Change of Plans_An Echo Ridge Romance
Page 6
She wrenched from his grasp and whirled around. “Mom?” She gasped out.
“That is you. I didn’t recognize the car. Oh, Axel. Hello!” Her mom waved happily. “Will you stay for dinner?”
“We’re going on a hike,” Kaitlyn said quickly.
“You can eat when you come back,” she insisted.
Kaitlyn looked to Axel. He could sense she didn’t want to. Did she not want him to meet the rest of her family? She’d been quick to want to run inside by herself, yet how could he say no to her mother? “Um, sure?”
Kaitlyn widened her eyes at him, shaking her head slightly. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to run and change.” She darted off into the house.
Axel was left smiling uncertainly at her mom.
“Why doesn’t she want you to stay for dinner?” her mom asked.
“Are you always so direct?”
Her mom laughed. “Yes. I humiliate poor Mason.”
Axel’s smile froze. Mason. He’d forgotten about him for a blissful fifteen minutes.
“You’re trying to steal her from him, right?”
He rubbed at the back of his neck. How long was Kaitlyn going to take to change her clothes?
“Kaitlyn and Mason have a lot of history, but can I be honest with you?”
Axel chuckled. “I think you’re going to be whether I want you to or not.”
Her mom wrinkled her nose and then laughed. “Okay, I deserved that.” She took a few steps closer and lowered her voice conspiratorially, “Everybody loves Mason, including me, but he’s not the right guy for Kaitlyn.”
Axel studied her. Why would she say that, especially to him? “Mason’s one of the most impressive kids I’ve ever met.”
She nodded. “I know. I have nothing but love and respect for that boy, but as a mom, you have to perceive who is going to make your child happy for life.” She tilted her head to the side and said simply, “That’s not Mason. Not for Kaitlyn. At least not anymore.”
“Since when?” Axel demanded. He wanted to be the right guy for her. He’d known from the first time he saw her at his lacrosse game that she was the one for him. It was impossible to let this opportunity slip between his fingers.
“It’s been over a year since she lit up when she talked about him.”
Axel processed that, not sure how to respond. Did she light up when she talked about Axel? She hardly knew him, but he loved the way her face lit up when she saw him.
“So, this is the lacrosse player I’m supposed to be enthralled with?” A male voice carried from the open doorway.
Axel glanced up at the tall, thin man with a receding hairline. He was dressed in a suit, and it didn’t appear that he simply hadn’t changed from church yet. It was more that he was comfortable in a suit, like it was daily wear for him. Yet he didn’t strike Axel as pompous, simply comfortable with his status in life.
Axel strode toward him and extended his hand. “I’m Axel Olson. It’s nice to meet you, sir.”
Kaitlyn’s dad’s grip was solid but not in an I’m trying to intimidate you kind of way. It was simple confidence. “James Johanson.” He released his hand and appraised him. “What are your plans after you retire from lacrosse?”
Both of her parents were direct. He didn’t like to discuss his finances, probably because of how consumed with money his dad had always been, but he felt like this was a time when being open was a good idea. “I’ve been investing most of my sponsorship money so I can semi-retire and coach.”
“Hmm.” Mr. Johanson pressed his lips together and nodded shortly. “Not a bad plan. Got a good investment counselor?”
“Yes, sir. My father actually, but I also have a master’s in finance economics from Duke.” The degrees had been expected of Axel. He didn’t mind now that he’d been able to find his own path, but in college he’d hated the thought of being consumed with finance and investment portfolios for life.
“Duke.” Her father’s nod and the look in his eyes were a little more encouraging this time. “Good to hear.”
Kaitlyn’s mother smiled. “Sounds like you passed muster.” She winked at Axel, and he grinned in relief.
Kaitlyn’s parents’ approval meant a lot to him. He’d dated quite a few different women and never even met their families, but with Kaitlyn, he wanted to do everything right. If her parents liked him and her mom thought Mason wasn’t the right one for her, that had to mean something good for Axel, right?
Kaitlyn was a little more out of breath than she wanted Axel to notice as they climbed straight up the mountainside through Molly’s Canyon on the east side of Ruby Mountain. A small waterfall trickled merrily next to the trail. It was hotter than usual in Echo Ridge, but that made the wildflowers blooming on the trail smell sweeter. A slight breeze rustled the leaves and helped with the heat. Still, Kaitlyn’s calves burned from climbing straight uphill. She ran the trails regularly, but something about Axel following behind had her panting for air and feeling like she was completely out of shape.
“After school, are you planning to live in Echo Ridge and run your business?” Axel asked.
“We haven’t decided yet. Lolly grew up in the city, but I’d prefer somewhere like home.” Especially if she had the excitement of Axel with her. New York City’s energy had nothing on what she felt around him. Especially that kiss. Good heavens. She’d never been so ticked at her mom’s poorly-timed interruptions.
“I’d love to live anywhere in upstate New York,” Axel said.
“Where are your top picks?”
“You mean besides Echo Ridge?”
She glanced back at him with a smile. “I know. It’s the best.”
He grinned in return.
Kaitlyn focused back on the trail and waited for his response.
“Before I came here my favorites were Ithaca, Cold Spring, and Sleepy Hollow.”
“I’ve never been to Cold Spring, but I love Ithaca and Sleepy Hollow. Though it might creep me out to live in Sleepy Hollow and think about the headless horseman roaming around at night.”
He laughed. “Okay, striking Sleepy Hollow off my list.”
Kaitlyn’s cheeks felt warmer than they should from the hike. He cared where she wanted to live? “I heard you telling my dad that you want to coach college when you retire.”
“That’s the dream. I guess I’ll just have to see who would want me after I retire.”
“Retire. That just sounds so old.”
He chuckled. “It does, but it’s only a few years before I’m washed up.”
She laughed. “I would say more than a few.” She kept walking, but a little bit slower as they talked. She wanted to spin around and talk face-to-face with him, but this was good, getting to know each other a little bit more. It was far too tempting to whip around and kiss him again. Forget talking.
“Thanks. Like I said, it’ll be interesting to see who would want me to coach.”
“Anybody would want you,” she said vehemently. He was the biggest name in the sport, but she appreciated that he wasn’t cocky about it.
Axel’s hands were suddenly on her hips. She stopped and simply savored his touch for a few seconds before whirling to face him. His eyes dipped to her lips then back up to meet her gaze. “What if I don’t want just anybody?”
Kaitlyn was completely out of breath, and she had to force herself to inhale and exhale so she didn’t pass out or something. Stinking high elevations.
“Who do you want?” she asked quietly.
Axel grinned, and his handsome face became irresistible. His hands tugged her a bit closer and wrapped around her lower back. Kaitlyn rested her hands on his biceps, savoring the feel of the muscle and the heady sensation of being close to him.
“Only you,” he said.
She bit at the side of her lip, and Axel let out a low groan. “You’ve got to stop doing that. I can’t resist kissing you when you do that.”
Kaitlyn released her lip and smiled. It was an
unconscious habit on her part, but she loved that it drew him in. “Maybe I don’t want you to resist me.”
“Good, because it would be impossible for me to do.” He took a step closer, and his large frame completely overshadowed her as he took his time leaning down to meet her lips, all the while giving her a smoky look she’d only seen on the big screen. Kaitlyn threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in tight. Axel smiled against her mouth then proceeded to give her a kiss for the history books. Their lips moved in sync like they’d been practicing for this their entire lives. There were sparks and tingles everywhere his hands or lips touched.
Kaitlyn knew she’d never felt sensations like this before, and suddenly, that terrified her. She thought she’d loved Mason but had never been transported to heaven by his kiss. What did that mean? Was Axel the one for her when she hardly knew him, or was it just physical? She pulled back and stared at Axel’s tan face and deep brown eyes.
“You okay?” he asked, his breath coming in short pants.
“I’m confused,” she admitted.
“I completely understand. About us or because of Mason?”
She didn’t even know how to explain but really didn’t want to bring Mason into it. This was about her and Axel. Their chance to get to know each other. He wasn’t dredging up his old girlfriends. She and Mason were taking a break for reasons that had nothing to do with Axel, yet he had spurred her to be brave enough to say something to Mason, and she’d do anything to stay with Axel, to give him a chance. “A little of both.”
He nodded. “Mason seems like a great guy. I don’t want to hurt him anymore than you do, but Kaitlyn, you have to feel how strong this pull is between us.”
“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here.” She closed her eyes for a second. If she stared at him, she was just too tempted to kiss him again, but he’d misunderstood why she was confused. She focused in on him. “But what if it’s all just sparkle and shine? We don’t really know each other very well and with all the women who are probably after you …” She wished she hadn’t put it out there, but how did he know she was what he wanted when he could have his pick of anyone?
Axel’s gaze became intense, almost fierce. She wondered if that’s how he looked underneath his helmet when he was facing down a defender. “I know you don’t know me very well, but when I commit to something, I don’t go halfway. If you want me, Kaitlyn, you’ve got all of me.”
Her eyes widened, and she fell back a step. She wanted him, more than she’d ever wanted anyone or anything, and she fully believed his impassioned words. Some instinct told her she could trust him.
“You don’t have to have any answers for me right now, but the first time I saw you, it was like I knew that you were the one for me.”
Kaitlyn’s jaw went slack. Did he really just say that?
He squeezed her hand. “I’m moving too fast.”
“Light speed.”
He laughed at that. “Sorry. All my life I’ve known what I’ve wanted, and I’ve gone for it. I’m always getting in trouble for being too blunt.”
“You and my mom would get along well.”
“We do.” He smiled.
Kaitlyn turned and started walking back up the trail. Axel. His smile. His confidence. The way he made her feel. She was in big trouble.
Neither of them said anything as they hiked. Kaitlyn was mulling over his words, especially that if she wanted him, he was hers. She couldn’t believe that this man she’d idolized and been infatuated with felt so strongly about her.
They reached the summit and stood side by side, looking out over the small town with its open green spaces and the pine-tree covered mountains on the other side of the valley.
“It’s beautiful,” Kaitlyn murmured.
“So are you.”
She turned and saw he was staring at her instead of the view. “That was cheesy.”
He chuckled, but his eyes were troubled. “I said too much earlier. I honestly don’t know how to play dating games.”
“You don’t have to. I’m sure every woman just chases after you.”
He swallowed and flicked his thumb against his thigh. “Not the right ones.”
She tilted her head to the side. “And you think I’m the right one?”
“Am I going to scare you away if I say yes?”
“Maybe.” He was being honest, so she wanted to be too.
A muscle worked in his jaw as he studied her. Finally, he said in a low voice, “It’s a risk I’m going to have to take.”
He took a step closer and wrapped his arms around her. Kaitlyn’s breath hitched.
“Am I scaring you?” Axel asked softly.
“No, not like scaring me, scaring me, but I am scared of how intense the feelings are when I’m with you, especially when you touch me.”
“I can’t imagine anything more heavenly than touching you.”
“Are these just lines you give to every girl?”
Axel shook his head. “I wish you knew me, Kaitlyn. Wish you knew that I’ve never pursued someone like this.”
“You’ve always known what you’ve wanted and gone for it?” she asked, repeating his words that had been a little terrifying because she wanted to be what he wanted.
Axel grinned, and her breath shortened even more.
“Have you ever not gotten what you wanted?” she asked.
“No. But sometimes I had to work really hard.”
Kaitlyn had to smile at that. “What kind of hard work are you planning on?”
“I’m planning on kissing you.” His smile was completely irresistible.
“Oh!” She pushed at his chest. “And that’s going to be so hard on you?”
“Sacrifices must be made.”
She gasped in protest, but he cut it off by placing his lips on hers. Kaitlyn sighed and melted against him. Axel lifted her clean off her feet, and she wrapped her arms tight around his neck, returning every kiss he bestowed on her. He slowed the kisses down and then set her on her feet, resting his forehead against hers.
“Hard work?” she whispered.
“The hardest.” He was slightly out of breath, and she loved it.
“That would explain why you’re panting for air.”
“Exactly.” He chuckled. “Why do you have to be such hard work, beautiful Kait?” He trailed his thumb gently down her cheek.
Kaitlyn shivered from his soft touch and him using her nickname. “All good things are a lot of work.”
“As long as this is my reward.” He gestured to her. “I’ll work night and day.”
Kaitlyn shook her head at him. “What happens when it gets too hard and you want to give up on me?” Would it always be this amazing for them? She certainly hoped so.
His eyebrows lifted. “That is never going to happen.”
“Never is a long time.”
“You’ve just met the most dedicated man in the world.”
Kaitlyn grinned as he dipped his head toward her again. Then his kiss was lighting up her world, and she couldn’t think about anything else.
Chapter Seven
Monday night, Kaitlyn sat in the passenger seat of Axel’s sport utility, driving toward Lake View and wondering when she was going to come down to earth and deal with reality. She’d gone through work at Kenworth’s with her head in the clouds, and Jessica had demanded a report of everything that had happened the past couple of days. It was fun to be giddy with her friend about Axel.
Axel lifted their joined hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles. Kaitlyn sighed and turned so she could just focus on him. Who cared about the beautiful greenery outside when she could look at Axel? He rested their hands on his muscular thigh and smiled at her. “Thanks for coming with me. Johnny the Jet is a weird dude, but he saw on Twitter that I was in Echo Ridge and called and demanded that I come visit him because Echo Ridge is so close to his vacation house. I guess his wife wants to meet me.”
“Sometimes sacrifices must be made.” Actually, she was
excited to meet another well-known lacrosse player and his famous TV reality star wife.
“You’re going to throw that one back at me a lot, aren’t you?”
“You said it when you were kissing me. What do you think?”
“No. I said it right before I kissed you, or right after.” He grinned and squeezed her hand. “It’s all a blur of my version of heaven.”
“You are such a smooth talker.” But she loved it. Her soul hungered for sweet, chocolate-covered words that melted over her heart with warm goodness. Axel’s romantic overtures were a level above what she’d experienced, and she didn’t know if she would ever get enough.
“Only with you.”
“How do I know that isn’t just another line?” She loved everything he said, but there was still a part of her that worried the intense feelings would be fleeting.
He pulled off the road and up to a large gate. It swung open to reveal a long driveway lined with trees. Axel drove slowly down it.
“You’re going to have to spend a lot of time with me so you can learn that I’m one hundred percent genuine.” He stopped the car in front of a sprawling two-story house and turned to her.
“Is that going to be tough on you, spending so much time with me?” She teased.
“Sacrifices must be made.” Axel grinned and leaned across the console, giving her a quick kiss. Even that little bit of contact had her filling up with warmth.
His door swung open behind him, and a compact, swarthy man yanked on his arm. “Get your butt out here, Olsen!”
Axel glanced at her. “Prepare yourself to meet The Jet.” The warning sounded ominous. It was obvious Axel hadn’t been thrilled to come here but her stomach started feeling squeamish.
Axel let the guy pull him out of his Lexus, and they shared a manly back-pounding hug. Kaitlyn opened her door. Axel hurried around and wrapped his arm around her waist, Johnny by his side. Man, they both moved fast.