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Another Solution (Crowley County Series Book 4)

Page 17

by T. E. Killian

  He looked at Jason and said, “It says, “You’ll be sorry.” He turned to Karen and said, “Where did you get this Karen?”

  She wiped more tears from her eyes. “It was on my windshield when I came out of the clinic this afternoon.”

  Floyd pulled out his cell phone. “I’ll have Palmer picked up right away.”

  Karen jumped up and placed a hand on Floyd’s arm. “Oh no, Floyd. I’m sure Larry didn’t do this.”

  Floyd palmed his cell phone and said, “How can you be sure?”

  She sat up straighter and Jason could see that she was no longer crying.

  “Well, two reasons. First, I think that Larry has finally given up on me. And the second reason is that he is going out with Brandi Leonard now.”

  Floyd leaned back in his chair and then said, “Do you have any idea who might have left you this note Karen?”

  Jason watched as Karen thought. He could tell that she was still shaken and wasn’t thinking as clearly as normal.

  Then she said, “Yes, I think I do. But first I need to tell you a couple of things.”

  When Floyd nodded and Jason squeezed her with his arm, she said, “Well, there is this new therapist at the clinic who’s been trying to get me to go out with him for several weeks now. He apparently knows Larry because at first it seemed like he was spying on me for Larry.”

  Floyd had his notebook out. “What’s this guy’s name?”

  “Ben Winslow. But he hasn’t really done anything to me.”

  She seemed to think about that for a second. “But there was that time today when I came out of the restroom and he was blocking my way. When I asked him to move, he said he wouldn’t move until I agreed to go out with him. And I’d just announced to the whole group earlier that Jason and I were getting married.”

  Floyd looked at Jason with raised eyebrows. Jason blushed and said, “Sorry Floyd, it was just last night and I went fishing early this morning.”

  Floyd grinned back at them and said, “Well, congratulations anyway you two.”

  Jason watched Karen struggle to smile her thanks at Floyd.

  “Well, he didn’t move until I said I’d scream if he didn’t.”

  Floyd was still writing then he said, “Jason, I think it would be better if you stayed away from this guy.”

  Jason didn’t like it but he had to agree. “Okay.”

  “Wait!” Karen almost jumped off the couch. “I almost forgot the phone calls.”

  Jason and Floyd shouted in unison, “What phone calls?”

  She almost smiled at that and turned to Jason. “Last night after you left, I called my mom and then my sister called me and I convinced them to come to our wedding.”

  Floyd interrupted then. “Is anyone going to tell me when this wedding’s going to take place?”

  Karen did laugh then and Jason joined her. She waved her hand at Floyd and said, “Your presence is requested at the happy occasion on Saturday, June first at our church of course.”

  Floyd grinned and said, “My whole family will be there. You can count on it. And I have a sneaky feeling that my wife and my little cousin have had their little fingers in this whole thing somehow.”

  She grinned at him that time and said, “Of course they did, and so did Daisy.”

  Jason squeezed her again. “Now, back to these phone calls you mentioned.”

  “Oh yes. Well right after my sister hung up, the phone rang again. I thought it was one of them but the caller ID was blocked and no one answered. I couldn’t hear anything on the other end. Then right before I went to bed, the same thing happened again. Then this morning just before I left home, I got another one. It was the same every time. No caller ID and no sound at all on the other end.”

  Jason looked at Floyd who only nodded and put both his cell phone and his notebook away before rising.

  “Well, I think that’s about all I can do tonight. I need to get home and spend some time with my family.”

  He started for the door and threw over his shoulder, “Never knew newborns could make so much racket, especially at two in the morning.”

  Once Floyd was gone, Jason turned Karen to face him fully. “I want to take you back out to Granny’s”

  She was shaking her head even before he finished talking.

  “I don’t think that’s necessary Jason. Nothing has happened yet.

  He didn’t like it but he could see that he wasn’t going to change her mind so he stood and said, “I guess I’d better let you get some sleep too.”

  He stopped to take her in his arms to kiss her. When he pulled back, he said, “But if anything else happens, you’re going back to Granny’s immediately. Okay?”

  She nodded her head and smiled as he let himself out the door.

  * * *

  After Jason left, Karen sat back down on the sofa and just tried to compose herself some more before starting to get ready for bed. That was when she realized she hadn’t even eaten supper yet.

  She went into the kitchen, pulled out some salad, and tried not to think about her situation as she ate without tasting anything.

  When she finished, she sat in the living room with the TV on for a while. After an hour of sitting there without even knowing what was on, she went into her bedroom to prepare for bed.

  Once she was in bed, she just lay there with the light off staring up at the ceiling for another hour. If asked later, she could not have told anyone what she thought about during that time. There were so many things going around in her mind that nothing stopped for very long at all.

  She must have finally fallen asleep for she was in a deep sleep when something awakened her. She opened her eyes but it was too dark to see anything so she listened. Then she heard it. Someone was pounding on her front door.

  She slid out of bed pulling her robe on as she made her way cautiously toward the front of the house. Just as she looked through the peephole in the front door to find no one there, the pounding started on the back door. Now she was frightened.

  Without even going back there, she went straight into her bedroom, grabbed her cell phone, and called Jason.

  When he answered, she just said, “Someone was pounding on my front door and now they’re pounding on my back door.”

  “Where are you?”

  “In my bedroom.”

  “Stay there. I’ll be there in a minute and I’ll be on foot from my back door to yours, okay. Keep the line open. Don’t hang up.”

  Karen moved in the dark bedroom to the window that looked out over her back yard. Beyond that was a long strip of park that ran between the new townhouses where she lived and the older ones where Jason lived. His back door was only a couple of hundred yards from her back door.

  She couldn’t see anyone in her backyard but she couldn’t see the back door from there though. Then in the light from the security lights in the park, she could see Jason running. She continued to watch as he sprinted up to her backyard.

  She moved to the kitchen and waited for him to give her some kind of signal. She knew better than to open the door until he told her to.

  When he finally called out for her to open the door, she opened it and leaped into his arms for the second time that night.

  He closed the door behind him and just held her until she stopped shaking. Then he leaned back and kissed her.

  “Are you all right Karen?”

  She couldn’t talk yet so she simply nodded and held on to him tighter. That was when she realized he had his handgun in a holster on his hip.

  “Well, I didn’t see anyone out there but I didn’t really expect to. The pounding probably stopped about the time you called me didn’t it?”

  “Yes.” She finally spoke but it came out almost in a squeak.

  He didn’t ask her anything else before leading her into the living room where he sat on the sofa and pulled her down onto his lap. He held her that way for more than five minutes and she could feel herself gradually relaxing and calming down.

He pulled out his cell phone and made a call. “Granny, somebody’s been harassing Karen again.”

  He listened then said, “I will. We’ll be there in half an hour.”

  He turned to her. “She insists that you come back out there to stay with her and that’s what I’d like for you to do too.”

  She just nodded and started to get up to get dressed and pack her things again.

  He held her for a second and said, “She said to tell you that she has her shotgun ready for the varmints.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh at that and it did wonders to calm her shattered nerves.

  On the drive out to Granny’s, Karen sat snuggled up against Jason and he drove with his arm around her. By the time they pulled into the front yard, Karen was almost asleep. She had felt so nice and so very safe next to Jason with his arm around her.

  Granny met them at the door and wrapped Karen in her arms. Without saying a word Granny then began to lead her back to the bedroom she’d stayed in before. Jason carried her bags in and set them at the foot of the bed.

  Granny let go of Karen long enough to put both hands on Jason’s chest when he started toward Karen.

  “You go on home now and get some sleep Son. I’ll take good care of her now.”

  He seemed reluctant but Karen stepped up to him and kissed him. Then he grinned and turned to leave.

  Granny called out. “I’ll expect you for breakfast in the morning.”

  With that Granny turned back to Karen and said, “Now, let’s get you to bed so you can get some sleep too Dearie.”

  Before Karen realized it, she was back in her nightgown and in bed with the covers up to her chin. She smiled up at Granny who was still hovering over her.

  “Now, Child, I don’t want you to worry about a thing. Tomorrow’s Saturday and Jason will be here with us all day. You’ll be just fine now. Everything will be okay now. You wait and see.”

  “Thank you Granny.”

  And as she was drifting off to sleep, she smiled at the wrinkled face above her and said, “I love you Granny.”

  Granny smiled and said, “You’re a special one Dearie. Jason and I both love you too.”

  Karen couldn’t believe it. She felt so safe there that she was sure she was asleep even before Granny even left the room. And she slept straight through the rest of the night. When she awakened the next morning, she didn’t even remember dreaming.

  Chapter Twelve

  Sunday morning Jason was still flying high from spending the whole day Saturday with Karen at the farm. He’d taken her on a hike on a trail he’d made when he was a teenager. It was a loop that went through the woods, which covered the outlying areas of the farm on all sides.

  Karen had seemed to enjoy the hike as much as he did and he had fun just watching her and being with her.

  Sandy had accompanied them as well. And even though the old coonhound didn’t walk as fast as he once did, Jason was sure Sandy enjoyed the hike as much as he and Karen had.

  Now he was waiting impatiently on the steps out front of the church for the others to get there. He had wanted to go out to the farm and get Karen, but Granny had scoffed at that idea. After all, she and Billy Joe were coming in to church too. Therefore, Karen was riding with them in Billy Joe’s car.

  Finally, he saw the car pull into the parking lot and he was down the steps and into the parking lot quickly. He heard Gil’s laughter behind him and just grinned to himself.

  He was there in time to open Karen’s door before she had a chance to. He pulled the door open and then reached a hand in for her. She smiled up at him as she placed her hand in his. He knew she was a little shy about public displays of affection so he held back from kissing her.

  But boy was he ever surprised when she leaned up on her toes and kissed him quickly on the lips. Wow! He wanted more, but she was already walking away toward the entrance.

  He hurried to catch up with her and placing his hand at the small of her back, said softly, “That was teasing me. But I’ll get my revenge later.”

  She smiled over at him and said, “I’ll look forward to it.”

  With that, they entered the church and were immediately greeted by Gil and Jo who had Luke in her arms but he was struggling to get down.

  Karen laughed and stepped up to take Luke. The little guy went to her willingly. She sat his feet on the floor and holding on to both hands let him walk around the foyer. He cackled with delight as he bounced with each step.

  Jason just stood there marveling at how good Karen was with Luke. Then it hit him that in a couple of years or maybe even less, that could be their little one that Karen was playing with. That thought almost knocked him over and put a goofy grin on his face.

  He was surprised when Billy Joe stepped up to his side and said, “Granny said that I might feel more comfortable at least the first time if I go to class with you and Karen.”

  Billy Joe swallowed and said, “If that’s okay with the two of you that is.”

  Just a week ago, Jason might have protested, but not now. He was beginning to let this man into his life gradually and it wasn’t hurting him a bit.

  When Jason didn’t say anything at first, Billy Joe added, “You can introduce me as a friend of the family if you want.”

  Jason just nodded and the three of them headed down the long hallway to their class.

  All the way down there, Jason kept thinking about what Billy Joe had just said. How did he look at the man now? Did he look at him as a friend of the family only? Or did he now think of him as his father, his dad?

  As he followed Karen into the classroom, all eyes turned toward them and the newcomer. The teacher came over and Jason knew he had to introduce Billy Joe to them now.

  Without realizing he meant to, Jason said, “Everyone, this is Billy Joe Layton . . . my dad.”

  He was afraid to look at Billy Joe but when Karen looked up at him, he was surprised to see tears glistening in her eyes. Oh boy!

  Jason was saved from having to face Billy Joe just then when Brandi Leonard came in pulling Palmer right behind her. Well, she did it! He never would have thought she could get the guy here but she did.

  Brandi marched right up to the teacher almost dragging Palmer now and said, “Everyone, this is my friend Larry Palmer. He’s a deputy sheriff and just came here recently from the Springfield Police Department.”

  It took the class a while to settle down and start with everyone taking the time to welcome the two newcomers.

  When class was over, all five of them began making their way to the sanctuary for the worship service. Before Jason knew what was happening, Granny seemed to come out of nowhere grabbing Palmer by the arm dragging him off to the side.

  Jason could just barely hear what she said to the guy and he couldn’t help but grin at it.

  She said, “Now you listen here young man. If I hear anything at all that even sounds like you’re mistreating that little Brandi girl in any way, you’ll rue the day you were born. You understand?”

  When Palmer just stared down at her without speaking Granny put her hands on her hips and said, “I wouldn’t care if you were the sheriff himself, I’ll come after you with my shotgun. You hear?”

  Jason was moving that way in case he had to pull Palmer away when the guy just threw his head back and laughed loudly.

  He stopped laughing abruptly, grinned down at Granny, saluted her, and said, “Yes ma’am. I will surely take that into consideration.”

  Jason was trying his best not to laugh when Palmer turned on him and said, “Come over here a minute Walker.”

  Jason started to take exception to the way Palmer talked to him but quickly decided to let it slide this time.

  As soon as they were away from the others, Palmer said, “I’ve just got one question for you Walker. Did Brandi by any chance talk to your grandma recently?”

  Jason couldn’t help it. The look on the guy’s face and the question combined sent him into almost uncontrollable laughter. Only Kar
en’s hand suddenly appearing on his arm stopped him.

  He grinned back at Palmer and said, “She sure did.”

  Palmer shook his head and said, “That’s what I thought. You know what that little girl said to me? I was sitting in the pizza joint with a beer in my hand. She looked at me with those big blue eyes of hers and said that if I didn’t stop drinking and start going to church with her, then that was going to be our last date.”

  When Jason only laughed again, Palmer said, “You knew all about that didn’t you Walker?”

  Jason couldn’t lie so he said, “Yes I did.”

  Karen spoke up then. “But Larry, the question is are you going to treat Brandi right?”

  Palmer looked at Karen like he was just now seeing her for the first time. He shook his head and said, “Since Brandi got ahold of me, Karen, I’ve realized how badly I treated you. Can you ever forgive me?”

  She smiled and reached out to touch his arm. “I’ve already forgiven you Larry but thank you for acknowledging it and asking.”

  With that, they all entered the sanctuary.

  * * *

  Karen couldn’t remember ever enjoying a day as much as she had yesterday. Just being with Jason and Granny all day had been great. But the hike that Jason had taken her on had been simply terrific. She had also fallen in love with the old dog, Sandy. The feelings must have been mutual for Sandy was by her side almost every minute of the day.

  It had been a beautiful spring day and both she and Jason had been able to relax thoroughly. She knew she was falling deeper in love with him every day and that was simply wonderful too.

  She had always enjoyed her Sunday mornings in church but today was turning out to be so much more special than almost any other Sunday she could remember.

  First, she and Jason had announced to their Sunday School class that they were getting married. But something else that she thought was almost as good was the fact that Jason had introduced Billy Joe as his dad. She was so excited and happy for both of them to have finally found each other and that they were actually building a relationship.

  Then she thought about her own relationship with her only two close relatives. That took her mood down a few notches. Right then though she vowed to try extra hard to make the relationships with her mother and sister so much better.


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