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Allister, J. Rose - Disowned Cowboys [Lone Wolves of Shay Falls] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Allister, Rose J.

  She buried her head against Kyle’s bare chest and tried to ignore the ripping, growling, and gurgling sounds of the wolf feasting. “You’re right,” she said, muffled against his skin. “I can’t watch. Wish I couldn’t hear, either.”

  Kyle folded her into his arms, his body infusing hers with a warmth that sank down deep inside of her. One thing was for sure, Dillon hadn’t lied when he’d said they didn’t get cold easily. She pressed herself closer to his chest, letting that heat seep into her. God, it felt good to be warm again.

  “Your nose is frozen,” he said, his voice taut.

  “Sorry.” She made to pull back, but he tightened his arms to hold her against him.

  “Stay there. You’ll be warm in no time.”

  “No kidding. It’s like you’ve been standing in front of a hot oven.”

  She closed her eyes, letting the feel of him invade her senses and drown out the wolf sounds behind her. What flowed through her when she opened herself to him was far more than just a necessary temperature rise. A surge of emotion swelled in her chest, one that rose so high and fast that it threatened to overtake her. David had never sent chills along her spine or lit a fire inside of her wherever he touched. Not that he’d ever held her like this before.

  Kyle let out a slow breath, and she felt him begin to quiver. “Oh, man.”

  “I’m making you cold,” she said.

  He shook his head. “I didn’t think it would be this hard to control.”

  “What would?” She pulled back and gasped when she looked up at him. The golden speckles were spreading outward to engulf his pale blue irises. “You said you wouldn’t change.”

  “I won’t.” He closed his eyes, and she saw his Adam’s apple bob. “This is just more intense than a normal full moon.”

  “Why?” she whispered.

  “Kiss me,” he said, his eyes still shut.

  She yanked back several steps. “What? No!”

  The eyes reopened into a golden flame that frightened and mesmerized her at the same time. “Yes.”

  She shook her head, watching gold and blue wage a battle for dominance in his eyes, creating a kaleidoscope effect she feared might hypnotize her if she stared at it too long. “I’m not kissing you, and not only because you’ll probably sprout fur and fangs if I do.”

  His move forward was slow and subtle, but she jerked back. “It’ll help ground me, actually. I know why you probably find the idea revoltin’. I’ve seen myself in a mirror.”

  Her eyes traced the line of his scar. “It’s not that at all.”

  “Just close your eyes and trust me.”

  “Trust you? I don’t even know you, Wolf Boy.”

  The slight dig actually brought a tiny smile to the corner of his full, sensual lips. “Well enough to know I’m tellin’ the truth.”

  She traced the contour of those lips with her gaze, unconsciously licking her own. “Actually, ‘Kiss me or I’ll turn into a hairy beast’ sounds like the worst pickup line I’ve ever heard.”

  Despite the protest, her feet were inching closer to him. Her eyes were still fastened to the seductive call of his mouth and the sexy smile turning up one corner. The hair on her arms rose when she leaned close to him, and since Kyle was about a head taller, she had to lift her chin to reach his lips.

  The first graze of her mouth on his caught her breath in her throat, and she understood there and then that she’d made a fatal mistake. Not because of what Kyle might become, but what she might become. His lips unhinged a primal need in her stomach, like an animal clawing to get loose and run wild with the men-wolves who were completely focused on her.

  Kyle let out a tiny groan and deepened the kiss, opening his mouth to sweep his tongue just barely across her lower lip. An electric thrill coursed through her, and she raised a hand to his face. Unable to stop herself, she brushed her fingertips along the valley dug into his skin by the scar. He broke off the kiss all too soon, grabbing her by the wrist to pull her hand away. Her breath had gone ragged, and as he moved back she saw his breathing was rough, too.

  His eyes still glimmered with gold highlights, but they no longer ran into one another to blot out the blue. “That might have been a mistake,” he said.

  “How’d you know that was what I was thinking?”

  He shivered again. “I’m bettin’ it don’t feel like that when you kiss David.” His voice had gone husky.

  David’s kiss. She barely remembered it now. Then again, it had barely registered with her at the time. “I was just doing what you asked.” Why did she have to sound so out of breath?

  “Then maybe I should have asked more of you.”

  His mouth collided with hers again, this time sending a tiny gasp free from her throat. His hands slid into her damp hair, pulling her against him. Something pressed against her pelvis when he pushed his hips forward—a long, hard ridge that sent her pulse racing.

  A voice behind them pushed her back from the edge of losing control.

  “You do not have my permission to breach her.”

  Breach her? She whipped around to find Dillon’s human form had returned, though his eyes were a good deal harder. Smears of blood from his feed covered parts of his jaw and upper chest. More shocking was the bulk between his legs. His cock was now longer, thicker, and sticking almost straight out from his body. Her eyes flew wide.

  Kyle stepped around her and faced the other man. “I see that kiss brought you back around, too. Looks like there’s hope for you yet, cowboy.”

  Dillon’s jaw tensed. “Did you hear what I said?”

  “Who submits to whom here?” Kyle’s voice boomed in the space loud enough for Aimee to flinch. “Which of us here is alpha?”

  A flurry of motion beside her prompted her to glance at Kyle, and she jumped. A black wolf stood beside her, staring Dillon down with its hackles raised and tail lifted in the air.

  “Shit,” she said, moving back, but the animal took no interest in her. It stalked toward Dillon and stopped a foot away, leaning in to stick its bared teeth close to the man’s face.

  Aimee backed up until she hit the dirt wall near the tunnel, gaping at the exchange. Dillon’s flesh seemed to vibrate again, and in moments his face began to distort and elongate. Fur shot out along his body, and he shrank into the gray wolf again.

  “My God,” she whispered, clutching at her chest. Run, she thought. Get out before it’s too late.

  Kyle’s snarl froze her in place. Dillon lowered his head and flattened back his ears, dropping to the ground and rolling over to expose his pale belly. Kyle moved around to straddle the other wolf, and she gasped when he bent down to grasp Dillon’s furry throat in his jaws.

  “Don’t!” she cried out. Jesus, would he kill Dillon for having spoken out? What would he do to her then?

  The thought prompted her to slide her body along the cave wall, seeking the mouth to the short tunnel that would let her escape this bizarre nightmare. Then her eyes fell to the two wolves’ pricks, which were very close together as Kyle stood over Dillon. Their shafts were bright red and shiny, popping well out of fur-covered sheaths. Whatever was going on here, both of them were quite aroused about it.

  Aimee paused as ripples of fur crested along both animals’ bodies. Hair shortened and disappeared until the men were back, leaving Kyle also naked and straddling Dillon with his arms planted on either side of the man’s head.

  “As alpha I have every right to request first matin’ if I so choose,” he told Dillon, leaning close to his face. “But it ain’t gonna be now.”

  “I want her,” Dillon said, and when his eyes unexpectedly connected with hers, a jolt shot through her at their intensity. The gold was still there, yes, undulating in a rhythm not dissimilar from the pounding of her pulse. “I’ve waited so long for her to be mine, and now she’s so close I can taste her.”

  “She can’t be part of this,” Kyle said. The words fell on her with a strange pang of disappointment. “Not tonight.”

nbsp; “Why?”

  At first, she thought the question had left Dillon’s throat but realized it hadn’t only sounded out in her mind.

  “We can’t properly claim her under a full moon with you still out of control,” he went on, as though it was indeed Dillon who had asked. “And you can’t take her virginity without us marking her, or every male she encounters will amp into sexual high gear.”

  “Marking her’?” Aimee took a step forward. “What the hell does that mean?”

  Kyle raked a smoldering glance over Dillon before glancing up at her. “Ain’t nothin’ you have to worry about tonight, darlin’.”

  She let out an indignant snort. “Oh, I don’t plan on worrying about it any night. There will be no marking or claiming of any kind, got it?” The rest of his words flashed through her mind, and she frowned. “And why are you making the assumption that I’m still a virgin? I do have an engagement ring on, you know.” She flashed the diamond at the men for effect.

  “That your boss gave you,” Kyle said. “Or is spreadin’ those shapely legs part of your job description?”

  She curled her lip. “Don’t be disgusting.”

  “Don’t you play games,” Dillon said, shifting his weight so he could look at her. “Kyle and I know damn good and well you ain’t never been with a man. Or are you just tryin’ to piss me off?”

  “How can you know something like that?”

  Dillon inhaled deeply, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment. “That’s how.”

  “Your scent is damn intoxicatin’, it’s true,” Kyle added. “Our kind can tell a lot of things about a woman by her scent.”

  She lifted her chin. “Then maybe it should tell you there’s zero chance of getting this virgin all hot and sweaty in a cave.” If only the words could sound convincing and she wasn’t already feeling damn steamy. “You think I’m going to fall over the two of you when I’ve gone twenty-five years without needing a man? Please.”

  “Because you’ve been waitin’ for the right man.” Dillon’s gaze penetrated the thin veneer of composure she was desperately trying to keep in place. “That’s the truth, ain’t it? You’ve always known deep down that someone was waitin’ for you. Someone who could make you feel like no other man could. Someone like me.”

  She shook her head, even as the words resonated to stoke a flame of desire. “And you’re supposed to be my Prince Charming? Shouldn’t you be at a royal ball, not chained up in a damp cave?”

  He ran his hands along the chains across his torso. “Excitin’, ain’t it? The danger. The lack of control. Don’t deny it, darlin’. I’ve seen the way you’ve been starin’ at our cocks.” One of his hands slid down to stroke his shaft, and she felt an answering twinge between her thighs. “I see your eyes darkenin’ with need, and those pretty hands are balled into fists because you’re fightin’ the need to come over here and touch me like this.”

  His fingers slid up over the wide head, then back down to the base. She unclenched the hands she hadn’t realized were tensed up at her sides and shook her head, not trusting herself to answer.

  “Dillon,” Kyle said, eyeing her. “No point in teasin’ the lady when we can’t allow her to take pleasure from it.”

  “Who says? She’s mine.”

  “And you’re mine.”

  Aimee didn’t even have time to process the words. Kyle grabbed Dillon’s neck chain and tugged upward, pulling the man to his face. Their mouths crushed together with a ferocity that sent a shiver through her, and their wet tongues flicked out to entwine with one another. Never in her life had she witnessed two men pleasuring each other, and the sight should have been the final push to send her feet running toward the mouth of the cave. Instead, she stood there like a gawking statue, panting in shallow breaths and blinking rapidly at the passion unfolding in front of her.

  Kyle lowered himself just enough for his thick rod to brush along Dillon’s, prompting a moan from each and a little whimper from her own throat as well. Dillon grabbed the back of Kyle’s hair hard, thrusting his tongue deeper into the man’s mouth. When he tried to shove Kyle over onto his back, however, Kyle growled and yanked away. A sharp slap followed as his palm delivered a blow to Dillon’s thigh.

  “You will submit to me,” Kyle said in a low, dangerous tone.

  Dillon’s cock jumped at the command, as did Aimee’s pulse.

  “If I can’t have her tonight,” Dillon said, “I want her to see what we will mean to her soon enough.”

  Kyle favored her with a slow smolder while he replied. “You want her to see what your submission to me includes? Then get on your knees.”

  A palpable shiver coursed through her veins.

  Dillon’s biceps flexed as he rolled over and pushed himself up on all fours, facing Aimee.

  “Not like that,” Kyle said. “Turn around.”

  Kyle turned and sat on his haunches in front of Kyle, who was upright on his knees. “Get me ready for you,” he told Dillon.

  In shock, Aimee watched while Dillon bent down to slide his mouth over the erect cock in front of him. Kyle gripped Dillon’s neck chain and pulled him deeper onto his organ, tipping his head back with a moan. She held her breath while she watched Dillon’s head slip back and forth expertly over Kyle’s penis. A naked man chained in a cave while commanded to perform fellatio on another man was a perversion Aimee had never even considered. As thunder rocked the skies overhead, a quake of longing shook her to the core, and warm wetness gathered between her rubberized legs. When Dillon pulled back and she saw Kyle’s thickly veined rod, throbbing and slick, her nipples tightened beneath the damp bra that clung to her skin.

  Without a word, Dillon twisted around and dropped onto all fours again so that his ass was right in front of Kyle’s stiff dick. Aimee’s lips parted as Kyle gripped Dillon’s hip with one hand and positioned his cock against Dillon’s tight, smooth ass with the other. The chain shifted as Dillon looked up, catching Aimee’s gaze. Then Kyle shoved his hips forward in one long, solid motion. His eyes shut tight, and she gasped in sympathy at the heavy grunt Dillon let out. God, how painful would something like that be? Kyle certainly hadn’t been gentle about it. Why was he so callous?

  A fantasy flashed through her mind of lying beneath Kyle, letting him be the one to relieve her of virginity. Not that she would allow anything of the sort, and certainly not with his rod penetrating her ass the way he was doing to Dillon.

  In moments, however, Dillon’s grunt turned into something erotic, something that began a slow throb in her clit. The muscles in his arms strained as he rocked forward, then slid back on Kyle’s cock. Aimee realized that he hadn’t been wincing in pain at all. The expression on his face had taken on a smooth air of the sublime as he rode Kyle’s shaft with his eyes closed. He appeared possessed of a want and a hunger that only the stoic-faced man behind him could quench.

  With a start, Aimee realized that their lust was infecting her, spreading low in her pelvis. Kyle pushed his hips against Dillon’s ass, chains rattling with every stroke. As they bucked together, the potent muscles in both of their bodies stood out in magnificent form, highlighted by sweat breaking out across their skin. Even with Dillon streaked with dirt and bound by partly rusted chains, the men were beautiful, like a sculpture by Michelangelo. Like a fine piece of artwork that she could not tear her eyes away from.

  Dillon’s blazing gold eyes opened, kissed by the gloss of lantern light as they locked onto hers. “Come here to me, darlin’,” he crooned.

  The seductive lilt of his whisper touched off a war inside of her.

  Go to him, a voice prodded.

  Don’t. It’s dangerous.

  You want to know if his touch will make you feel the way Kyle does.

  That’s the real danger, isn’t it? One touch and you could stay lost forever.

  Just one touch.

  Kyle cut off her mental committee meeting. “Stop, Dillon,” he said, slowing his strokes. “You can’t.”

  “I just wa
nt to kiss her,” he said, sizing her up like she was a tasty morsel at a dessert buffet. “You’ve already sampled those luscious, pink lips. I have to know what she tastes like.”

  Now Kyle’s gaze bored into her. “One kiss. If she’s willin’.”

  One foot shifted forward while common sense made one last desperate attempt to inject reason into her wildly racing thoughts. What about David?

  She paused and fiddled with the diamond ring. In truth, she owed David a great deal, yet owed him nothing all the same. She had given him no answer, and while this experience shouldn’t color her decision, it might offer her better clarity on her feelings for the man who wanted to be her husband.

  Just one kiss.

  Dillon’s smoky gaze tugged on her reserve, calling to her like a siren song. Still, she remained in place, her body swaying almost imperceptibly to his internal music until he raised a hand from the ground and beckoned her with a single crooked finger. Then her feet began to move again.

  Kyle stopped thrusting when she stopped in front of them, peering down at the two naked men she still couldn’t quite believe were real. A boom of thunder roared through the cave, vibrating the walls and all through her body. She just stood there, feeling like a fool while she listened to her heart and thoughts race. Then, as surely as if she were the one with a collar and chain that he could tug, Dillon pulled her downward with the lure of a low, sexy growl that came from deep in his throat.

  She sank down, and the scent of the men’s heated musk was evident as soon as she knelt in front of them. The heady aroma penetrated her rapidly fogging thoughts and erased the final traces of panic that giving into this folly could be her complete and utter undoing. She no longer gave a damn. Let it be. Let the girl who had long shunned selfish needs in order to do the right, responsible thing have one moment to do the irresponsible, wrong, and completely selfish thing.

  She took hold of the sides of his head and pressed her lips to his, stifling the small gasp at the immediate explosion of desire crashing through her. The stubble of his mustache prickled her upper lip, sending stabs of pleasure downward and stiffening her nipples until they tingled with heavy want. His hot mouth opened with a moan, and his tongue practically demanded entry to hers. With a bare hesitation, she parted her lips. A spike of primal, dark lust ignited with the first touch of their tongues. Her pussy throbbed for him, and she could feel a new pool of juices seeping into her already-damp panties. Every thrust of his wet tongue brought images of his thick, straining cock pushing its way into her virgin heat. Her pulse began a frenzied dance, and the real world fell away. The storm and damp cave and thoughts of being lost in the mountains all drowned in the new reality quickly taking shape in her mind.


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