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The Dragon King

Page 24

by Candace Blevins

  I had a feeling Able had assumed I wouldn’t have the stomach to give a proper whipping. He was about to learn how wrong he’d been.

  The Whipping Master bound Able’s balls forward and up until they were shiny and turning red. His poor little penis looked pathetic, dangling between them, so high on his torso.

  I aimed for his right nipple and dragged the flogger down the front of his body towards his left thigh, and then reversed the motion to go from left to right.

  And this time, the Owl King not only screamed, he screeched. The horrible sound made goose bumps raise on my skin, and my nipples tightened. I contemplated him a few heartbeats and once again pushed Power into my voice as I ordered, “Open your eyes and watch it coming, Owl King.”

  His eyes opened and it was obvious to everyone there he’d rather they be closed, but had succumbed to the Power in my voice. He screamed, yelled, screeched, shrieked, and begged me to stop, but I didn’t relent. I struck him again and again, sometimes missing his private parts, but often striking them either directly or as part of the path of the cruel whip.

  When the Whipping Master gave me the eighty-count alert, I counted down in my head and dropped the whip after the hundredth lash.

  The Owl King’s eyes were still wide open and I let my voice go soft as I said, “You can close your eyes now, Able. You’ll take the final twenty-two strikes from my mate. I knew I was okay, but he didn’t.”

  I turned to Aaron as he approached, and he leaned in and kissed me. “This is a good look on you, Your Majesty,” he said as he eyed my dress. “Not one I expected to see, but I like it.”

  I looked down to see blood spatters all over my white dress. Some were small spots, others were blobs, and yet others were quarter and half inch lines. I looked up to see Mabel with Vincent, the Eagle King. She had him dressed as a horse — a bit in his mouth, his arms pulled behind him so they looked like one arm, and his shoulders painfully distorted. He wore a huge tail and I could only imagine how she’d attached it, as it looked like it hung from his anus. He wore boots that looked like a horse’s hoof complete with horseshoe, and I was certain he was balanced on tiptoe. He also wore blinders, and a most uncomfortable looking collar that forced his head high and forward, with no option to turn it left or right. Cruel clips smashed his nipples, metal teeth biting into them, and leather straps ran over the top of his shoulders and ended in Mabel’s hands so she could use them as leads to turn him right or left by pulling on his nipples.

  The Winter Queen nodded to my dress and said, “This is why I usually wear black, or midnight blue, Majesty. The look suits you, though. It has a certain savagery to it. What do you think of my new toy? I figured since I traded a horse for him, I’d turn him into one.”

  “It suits him, though I expected you to have removed the skin from his body by now.”

  “All in good time, Queen Sophia. Would you like to help?”

  Aaron let loose with his first lash, and I turned to him without answering Mabel. I did not want to help skin the Eagle King, but I didn’t want to admit it in front of an audience.

  Aaron had changed to a different whip — still knotted, but without the metal shards. Still, he managed to pull as much of a scream from the Owl King as I had with the other whip. When he finished his twenty-two lashes he walked to Able, grabbed him by the hair, pulled it back, and put his mouth near the Owl King’s ear.

  “If My Queen hadn’t already assigned your punishment, you’d find yourself bent over, bound, and fucked up the ass by any and all at the party who wanted a piece of you. As Dragon King I could do it anyway, but I’ll cede to her wishes this time, and this time only. Touch her again, or order her touched, and I’ll cut off pieces of you and breathe Dragon Fire on the wounds so nothing grows back.”

  He let go of Able’s head, stalked to me, and pulled me into a bruising, punishing kiss, one I wanted to succumb to, and I did when I realized he needed to feel me alive under him after he’d been so scared for my safety. When he let me up I put my finger to his lips and said, “You were worried.”

  “I’m not accustomed to feeling fear, Soph.”

  Everyone close to us heard him call me not just but my first name, but a shortened version of it, and I didn’t care.

  “I’m a survivor, Aaron. I kept myself safe, but I had the confidence to do it because I knew I’d be rescued by either you, Jonathan, or the Queens of Faerie. He had me near a doorway, ready to take me to the human world, but I could bargain with him because I knew he wouldn’t have me long, no matter which world I was in.”

  He brushed my hair from my face, his eyes serious. “You’re incredibly brave, and strong, and I love you more than life itself, My Queen.”

  “Hold that thought,” I told him as I looked beyond him to see Able being let down from the whipping post.

  I stepped to the Owl King, teleported a glass of wine into my hand, and held it to Able’s mouth. “Drink, Your Majesty. It’s over and we’re good.” He drank it in and I put my hand on his cheek and pushed enough energy in to help him get clearheaded.

  “Ah, fuck, Queen Sophia. I thought we were good?”

  Making him clearheaded had made him hurt worse, but it couldn’t be helped. “You need to hear me.” I thought of the guest room I was offering him, and imagined him opening it as I touched his right hand. He felt the exchange and his eyes shot to me, unsure what I’d done. “Your right hand will open the first guestroom on the left. You and your enforcer are welcome to it so you have a place to change and recover. I’m about to strip the room and redecorate it, so don’t worry about making a mess. I’ll have someone bring some clothes to replace the ones cut off you, and you’re both welcome to stay at the party as my guest.”

  He was hurting, and about to collapse, but he forced himself to stand at his full height to ask, “We’re really good? No hard feelings?”

  “You and I are, but I can’t make the same promise of The Dragon King. Now, go and change. I hope to see you later.”

  I watched him walk out, leaning on his enforcer, and then turned to watch the Winter Queen drag the Eagle King up the steps to the punishment platform by his nipples. He had trouble walking in the grotesque horse boots, but she didn’t go slow for him.

  “I’m thinking the whipping post will make a good hitching post for my horse. Would you like to play with him a little?”

  I gave her a small bow. “He’s my gift to you, Your Majesty, and I’d like to watch a while, I think. Besides, my King was worried about me and I think needs my attention at the moment.”

  She looked at me a few seconds and then motioned towards the other side of the platform. An elaborate bed appeared and she said, “I’ll try to make it good. The two of you need to fuck as you are, blood-spattered and wild.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Mabel and Titania had given me a bit of an education on positions I could take from the top, and I felt as if I might find the nerve to try one or two of them tonight, with an audience. My dress had a slit up the front, so even though it was floor length it would be relatively easy for me to climb on him and go at it without being nude.

  My two Faerie Godmothers had talked to me about how most Faerie parties ended — in an orgy of sex, debauchery, and hedonism. They’d shown me brief snippets of their memories of previous parties, and had talked at length about how the most memorable parties were the ones where the unexpected happened.

  Aaron had also further explained what it meant to be an exhibitionist. He loved public sex, and wanted to show everyone we belonged to each other, wanted them to see him give me orgasms, and wanted them to see him ejaculate inside me.

  I hadn’t been too sure when we’d talked about it, but now, the idea excited me. On some level I knew I needed to consider the blood on us, because blood is powerful in Faerie and I knew it was having an effect, but I didn’t care. I wanted everyone to see me riding the love of my life, so I didn’t stop to contemplate the why of it as I turned to Aaron a
nd ordered him to strip and get into bed.

  I didn’t put Power into my voice, but it was a close thing, and I could tell by the look in his eyes, he knew.

  “I’m liking this side of you, Your Majesty.”

  I let one eyebrow lift and told him, “And yet you aren’t doing as you were told.”

  He unfastened the top two buttons of his elaborate shirt-jacket, but then seemed to lose patience and ripped it off, sending heavy metal buttons flying. I admired his chest, but then watched his hands work the buckle of his belt and unbutton his trousers.

  An audible gasp went up as we all saw he wasn’t wearing underwear, and the evidence he really liked it when I got bossy.

  Or, maybe it was just the exhibitionism. Or, knowing my mate — both.

  I licked my lips as he backed up and then slid onto the bed without taking his eyes off me, and before I knew what I was saying, I ordered, “Climb up the bed and grab the headboard.”

  His eyes sparked, power going from him to me without us touching, but he did as I said and his cock looked as if it were painful, it was so hard.

  A small night table appeared beside the bed and I immediately knew it was Mabel’s doing, as I saw another of the plug things on it, as well as a blindfold, some leather cuffs with steel loops on them, and a few small floggers. I had no idea how to use most of those things, though the idea they were close made my clitoris throb. Aaron kept correcting me when I called it a clitoris, but I didn’t care — I liked the long form of the word so much more than the shortened version.

  I climbed on the bed and grazed my nails from his shoulders to his knees, taking my time as I went down his body. I made sure I scraped over his nipples, and smiled at his low pitched groan. I applied more pressure as I got to his hips, and the red trail I was leaving grew more pronounced.

  When I reached his knees I started again at his forearms and worked my way down the sides of his body, going forward around his armpits enough to abrade his nipples again, but then arching back towards the side of his body. This time, when I made it to his knees I moved to his solar plexus and dragged my nails down the center of his abs, circling his penis and testicles before leaving deep red lines down the insides of his thighs.

  His arm muscles strained, and I knew if this was an ordinary bed he’d have broken it by now, but Mabel’s creation held strong.

  “You don’t need cuffs, do you? You’ll hold on without letting go because I asked, won’t you?”

  His eyes had been squeezed closed, but now he opened them and looked at me, his eyes frantic. “I love you, My Queen.”

  “And I love you, My King.”

  I grasped the root of his cock, so the entire length was visible to me unhindered, and I settled my right pointer fingernail near the top, just below the urethra. I’d figured out Aaron liked it when I bit with teeth and scratched with my nails, but I’d never bitten or scratched his cock. He gave me a subtle nod before closing his eyes and resting his head on the bed again, and I dragged my nail down his cock, my empty vagina clenching as I watched the blood come up under the skin and make a crimson line a half-second after my nail scraped over it.

  Aaron didn’t open his eyes, but his growl let me know he wasn’t far away from letting go of the headboard and doing this his way. His next words let me know I was right.

  “Soph, either climb on my cock or sit on my face or all bets are off on whether my hands stay put.”

  As much as I loved Aaron’s tongue, I wanted his width and length in me, spreading me and opening me, and I stalked up his body, maneuvered my dress around me as I took my position, and ordered him to open his eyes as the tip of his cock touched my nether lips.

  I waited for his gaze to meet mine before I sat, and electricity seemed to flow between us almost immediately. I gasped as he entered me, my mouth open in a silent O as he filled me.

  Halfway down something changed, and I lifted my hands as they turned to human sized dragon wings for an instant, then large swan wings for a dozen heartbeats, and finally back to my hands. I wished there was something over my head for my fingers to grab, and I instantly felt metal. I looked up to see a trapeze, and grabbed it as I slid until my bottom touched Aaron’s body.

  Aaron’s cock had jerked when my arms and hands changed, and the look in his eyes told me he didn’t know what had happened but had liked it.

  I wasn’t sure, either, but I was ready for him to take over. I enjoyed being in charge for short periods of time, but then I needed him to take over and finish.

  He seemed to understand, because he said, “Don’t let go of the trapeze.” I nodded, held tight, and licked my lips as he slowly let go of the headboard and sat up. He moved me with him as he went to his knees, lifted my legs as he went even higher, and then looped my knees over the trapeze, on the outside of my hands, with his cock still buried in me.

  “Not gonna hit your special spot this way, and you can’t play with your clit, either,” he murmured in my ear.

  He was moving slow already and I put my head to his chest and warned, “Tease me and I’ll climb on top again.”

  His chuckle warmed me all the way to my toes. “Mmmm, love my Sassy girl.”

  Aaron had enlarged the split up the front of my dress, which was now open all the way to the waist, with billowy fabric floating to the bed behind and beside me. I could hear screaming and moaning around us now, as well as wet slapping sounds, but I didn’t care. I wanted Aaron to make me come, to take me. Again, something in the back of my head told me the blood soaked dress, as well as the blood on my arms and face and in my hair, was affecting us, but I didn’t care.

  Aaron’s hips moved fast now, pistoning in and out, moving around so he didn’t stay at the same angle long. I wanted to move, but with his arms around me, swinging me back and forth as he pounded me, I was totally at his mercy.

  Before today I’d only reached orgasm when he hit the special spot inside, or when he or I played with my clit. However, today I could feel one gathering, and screamed and begged as he went harder and faster, his hips slamming into me so hard if I’d been human he’d have hurt me, and never was I so happy to be a Swan.

  When my release washed over me, I changed into my human sized swan form, ripping the bloody dress to shreds as I landed on my feet on the bed. Aaron came with me and changed as well, but instead of flying away he pushed me down and kept fucking me, his swan penis in my swan cloaca.

  Swans have long curly-cue members, and I’d never expected to be taken this way. I meant to scream as he tilted me sideways and plunged in, but it came out as a series of honks and shrieks. I was still tangled in the scraps of dress and couldn’t fly away. My wings flapped as much as possible, and I knew we were supposed to be in the water to make this work, but he managed it on the bed — plunging, thrusting and driving into me like the animals we were.

  I finally managed to free myself of the dress and flew to freedom, thankful we were outside with Mabel and not inside with Titania.

  Aaron flew with me, flapping his wings at me until I landed, and he immediately turned to human, grabbed me, and turned me to human.

  We were both nude now, and he tossed me on the ground, practically fell on me, and entered me once again. Now I recognized the dragon in human form, wild and unrestrained, feral, taking what was his, and my heart soared with the knowledge I was his treasure, part of his hoard of gold, and he’d never let me go.

  When I came this time it had nothing to do with the blood, as we’d come back to human clean. I gave him my bliss, my release, my climax, and then let him take so many I lost count, until I passed out from the pleasure.

  I came to in the stables, still in Aaron’s arms as he sat on a bench and fed me grapes and strawberries until I had my strength back. Someone brought me another extravagant evening gown, this one silver and white with pearls sewn into the bodice.

  Aaron insisted on giving me more energy, and when I was filled I asked, “Should I teleport us back to the party?”

kissed my forehead and answered, “Please do, Soph.”

  I heard the Eagle King screaming as soon as we arrived, and we stopped to see what Mabel was doing to him. She had him bound to a table, his legs tied to either end of a long pole so they stayed far part, his testicles both wrapped separately with twine until they looked as if they might pop, and it looked as if she’d taken all of the skin off his member.

  A line of men was at both ends, some waiting to use his mouth, others waiting to use his rear entrance. As someone finished with his bottom, Mabel used a thick leather belt to make him scream even with his mouth full, and then stopped so the next person could assault his bottom in what looked like a most painful fashion.

  When one man pulled out of his mouth and another stepped forward to take his place, I saw bloody gums where there should have been teeth, and looked at Aaron in horror. He kissed my forehead and quietly told me, “Mabel likely pulled them to make him a better sex slave. They’ll come back when he changes, assuming she lets him… but if she wants them gone she’ll just pull them again.”

  I was suddenly sick to my stomach and needed to leave. After doing so well to appear cold and harsh when faced with those who meant me harm, puking because of this would cancel everything else out. I looked around, saw Jonathan standing about thirty yards from us, told Aaron, “Jonathan,” and teleported to my bodyguard’s side.

  Jonathan was talking to a few people, and it may have been rude but I appeared beside him, put my hand on his arm, told them, “I need to borrow him a moment,” and teleported us both to the en-suite bathroom of my palace bedroom, which I’d never slept in.


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