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An Auction Of Curves

Page 3

by Harmony Raines

  His strong hands moved to the inside of her thighs and pushed them apart, his right hand moved up to brush against her clit, the bubbles from the hot tub brushing her there too. Hundreds of delicate little sensations in a continuous stream. Arching her back she pushed her sex forward for him to touch.

  “Eager now are we?” Matthew asked his mouth so close to her ear his warm breath ignited her nerves there too. To Abigail it seemed like her whole body was now a mass of raw nerve endings burning with a desire to be touched.

  Matthew’s fingers obliged, pushing between the soft folds of her sex. She jumped as she felt this intimate contact, he held her firmly with the toned muscles of his thighs and arms. She was his captive and he would do with her as he pleased. Right now his pleasure was to push deeper inside her, to hunt down the sensitive spot that would make her lose control. He moved his finger at a slight angle until he found it. Her body jerked against him, he pushed another finger inside, then another all the time keeping the pressure on her g spot.

  His fingers worked their magic, both inside her and on her breasts. His arm held her tight while his fingers kneaded the plump flesh of her breasts. Pausing to tweak her nipples each in turn.

  They built to a strong rhythm, his hands working expertly to bring her to a much needed peak. Though he held her down she slid backwards and forwards taking back some control from his intimate seduction. Pushing down against his fingers, forcing them deeper inside her, then bringing herself up to target that certain spot. Speeding up the movement, knowing the strong waves of pleasure would take her soon. She whimpered as it built and then the contractions inside her started and she let herself go as she hadn't done for years.

  Matthew had already admitted he missed her, now Abigail acknowledged it too. She had missed the special closeness they had shared, of knowing exactly what each other's body craved, and giving it to them. Through her orgasm she could still feel his hard length pressed against her. She wanted to give him this release too, to allow him to come, to join her in ecstasy. But she could not reach him, and did not know if that was part of his plan.


  Holding her in place he felt every throbbing muscle of Abigail’s as she came. He pushed her until she was overcome, his fingers working inside her, his thumb rubbing her sensitive clit as she trembled in his arms. Matthew wanted to show her his only desire was to give her pleasure, that despite the offer of money he didn’t expect anything in return. His attraction to her both deep enough and strong enough that he wanted her in his life even if she gave him nothing. He would abstain from his own pleasure while he proved that to her.

  Admittedly this would be hard, the warmth of her body against him almost proved too much, especially when she moved her body so sensuously. He felt her move again, he thought he had drawn the last of her orgasm from her. She pushed back against him, harder this time, her bottom brushing firmly against his cock. Up and down she slid, his fingers still inside her, surely she wasn’t ready to go again?

  Now his cock was rock solid, she continued her movement against him, it didn’t take too long before any idea of abstaining had left his mind. There was no way to stop himself, he pulled her hard back against his cock, his hips pushing forward and rotating to feel her move against him. He came, trying to control himself, she must be aware of his cock pulsing against her beautiful round bottom.

  He smiled, certain she had done it on purpose, her actions as controlled as his. Because as soon as he his climax subsided, she stopped moving, slumping back against him as though drained of all energy. Surely she hadn't made such a physical and emotional effort to please him?


  Abigail slumped back, tired out by the whole day. The range of emotions she had endured now took its toll. She wanted to go to bed, and no longer cared if Matthew was in it too. She felt certain that once her head hit the pillow she would sleep for a day.

  She also carried a small sense of achievement, certain that she had given him some pleasure too. Not as much as he had her, but he had come, she was certain. Abigail certainly was not going to relinquish all her control to Matthew. He had said three orgasms, but he hadn't said who had to have them. This time she couldn’t prove it, but after the next one she gave him he would have to acknowledge it. She would make it so mind blowing, because she knew exactly how he liked to be touched too.

  “Come on,” he said, helping her out of the hot tub, “Let’s get you to bed.”

  She allowed him to help her out, leaning on him for support, exhaustion sweeping over her. Picking up a towel he wrapped it around her and held her close, kissing the top of her head. Grabbing the other one, and her flimsy sarong he placed one arm around her and held her tightly to him as they walked back to the house.

  Once inside they went straight to the bedroom, he started to undress her. “No, it’s OK. I’ve got it, thank you,” she protested. Even though her arms didn’t want to move, she pushed him away and, holding the towel firmly to her, took of her costume. It may have been ridiculous after what just happened in the hot tub, but she wanted to try and maintain some distance between them. Matthew undressing her and putting her to bed seemed too personal.

  “If you’re sure.”

  “Yes, I am.” Then to soften her words, she added, “Thank you anyway.”

  He smiled at her. “My pleasure.” Then he left the bedroom, no funny remarks or innuendos.

  Abigail dried herself, although the warm air had done most of the job already. She found her pyjamas going for comfort rather than the sexy number Ethan had insisted she pack. “You never know.” Were his words. No, you never did.

  Last thing she remembered was climbing into bed, then the light went out in her world and she slept, oblivious to everything around her. She was not aware of Matthew coming back in and sitting for ages watching her sleep, deep in thought. She didn’t feel the bed sink under his weight as he got in the bed or the warmth of his body when he held her in his arms.

  Chapter Three

  Abigail woke, alone in the bed, for a second she couldn’t place where she was. Then the memories came flooding back, crashing into her as her orgasm had last night. She buried her head under the pillow, how could she possible face him this morning? If she had behaved like that after one day here, what would she be like by the end of three? She knew the answer, totally and utterly lost. Lost to the man who had broken her heart, and now seemed intent on doing so again.

  She got up and showered, glad the house had solar power, the warm water seeping life back into her body. Her stomach rumbled, no doubt once she had eaten she would feel even better. Getting dressed she chose a simple loose skirt and blouse, the heat of the day wafting in from outside told it was going to be a very hot day, or it already was at it’s peak and she had slept for a long time. She couldn’t tell.

  Going to the kitchen she found no sign of Matthew. Managing to light the stove she filled the kettle to make coffee, opening cupboards until she found what she needed. With still no sign of Matthew she made one cup for herself. Next breakfast, or was it lunchtime? She had no idea; all sense of time had left her.

  She settled for eggs and some fruit, sitting at the little table and eating it while sipping her coffee and enjoying the feeling of waking up in this beautiful place. Sitting facing out towards the sea, Abigail listened to the sound of the waves breaking invitingly on the shore. After she finished eating, if Matthew still hadn't appeared, she would go and explore on her own. Surely he wouldn’t mind that.

  Deciding on another cup of coffee she washed up the plates and utensils she had used while it cooled. After drinking it she went back to the bedroom and found a towel and applied sunscreen, then set off for the beach. Abigail followed the path they had used yesterday; keeping an eye out for Matthew, but there was no sign of him.

  She walked along the edge of the sea, it felt surprisingly warm, a swim would be fantastic, but she wanted to check it was safe first. She realised she didn’t know exactly where the island was or what migh
t be lurking in the warm sea, Matthew might not be the only predator. Not wanting to stray too far she turned around after half an hour and walked back, she might have been halfway around the island for all she knew.

  How big was the island? And how much had it cost?

  Since that fateful night she hadn't followed Matthews’s career, occasionally something about him would pop up on the news, some big deal he had pulled off, but apart from that she knew nothing.

  Lost in thought she looked up and there he stood waiting for her. He lifted his hand and waved, she waved back. After the intimacy of last night she couldn’t maintain her anger at him, but she determined to remain aloof.

  Who was she kidding? If he said the word she would do do his bidding, before he had time to finish the sentence. Yep, she was lost; she might as well have sold her soul to the devil.

  “Wow, you’re up, I thought you were going to sleep the whole day.”

  “I have no idea what time it is.” She stood level with him. Matthew, dressed in shorts and t shirt, looked as though he had been running.

  “It's nearly 1 o'clock, give me five minutes, I’ll jump in the shower and then fix us some lunch. Why don’t you enjoy the beach while I’m gone?” He waited for her to nod in agreement, then turned and jogged up the beach to the house.

  Abigail spread out the towel she had been carrying over her arm and settled down to watch the waves roll in. The heat of the sun warmed her and for the first time since Matthew Parker had walked back into her life she felt tranquil. She lay back, closing her eyes and waited for Matthew to return, wondering what his agenda was for the day. No doubt it involved his hands on her body, the thought gave her a delicious feeling of heat all over her body that had nothing to do with the sun.

  Matthew returned smelling and looking fresh, and handsomer than ever, his exercise followed by the shower made his skin glow. His hair, still damp was combed back from his face; she couldn’t help staring at his features. He seemed so familiar to her, as if they had spent everyday of the last five years together instead of apart. “Are you going to stare all day or are you going to help me set this out?” He held out a picnic rug for her, in his other hand he carried a large picnic hamper with freshly prepared food inside. “I thought we could sit here on the beach and eat lunch, then I’ll show you around the island if you want.”

  Abigail grabbed the blanket off him, glad to have something to do to hide her blushes. She spread it out on the sand; Matthew knelt down and placed the food out on to it. He had brought wine too, pouring a glass for them both. Sitting down beside her, they began to eat. Abigail found she was starving now, after only having a light breakfast.

  “When did you buy this place?” Abigail asked Matthew.

  “A year ago, I wanted somewhere to escape to. There was only a small fishing shack here, it wasn’t big enough, but I didn’t want to spoil the natural look of the place. The house works well, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, I do. It's so light and airy, and the view is amazing. The whole island is amazing. It must have cost a fortune.”

  “I had the money, and I fell in love with the place. I always dreamed of bringing you here.”

  “Me? I would have thought you would have loads of women lining up to come here with you”

  “Oh, I do, but you are the only one I really wanted to bring here.”

  They had finished eating; Abigail wasn’t sure what he was trying to say. He seemed to imply he had been thinking about her for years.

  “Will you show me the island now?” she asked, still confused.

  “Sure, help me take everything back to the house first.”

  After packing the left overs up, they walked back to the house. Matthew put everything away while Abigail washed the dishes. They worked around each other, occasionally brushing hands or touching bodies in the small kitchen. Abigail became increasingly aware of his presence as he stretched and reached around her. She turned around to wipe the surfaces down, and bumped straight into him.

  “Sorry, clumsy me,” Abigail said, about to move out of his way. Matthew stopped her, putting his arms around her waist and pulling her towards him. He bent his head and kissed her, his tongue finding hers. She dropped the cloth and wrapped her arms around him, holding on as if she would never let go.

  He lifted his head, allowing her to get her breath back. “I wanted to wait until I’d shown you the island, but I don’t think I can. It's time Abi, second day, second orgasm.” Abigail’s legs nearly gave way, heat spread through her body, her sex burning for his touch. He led her to the bedroom and she followed meekly.

  “Take off your clothes and lie down on the bed.” For one moment she hesitated, then did as he asked. Any self consciousness she had about her body disappeared, he had seen her naked before. Abigail also considered the rewards of his hands on her body to far outweigh any embarrassment she might feel about her curves.

  Once undressed she moved to the bed and lay down, he watched her the whole time, his eyes never leaving her body. “Lie on your face down,” he instructed.

  Abigail turned over, burying her face into the pillow. Nervous now of what he might have planned. She could hear him in the bathroom, but could not tell what he was doing.

  When the first drop of oil touched her body she jumped, she could tell he was smiling. He proceeded to drop four more drops of the oil onto her back. Then his warm firm hands began to rub the oil into her skin. She could faintly smell the fragrance of oranges and something else she couldn’t pin point. Her sense of smell soon became secondary as he moved his hands all over her body, pushing firmly to ease her tense muscles. And she was tense, tense with anticipation of where his touch would lead. He aimed to give her a second orgasm, how long would he drag out the massage? How long would she have to lie here in anticipation?

  His hands fanned out over her back, pushing his thumbs together along her spine before smoothing them across her skin. As his hands rose further he slid them right around so that they grazed the sides of her breasts where they were squashed against the mattress. She shivered with delight and anticipation.

  When he finished her back he moved along her arms, then her legs. She held her breath as his hands caressed the top of her thighs.

  “Open your legs for me.” Abigail obediently obeyed. His hands touched her wet sex, and she was wet, and aching with longing. He worked back down her legs and then up towards the centre of her desire over and over again. Each time he stroked her delicate folds, torturing her in her need to feel him inside her. How many minutes he kept this up for she couldn’t tell. Time stood still as she waited for the pleasure, for the orgasm, he had promised.

  Then it came, his finger pushing inside her, automatically she spread her legs wider to give him better access. His middle finger was soon joined by two others, pushing deep into her, pulling back out to spread her juices over the lips of her labia. She moved herself against the bed, trying to stimulate her clit as it throbbed with longing.

  He withdrew his fingers. “Turn over.” She obeyed him again. Looking him in the face, holding his gaze, questioning what he wanted from her.

  The answer soon came, he moved to the end of the bad and knelt, his head positioned between her legs. He pushed her soft thighs apart and his tongue lapped at her clit, her world nearly exploded. Her back arched, pushing her mound up into his face. He used his strong hands to hold her down, to hold her in place for his own indulgence.

  His tongue licked the length of her wet slit, tickling her softly, and then plunging deep inside her pussy. He moved his mouth and tongue over the whole of her sex, she lay in rapture at his every move. Sucking her, kissing her, licking her. First the sensitive skin along the inside of her thighs, the graze of the short stubble an agonizing contrast to the softness of his mouth. Then he moved to her clit, spending minutes driving her to madness with his tongue before plundering the depths of her pussy again.

  The first stirrings of arousal turned to strong waves of desire. He held her st
eady, feeling her body tense and tremble under him. He did not relent in his task; she pushed her hands into his hair, pushing his head into her sex. She wanted him deeper inside her, he obliged by using his fingers, this time roughly, sliding in and out of her slick pussy. “Harder,” she managed to say before her mouth drew back and she screamed his name. Frantically his fingers worked inside her, roughly driving her over the edge, while her fingers grabbed at his hair. His mouth clamped over her clit, his tongue flicking over it until she could stand it no more. Her hands released his head and gripped the covers on the bed, she pulled and strained against his control of her, he did not relinquish it.

  Finally spent, the fight left her; he raised his head and kissed the inside of her thighs, slowly moving up her body to the side of her. Abigail lay back with her hand over her eyes. “OK Abi?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” she said honestly.

  “It seemed like you were enjoying it from where I was.”

  “That’s just it; you can make me do whatever you want with your promises of pleasure. I thought I’d got over you, but I was wrong.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you Abi, I wanted you to see what you’ve been missing all these years.”

  “Why, why would you do that?” She sat up, anger building at his words.

  “I suppose I hoped to make you regret leaving.”

  “Regret leaving? I only left because you didn’t turn up. Do you know how I felt standing there with my suitcase waiting for the man I loved. I was willing to leave my family for you! Do you blame me for running away rather than listening to the “I told you so's” from my family?”


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