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Willing at the Library

Page 3

by Liz Fox

  There’s no way to get out of this. “I met a woman.”

  A knowing smile crosses his face for a split second. He doesn’t say anything, though. He just stares at me with those intense brown eyes, waiting for me to continue.

  “We were supposed to have dinner a couple days ago, but I couldn’t make it because of that bug in the software. Now, she isn’t returning my calls or answering my texts.”


  That’s all he says, but even that has me feeling defensive. “She still got to eat with my daughter.” Even though we both couldn’t make it to dinner, fifty percent of my family still showed up. That’s why it’s so weird that she’s ghosting me now. Some is better than none, right?

  “Let’s clarify.” Maximillian watches me with an impatient gaze. “You arranged to have dinner with a woman at her home a few days ago.”


  “I presume she cooked the meal?”

  “Yes. My daughter couldn’t stop talking about it the next day.”

  Maximillian nods as if confirming the obvious. “Then, at the agreed upon time, instead of joining this woman and appreciating her homemade meal, you dropped your child off and went to work.”

  I’m starting to feel a little uncertain about the direction of this conversation.

  “At this point there’s one question you need to ask yourself. Is this woman a potential romantic interest or is she a babysitter?”

  My jaw drops at his observation. Oh, shit. I totally screwed things up with Hope. He’s absolutely right. I didn’t treat her like a woman I respected. I treated her like a paid employee. Worse, I didn’t actually pay her. I just assumed her priorities were the same as mine.

  “I can see you are starting to comprehend the magnitude of your misstep.”

  “What do I do now? My daughter loves her.”

  “I can hardly believe I’m in a position to ask you this.” He pauses and I swear I hear him murmur, “This is all my wife’s fault,” under his breath. “How do you feel about her?”

  Taking a minute, I think back through the last week. All the bright spots revolved around Hope, my daughter, or both. Meeting Hope at the library, where I first realized what it’s really like to meet a sexy librarian. Finley’s look of joy when Hope dressed us up as Starfleet officers. Their shared giggles as they got their picture taken with one of the actors. The unexpected wave of urgency and desire that swept through me when I kissed her in the library.

  Maximillian waits patiently while I have an epiphany. “I’m falling in love with her.”

  “As I expected.” He straightens his posture and his voice gets crisp. “Here’s what you need to do. She doesn’t need to hear your excuses. She needs an apology and she needs to know this won’t happen again.”

  “That makes sense.”

  Oddly enough, Maximillian spends the next ten minutes helping me coordinate a plan to win Hope back. I just hope it’s enough.

  Chapter 7


  “Hope.” Maggie, the library director, interrupts my internal brooding. “We have a couple more spaces for booths at the community fair. Do you think we can find some people or businesses to fill those spots?”

  “I’m sure we can. I have a couple places that expressed interest, but they haven’t called me back. I’ll check in with them.”

  “Thanks.” She starts walking toward her office. “Maybe you can work on it tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” I ask, but she’s already taking a call.

  A few minutes later, I’m settling in at the front desk. Sara and Violet keep looking at me and giggling. Usually I’d ask what they find so entertaining, but I’m not in the mood.

  My mood brightens when Finley walks through the door. I walk around the desk to meet her in the foyer. “Finley, I’m so glad to see you.”

  “I’m glad to see you too, Hope.” She wraps her arms around my waist, her cheek resting against my middle.

  I should have expected it, but I’m still surprised when Ryan enters the library just behind Finley.

  “Hello, Hope.” He sounds cautious.

  “Hello, Ryan.” I sound stern.

  “Hello again.” Sara sidles up beside me and greets Finley like a long lost friend. “Are you ready to get out of here?”

  “Wait. What?”

  “Didn’t I tell you? I’m off today. I just came in this morning to pick up Finley. We’re going to spend the day together. Maybe we’ll make some chocolate pudding pie.”

  Maggie’s call must have finished because she joins us in the foyer. “You have the day off too, Hope.”

  “What? How?” I’m so confused. Finley isn’t staying. I’m not supposed to be here. What is happening?

  “It’s my fault.” Ryan steps forward. “I wanted to apologize.

  My eyes dart around the library, noticing the people looking our way.

  “Hope.” My eyes return to him, pulled in his direction like the gravity of the moon pulls on the tides. “I screwed up. I know that. I know that I couldn’t have messed things up any worse than I did. Would you give me a chance to apologize, please?”

  He holds his hand out to me. I glance back at Maggie, a question in my eyes. She gives me a nod and an encouraging smile. With trepidation, I place my hand in his. I want to trust him, but I don't know if I should.

  Ryan leads us to the front entryway. Blinking in shock, I follow along.

  Sara calls from behind us, “I’ll be by later tonight with Finley. Hope, I’ll bring your stuff.”

  A minute later, we’re driving down the road in his car. “Where are we going?”

  “Well, since you made a meal for me—even though I missed it—I thought maybe I could make a meal for you.”

  I don’t know what to say, so I stare out the window, watching the trees pass by. It doesn’t take long for us to get to his home. We pull into the driveway of a cute, red brick house with white trim. Adorable.

  Ryan opens the door for me while I’m still staring at his manicured front yard. Placing my hand in his, I let him pull me up from the passenger seat and lead me into his home. His furnishings aren’t fancy, but they’re comfortable. Not to forget, they only moved here a few months ago.

  I’m distracted from my perusal by the set up in the dining room. Flowers grace the cherry wood table, their colors bright with the sun coming through the window. As I walk closer, I notice my name on a place card on one of the plates. “Hope” is written in crayon with purple and red flowers sprinkled haphazardly over the paper. Clearly, Finley contributed to this apology.

  It isn’t until Ryan gestures to the sideboard that I notice a spread of chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and orange juice. “Help yourself. Finley insisted on the pancakes. Lucky for you, it’s one of the only things I know how to cook well.”

  I fill my plate and sit at the table, Ryan following behind me. He sits in an adjacent seat. Taking a sip of my orange juice, I wait. He wanted to offer an apology and I’ve been patient enough.

  He seems to understand that it’s time because he sets down his utensils and takes a deep breath.

  “I owe you an apology. The way I disrespected you this week was absolutely appalling. You deserve better. You deserve to be treated like a partner, not a convenience. Heck, you deserve the stars if you asked for them.

  “I’m a person who always puts work before people, and that’s burned me in the past. Hell, it burned me the other day. Plus, that’s not the kind of person I want to be.

  “You have no reason to forgive me, but I’m asking you to try. I’ve never met anyone like you, and I’m pretty sure I’m falling in love with you. I’m just hoping you’ll give me another chance.”

  Moisture gathers in my eyes with each word he speaks. It’s what I’ve always wanted to hear, but never imagined would actually happen. For so long, I’ve been the only person who cared if I were okay. To have someone else commit to putting me first feels like a dream come true.

  I almost don
’t know how to respond. The most I can manage is covering his hand—which is resting on the table—with my own.

  At the touch, his shoulders sag in relief. “Are you sure?” he asks.

  “Yes Ryan, I’m sure.”

  “Thank god.”

  His hand turns over, clasping mine, his thumb rubbing over my palm. With that one simple motion, it’s like a switch is flipped. The innocent caress sends a streak of lightning straight to my core. It’s strong enough that I gasp in surprise.

  The sound catches Ryan’s attention. I don’t know what he sees on my face, but it must be some kind of permission. In the next moment he raises my hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the center of my palm. His eyes darken as I moan involuntarily.

  “Maybe there’s another way I can apologize. They do say actions speak louder than words.” His deep voice sends tingling vibrations through my body. Damn, he feels good.

  “They do say that.” As if my agreement is a signal, he uses the hand he’s holding to pull me up so we’re both standing with barely an inch of space between us. He hooks my hand around the back of his neck. Then, like the ultimate curvy girl fantasy, he lifts me up with one arm under my knees and another at my lower back.

  I tighten my grip, afraid he’ll drop me. I’m not a small woman. But he doesn’t seem to have any trouble, even when he’s navigating us through doors and down the hallway.

  “I had no idea you were so strong.” My voice is low and breathy. Apparently, with Ryan, my previously undiscovered Marilyn Monroe comes to the surface.

  “I had no idea if you would accept my apology. Now that I have you, I’m never letting you go. Even if that means carrying you around for the rest of my life.”

  Grinning, I tickle the back of his neck with my fingers. “That’s sweet, but unnecessary.”

  “Ah ah.” He warns, tilting me until my lips are only millimeters away from his. “Remember, resistance is futile.”

  “Maybe you’re right.” I lean forward, pressing my lips against his. Warmth immediately saturates my body, but most importantly, my heart.

  While I may have initiated the kiss, Ryan takes it to the next level. His hands tightly grip my hips, pulling my body against his.

  We stumble towards his bedroom, running into a wall at one point. Eventually, we make it there, our lips never breaking contact once. We fall onto the bed and finally pull away from each other.

  I’ve never felt this kind of passion with someone before. It isn’t just sexual attraction. It’s the feeling of warmth and caring that spreads through me every time I think of him. His fiery blue eyes hold my gaze. His fingers trace gently over my cheek.

  My heart expands and my breath quickens as he trails his fingers down my neck. His lips follow the path of his finger, pressing wet kisses on my heated skin. He reaches down and pulls my shirt up over my head.

  I do the same to him, revealing an incredibly well-sculpted chest. He looks like a work of art, pale skin with rock hard muscles beneath. He’s staring at my breasts, his fingers tickling along the lacy edge of my bra.

  “You’re so beautiful.” His voice, low and seductive, makes me feel beautiful. Impatiently, we work at each other's pants, the two of us fumbling with the other's buttons.

  Once we’re both naked, he pushes me back on the bed, kissing my neck while feverishly running his hands up and down my body, as if trying to touch every inch of it.

  He slides his way down my neck and toward my chest. He kisses my nipple, lightly biting it, while using one of his hands to play with the other one. A desperate energy overwhelms me, a sensitive heat that only wants more of his touch. More of his kisses. More of his love.

  “Ryan, please. No more teasing,” I whimper against his neck. My hands are on his back. His muscles ripple with every movement he makes as I try to pull him closer.

  “You want more, Hope?” He slides his turgid length through my swollen lips, letting my moisture coat him.

  “Yes, more.” My hips undulate against his, and satisfaction fills me when he hisses in response. He reaches over me, pulling a foil packet from the nightstand.

  My breath is deep and heavy. I feel the beginnings of a moan forming in my chest as he slowly guides himself inside me. My body feels full, but not as full as my heart. The connection between us grows with each ragged breath. He picks up speed, going ever so slightly harder and faster with each thrust.

  “You feel so good.” His voice is deep and guttural now, a light groan escaping with each thrust. Pleasure pulses through me—maddening, seductive, and life-changing. His muscles flex with each powerful motion of his body.

  My core tightens in response. A forest fire of passion washes through my body. Each thrust hotter than the one before. The heat grows in time with our intimate, rhythmic motions until the tightness in my core snaps as I feel the first wave of orgasm roll over me.

  My release triggers his. His thickness presses inside me with deliberate force. With a few final shuddering breaths, he collapses on top of me. My legs and arms wrap around him, holding him close.

  “You’re my hope,” he whispers. The connection between us becomes an immutable force as he presses gentle kisses along my forehead.

  Neither of us wants to let the other go. We cuddle and kiss for five minutes or five hours. It doesn’t seem to matter. With each moment that passes, the feeling of love grows stronger.

  I’m tucked in beside him, my head resting on his shoulder when he finally breaks the silence. “So, am I forgiven?”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe you should apologize again.” I barely keep my mischievous smile contained. He gets me back with a firm slap on the ass.

  “Is that so?” He flips me to my back and props himself above me. Feisty temptation fills his gorgeous blue eyes. They soften as he notices my smile of joy.

  “Do you want to be a part of our family, Hope?”

  A happy tear runs down my cheek. “Yes Ryan. Let’s make it so.”



  “Daddy, what time is it?” Finley calls out for the third time that day. Like she does every day. It’s a practice we started when Hope moved in.

  “It’s appreciation time!” I smile widely at my daughter.

  After the kerfuffle with Hope, I decided I needed a better way to remind me to put my family first. So I did what I do best. I programmed an app. Throughout the day, it reminds me to appreciate, prioritize, and give attention to the people that are most important to me—Finley and Hope.

  “Do you remember what other time it is?” Her blue eyes gleam with excitement as she hops around the family room.

  “I remember. Now, go make sure Hope is still in bed.”

  Finley races up the stairs. I grab the tray and follow behind her. It’s become a tradition to have a breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes in bed at least once a month. Finley loves it, although she’s usually up and out of bed before any of us.

  I walk into the bedroom I share with Hope. She’s sitting, some pillows propped behind her. Every time I see her, my heart skips a beat. She’s the love of my life, my best friend, and an amazing mother to Finley. As evidenced by the way Finley curls up beside her every morning for hugs and cuddles.

  “Is this all for me?” Hope asks. She says the same thing every time, and usually Finley gives the same, “You can share it,” response.

  But not this time.

  Finley gives Hope a wide smile. “These are just for you.”

  Hope’s eyes widen and she shoots a glance my way. I set the tray down on her lap. Both Finley and I tremble with anticipation.

  “Okay?” She grabs the fork, then drops it, a look of shock on her face.

  “Hope, look what we got you!” Finley can barely contain herself, but it’s Hope I can’t take my eyes off of.

  “Is this a…?” Her voice drifts off as she stares at the ring encircling the stem of the silverware.

  Now, it’s my turn to ask a question. I get down on one knee by the side of the bed.
“Hope, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  Hope’s hands tremble as she slides the diamond ring off the fork. Tears run down her cheeks. Finley doesn’t notice. She’s so excited the bed is bouncing beneath her bum.

  “Yes, Hope. Will you marry us and be our family?” Finley asks with sweet innocence.

  “Of course I will. Yes. Yes!” Hope cries and pulls Finley into an enveloping hug. Then she leans over and presses a kiss to my lips. “Yes, my love. I’d love to be a part of your family.”

  At that moment, I know the best choice I ever made was to willingly open myself and my family up to this amazing woman from the library.

  Thank You

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for reading Willing at the Library! I’m honored that you gave my story the gift of your time and attention. I put a little of my heart into each of my books, and it’s amazing to me that you read (and hopefully enjoy) them.

  This book was especially fun to write because I love reading about single dads who are trying their best. Plus, Star Trek. :)

  If you enjoyed the book, please leave a review. It doesn’t have to be long, just a line or two makes a big difference.

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