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A Hollow Cry (After Life Book 1)

Page 14

by Bee Douglas

  “Good afternoon,” I say, chuckling at the sneers she gives me.

  “Do you have Tylenol or anything?” she grumbles. I reach in one of the cabinets and dump out a couple of tablets. I get her a glass of water too, sliding everything across the counter to her. “Thanks.”

  “A bit too much after show celebrations?” I do my best to cover up the vexation running through my veins. Nora shakes her head and rubs her eyes. “Baz didn’t offer you any fun?” I mentally wince at the harsh way that rolls off my tongue. Ever since he followed her into the dressing room, my vendetta against him has grown.

  “I drank that concoction Yvette gave me,” she says, downing the Tylenol.

  Last night, she wasn’t herself. Even from where I sat, her lack of focus was apparent.

  “Is that what had you thrown off? I was worried whatever the witch gave you was too strong or something.”

  Nora mutters something under her breath too low for me to hear. I can only make out the words ‘busy’ and ‘noticed’. After a slight shake of her head, she asks, “What is it that you see when someone dies?”

  I stare at her. She spins the glass around in her hands, keeping her eyes down. Aside from the first weeks, Nora seemed to be satisfied with all the answers she had and her questions dwindled down. Needless to say, this throws me off. As it is, she’s having such a hard time with the prospect of pushing mortals closer to the hands of Death. I haven’t gone into great detail about the actual reaping of a soul.

  The image of my first reaping flashes through my mind. “We see past their corpses. We actually see the souls leaving their bodies,” I say, pushing through the lump of bile rising in my throat. It was the same reaction every time I think about that day. Now, no matter how gruesome the scene I walk into, I can block everything out and focus on the soul.

  “Are they white?” Nora’s voice has a slight shake to it.

  “Yeah. Something like that.”

  She looks up, her pretty green eyes filled with fear. “I saw them, Kane. The people sitting in the crowd? I saw their souls last night.” The last bit of water left in the glass begins shaking in her trembling hands. Realizing I’m looking at them, she snatches her hands away, stuffing them under the counter.

  Fuck. The witch said the drink was supposed to open her eyes. If this is what she meant, I would’ve told her. Nora isn’t ready for this. She’s been doing oddly well with what’s been thrown at her, but she’s been wrestling with the guilt of possibly killing someone. She didn’t need more of that on her conscience. I would have made the witch ease into something like this.

  “She’s going to have me drink more of it tonight.”

  “No,” I snap. “Not after last night. You need to rest.”

  “I can’t, Kane,” she argues, bringing out her stubborn side. “You heard what she said. If we don’t take more abrasive measures, then you might as well toss me into the pits of Hell now.”

  I slam my hands down on the counter, causing Nora to jump out of her skin. “You are not going to Hell. And you are not taking that damn witch’s potion. Do you hear me?”

  “You’re not my father. You’re not my twisted gatekeeper. Stop acting like you have hold of some fucking leash.”

  The fire blazing in her eyes is tempting. My fingers itch to reach out and touch it. Such a fiery, stubborn girl. “I’m not going to allow you to do that to yourself, especially not this soon.”

  Nora’s bare feet land on the hardwood as she slides out of the chair. “If this is how you’re going to behave, then stay home. I need to do this. What I don’t need is you distracting me and holding me back. I’m not some child. I can handle seeing some souls; it’s what I’m made for anyways.” Reaching across the island, she grabs my phone. “Call Royce and tell him to pick me up.” The t-shirt picks up a slight wind as she walks away, her purple panties peek out from underneath. Before she slams the door to her bedroom, she hollers out, “Baz can drive me home if need be.”


  I did as she asked. I called Royce and told him to stop here on the way to the Playground. If I’ve learned anything about Nora, to continue operating on civil terms, there’s going to need to be some give and take - me giving more. Royce and Yvette escorting her to the Playground isn’t what I have an issue with. It’s the witch pushing her too far. If she thinks I’m going to stay home and let her out on her own, she lost her damn mind. There’s too much at stake. I’ll let her go there without me, but I’ll be at the Playground too. I just won’t allow her to see me.

  As for that demon taking her home? Ever since that first night, he’s had his oversexed mind set on her. I’d personally light his dick ablaze with Hellfire before I let her in a car with him.

  Setting limits on those welcomed into the Devil’s Playground is out of my control. If it were, there would only be a handful of people even able to piss in the bathrooms. This experiment would’ve failed before it even started. And as much as I’ve tried keeping Nora out of the demonic world, words still get around. While she’s been singing her heart out, I’ve been trying to catch any snitches. I need to find out who gave the Changelings information about Death’s new found interest in a mortal girl. I can almost put everything I own on it being Briggs. The Accursed is so light sided it isn’t even funny. If Willow didn’t work alongside him, I would’ve run him off by now. But until I know for sure, I’m not going to shy my eye away from any prospects.

  That’s where Vivian’s snake-like behavior comes in handy. I don’t know what it is that she wants from me. Demons and Reapers don’t fraternize more than the occasional sexual hookup. It causes too much drama in the workplace. What’s that saying? Don’t shit where you eat? But I will have to string her along just a bit longer to keep her intel. If that calls for a heated kiss or fleeting orgasm, then so be it. As long as it keeps Nora safe and information readily at hand.

  Except it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with the show. Any time before, Vivian’s kiss or touch could get my dick going. It knew what was going to wind up happening. But as of late, it’s been taking more than the usual coaxing. I’ve been finding myself picturing a certain well-rounded ass and sinfully plump lips. The images of a fiery halo spread out on my bed sheets is the only thing that gets me going. As much as I want those fantasies to come true, I won’t let all my dark overshadow her light. No matter how hard it is to keep from reaching out and pulling her to me, I have to fight the urge.

  Even as I sit up in Xi’s office that overlooks the lounge, she has a hold on me. Her throaty voice makes it difficult to breathe and remain comfortable in my seat. At any moment, I fear a breeze from the air conditioning will blow the wrong way and I’d be harder than a rock. She’s the only woman to have such a powerful effect on me.

  “That’s not creepy or anything.”

  I sit up in my seat, my body tensing and preparing for an assault. Willow walks over to one of the other seats and takes up space in front of the one way glass. I let myself relax, mentally scolding myself for the lack of attention. I shouldn’t say that though. I’ve been playing plenty of attention, just not to what I should.

  “What are you doing here, Will?”

  She tucks her legs underneath her, making herself comfortable. “Just seeing what all the fuss is about with Xi’s new set up.”

  “Why are you really here?”

  A faint tinge of red lights up her cheeks. “I had something to give Royce. He said he’d be here.”

  “Fuck,” I bite out. Royce. It’s always fucking Royce and his damn mouth.

  “Mhmm. So why don’t you tell me what the deal is with this girl?” Willow points down to where Nora stands in the center of the stage. Her eyes are squeezed tight, a hand placed over her abdomen as she pushes herself to reach a high note. “Don’t lie to me, Kane.”

  Running a hand through my hair, part of me dreads even coming tonight; the other part of me has already plotted the best exit strategy. I have a feeling there are noses in places they shouldn�
��t be.

  “She’s a Banshee,” I say, hating myself for even giving in. Willow looks at me, confusion blanketing her face. “A harbinger of Death.”

  “Hell, Kane,” she rolls her eyes, “are you forgetting I’m not one of you? I don’t know all the secret lingo and handshakes.”

  Sighing, I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “A Banshee can signal Death, or even quicken the rate in which a person dies.”

  Willow’s nose scrunches up. “You’re saying she’s been out running around and telling people when they’re going to die?”

  “Not exactly. She doesn’t have an inkling of her powers. The thing is, a Banshee hasn’t been around for over one hundred years. We’ve been fumbling around with our damn eyes closed.”

  “I take it big, bad Death wants her?” I nod.

  While Briggs is light sided, Willow favors the dark. Our own little Accursed in our back pocket. “You know then?”

  The roar of the applause breaks through the tension as it echoes all the way up to the overlooking office. A few people stand as they clap their hands wildly. As always, Nora gives them a striking smile. No matter how many times she sings or how many people tell her how good she is, the ending applause humbles her.

  Most nights I would head directly to her dressing room and wait for her to change. But not tonight. I’m not supposed to be here. I remain in my seat, watching as she slips off to the side stage. Willow sits up a bit straighter as Royce and the witch follow after Nora. She looks over at me, questions in her eyes.

  “She’s a friend,” I explain. “She’s been helping with the whole Banshee issue.”

  “You better be careful,” Willow warns. As if my mind isn’t already reeling with my own worries. “Word has been reaching more than just us. The Changelings know that there’s a girl being kept as a ward. Most are assuming it’s a way for Death to round up reinforcements. There’s a lot of speculation that you all have been using the Playground for more than just a way to tempt a couple of sinner.”

  “I’m working on it.”

  She lets out a chuckle. “You might want to work harder.”

  I’ve had a feeling not everyone stepping in the Playground’s playpen isn’t keeping hold of its secrets. Mouths talk and rats walk.

  “Introduce me to her.” I look over. Willow and the witch would not mix. That’s a fight just waiting to happen. “The singer. The Banshee.”

  I want to tell her to fuck off. I want to scare her away. But truth be told, Willow has always been an ally. And in the midst of everything, now isn’t the time to cut those ties.

  Willow follows me down, using the back ways of the club avoid the main floor. Knocking on Nora’s dressing room, we wait outside until the door swings open. The laughing smile on her face falls the moment she sees me.

  “Kane? What are you doing here?”

  I raise my brow. She should really know better than to think I’d let her out of my sight “I have someone to introduce you to.” Willow steps from behind me, smiling at my little Banshee. Her green eyes narrow.

  “The name’s Willow.” She holds out her hand, which Nora shakes after giving me a hesitant glance.


  “You sing beautifully.”

  “Thank you,” she says. A blush spreads across her face.

  “I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m good friends with Kane and Royce,” Willow explains. “If you ever need anything, just let me know. They can be a bit of Neanderthals.”

  Nora lets out a laugh. The sound is so graceful and elegant, just like her songs. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.”

  “Of course.” Turning to me, she says, “I should get going. Just let Royce know I was here.”

  I nod, realizing that only Yvette is in the room with Nora. I keep my eyes on her as she walks down the hallway and exits out the side door.

  “I told you I didn’t want you to come with me.” Nora’s voice is laced with the feistiness.

  “I didn’t. I came on my own.” Irritation flashes in her eyes. “You can still leave with Royce. I promised.” I didn’t wait to hear what else she has to stay. One tantrum and I’d throw her over my shoulder, taking her back to the apartment. Part of me wants to do that either way.

  I need a drink to stop me from doing just that.


  “Someone’s living on the dangerous side tonight.”

  “What the fuck is with you women tonight?” I bite out, tossing back another shot.

  Luna takes up the bar stool besides me. As usual, she looks nothing but regal. An amused laugh pushes out past her painted lips. “Hello to you too.”


  “What’s crawled up your ass?”

  I raise my hand, signaling Quill. He comes over, sits a shot glass in front of Luna, and leaves a bottle of bourbon between us. “You. All of you. Fucking women.”

  Luna accepts the shot I pour her. A satisfied smile forms after tossing her head back and empties the glass. Spinning around on the stool, Luna looks out at the crowd in the bar. Even after Nora finished her set, there’s still a roaring mass of people.

  “Our girl’s making a big impression,” she comments.

  I nod. “She’s something else. Xi’s been happy with the turn out.”

  Luna laughs once more. “That’s not what I’m talking about.” She winks at me. The glitter on her eyelids dances in the light. “That Banshee is turning Mr. Mean into a puddle of mush. I never thought I’d see the day when you fall to the hands of a woman.”

  “You’re full of shit,” I snap.

  In that moment, the side door opens. Nora slips out behind Royce and Yvette. Several people stop her, gracing her with compliments. She offers a shy, yet grateful smile to them.

  “Am I?” she volleys. “I see the way you look at her. You know exactly where she is at any given time. That girl has your balls in the palm of her hand.”

  I narrow my eyes, daring the demon to say another word. Pouring another shot out of the bottle, Luna downs it quickly. She leans in, whispering, “You may want to think before you keep going down this path. You can’t protect someone when your own mind is fighting itself. Desire and duty are two different sides of a war. Pretty soon she won’t be the only one needing protection if you don’t give into one fully.”

  She slides off the bar stool, her heels click against the floor. As she walks away, the weight of her words hit me hard. She’s right. Not that it’s something I want to admit.

  “Fuck,” I mutter. Reaching in my pocket, I pull out my phone. I dial the only number that will not only damn me, but quite possibly save me from myself.



  Kane kept his word. He allowed me to stay in Royce’s care last night. He was pissed. But then again, when I found out he still went to the Playground, so was I. He always comments on how stubborn I am, but he’s never been on the receiving end of his bullheadedness.

  After they dropped me off, I went straight to bed. I wasn’t in the mood to fight with Kane. But when the sun streams in through the wall of windows and wakes me up, I go out to the kitchen with my head held high. But he’s not here. I call out his name. Nothing. I even tiptoe down the hall and knock on the closed door of his bedroom. Nothing. Kane’s always here and he’s always awake before I am. Part of me worries about where he is, but it’s the other part of me - the one that’s still reeling from the night before - that wins over.

  On the drive home, Yvette and I made plans to meet up this afternoon. There’s another experiment she wants to try that will be more hands on. I couldn’t refuse. The whole reason she’s here is to help me. Plus, it’s not like I have anything else to do.

  By the time I eat a small breakfast and get ready, the elevator signals. I walk out expecting to see Royce or Yvette, but my heart gives a traitorous pull when Kane steps out. He’s still wearing the shirt from the night before, but it’s rumpled and untucked. Shadows darken his eyes.

  “What are you doin
g?” he asks, eyeing me.

  I glance down at the worn boots on my feet. “I’m going out,” I snap, walking past him.

  He lets out a mocking laugh. “Like Hell you are.” I don’t reply. My irritation level spikes catching him on his walk of shame. Not that it’s something I should let bother me. He can fuck whoever he wants. “Nora, speak to me.”


  He runs a hand over his face. “I’m not just going to let you walk out of here without protection. You’re fucking nuts.”

  “Royce is picking me up.”

  “Again, like Hell he is.”

  Turning around, my hair whipping around me. I cast him a glare. “Why?”

  “You’re not leaving without me.” His tone is undermining. It does nothing but piss me off.

  “And yet you can?”

  Kane looks down, taking in what a hot mess he is. “This has nothing to do with me. I’m not the one needing protection.”

  “I’ll have Royce,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. “I don’t see what the big deal is. You weren’t worried about my protection while you were out getting your dick sucked.”

  A slow smirk slithers across his lips. Amusement. “Does that bother you?”

  Taking a few steps, I close the space between us and tilt my head up to look in his eyes. “You overestimate the amount of fucks I really give. You can do what you want, fuck who you want, go where you want. It doesn’t bother me one bit.”

  “I’m sure it doesn’t.”

  I stare at him for a moment longer, hoping he doesn’t see the wavering emotions behind my eyes. He doesn’t give me a reaction. He simply stares at me with a shit eat grin.

  A low growl rumbles up my chest. “Call Royce and get changed. We need to be leaving.”

  “Of course.” He smiles even bigger, reveling in his win.


  “I don’t like the look of this,” I say, my voice drawing out low.

  The entire stretch of street is an abandoned, overran warehouse district. It’s decrepit. I don’t doubt that we are the first signs of life this place has seen in years. This isn’t exactly a place where I’d choose to spend my afternoon, but it’s the address Royce gave us.


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