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Diablo's Angel

Page 13

by Donna Fletcher

  What he did next almost had her bolting off the bed, his hands gripped her hips tight to keep her still while his head disappeared between her legs. She gasped when his tongue flicked over a spot nestled in her triangle of hair and to add to the undeniably pleasurable sensation that shot through her body, his finger slipped inside her to double her pleasure.

  She was unable to stop from moaning his name. “Diablo.” When he didn’t answer she repeated it again and again. “Diablo. Diablo.” She bit her tongue not wanting to beg, but finding it hard not to.

  Suddenly his tongue and hand switched places and she cried out when his tongue rushed inside her and drove her to the point where she thought she’d explode.

  And that’s when she begged. “Please, Diablo. Please.”

  His tongue and finger tormented her in ways she didn’t think possible and her pleasure built, her body arching, his hands gripping her bottom firmly to hold on to her, to not let her go, not let her move while his tongue and finger assaulted her with pleasure beyond belief.

  “Diablo!” she screamed as she burst with a sensation that rocked her body with the most exquisite pleasure and had her screaming and moaning as it went on and on until she thought she’d die from sheer joy.

  Short gasps were the only thing she could manage when the pleasure subsided, though she did manage a smile when Diablo once again hovered over her.

  “We’re far from done, mi amor,” he whispered and brushed his lips over hers and was off her in a flash.

  She gave a larger gasp when he grabbed her ankles and yanked her down so that her bottom was at the edge of the bed, then he spread her legs to rest on either of his shoulders as his hands grabbed her bottom and lifted her.

  She felt his shaft poke at her and she took tight hold of the blanket on either side of her.

  “Once inside you, it’s done. You’re mine heart, body, and soul.”

  “And you’re mine—always.”

  That she claimed he belonged to her set something off in him, something that penetrated so deep it felt like it consumed him, became a part of him like another heart whose beat he couldn’t live without and he let out a low roar as he penetrated her hard and fast.

  He heard her cry out and worried he had hurt her. “Crista?”

  “I didn’t think you’d fit, but you do—perfectly.”

  He couldn’t stop the smile that lit his face. He also couldn’t stop from moving in and out of her, setting an instinctive rhythm that brought moan after moan from Crista and a heavy breath from him as he increased the tempo.

  He loved the feel of her so snug around him. It felt like she had grasped onto him, claiming him, refusing to let go, wanting him to stay buried in her, become part of her. And that was what he wanted, for her to be forever part of him.

  His thoughts fueled his passion and he rammed into her with a need he’d never known. It built in him, growing ever stronger, demanding to be released.

  “Diablo,” she moaned surprised that pleasure grew once again in her and stronger than before. She feared she might not survive if she exploded with pleasure once again.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he ordered and once she did he dropped down over her, his hands going to either side of her head to keep him hovered over her. “You’re mine,” he whispered and brushed his lips over hers, then drove into her hard and fast.

  Crista screamed as she exploded once again with the most divine pleasure imaginable and it grew when she watched Diablo drop his head back with a growling groan as he thrust again and again, his pleasure pouring out inside her.

  Shock shivered Diablo at the intensity of his climax. It was the most powerful one he had ever felt and it still rippled through him, the reason he remained hovered over her. He didn’t want to pull out of her, leave her. He liked being nestled inside her, connected to her, part of her, loving her.

  The devil didn’t love, couldn’t love.

  Then what was this he felt for her, that he had never felt before?

  He shuddered as his climax faded away and, having seen hers fade well before his did, he reluctantly and slowly pulled out of her. He smiled when he heard her sorrowful moan. She had felt the same.

  The bed was so narrow that they only fit if they laid side by side, not a problem since he wanted her close to him. He eased her on her side, her back to him and wrapped himself around her, slipping his leg between hers to bring it up and tight between her two. It pleased him to feel his seed there sticky against her. It spoke louder than any words that she now was his.

  He rested his cheek near her ear as she hugged his arm he draped over her waist and tucked his hand under her breast.

  “That was the most wonderful thing in the whole world,” she said, still a bit breathless.

  He smiled again, something he rarely did but found easy to do around Crista. He was about to ask her if she was all right, but it wasn’t necessary. She’d made it clear how she felt and he couldn’t agree more with her.

  “It was amazing,” he said.

  “Truly?” she asked. “I didn’t disappoint you. I feared having no firsthand knowledge I might do something wrong, though things did come naturally. But that probably was because you—”

  “Crista,” he whispered in her ear and felt her skin turn to gooseflesh. “You were perfect.”

  She turned her head, her eyes going to his. “I’m glad we made love. I’ll never regret it.”

  “We have days before you’re returned to your family. Days and nights for me to fill you with pleasure again and again.”

  “Promise?” she whispered.

  “I promise,” he murmured and kissed her softly. “Now get some sleep for it will not be long before I slip inside you again.”

  She wiggled her backside against him and squeezed his arm. “You are welcome any time.”

  “That is something you may regret offering.”

  “Never,” she said softly. “Never will I not want you inside me. It is where you belong.”

  He felt a shiver run through her followed by a yawn and he went to reach for the blanket, scrunched between them.

  “No, don’t leave me,” she said, keeping a tight hold on his arm around her waist.

  “I’m just getting the blanket,” he said and she let go of his arm. Her hand returned to take hold of his arm as soon as he draped it over her again.

  She snuggled tighter against him and was soon asleep. He couldn’t sleep, her words swirling round and round in his head.

  It is where you belong.

  How long had it been since he had felt even close to belonging to someone, thinking someone cared, only to discover no one cared? His abuela had cared, but she had chosen to go with his brother. She had felt his brother needed her more than he did, but she had been the last one to show him any love—the love of a grandmother for her grandson.

  Never had he known the love of a woman for a man until tonight with Crista and it was something he never wanted to lose. But could he keep it? Could he keep her?

  Crista sat snuggled in Diablo’s arms under the pine tree the next day, late morning. He’d been true to his word and had woken her last night to make love again. It had been even more amazing and she had fallen asleep more content than ever.

  He had been gone when she woke and she had gotten upset, but then she smelled the delicious scent of fish cooking. He had gone to make sure they had food for the morning and her stomach had grumbled proving it was good that he had.

  They sat talking now, though for how long that would last she wouldn’t venture to guess, since the way his fingers caressed her arm and teased her nipple, she’d be attacking him soon.

  But first she had to make something clear, something she had thought about while getting dressed this morning, something that had taken root and wouldn’t let go.

  “We’ll go away together just you and me,” she said as if it had already been decided. “We’ll make a good life together.”

  “There’s no life with an outlaw,
Crista,” he said worried she would say this and he would have to deny her. “You will return to your family.”

  Crista pulled out of his arms. “You intend to return me to my family?”

  “You must return to them,” he ordered.

  That she heard the devil’s commanding voice in him annoyed her, but it didn’t stop her from speaking her mind. “No, I want to stay with you.”

  “There is no life with Diablo. You deserve more,” he said as though it was explanation enough.

  She scrambled to her feet, hearing the finality of his decision and his ridiculous reasoning. “This is my decision to make.”

  “No, it is not,” he snapped, getting slowly to his feet. “I made a bargain with your brother and I intend to keep it.”

  That was a curve he threw that she hadn’t expected. “A bargain? What kind of bargain?”

  “One that works well for all concerned.” He raised his hand when she went to argue. “Know that your return home helps many.”

  “But not me,” she said, pounding her hand against her chest.

  “It’s for the best,” he said sternly.

  “For you and others, not for me,” she argued and went to walk away and stopped. She turned scorching him with a scowl. “What you said the other night was so right. The devil can go to hell where he belongs.” She turned and stomped off, hurrying into the shack. She didn’t want to look upon Diablo she was so furious.

  He entered shortly after her. “It must be this way, Crista.”

  She turned an angry voice on him. “Why? Because you command it?”

  He turned a scowl on her. “Si, because I command it.”

  “I don’t care what you command. I will return home and tell everyone you made me your woman.”

  He took a deep breath, trying to contain his anger. “Trust me on this, Crista. It’s for the best.”

  “Everyone. Everyone has said that to me: my mother, my father, Sister Bernadette, even Ricardo and Lucia.” She threw her hands up in the air in frustration. “It’s for the best, Crista. Yet no one, not one person asked what I thought was best for me. So you can go to hell if you think I’ll obey your command. I’m finished. Done. I will do what I please.”

  He grabbed her by the arms, holding her firm. “No, you will do what I say.”

  She laughed. “You think I fear you now? There is nothing that you can do to me that hurts as much as what you do by sending me home to family that are strangers to me.” She laughed again and shook her head. “I’m wrong. It hurts even more that you’ve told me I’m yours; heart, body, and soul. Now you send me away as if your words mean nothing at all.” This time she didn’t laugh. “My fault for trusting the devil.”

  “You will do as I say,” he ordered with a low rumble that threatened to erupt into a roar.

  That he said no more than to command her fired her anger and shot her chin up in defiance. “At one time I would have trembled at your order. I tremble no more. I will do as I please.”

  He grabbed her around the waist. “You will do as the devil pleases.”

  “You have no command over me once I leave here,” she challenged.

  He grabbed her chin in a tight grip. “I will always have command over you, Crista.”

  She wanted to deny it, throw his words back at him, but how did she do that when the soft caress of her name turned her skin to gooseflesh?

  Pride, stubbornness, maybe courage, wouldn’t let her admit it. “No you won’t. I won’t let you.”

  His hand fell softly to her neck, caressing it. “You think you can stop the devil?” His hand dropped to her breast, cupping it while giving her nipple a gentle squeeze.

  “I won’t deny my body craves you, wants you more often than is sensible, and will submit to you much too easily. My heart, however, is mine to rule.” A chill ran through her seeing his dark eyes narrow and his nostrils flare as he brought his face closer to hers.

  “Tell yourself that if you need to, but we both know that your heart belongs to me and only me. You gave it willingly to me and now that’s it’s mine, you’ll never get it back.”

  How did she argue against the truth? As angry as she was with the situation, she couldn’t deny that she still loved him, that didn’t mean she had to admit he was right.

  “Lies are easy to tell, not so admitting the truth,” he said and his hand grabbed the back of her neck as his lips came down on hers in a bone-crushing kiss.

  Passion surged through her body turning the pleasant ache that seemed to always linger in her into a raging fire. His lips fed on hers in a frenzied hunger until she could barely breathe.

  She gasped for breath when he tore his mouth away, her mind spinning, her chest heaving, and her body already begging.

  He kept tight hold at the back of her neck, his brow resting against hers and his own breath labored. “What will it be, Crista? Truth or lies? Do you want me inside you now or do I walk away?”

  “Damn you to hell,” she said on a heavy breath, angrier with herself for being unable to deny him, but more so for not being able to deny herself.

  “You’re part of me, Crista. I go, you go with me,” he whispered harshly, then his arm snared her around her waist, turning her, bending her over one of the barrels that made up the table, and tossing her skirt up to her waist. “Hold on tight because the devil is going to pound into you,” —he bent over her, as he undid his belt, planting his lips next to her ear— “over and over and over.”

  She gripped the edge of the barrel annoyed that the thought of what he was about to do to her excited her so much that she could feel the heavy wetness between her legs, and he would too and know just how much she craved him.

  He dropped his trousers, eager to plant himself inside her, but first…

  Crista jumped at his hand on her bare backside, exploring all of it and she gasped when he pinched her playfully just before his fingers slid between her legs and inside her.

  She was wet, so damn wet, and he was hard and ready, his shaft swollen with desire and throbbing with impatience.

  He pulled his fingers out of her and grabbed her backside, squeezing as he held her tight and entered her with one swift, rough plunge.

  Crista cried out, her annoyance growing along with her pleasure that this was what she wanted, joining with him, becoming one, and knowing that no matter what happened she could never stop loving the devil.

  Diablo dropped his head forward as he rammed into her again and again, his passion racing hot and heavy through him. He couldn’t bury himself deep enough, couldn’t get enough of how she fit snug around him, taking hold of him, welcoming him home where he belonged.

  His passion mounted quickly and furiously and a deep groan rumbled in his chest.

  Crista’s body rocked with every frenzied thrust and she didn’t want Diablo to stop. She loved the way his shaft filled her, the power of it driving in and out of her, the passion it sent surging through her, forcing her to cry out his name. She didn’t want it to end too fast, but her passion had been teetering on the edge before he had even entered her and it wouldn’t be long before she exploded with pleasure.

  “Diablo,” she cried out and heard the pleading in her voice and didn’t care.

  “Let go!” he ordered roughly.

  That was one command she obeyed willingly and she screamed out his name as her body burst into a million sparks, one igniting the other until accumulating in one giant explosion that sent her reeling in pleasure.

  Her climatic cries fired his blood, but he held back, waiting for her climax to fade and when her moans lost their strength, he pounded into her harder and harder and as he roared in climax, he heard her cry out again.

  He didn’t stop until he was sure they both were spent, then he dropped over her, his hands covering hers, and fought to calm his heaving breathes.

  It was good his hands covered hers since she was too weak to grip the rim of the barrel any longer. She was more concerned to do the same as Diablo did, fight t
o calm her breathing and her pounding heart.

  After several minutes, he pushed Crista’s hair away from her cheek and kissed her gently. “Are you all right?”

  “No, I don’t think I’ll be all right ever again,” she said only able to shake her head slightly.

  Diablo knew what she meant, knew she was letting him know how much it hurt her to leave him. But he also knew… “It has to be this way, Crista.”

  She didn’t respond. She closed her eyes to enjoy the very last vestige of pleasure that tingled at her. Soon they would make love one last time, then never again would she know the joy of making love with the only man she would ever love.

  Her heart shattered at the thought, along with her future, and she wondered if she’d ever be able to put herself back together again.

  Chapter 16

  “What if you leave me with child?” Crista asked, lying in the narrow bed squished naked against him. A place that had fast become comfortable and felt so natural.

  She kept count of the days that past, that she had been able to share with him. It had been two since their argument and they hadn’t argued since, though they also hadn’t broached the subject of their argument again. They made love more times than she could keep count and they talked and laughed as if life was good and always would be. Still, though, the day would come that she would wake and it would be her last with him.

  This morning she woke with slight nausea, though she knew the cause. The thought that it might be her last day with him had popped into her head and made her stomach roil. It also got her thinking of what would happen if his seed had rooted deep in her belly, familiar with the symptom of being with child, having seen Lucia go through it.

  “The child would deserve better than an outlaw for a father,” he said.

  She scrunched her brow. “And who do you think would wed a woman whose belly grows with an outlaw’s child?”

  “A man who would see the worth in the woman who carried it.”


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