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Carnal Pledge: A College Bully Romance

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by Vixen Kane

  Carnal Pledge

  A College Bully Romance

  Vixen Kane

  Copyright © 2019 by Vixen Kane

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  1. Valerie

  2. Valerie

  3. Valerie

  4. Seth

  5. Valerie

  6. Seth

  7. Valerie

  8. Seth

  9. Valerie

  10. Seth

  11. Valerie

  12. Seth

  13. Valerie

  14. Seth

  15. Valerie

  16. Seth

  17. Valerie

  18. Seth

  19. Valerie

  20. Valerie

  21. Valerie

  22. Seth

  23. Valerie

  24. Valerie

  25. Seth

  26. Valerie

  27. Seth

  28. Valerie

  29. Seth


  About the Author



  “Shhh, miss prissy pants is sleeping.”

  Lexie’s slurred whisper reaches my ears, drawing me further from sleep. Despite living together for nine months, my roommate has no clue that I have insomnia. I’m already awake. Her drunk shenanigans didn’t wake me up. Never have, never would. But her insults? Those keep me awake.

  “You really need to request a new roommate, Lex. This one’s a dud.” My body tenses at Kristie’s voice. Lexie is a selfish bitch, but Kristie is the Queen B.

  Unable to lay still and take it, I sit up and swing my legs over the top bunk. Both of them squeal at the sudden movement, and a snort escapes me at their utter ridiculousness.

  “Yes, Lex, why don’t you request a new roommate? It would certainly make my life easier. I mean, bunking with a sloppy drunk isn’t necessarily my idea of how to get a solid education.” Maybe that isn’t the best insult, but I’ve never been any good at dishing them out, despite the hundreds that people have thrown my way over the years.

  “Oh, shut the fuck up, Val.” Lexie’s wobbly legs barely hold her up as she walks to the bed and throws herself down.

  “Do you even care that finals are coming up?”

  “Jesus, do you care about anything other than school?” Kristie snaps.

  “Of course I do, but—”

  “Both of you, shut it.” Lexie shoots up from the bed, swaying as she does. She grabs onto the ladder to steady herself, and when it appears she has, she slowly turns toward Kristie. “Just go to your room. I’m too drunk to deal with this right now.”

  Kristie’s eyes widen in surprise at being the one to get kicked out, as do mine. Lexie has never taken my side when Kristie is around. I have always been the target of their jokes. Why is tonight any different?

  “Whatever. When you sober up, come find me.” With that, Kristie turns and stomps out of the room like a petulant child.

  When the door slams behind her, I hop down to the floor, cross my arms over my chest and stare at Lexie.

  “What?” she demands.

  “Nothing. I just… I don’t get it. You normally follow Kristie like a lemming jumping off a cliff but not tonight. Why?” It makes no sense to me, and I find myself wondering what their gimmick is. What is their game?

  “Does it matter?”

  Does it?


  I could elaborate and explain to her about the awful teasing I experienced in high school, but I won’t. She wouldn’t understand. She’s beautiful, popular, smart and… fun.

  “Look,” she starts as she sits up and glares at me. “Kristie’s a good time and all, but she’s a bitch. I know that. But she gets invited to all the frat parties and introduces me to all the hot guys. I’ve got three more years to worry about my grades. Right now, I just want to have fun.”


  “But what, Val?”

  She sounds rather annoyed with me, but I can’t seem to let this go. I have no idea what I was about to say. What I do know is that, lately, there’s been a part of me that wants to be as carefree as everyone else. A part of me that wants to shed the goody-two-shoes image and be a normal college freshman.

  “Val?” Lexie pulls me from my musings.

  “You know, you’re the only person that calls me that.” I tilt my head as I speak, taking in her confused expression.

  “Seriously? What do people call you?”

  “Valerie. That’s my name.”

  “Yeah, but… that’s so serious and formal.”

  “Pretty much,” I mumble as I let my head fall forward.

  I just turned nineteen years old and am almost through my freshman year of college, and what do I have to show for it? I was valedictorian of my high school, but my family was poor so I had to work hard in order to get scholarships. I have an ex-boyfriend who I broke up with because he went a little wild when he started college. He was a year ahead of me, and I needed to focus. In other words, I’ve got nothing to show for it. Other than good grades and a standing date with my Kindle. I’ve yet to go to a party, to even be invited to one. Maybe Lexie can help me change that.

  “Do you—” My mouth snaps shut when I lift my head and see that she’s passed out. Shit.

  I climb the ladder and curl up under the sheets. The clock on the desk next to the bunk reads 2:36AM. I can still get a few hours of sleep before I have to get up for my Intro to Psych class at eight. A class that Lexie also has but usually skips.

  As I drift off to sleep, I pray that she actually gets up to go to it in the morning so that I can finish my question.


  “Dude, hurry up.”

  Hurry up. As if I’m enjoying this.

  My hand pumps harder wrapped around my cock, and I stare at the wall of the dean’s office. Bad idea. There’s a picture of him and his family at what looks like Disney World, but it’s so fucking dark in here it could just be Halloween and I wouldn’t know the difference. Normally, that’s not enough to make me squirm while I’m rubbing one out, but I happen to be beating off onto the girl’s picture. Fucked up? Yeah. Frat brothers have wild fucking imaginations.

  I close my eyes and picture somebody else. Anybody else. That redhead that sits next to me in Physics. She’s hot enough.

  I see her with her lips wrapped around me and pump harder. The red lipstick she likes to overdo smears over me, and she glances up to look me in the eye…

  Yep, that’ll do it. Streams of cum spurt out of me onto the framed photo sitting on the dean’s desk. I don’t look down at it. I fucking can’t. Instead, I tuck myself back into my jeans and zip them up before turning toward the guys with a smile on my face that says ‘what’s next?’.

  Nate scrunches his face as he leans around me to take in my load.

  “That’s fuckin’ sick,” he says with a chuckle. Matt and Tristan glance around to look too and cackles fill the room. None come from Connor, though.

  “How many more of these stunts you gonna have me do?”

  His lips pull into a smile that has the pledges cowering, but not me. I’m a junior and have been a part of this fraternity for three years. Nothing can intimidate me at this point, certainly not Connor. I was about to be Connor.

  “As many stunts as a future president can take.”

  “Can’t I just sleep in the basement with the pledges?” I joke, moving toward the door in a silent gesture to get us all the
fuck out of here. It wouldn’t be the first time we paid off campus police if we got caught, but it was easier not to.

  “The point is to challenge you, not to fuck with you.”

  Right. I’ve been doing ‘challenges’ for about a month, and not a single one has been particularly challenging. Make a sex tape with a sorority girl without her knowing, steal a car, light an abandoned building on fire. None of that shit was actually hard, just highly illegal. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they were just trying to get me thrown in jail, but I’d been around when Connor went through his initiation shit. It’d been similar things. Really, it was just to prove you had balls, but it was getting fucking annoying.

  “So what’s next?” I ask, shoving my hands into my pockets as we stroll down the hallway toward the door. We didn’t even wear masks for this one. We already blacked out the cameras earlier that day, so there was no point in hiding ourselves.

  Connor glances my way and shrugs. “I’ll let you know.”



  “Shut it off.” Lexie’s familiar morning growl doesn’t deter me from my plan.

  I woke up an hour ago, the first time the alarm went off, but I let it go through the snooze cycle, over and over, until she finally stirs.

  “Get up and I’ll turn it off.” I glance in the mirror, taking in my jeans and hoodie. Nothing to write home about, but good enough.

  “When did you get so bossy?” she asks as she rolls over and sits up. She’s in the same clothes as last night, giving me a moment’s pause that maybe hungover Lexie isn’t the best option for getting what I want.

  “Don’t know.” I shrug as I walk to stand in front of her. “Are you getting up?”

  Her eyebrow raises before she huffs out a breath and stomps to her shower caddy. “Bitch.”

  “Pot meet kettle.” My brain is screaming at me to shut up, but I can’t. I don’t want to. She has something I want and something tells me the only way I’m going to get it is to show her that I’m not a dud.

  After she leaves to go to the showers, I get my shit together for class and then start to sort through my mail from the previous day. For someone who is always so put together, Lexie showers in record time and when she returns, I’m staring at a card from my parents. A birthday card.

  “It’s your birthday?” Lexie’s voice is right behind me and I jump.

  “A couple days ago.” Which means they’re late. It doesn’t bother me as much as it probably should. We aren’t exactly close.

  I toss the card back on my desk and shake off the resentment, mostly aimed at myself but also a little at my parents. I spent this birthday in the library, studying for a science test I’ll most likely never use the knowledge for.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Lexie sounds genuinely interested, which is surprising.

  “It’s not a big deal. Just another day.” I flinch at my tone. The resentment is obvious.

  “Clearly you don’t think so.” She turns my swivel chair around so that I’m facing her, and the look on her face is one of concern. A look you might see on a friend’s face. Not your bitchy roommate who hates you.

  “It’s just… I don’t know, I think I regret not doing anything fun for it. I mean I’m nineteen, and I’ve still never—”

  “Please tell me you’re not a virgin.”

  The notion is so crazy that I bust up laughing. Wow. People really do think I’m a goody two shoes.

  “Nope, no V-card here.”

  “Thank God. That would have been just… tragic.” She shivers, which tells me just how tragic she thinks that would be. Suddenly her eyes light up, and she starts to bounce on her toes. “Oh my god, I’ve got an idea.”


  “There’s this party this weekend. At the Delta Gamma Phi house. You gotta come! It’ll be great.” She grabs my hands and pulls me out of the chair. “Come on. Say you’ll go. Please? It’ll be the perfect way to celebrate your birthday.”

  I think through her words and how easy she’s making this. I don’t have to go through with my plan because she’s done it for me. I’m tired of not living. I want to be a normal college student and experience everything. Including a wild frat party. This is perfect. And the Delta Gamma Phi house isn’t too far off campus, so if it turns out to not be as fun as I think, then I can always leave. No harm, no foul.

  I smile at Lexie and squeeze her hands. “Okay.”

  “Yeah? You’re really gonna come?”

  I make up my mind to not back out, even if it is a little scary. “Yes. I’m really going to go to the party.”



  “Are you sure about this?” Gemma asks me.

  “Of course she’s sure,” Lexie answers before I get a chance.

  We’re standing in front of the Delta Gamma Phi house, and there are so many idiots running around that I’m starting to second guess my decision to have fun. But no. There’s no backing out now.

  “C’mon.” Lexie grabs my hand and pulls me toward the steps.

  I reach back and grab Gemma’s hand and tug her along with us. I invited her to the party because there was no way in hell I was going without my best friend. We met on the first day of Intro to Research class and have been inseparable since. Gemma’s great and we have so much in common, but she’s just like me. Always has her nose in a textbook and always spending any free time studying. I’m tired of that. Sure, I have to get a job this summer, but that doesn’t require any study time, so I’m going to also spend the summer being a real college kid. Having fun. Partying. I want to experience all of it. That’s my birthday present to myself.

  Happy nineteen!

  “Hold up.” I yank my hand free from Lexie’s, and my eyes dart around taking in my surroundings. After a moment, I glance down at my outfit and cringe before looking back to Lexie and Gemma. “Are you sure I look okay? This isn’t too much?”

  I’m wearing tight jeans, borrowed from Lexie of course, and a black top that is so low-cut that I fear my nipples will pop out at any second. Again, borrowed from Lexie.

  “You look hot as fuck.” Lexie’s grin widens. “Who knew there was a sex-pot underneath all the hoodies and books?”

  “You look great. Really. Different, but great.” Gemma doesn’t sound as confident as Lexie about my appearance, but then again, she’s only known me as Valerie, the poor nerd.

  Tonight, I’m not Valerie the nerd. I’m Val, the flirty college freshman.

  “Okay. Right.” I take a deep breath, ignoring my heaving cleavage that catches my eye. “Let’s go.”

  With that, I shoulder my way past them and through the open front door. The music is so loud that I can no longer hear myself think, and I wonder for a moment how anyone has a conversation at these things. Then I remind myself that I’m not here for conversation. This isn’t a study session. It’s not class. It’s a freaking fraternity party.

  “I’m gonna go get us some drinks. Be right back.” Lexie walks backwards as she’s talking to Gemma and me.

  After she’s out of our sight, I turn to Gemma. “Thanks for coming with me. I couldn’t do this without you.”

  “Sure thing. Besides, what harm can come from one little party?” As if to punctuate her question, a tall guy with brown hair slams into her and spills his beer all over her arm.

  “Jesus, watch where you’re fu—” Emerald eyes bore into mine as the shaggy-haired guy whirls around to face us. “Damn.” The word is drawn out, and the look on his face has me squirming.

  “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?”

  “Yeah, um, sorry about that.” He glances toward Gemma, giving her an apologetic grin before returning his attention back to me.

  “I don’t think we’ve met.” His gaze roams over my body from head to toe. “I’m Connor.”

  “Valerie… Val.” I stick my hand out for him to shake, and when he stares at it with confusion in his eyes, I quickly pull it back. “Do you always stare at girl
s’ tits when you meet them?”

  “Well, Val, when they’re tits like yours… yep.” I imagine the grin he’s sporting normally drops some panties, but not mine. He’s hot for sure, but a dick.

  “Asshole.” I mumble under my breath.

  “What’s that?” He laughs like he heard me and thinks it’s hilarious. Like I’m a joke to him.

  “Valerie, let’s just go.” Gemma grabs my hand and tries to turn me back toward the door, but I resist.

  “No. I was invited to this party and I intend to stay.”

  “Everything okay?” Lexie walks up holding out drinks for Gemma and me, and while Gemma hesitates, I don’t. I grab the drink and take a big swallow, immediately regretting it when the repugnant beer hits my taste buds.

  “Everything’s great,” I say, staring Connor down, my eyes never leaving his.

  “Sure, why not?” He grabs the cup meant for Gemma since she has yet to take it and chugs it down before scrunching it in his fist. He finally breaks eye contact to shift his attention to Lexie. “Lex, looking hot as always.”

  Lexie giggles, causing me to roll my eyes so far into the back of my head I’m afraid they’ll get stuck in my skull like that.

  “How’s the initiation going?”

  “Seth’s killin’ it. A little too well, actually.” Connor chuckles. “We’re having to brainstorm shit because he’s flying through the challenges.” He swivels his head toward the guys on the other side of the room calling his name. “Duty calls.” He winks at Lexie and then turns and walks away.


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