department.”

  Kieran rolled his eyes. “Smart-ass. No, I need you to go set up the honeymoon suite for Fi and me. I want to surprise her with rose petals, candles, the whole nine yards.”

  “Sure, bro. I can do that.”

  “Thanks, Kane. You’re the best,” Kieran said, handing him a small envelope. “Here’s the room key. I gave the bag to Ma, and I think she accidentally left it in Nora’s suite, so you guys just need to move it over to ours and set it up.”

  “Nora and me?” Kane’s brows shot up. “You want me to go to a hotel room with Nora? You don’t need to ask me twice. I’m in.”

  “Hell, Kane.” Kieran rolled his eyes. “Are you going to be stupid about this?”

  Kane’s face split into a wide grin. “There’s a very good chance of that.”

  “Just go ask Nora for help and try not to fuck up my wedding night, okay?”

  “As you wish, sir!” Kane did a mock military salute, exaggerating every move.

  Kieran shook his head and snorted. “I cannot believe I shared a womb with you.”

  Kane laughed, and they exchanged another hug. Then Kieran whisked Fiona away for a fancy dinner before they’d head back to the suite Kane was about to set up for them. With that last exchange, Kane felt at peace with everything. Everything had changed between him and his twin with the addition of Fiona, but really, nothing had. He hadn’t lost his brother at all; he’d gained a sister—actually, two sisters, Fi and Shea.

  As Kane was contemplating that, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and the drop-dead-beautiful blonde in the bright green dress was giving him a nervous smile.

  “Hi,” Nora started. “Um, Kieran had me hide some stuff in my room and asked me to put it in their suite tonight. He said you’d have the key.”

  Kane held up the small envelope. “I do.”

  She smiled slightly at his use of wedding lingo, then put out her hand. “Perfect, I’ll take that.”

  When she reached for the envelope, Kane yanked it back just enough so that she missed. “I don’t think so, kitty. We’re doing this one together.”

  “It’s not that hard. I really don’t need help.”

  “Never said it was.” Kane shrugged. “But he’s my brother, and he asked me to help. So I’m helping.”

  Nora shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  “Don’t you mean suite yourself?” Kane laughed loudly at his own joke as he started walking to
ward the elevators.

  Nora’s face faltered slightly and her lips twitched, then a smile widened her mouth and her eyes gleamed. “That is the corniest joke I’ve ever heard.”

  “I got it from Quinn.”

  The elevator arrived, and they rode up to her room in silence.

  “Here’s the stuff.” Nora pointed out a few bags on a table as soon as they entered her hotel room. “This one is kind of heavy—that champagne Fi loves, some candles, stuff like that. Can you carry it?”

  He picked up all the bags from the table with ease. “Of course, kitty.”

  She blushed at the nickname he’d grown so fond of using, and he hoped she felt the same. Not just for the name, but for him. He’d been engrossed in watching her strong, confident expression during the wedding, and in seeing how easily her emotions showed as she hung on the minister’s every word. He had loved seeing her tears flow when Kieran had included Shea in the ceremony. And he had smiled when Nora giggled over Kieran’s impromptu kissing of Fiona midway through the ceremony. He’d felt genuine warmth in his heart when he’d taken Nora’s hand once again to walk back up the aisle after the ceremony, and it had felt as if they were floating. It had felt as if they were right back in his bed, his head on her chest, cuddled together—and he never wanted to leave.

  Maybe it had been the magic of the moment, riding on the coattails of someone else’s happily ever after. Or maybe it had been another reminder that what he wanted for himself was changing—that what he wanted was her.

  “Ready?” he asked as he headed for the door. Nora nodded and followed him, carrying a few smaller bags of her own. Moments later, they were in front of the MGM Grand, standing in line for a taxi.

  “Where are you headed?” the line operator asked them when they reached the front.

  “The Venetian, please.” The hotels were a little under two miles apart, and not impossible to walk to, but with the blisteringly bright Nevada sun and everything they were carrying, he didn’t want to risk Nora being burned and exhausted by the time they got there.


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