Book Read Free

Bondage Included

Page 10

by Tori Carson

  He looked down at her and a smile touched his lips. “You are amazing, Adriana.” He tugged backward until she let him go. Carefully, he lay down beside her. “You’re still in trouble, but that was well worth the wait.”

  “I’m sorry I gagged there at the end.” She was afraid she’d disappointed him.

  He chuckled. “Don’t be. Some guys get off on that. I pulled back because I was worried you’d get scared.”

  “Nah, I trust you. If I got into trouble, I know you’d take care of me.” He would too. She knew it as surely as she knew her own name. He’d see to her safety over his pleasure every time. There was something deeply reassuring in that knowledge.

  André scrambled off the bed. He wanted to keep her, not for the four months, but forever. Her unconditional trust of him was tying him in knots. “Just rest, bebe. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  He was being an ass. He preached aftercare and here he was running away, but he had to get a handle on his emotions before he did something colossally stupid, like ask her to marry him.

  In the kitchen, he got her a glass of ice water. Slowly, he walked to the bathroom. He washed his face and brushed his teeth before he became any more obsessed with her taste. She was going to be the death of him. He already couldn’t imagine scening with anyone else. What the hell was he going to do when she left?

  With determination, he pushed those thoughts away. He had four months to figure out a solution. Right now, she was here and it was his right to care for her. He ran a washcloth under warm water before taking it back to the bedroom.

  Adriana lay so peacefully on his bed, he hated disturbing her. He put a hand on her shoulder. “Open up, bebe. We need to get you cleaned.”

  She blinked her eyes before smiling up at him. “I can do it.” She reached out for the cloth.

  “My job,” he told her, as he brought her outstretched hand to his mouth and gave her a kiss. With great care, he washed her pussy then helped her to sit up before handing her the water.

  “Can I get you anything else?” She looked tired and way too sexy for her own good. He hadn’t had his fill of her and he doubted he ever would.

  “I’d love a nap. Will you lie with me?”

  “If I ever say no to that question, call nine-one-one because there is something seriously wrong with me.”

  * * * *

  A whole week—seven long days—had gone by and André still hadn’t made love to her. Granted, they’d been busy and once she’d started physical therapy she’d been wiped out, but she was handling it better now. She’d gotten a scooter and was able to be more mobile.

  She’d kept busy with work, but she was about caught up and was running out of diversions. Adriana couldn’t complain. André was attentive and affectionate. They’d even been intimate, but she was still technically a virgin. And she was damn sick of it.

  Knowing how he stressed communication, she’d considered talking to him and asking why he was waiting. She just wasn’t sure if she wanted the answer. It was distinctly possible that he’d decided intercourse was out. After hearing about his first experience, she could understand why he would be leery. And she wasn’t ready to face the possibility that he didn’t want to be the one to pop her cherry.

  She was getting so desperate she’d turned to her mother’s advice and was baking lasagna for dinner. It probably wouldn’t work because he was Cajun and not Italian, but at this point, it was worth the try.

  He’d been scarce today. At physical therapy, she’d been a bit whiny. The exercises they’d had her doing hurt and she’d gotten a little teary-eyed. When she’d looked up at him, he’d turned on his heel and left. In the car, he’d been unusually quiet and once they’d gotten home, he’d gone into his office and hadn’t come back out.

  Her insecurities were through the roof. Was he sick of having her around? Was he worried she wasn’t progressing as planned and she’d be at his house longer than anticipated? Was she as annoying to him as the trolls had been? Was he using his home office the way he’d used the club just to get a few minutes of peace?

  “What are you doing? You’re supposed to be resting.”

  Adriana jumped. He’d moved so quietly, she hadn’t heard him approach. “I’m tired of rest, so I decided to help out. I just put dinner in the oven. Did I do something wrong?”

  “No. Not at all. I just thought you were lying down.” He squatted down in front of her. “I was going to take you out to dinner.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry. I can put it in the fridge and we can have it tomorrow, if you’d rather.” Crap!

  “I’d love to have a home cooked meal. I just don’t want you to over-exert. You’re doing too much too soon.” He took her hands in his and brushed his thumbs over her knuckles. “Are you feeling all right?”

  She nodded. “I feel great, André. Don’t worry about me. In forty-five minutes, dinner will be ready. What shall we do in the meantime?”

  “There is a matter we need to revisit, if you’re sure you’re feeling up to it.” He was wearing a mischievous smirk.

  “Oh?” She didn’t like the sound of that.

  “Yes, my naughty princess must answer for crying wolf.”

  Her pussy clenched. “That was days ago. I’ve been very good since then.” She gave him her sweetest smile.

  “I warned you at the time that you were still in trouble. I was merely waiting for an opportune moment. While we’ll be a bit rushed, I think I can still adequately impress upon you not to do that again. You wouldn’t want me to let you off the hook and set a bad precedence.”

  “No, I suppose that would be bad.” Her body had already switched into high gear. Wetness was flooding her pussy and her nipples had pebbled.

  “I’m glad we agree on this. Now, let’s get that perfect little ass of yours into the playroom.” His voice was gentle.

  Playroom? Oh, crap.

  “Can you stand on your right leg? I’ll pick you up.”

  Adriana locked the scooter in place before standing. André put an arm behind her back and another under her knees then carefully lifted her into his arms.

  “We’re headed down to the basement. Most homes in Phoenix don’t have one, but this one does. It’s one of the reasons I bought this house. It’s the perfect place for a dungeon. It’s virtually soundproof.”

  She was finding it hard to keep her breathing at a normal level as he carried her through the hall and down the steps. “I didn’t know you had a playroom here.” But it made sense. His trainees often lived with him.

  “Sometimes it’s nice not to be in a club setting.” He opened the door at the bottom of the steps and turned on the light switch.

  “How do you choose your trainees?” She looked around half expecting to find the trolls. Knowing they were the last women he’d had down here didn’t sit well.

  He gave an uncharacteristic snort. “They choose me. Every trainee I’ve ever had approached me.”

  Now that he’d said that, she remembered Eva saying the same thing. It was surprising, though, because when she’d first come to the club, he’d aggressively tried to scene with her. It hadn’t been until she’d found out about the trolls and put her foot down that he’d backed off.

  André carried her to a thick mat on the floor. There were bundles of rope, a long, intimidating paddle and a large-headed, white vibrator.

  “You have this all planned out, don’t you?” She was getting nervous. The paddle looked as if it would hurt like hell. She didn’t want her first introduction to pain be with an implement like that.

  “You mentioned that you’d watched a few shibari demonstrations and that it interested you. I think I’ve figured out a way to give you those sensations without hurting your leg.” He was kneeling beside her.

  She was too nervous to meet his gaze, so instead she looked around the room. Whips, canes, tawse, floggers, crops of every size adorned the light tan walls. There was a St. Andrew’s cross along the far wall and two different types of spanking bench. A few
other pieces caught her eye, but André took her chin in hand and drew her attention back to him.

  “Look at me.”

  “Yes, Master André.” It helped to say his name. She needed to remember she was with André and he would never hurt her. Not on purpose.

  “Are you having second thoughts, or are you still up for this?” André was watching her closely.

  “No, I’m ready. Just a little nervous.” There wasn’t any point in hiding it. André seemed to know exactly what she was thinking most of the time anyway. She wished she could read him as easily.

  “Tell me your safe word.”

  “Snowman.” She felt her cheeks heating, but he took it in stride this time.

  “You’ll need to get out of that dress, or I’ll end up cutting you out of it.”

  The thought of him using a knife and stripping the clothes from her body made her shiver. But the practical side of her brain kicked in. She had damn few clothes she could wear with the brace. It was best to take it off.

  Adriana pulled it out from under her then whipped it over her head. André tossed it to the far corner of the mat. She unhooked her bra and threw it on top of her dress. She only bothered with panties when she left the house. They were too much hassle to move over the brace.

  André moved behind her and gave her a hug. “You’re safe with me, Adriana. Just relax.” He kissed her neck as he circled her wrists and pulled them behind her head.

  Her arms were crossed in a giant bow. He held her like that while used the rope to secure her in that position. It was surprisingly more comfortable once he’d tied her arms together. She’d never been bound before. The vibrations as he manipulated the hemp were comforting. She understood now why some subs considered themselves ‘rope bunnies’. Given half a chance, she might as well.

  “I see through your plan,” she teased him.

  “Oh?” He grabbed another bundle and began a chest harness.

  “Yep, you’re lulling me into a false sense of security then you’re going to beat my ass with that mammoth paddle.”

  “You know…now that you mention it, that sounds like a better plan than mine. How many swats do you think you deserve?” André continued winding the rope around her torso as he bantered with her.

  She wanted to turn around and see his face, but with her arms bound, she couldn’t move much. “You went to so much trouble to set this up for me, I wouldn’t want you to change anything on my account. Let’s just forget I said anything.” Her face was beginning to hurt from smiling so much. André was fun, even when he was threatening to smack her ass with a huge piece of wood.

  “I wouldn’t want to disappoint you. If you prefer being paddled, then, bebe, I’m your man.” He sounded amused.

  “Actually, I’m hoping there’s something to the ‘rope drunk’ the girls talk about, but I don’t think I could ever get ‘drunk’ enough to enjoy being swatted with that thing.” She figured honesty might be the best tack to take.

  André ran two fingers between her and the rope to make sure they weren’t too tight. “If you feel any tingling or numbness, tell me immediately.” He moved to her left side and picked up the paddle.

  She tried to look him in the eye, but her gaze kept straying to the paddle.

  “Unless you were being punished, I wouldn’t use this until you were warmed up and ready for it.”

  “But I am being punished, aren’t I?” She wished she hadn’t voiced that thought. If he didn’t think she’d earned a punishment, then far be it for her to contradict him.

  “No, bebe. You’re being disciplined. There’s a difference. Discipline is used as a teaching tool. Punishment is used when you willfully disobey me.”

  Her clit was throbbing and she wasn’t entirely comfortable with the fact that his use of the term discipline could have that effect on her.

  He leaned forward and gave her a kiss. “You’re a treasure, Adriana.”

  Proving once again that he could read her mind or maybe her face was overly expressive. As long as it made him happy, she was good with it. “Thank you. I think you’re pretty amazing yourself.”

  “We’ll see what you think once we’re through here.” He chuckled then slid the paddle under her brace. “I’m using this to make sure the pressure is off your leg. You have a tendency to move it.” He used a large metal ring to loop the ropes through, creating a giant sling.

  He grabbed the chest harness between her breasts. “Lie on the mat, bebe.”

  His support of the ropes kept her from moving too quickly as she leaned backward. The hemp bit into her shoulders and tightened around her ribs. She liked the closed in feel of it and was a little bereft when he let go.

  André stood and used a pulley system hanging from the ceiling to elevate her leg about a foot. “Is that okay?”

  She tried to nod, but with her arms behind her it was awkward. “Yes.”

  He tied off the rope and moved between her legs. With the remaining bundle, he bound her right calf to her thigh.

  She was truly at his mercy.

  “Tell me your safe word again.”


  He met her gaze. “Use it if you need to.”

  “Yes, Master André.” She wished he’d tell her what he had planned, but that didn’t seem to be on his agenda.

  “I’m going to have my dessert before dinner tonight. You just lie back and relax.” He slid onto his tummy and began to shower her inner thighs with kisses.

  If this was his idea of discipline, she planned to be very naughty in the future. She’d feared the ropes would make her claustrophobic, but they didn’t. Not at all. Though they obviously felt different from his arms, in their own way, the constant pressure was like an all-over body hug. It was very reassuring.

  She’d lost track of the number of orgasms she’d had this week. He knew exactly how to send her flying, though he often toyed with her and she suspected he would again this time. She didn’t mind, not really. He always made his torture worth it.

  It wouldn’t take much to get her there. The feel of the ropes and being in the dungeon had her halfway to climax already.

  Once his tongue licked her hood, her clit came out to play. Being bound, she had little leverage, but she used what she had to push her pussy against his mouth. It was impossible to hold still—she rocked her hips, desperately wanting him inside her.

  When he drew her clit into his mouth, she began to beg. “Please, may I come?” She highly doubted she’d gain permission this soon, but it was worth a try.

  “Yes, come for me, princess.”

  She froze. She couldn’t have heard him correctly. Tipping her head, she glanced at him there between her legs.

  He gave her an evil laugh that sent her over the edge. Her orgasm rocked through her. Being bound made it all the stronger. As she thrashed about, the ropes bit into her skin and sent her flying higher.

  She was so wet. She desperately wanted him to fuck her. God, what would it take for the man to fuck her already?

  “That’s it, bebe. Enjoy every moment.”

  Her brain was fuzzy, but something in his voice caught her attention. Before she could ask him about it, she heard the whine of the vibrator.

  Oh no! Now she knew his plans. Forced orgasms.

  Chapter Seven

  André saw the look of recognition pass across her face. She’d been at the club enough to know what was in store for her. “Princess is about to learn a very important lesson in not teasing Master.”

  He began by dancing the vibrator along the inside of her thighs and over her lips.

  Adriana was shaking her head. “Too soon,” she muttered.

  “You’d be surprised what your body is capable of. But you have two choices, bebe. You can safe word or you can settle down and accept your discipline like a good girl.”

  She whimpered and continued to writhe, but the tension eased a little. Her expression was one of reluctant acceptance.

  He lightly touched her clitoris,
sending her back arching and her arms straining against the ropes. She was so beautiful. He wanted to slide his cock home in the worst way. But now was not the time.

  As he continued to torture her, she stopped fighting it. Her whimpers turned to moans and coos.

  “Master, I’m going to come!” she shouted as she thrust her breasts forward and pushed against the vibrator.

  He pulled it away as he admonished her. “Ask correctly, subbie.” He’d almost let her get away with it. Hearing her call him Master was a rush. He shouldn’t allow it to affect him yet he was powerless to stop it. He couldn’t be her permanent Master and, in his mind, the term wasn’t meant for a short-term relationship.

  “Master André, pleeeeease, may I come?”

  André chuckled hearing the word please stretched out so far. “Yes, princess, come for me.”

  He focused the vibrator directly on her clit and applied moderate pressure. She immediately exploded.

  Watching her orgasm was fast becoming his favorite pastime. Her screams and coos had a direct line to his cock. Every sound she made had him twitching or throbbing. She was innately passionate. He loved when she gave him head, but he dreamed of making love to her.

  André moved the tip enough to keep from directly stimulating her, yet still flood her with sensations to fuel delicious aftershocks. This past week he’d learned so much about her. It surprised him how open and curious she was, considering her experience level.

  After his initial shock at discovering her virginity had worn off, he’d spent his time trying to plan the perfect experience. His ideas had run the gamut and he’d eventually realized there wasn’t such a thing, at least not where he was concerned.

  He pushed those thoughts away. Adriana needed his complete attention. “How are you doing, princess?”

  “Wow. I didn’t think I’d be able to come again.” Tears were dotting her eyelashes and she was breathing heavily.

  “Just wait. The third time’s a charm.”

  Her eyes grew to the size of saucers. “No, I couldn’t!”


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