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Carnal Pledge: A College Bully Romance

Page 11

by Vixen Kane

  Me: Thanks again for last night.

  My phone pings as I’m sliding it into my back pocket. I bring it back to look at it.

  Seth: No problem, babe. I’m glad I was there to take care of you.

  I send him a smiley face emoji just as I reach my car. I toss the phone on the passenger seat when I get in. When the engine starts, my phone sounds again.

  Seth: Wanna come over tonight?

  Me: Gotta work.

  Seth: You’re always working. What exactly do you do? Maybe I can come

  see you on your break or something

  I laugh at the irony of that. He has no clue just how easy it would be for him to see me while I’m at work.

  Me: I work with the special needs population.

  Three dots appear for a few seconds and then go away. When they don’t return, I debate on whether or not to tell him I work with his sister, but decide against it. Work is work and I need to keep it separate from my personal life. Besides, if he shows up at his parents house, I’m likely to get too distracted, and I need this job too badly to jeopardize it.

  When my phone dings, I snatch it up, a little too eagerly.

  Seth: Cool. I’m sure you’re great at it.

  Me: Thanks

  Seth: No prob. Can I see you tomorrow?

  Heat infuses my cheeks at the thought of seeing him again. I want to, more than anything. And maybe this time, my plans won’t get screwed up by my hunger and edibles.

  Me: I’d like that.



  I pull my sweaty hands from the wheel and wipe them on my slacks. Black slacks. Like I’m going to some fancy dinner instead of a picnic in the park. My eyes fixate on the handprints I’ve left on the steering wheel while I contemplate if I’m overdressed.

  This is a date. A real date, complete with a bouquet of red roses in the passenger seat. Here’s the weird part. The part that has the sweat breaking out over my forehead and my heart beating a little too rapidly.

  It’s the first I’ve ever been on.

  I’ve had a few girlfriends, taken some girls to dinner, and taken many back to my place. But dressing up, planning some romantic evening, and spending fifteen minutes looking at the same three bouquets in a flower shop? I’m not that guy. I’ve never been that guy. And I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing or even why I’m doing it.

  Connor’s voice drifts through my mind, reminding me of the history of these challenges. It’s probably just some made up bullshit like every fraternity has, but it still gets to me somehow. One part of me still desperately wants to succeed. But the other part desperately wants to fail.

  Either way, I have to try.

  I grab the flowers and climb out of the car, strolling up to Valerie’s dorm like I do know what I’m doing. That’s probably my biggest weapon, my ability to blend. Be the person people want me to be, even if underneath I’m dying. I don’t even want to think about the psychology of that one, so I quiet my mind and focus on the steps I take up the staircase to the fourth floor. Finals are coming up fast, so it’s predictably quiet, with a few girls silently studying in the lounge area.

  I get to Valerie’s door and knock before taking a deep breath and standing up straight with the roses gripped tight in front of me.

  I can do this. I can be this guy. I fucking need to be this guy.

  The door opens, and what’s on the other side makes my breath catch.

  She’s wearing white again. A white sundress, and it has the same effect as those shorts had the night I played the hero, it makes her stand out. Honey colored skin encases her legs, her arms, and the part of her chest exposed by the V of her neckline. The dress is tied behind her neck in a knot that just seems too easy to pull. Too tempting.

  “Hey,” she says to me, her eyes darting to the flowers and a huge smile showing me perfectly white teeth. Blonde hair frames her face in curls, but I can tell it’s bothering her with the way she smooths it back in a gesture I’m beginning to recognize as nervousness.

  “Hey,” I hold the flowers out for her, and when she takes them she immediately brings them to her nose, inhaling a large breath before giving me that smile again.

  That fucking smile. I’ve seen it before, admired it even. But never in my wildest dreams could I imagine being on the receiving end of it.

  She steps back into the room, and I follow her, my eyes drifting to Lexie, who’s grinning at me from the bottom bunk. “Hey Seth.”


  “I’ll just be a minute,” Val says, pulling on the same shoes she had on last night. She then goes to the mirror and puts in a pair of earrings. They look like diamond studs but I remember what Valerie told me about not having any money so they’re probably cubic zirconia. All the while Lexie stares at us, flicking her gaze between the two of us and snickering.

  “We’re getting invited to so many parties next year,” I hear her say under her breath, although I’m sure she knows I can hear her.

  Val does too because she glances toward Lexie as she puts the roses in a cup of water, carefully leaning them against the mirror above the sink so they don’t tip over. Guess I should’ve gotten a vase too.

  “‘Kay, I’m ready.” She spins to face me and gives a wave to Lexie before leading us from the dorm.

  “You look gorgeous,” I say, opening the passenger door for her and flashing her my best smile. It’s something I always say to girls, but as I take her in for the fifth time since walking from the building, I really mean it. It’s not just the way the dress hugs her curves, or those heels that make her ass appear even firmer. It’s the way she can make fake diamonds sparkle more than real ones. It’s the way she smiles and says hello to the RA who glances up from a textbook when we walk by, and it’s the way she picks up a gum wrapper off the ground and tosses it in a nearby trashcan on the way to the car. It’s in the way she calls people on their shit and refuses to be disrespected. She’s exactly the girl I thought she was and also nothing like her.

  Too bad I’m about to rip her heart to shreds.

  I shake off the thought before it can go too far, and she blushes and thanks me for the compliment before I shut the car door and circle around to the front.

  When I get in the car, I notice her peering at the basket in my backseat.

  “We’re going on a picnic?” she asks, excitement filling her tone.

  “Yeah, I thought it would be a nice third date,” I say, hoping she’ll catch the subtle meaning. I’m not sure she does, but her excitement doesn’t die, so I take it as a win. “Is that okay with you?”

  She nods and rests her head back in the seat. “I love picnics.”

  The place I’m taking her to is about a thirty minute drive, and when we pass the last park on the outskirts of town, I can sense her suspicion. She fidgets in her seat, flicking her gaze between me and the windshield but doesn’t say a word.

  “It’s a special place,” I say, speeding down a back highway.

  She nods and rests her fidgeting hands in her lap, seemingly satisfied with the explanation. It’s not special so much as it is secluded, but special seems like a better way to put it. There’s a plot of land the fraternity bought years before I started school where parties are thrown sometimes. Just past where we hold the bonfires, though, is a pond that guys will bring girls to on occasion. There’s something about fucking under the stars that girls find romantic, and the sun is starting to set so we’re right on schedule.

  “So what’s your major? Just realized I haven’t asked that.”

  I glance at her and turn down another road. “Engineering.”

  “Engineering, wow. You must be smart.”

  I chuckle and glance over at her. She’s nervous, and I’m pretty sure she now knows what I have planned. But she isn’t asking me to turn around. She’s not doing that pissed off thing with her eyebrows. She’s just nervous.

  “Yours is Social Work, right?”

  She blinks a few times before she realizes what I�
��m asking, then clears her throat. “Oh, uh, yeah, it is. How’d you know?”

  “You told me at Paneveno’s, remember?”

  “Right.” Her forehead creases before she clears her throat and asks, “What made you want to be an engineer?”

  I search my brain, but keep coming up blank. No one’s ever asked me that question before, so I’ve never had to think of how to explain it. For me, it’s design I’ve always drifted toward. When I was a kid, I’d spend hours with my Lego set, building different ‘inventions’. When I was a preteen, it was graphics that scratched my itch, but when I got into high school I had a physics teacher that took that interest to an all new level.

  “I really like science, and I like building things, so I guess engineering just puts the two together.”

  “Ah, makes sense.”

  A few minutes later we pull up to the drive that leads to the bonfire spot. Beer cans litter the ground along with trash from the previous party, and I can sense Val staring at me like I’m out of my mind if I think this is a romantic spot for a picnic. I ignore the look and park the car, turning to her and suppressing a laugh when I see her expression.

  “We have to walk for a minute over that hill, but I promise it’s a lot nicer than it looks.”

  I climb out of the car and walk around her side to get her door. We walk a few minutes, but eventually make it over the hill, and I smile as I take in the little pond. I timed our arrival perfectly, and the sunset’s gleaming across the water, different shades of orange, yellow, and red, painted over a blue hue. It’s fucking beautiful, and even with this being the first time I’ve personally taken a girl to this spot, I can see why Connor recommended it.

  I peer at Valerie and watch as the confusion lifts from her expression and her lips pull into a soft smile.

  “Oh,” she says, turning to me and laughing. “This makes way more sense.”

  I chuckle and start toward the wooden dock that sits beneath a willow tree. It’s so much more green over here without all the people trampling the grass or the alcohol and tire tracks killing it.

  I lay the blanket down on the dock and sit the basket down on top of it. Val takes another minute of glancing around but eventually joins me, pulling her legs underneath herself and smoothing her sundress over her knees.

  I pull out the contents of the basket: two sandwiches, some orange slices, two glasses and a bottle of champagne. I pop the cork on the bottle and pour us both a glass before handing her one. She watches me the entire time, studying me like she’s trying to figure me out, or maybe just my intentions. It’s cute, and I like that even now, she’s on her toes.

  I lift my glass toward her and smile. “Cheers.”



  “Cheers.” I lift my glass to clink with his and then lift it to my lips. The bubbly liquid tickles my throat as I swallow it down.

  My eyes meet Seth’s over the rim of the wine glass. What I see in them scares me, but also causes lust to curl in my stomach. I tilt my head to the side, trying to determine what the hell is going on.

  “What?” Seth’s lips twitch and his eyes crinkle with his smile.

  “Nothing.” I shake my head, trying to rid it of the thoughts swirling. “I’m, um, starving. Let’s eat.”

  I pick up a sandwich and unwrap it. Seth does the same, and as I’m taking a bite of mine, I can’t help but get lost in the way his throat works as he chews and swallows. He takes another sip of the champagne he brought, breaking the spell. I look around at our surroundings, trying to get my bearings and when I feel confident that I’m back in control of myself, I look at him.

  “This place really is beautiful.”

  “Yeah, it is.” He’s looking at me when he says that and heat rushes to my cheeks and I duck my head.

  We’re sitting facing each other and once we’re done eating, Seth scoots to my side and we stare out over the pond. I’m leaning back on my arms with my legs stretched out in front of me, one ankle crossed over the other. Seth mimics my pose and we sit in silence. The sun has almost set and the stars are peaking out now. It’s the most romantic spot I’ve ever seen but something is missing.

  “I really want to kiss you.” Seth sits up and his hand brushes the hair off my neck. “I have since we got here.”

  The spot where his fingertips touch send electricity ricocheting through my body. That’s what was missing. Contact. Physical contact that’s raw and real.

  “Why haven’t you then?” I glance at him shyly and smile. I’m no virgin. I know how to seduce. But Seth makes me nervous. So nervous I can’t think straight. I still don’t know how we got to this moment, but I’m glad we did. I want him. Badly. But I need him to make the first move.

  He pulls his hand away and tips his head to look at the sky. I follow his gaze and take in the shimmering stars. It’s perfect. What is he waiting for?

  “See that?” He points to the black sky and leans in to me, his scent filling my senses.

  I breathe deeply before allowing my gaze to follow the length of his arm to the tip of his finger. “What am I supposed to be seeing?”

  “It’s Ursa Major. The greater she-bear.”

  “I thought it was the Big Dipper.” I glance at him before looking back up.

  “Well, it is. Kinda. The Big Dipper is a group of stars within the Ursa Major constellation.”

  “How do you know all this?” I ask as I turn to face him. He drops his gaze to meet mine.


  “Of course.”

  “I made a point to look it up before I picked you up.” I playfully slap his arm, and he shakes his head before continuing. “I wanted to impress you.”

  “Well, I’m impressed,” I laugh. “But you didn’t need to do that.”

  “That’s the thing,” he says lifting himself off the blanket. “I don’t know what to do with you.”

  “What do you mean?” I stay on the blanket but draw my legs under me, not caring that that pulls my sundress and gives him quite the view.

  “Val, you’re not at all who I thought you were.” He thrusts a hand through his hair, mussing it up a bit. “This might surprise you, but I’ve never been on a real date before.”

  “Bullshit. You’ve been with lots of girls.” He can’t seriously think I believe that I’m his first date.

  “Slept with a lot of girls, yes.” His face cringes with that admission. “But actually dated them? Not so much. This feels like it’s more than just fucking.”

  “Seth, we haven’t had sex.” I look at him and grin. “Yet.”

  “I know but I wa—” His gaze cuts to mine and his eyes widen. “What did you just say?”

  “You heard me.” I stand up and step toward him. “I’m not sure what this is.” I swing my hand back and forth between us. “Whatever the hell it is, I like it. I like you, despite not wanting to.”

  “You do?” One eyebrow arches in that sexy way of his and my whole body ignites.

  “Yeah, I do.” I take a step closer and tip my head up. “So, Seth Carnes, what are you going to do about that?”

  His mouth crashes down on mine, and his fingers sift through my hair. He slides them down my back and they land on my ass. He pulls me closer and his hard-on presses into my belly. His tongue pushes past the seam of my lips, and when it tangles with mine, a moan escapes me.

  Seth pulls his mouth free and stares at me. “Are you sure?”

  I nod and reach for his belt.

  He grabs my hands and pins them to my sides. “No.”

  “No?” Confusion clouds my brain.

  “I wanna take my time with you.” His cheeks flush, telling me that he’s not used to that, but he doesn’t make a move.

  I take a step back and spread my arms wide at my sides. “I’m right here, Seth. What are you waiting for?”

  He steps toward me and grips the back of my neck and tilts my face up. He leans in and his lips part. My heart thunders in my chest and the sound of the blood rushing throug
h my veins drowns everything else out. When his lips touch mine, my body arches into him.

  “So sweet.” I swallow his words and kiss him harder, angling my head for a better fit.

  Seth deepens the kiss and our tongues swirl. I open my eyes and peer at him while our mouths are fused together and his eyes are closed. I slide mine shut and run my hands up under his shirt to smooth over his chest. His muscles bunch under my touch and it makes me feel powerful. Beautiful.

  Seth’s hands travel down my spine and back up to the knot of my dress. He tugs the straps free and drags them over my shoulders, letting the front of the dress fall, exposing my bare breasts to the cool night air.

  I suck in a breath and let my head fall back as his fingertips trace lazy circles around my pebbled nipples. Just when I think I can’t handle any more, wet heat surrounds them and I glance down to see him sucking and nibbling. My legs begin to shake and he wraps his arms around my ass and lifts me up. My legs go around him and I link my ankles.

  His mouth makes a popping sound when he releases me and looks into my eyes. His pupils dilate and the blue seems to disappear. “So fucking sweet.”

  My arms go around his neck, and I pull his head in for a kiss. Before our mouths can touch, I turn my head and whisper in his ear. “I need more.”

  His body trembles, and he sets me on my feet. My dress slips down my body and pools on the wooden deck, leaving me bare except for a lacy white thong. Seth takes his time stripping his clothes off, and I savor every single second. His body is granite hard in places where I am soft. I drop my gaze and take in his jutting erection and briefly wonder if it’ll fit, he’s so big.

  “Like what you see?” Confident Seth is back and for some strange reason, that turns me on more than I thought possible.

  “Yeah.” I swallow. “Yeah, I do.”

  Seth reaches out and grabs my hand, pulling it toward him and placing it on his dick. When I make contact, I fist him and step closer. His head falls back as I pump up and down and cup his balls with my other hand. This lasts for a few moments before he grasps my hands and pulls away. Again.


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