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Bondage Included

Page 7

by Tori Carson

  He was killing her with his words and tone. His tender touches had her body in confusion. It was primed for a meltdown. Tears were already threatening to stain her blindfold, her clit was throbbing and she was intensely aware of his hand nestled between her boobs. Her nipples were peaked and begging for a little attention. Attention she suspected was a long time away. “Thank you, André. I needed to hear that.”

  From out of nowhere, his lips seized hers. There wasn’t an ounce of tenderness as he took possession of her mouth. His tongue plundered and he stole her breath away. Just as suddenly, he stopped and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Rest, bebe.”

  André walked outside and gathered the dishes from breakfast, hoping the fresh air would clear his mind. Adriana was like a powerful drug. Why had he kissed her? He never kissed trainees. Never.

  No matter how much he wanted to keep his distance and put her in the same category as a contracted trainee, it just wouldn’t work. Adriana had gotten under his skin. He liked her, liked making her smile. God, she had the best smile of any woman he’d ever met. Every time she was happy, her eyes would light up and he caught himself doing whatever it took to see it again and again. He’d turned into a besotted fool.

  From what he could tell, she’d had damn little experience in the lifestyle. He’d like that if she were a trainee, but since he wasn’t sure what the hell category she fell into, he wasn’t sure how he felt about that either.

  He sighed. Now he wasn’t being honest with himself. He was fucking thrilled she hadn’t played much. He just wasn’t sure he wanted to examine the reason for his elation.

  He put the dishes in the dishwasher and scrubbed the pans while he thought about her responses. She’d surprised him by asking him to shave her, but once he’d called her bluff, she’d tried to back out. Being nude was mildly disconcerting to her. When she became flustered she wanted to cover up. It was an easy tell to watch for.

  The blindfold was another matter. Other than to help her sleep, there hadn’t been a reason for her to keep it on. He’d only wanted to see her reaction to being told no. She hadn’t disappointed. Her breathing had quickened and her skin had flushed.

  Everything about her appealed to him and it scared him shitless. He didn’t have a clue how he would let her go at the end of their four months.

  He looked at the clock—it was well past time for her pain meds. Damn it, how had he let that slip? He poured her a glass of ice water and took it in to her. She looked so peaceful and she’d kept the blindfold in place. His heart contracted just looking at her. She’d been through so much, but she was a fighter.

  “I’m not asleep. And don’t get all mad. You said rest, not sleep, so technically, I didn’t disobey you,” she grumbled.

  “I’m feeling some compassion for your father. He must have been at his wit’s end trying to keep you in line. Were you spanked daily?” He pretended to be frustrated, but he loved her bratty side. She’d give him trouble all day, every day, if he’d let her. He would have to work hard to keep the grin from his face while he scolded her.

  “Oh, no. Papa never hit us, no matter how much we tried his patience.” She sounded relaxed and at ease.

  “Spanking isn’t hitting and don’t expect the same patience from me. I suspect you’ll receive many swats during our time together.” And he’d enjoy every damn one of them. He sighed. She probably would too.

  She laughed. “Spanking is too hitting. Look it up in the dictionary.” She shook her head. “It’s the same thing.”

  “Spanking is a form of discipline. It’s one of many I’m quite fond of.” He ran his hand up her good leg and was pleased when she didn’t flinch. “It’s pain pill time, open up.”

  “Nope. I’m done with them.”

  “Bebe, time got away from me. We’re a bit late. You don’t want the pain to get a foothold. Take the pill.” She really was going to try his patience at every turn. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and contemplated how to win this contest of wills.

  “Unlikely since I haven’t had one in days.” She tossed him an ‘I know something you don’t’ smirk.

  “You had one six hours ago and six hours before that and so forth. Quit being stubborn and take the damn pill.” He couldn’t let her risk her health.

  “Nope. As soon as I could stand it, I started spitting them into a tissue and throwing them in the trash. I don’t like drugs. I will take the antibiotic because the doctor put the fear of God into me about an infection, but he said the pain meds were as needed. Well, I don’t need them.”

  That explained why she was so weepy. She was at the borderline of what she could handle. He was proud of her, but worried too. “Okay, we’ll hold off. If you need one, say so. Pain takes a toll on the body and if it becomes too intense, it can slow down the healing.”

  “You could take my mind off it.” Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

  “How would you suggest I do that?” He had his plans set already, but he wanted her to learn to talk to him about sexual matters without embarrassment.

  “You could kiss me.” She began to squirm.

  He leaned forward and gave her a peck on the cheek.

  Her lips turned down in a bratty little pout. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  “You asked for a kiss and I gave it. You need to be very specific in your requests. Think about that as I go grab a quick shower. When I come back, I want you to try that again.” He caressed her cheek and she turned into his hand. It was such an endearing gesture, it made him want to give her the world.

  “Yes… What do you want me to call you when you start passing out orders like a drill sergeant?”

  “That’s a good question. We’ll talk about that when I get back too.” He needed time to think that one through. He didn’t want to be Sir, that’s what his trainees called him and he hadn’t earned the title of Master. Top was too impersonal. Shit. He was too old to be feeling so uncertain about everything. Damn, that woman had tossed his life upside down. The next few months were going to be a hell of a ride and he was looking forward to every minute.

  He stepped into the steamy, hot shower and let it pelt down on him. He’d been unhappy for so long, it had pervaded every inch of his life. Maybe this time with Adriana was just what he needed. Though she was just a few feet away, he wasn’t sure he’d hear her if she called out, so he rushed to get clean.

  Once out, he quickly checked on her. She appeared to be sleeping. He quietly returned to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Afterward, he shaved his face with the same blade he’d used on her pussy. Her request had surprised him and fed his ego. It took a great deal of trust for her to let him down there with a straight razor.

  He’d never required his trainees to be shaved. As long as they were neatly trimmed, he was fine with it. Adriana, on the other hand, would be shaved often, simply because he enjoyed it. He craved the bond he’d felt while sharing that intimacy. She brought out emotions in him that he hadn’t felt before. He hoped they were a reaction to her being in his care.

  He ran a hand over his face. It was smooth, but not smooth enough. He planned to be all over her pussy and didn’t want his fun cut short because his beard hurt her. Quickly, he shaved a second time. After he had rinsed his face, he tested it again. Much better. A quick pat with sandalwood shaving balm and he was ready.

  One last look at his jams. If he got in bed with her, naked, intimacy was a foregone conclusion. There’d be no turning back. He picked them up and carried them into the bedroom. He took careful aim and chucked them into the hamper. He wouldn’t be needing them again.

  Chapter Five

  “Took ya long enough. Sheesh!” She gave him shit as he climbed into bed beside her.

  “You were supposed to be resting and I’m well worth it.” He slid the blindfold from her eyes.

  “Oh, I have no doubt of that. Why do you think I spent the last six months waiting for you? I’ve never settled for ground chuck when filet mignon was an option.

  “I don’t think I like being compared to meat products. There’s something mildly disconcerting about that, but I do like the way your eyes sparkle when you’re being a brat.” André leaned in and kissed her.

  His naked cock was pressing against her hip. She’d never seen him completely in the buff before and she wished she hadn’t been blindfolded when he’d walked in. “I wasn’t thinking of you like a piece of meat. Forgive me. I forgot how fragile the male ego can be.”

  “You know, Adriana, asses aren’t the only part of a woman’s body that can be spanked.” He used his Dom voice.

  Her tummy clenched. “I don’t think smacking my face would elicit the response you’re after. In fact, I’d probably hit back.”

  “Ahh, slapping in the face… Trigger area. Duly noted. However, I wasn’t considering your beautiful face.” He took her breast in his hand and gave it a squeeze before gently patting the underside.

  She knew her eyes were as big as saucers and was instantly chagrinned by it. At the club she’d seen it done before¸ but she never considered she’d be the recipient.

  “Or there are other areas.” His hand drifted down to her pussy. “Open wider.”

  Her breathing hitched, but she moved her right leg a little closer to him.

  “I suspect a few swats here would do the trick.” He was grinning at her with an arrogance she found both appealing and annoying.

  “I don’t think I’d like that,” she cautioned. Maybe choosing the owner of a BDSM club as her first partner was a bit like choosing a tiger for her first pet.

  He smacked her three times in quick succession then held his hand tightly over her pussy. “I think you would.”

  Her heart was pounding and she so wanted to tell him he was wrong, dead wrong, but it would have been a lie. She took a few steadying breaths. “You may be right.”

  “You are a delight.” He kissed her forehead. “I believe you were going to ask me something.”

  Damn it, she felt her face heating. “Is there an off button for blushing when I don’t want to?” If she couldn’t control it, at least she could laugh about it.

  “I love the beautiful pink in your cheeks. It reminds me of another beautiful pink area of your body.” André was leaning on the palm of one hand while his other still rested on her mound.

  “After your lesson a minute ago it’s probably more red than pink. Maybe you should kiss it and make it better.” She wondered if she’d get away with that.

  “I doubt it’s red. Would you like me to make it so?” He gazed at her with an innocent face.

  “No, that won’t be necessary,” she answered quickly.

  “Then ask me properly.”

  Why had she thought he looked innocent? He was much more the wolf in sheep’s clothing. “André, will you kiss my pussy?”

  “I think we’ll go with Master André and unless you meant a peck on your mound, try it again.” He was giving her very little wiggle room.

  Her face was flaming red now. “Master André, I’m not sure what you want me to say. I mean, I know the clinical terminology, but I doubt you mean that.”

  “Be specific, Adriana. I don’t think you want just a kiss. I know I want so much more. I want to devour your pussy, to lick your juices and nibble your clit until you’re screaming my name.” He began to massage her clit with the palm of his hand while he took her breast into his mouth and sucked her nipple.

  The air rushed from her lungs and she began to squirm against his hand.

  He pulled his mouth away with a popping sound as her boob relaxed back into place. “Ask me correctly, princess.”

  Princess? Ooh, she liked that better than subbie. “Please eat my pussy, Master André.” Oh, God, she couldn’t believe those words had come out of her mouth, but she meant every last one of them.

  “Much better and it will be my pleasure.” He showered kisses down her body. André wrapped his right arm around her left thigh. “Adriana, keep your leg on those pillows.” He nibbled on her inner thigh until she giggled.

  “Yes, Master André.” It felt clunky calling him that. Master rolled off her tongue easy enough, but adding the formality of his name felt odd. She knew the term Master alone symbolized a deeply committed relationship. She craved that with André, but doubted he’d ever allow it. Everyone at the club called him Master André. It was simply a term of respect.

  “Good girl.” He snuggled between her legs before giving her mound and lips little love bites.

  Slowly, he ran his tongue along her pussy. “Just as I suspected—delicious!” After a few leisurely licks, he pulled her clit into his mouth and began to torture her in earnest.

  It took all of Adriana’s self-control not to fling her leg over André. Need wound tighter as his tongue flicked over her. Her moans surprised her. Who knew she was the vocal type? Though she tried, it was impossible to stay both still and quiet. She dug her nails into the sheets as she tried not to move.

  André slipped a finger inside her. His tongue stopped its delicious assault. She felt him slide in a second finger past the entrance, before his head popped up in shock. He scrambled off the bed, his face going pale as his cock began to shrink.

  “Adriana…” He stared at her.

  She strained to catch her breath. Her body was still singing as she tried to figure out what was wrong. She looked at her leg, but it was still on the pillows.

  “When did you plan to tell me you were a virgin?” His tone was accusatory as he wiped a hand down his face.

  Adriana was torn between laughing, crying and lashing out. She stared at him. André’s hand shook and the blood had drained from his face. There was no denying how upset he was.

  “I can’t believe this.” He started to pace.

  How dare he make her feel like a villain for being a virgin? She curled into a ball and turned her back on him. Her body was still throbbing as she tried to vanish into the pillows.

  It sounded like André walked the length of his room several times before he finally sat down on the bed and put his hand on her hip.

  “Don’t touch me,” she murmured as tears began to fall.

  “I’m sorry, bebe. I handled that badly.” He tugged on her arm.

  “No, just go away.” She pulled her arm out of his grasp.

  “Adriana, I’m not leaving. I screwed up and you have every right to be mad, but I have a right to be upset too. You should have told me.” His voice was consoling and yet accusative.

  “Why?” She pulled the pillow over the top of her breasts and stomach as she turned to face him. “Did I ask for a rundown on your sexual experiences?”

  “It’s not the same thing and you know it.” He brushed the tears from her cheeks.

  “Last time I checked, being a virgin wasn’t a crime.” She knew she sounded like a petulant child instead of the outraged adult she was and that made her all the more angry.

  “Adriana…” he began.

  “Don’t,” she interrupted. “It isn’t what you think. I wasn’t saving myself for marriage and I know that’s where your brain went. It’s never been like that.”

  He held out his hand. When he saw she was ignoring it, he took hers between the two of his. “Then tell me.”

  “No, you won’t listen and I don’t even want to talk to you. Bring me my phone. I’ll have one of my friends pick me up. I want to leave.” She pulled away from him and turned onto her side facing opposite him.

  Now she’d done it. She’d let her temper get the better of her. She was hurt and lashing out, but she didn’t want to leave. She loved the idiot. Why did he have to be such a jerk? Because he’s afraid, the rational side of her brain explained. Well tough shit, so am I, her emotional side spat back.

  The bed squeaked as he stood. A few moments later, he held her purse out in front of her. “I don’t want you to leave. I know I hurt you and I’m sorry. I was surprised and I handled it badly, but leaving isn’t the answer.”

  She grabbed the straps of her
purse and drew it near her. As André walked away, she burst into another round of tears. Within a minute, she felt him crawl in behind her and place a box of tissues by the side of the bed. Then he lay down and held her tight.

  Adriana wanted to keep her body rigid and away from him, but it had a mind of its own. She dropped her purse and nuzzled her cheek against his biceps. With both hands she gripped his arm like it was her only lifeline. “You’re such a jerk. I’m not trying to force you to the altar. I don’t want to get married any more than you do.”

  “I’m sorry, bebe. I reacted badly, but you should have told me.” He kissed her shoulder.

  “Don’t kiss me. I’m still mad at you.” Though she sniped at him, she continued to hold onto his arm for dear life. “I didn’t think it was a big deal. It isn’t to me and it shouldn’t be to you.”

  “Then why are you crying, bebe?” His voice was soft and inquiring.

  “Because you acted like I’m a leper or something. You jumped off the bed like you couldn’t stand to be near me.” The tears came back with a vengeance. Whatever dam she’d kept in place over the last few days had broken and she couldn’t quit crying.

  “You’ve got to stop, Adriana. You’re going to make yourself sick.” He pulled several tissues from the box and gave them to her.

  “I can’t,” she managed to say through halting breaths.

  “You’re killing me, bebe. I hate that I hurt you. I’m very sorry.” He held her tighter.

  It wasn’t all his fault. She’d been fighting these tears for days, but she couldn’t talk about it right now.

  “Let me hold you, Adriana.”

  She nodded, knowing her voice would break if she tried to speak.


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