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Just a Little Complicated: A Highschool Sports Romance (SANCTUARY COVE Book 1)

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  "All right, I think we are finished," I say to those that are left.

  The football team left after the heavy lifting and some others asked to leave a little early for various reasons. I also sent Issy home early so she could get ready for her big date.

  "Thank you so much for your help. I think we can all agree the place looks pretty amazing.”

  There is a collective mumble of agreements and head nods.

  "Don't forget, if you've got a shift at the drinks table, please set an alarm on your phones so you don't lose track of time. Thanks again and I can't wait to see you all in your costumes!"

  I look around once more in awe, surveying what is normally our plain smelly gym to what it has now been transformed into. Tonight's dance will be amazing, I can just feel it.

  Racing home, I make some mental calculations as I'm driving. I should be home by five, then I have exactly an hour and a half to get ready and be back at school by six-thirty. It will be cutting it close, but what choice do I have? Again, probably another bonus of not having a date, because I will have to rush getting ready.

  I get a message just as I'm pulling into the driveway.

  Dad: Flight is delayed. I'll see you at the dance.

  I let out a loud groan. A few days ago, Dad informed me that Ms. Evans had sent out an email to the parents asking if anyone was available to help chaperone the dance. My wonderful father of course offered. I should note heavy sarcasm.

  'Dad, you can't!' I had argued before he turned all serious and looked me straight in the eyes 'Kiddo, you are a senior now and I have very limited opportunities left to embarrass you. I have to take what I can get' then he burst out laughing.

  I was not impressed.

  Chapter 12

  A few hours later, with the dance in full swing, it appears everyone is having a great time. A few people have come over to offer compliments on the decorations and then to just stay for a chat. I'm starting to believe that maybe everyone is well and truly over my attack on their QB, and it honestly couldn't have come soon enough. Things are changing, and it feels good. I feel good.

  Issy looks absolutely stunning in her day of the dead señorita costume. I don't think anything could dampen her mood tonight, and I'll admit I'm feeling the same. Tyler looks great too, in a black suit with the same red flower on his lapel that Issy has in her hair. The male equivalent to her costume, and they match perfectly. I may have helped him out a little, but I'll never tell, there's no harm in letting her think it was all Tyler.

  Turns out I'm not needed for as much as I first thought, so I've been hanging with Issy, Tyler, and a few others.

  "Are you having fun?" I call out to her when she returns back to the table after dancing with Tyler.

  "Yes! How hot does Tyler look?" She gushes for about the hundredth time already tonight, but I just smile back.

  Tyler appears with drinks and we stay sitting and talking for a while. A few more people come and join our table, and I get more compliments on how good the dance is. People are loving the photo booth and the dancefloor 'spectacular', which I have started referring to it as.

  "Issy! Let's go get our photo taken in the booth while there's no line." I suggest grabbing her hand without waiting for her to object.

  "But aren't they all going on the school's page?" She leans in and whispers so only I can hear.

  "Yeah, but I get final approval on which one's make the cut, so this will be just be for us.” I reassure her, but sure her dad wouldn't be against a school dance photo.

  "Well, in that case, let's do this!" She jumps up and loops her arm in mine and we skip across to the booth like a couple of first graders.

  "Three photos.” The person operating the camera says, "I will count down from three for each one."

  "What shall we do?" I inspect the props now strewn messily across the table.

  "Let's do a normal one, emoji and then evil monkey for the last one?" she suggests.


  "Ready?" the camera person counts down "3. 2. 1. Smile!”

  The first photo is normal, the second emoji – I do eyes closed, tongue out and Issy puts the two heart props over her eyes and the last photo I do speak no evil and Issy does hear no evil. I can't wait to see how they come out.

  Climbing out of the photo booth in hysterics. It wasn't because of anything especially hilarious; we were both just having a blast.

  Just as we reach the table, a slower song comes on. Tyler being super sweet and all grabs Issy's hand instantly and leads her straight onto the dance floor. I swear she just melts into his arms. It’s adorable even my cold heart can admit that.

  “Ready for that dance?” Mason appears in front of me hand outstretched.

  He looks good in a full James Bond tuxedo complete with a fake gun just hidden in the waistband.

  “Sure.” I concede and accept his hand, letting him lead me to the middle of the dancefloor.

  Much to my surprise it doesn’t feel as awkward as I thought it would. We fit against each other like we had never stopped. It’s comforting.

  I drift back to our first Halloween dance together. Long before Nick and long before the accident. I had planned my costume for weeks. Sandy from Grease. The bad Sandy that is and I was beyond excited. Mason hadn’t committed to a costume yet and it was driving me crazy not knowing. Little did I know at the time he was planning all along to go as Danny, he just wanted to surprise me. And surprised I was when he turned up on my porch in full Danny Zuko costume down to the slicked black hair.

  “Do you remember our first Halloween dance?” He asks as if reading my mind. “I didn’t want to let go of you that night.” His piercing eyes lock onto mine.

  “Me either.” I whisper. More memories and feelings flood back. I was so happy, I didn’t want the night to end. Hope however kept insisting he share. Something about ‘sisters before misters’.

  “I don’t want to let you go tonight either.” his grip tightens around my back pulling me even closer.

  Things could be so easy if I let it. We could just slip back into our relationship like nothing ever happened. Go on our way and live happily ever after. But is it still a fairy tale if you feel trapped? Is it still love if want, no need, more than just love?

  His face is moving closer and I feel like everything has become slow motion. As if the Universe is giving me time to decide.

  Decide Hailee!

  I turn my head before my brain even comprehends the decision.

  “I’m sorry, Mase.” I step back creating a distance that might as well be a mile.

  “Hails, I don’t understand. You asked for time and space and I respected that. But it’s been five months now.”

  “I know. It’s just....” I wince, unable to give a reason. A reason that he deserves anyway.

  “I have to go.” Stammering I spin around, feeling the gym closing in around me. I burst out a side door and take in a deep breath, welcoming the cool air. I slump against the now closed door and sigh. What a mess.

  “You okay, Kid?”

  The sound of the football coach makes me jump so high I could have won gold in high jump. Holy shit! I look over at him a few feet down leaning against the building, cigarette in hand. Coach Hanson is an ex pro footballer who returned home to Munroe after busting his knee in his prime. Only in his late thirties, he still manages to have girls swoon over him, but I’ve never quite understood it. Like he’s old.

  “Yeah, fine.” I finally answer. “Uh sorry, I know we aren’t supposed to be out here.

  All dances have a no lockout rule. Something to do with kids coming and going to drink in their cars. I don’t think it’s stopped anyone, they’ve just become more creative.

  “Don’t sweat it, Kid” He offers. “I won’t tell if you don’t.” He refers to the cigarette in his hand before stubbing it out and walking through the door I just exited.

  What do I do now? I can’t go back in there. Not yet anyway. I can’t go home either.

As if on auto pilot I find myself walking towards the bleachers. This used to be our group hang out spot at school. Top right hand corner just near the tunnel and practically center to the field. We ate lunch here everyday. When it wasn’t raining anyway. Also, when the boys had a lunch practice or extended afternoon one, Hope and I would come here and cheer them on. They said they hated it, but I think they secretly loved the fan club.

  I’m not even alone for more than five minutes when Nick appears at the bottom.

  “Hey,” he says, still standing there, hands awkwardly in his pockets. “What are you doing up here?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. Nostalgia maybe?” I shrug “You?”

  “Was just on my way back in with the boys and saw you here. Just wanted to check that you were all right.”

  “Yeah I’m fine, but I better get back in there.” I stand to leave.

  “I’ll walk you back.” He offers, falling into step beside me.

  “What were you and the boys doing out here anyway?” I ask in an attempt to fill the silence.

  "We papered Western's car." He grins mischievously.

  “I should have guessed.” I roll my eyes.

  “He deserved it. He gave half the team detention last week because we were late coming from a team meeting even though Coach gave us passes.”

  “Hey!” I suddenly cry out as Nick pushes into the dark against the stone wall . “What-”

  “Shh” he covers my mouth with his hand nodding his head to the side entrance I came out from earlier.

  There’s a couple laughing and giggling like they are teenagers. But they aren’t students. The lady I immediately recognize as Ms. Evans in her flapper twenties costume. The man pulls her into a kiss and then dips her like in the old time movies.

  A smile creeps across my face, that's a bit cute. I can't help but feel like something is familiar about the man, but can't quite put my finger on it. They talk and laugh for a few more minutes before they walk back inside. I can only see their silhouettes, but I can tell they are holding hands and they both have a spring in their step. He opens the door, and they are flooded with light momentarily before it closes again behind them.

  Oh shit! My dad! My dad and Ms. Evans!

  “Nick did you see-” I turn back to Nick but he’s still got his arms on either side of me, wedging me against the wall.

  I inhale a quick breath and without permission my eyes trail down and fully notice his costume. SWAT. How very Nick, I can’t help musing. Black cargo pants, combat boots and a very tight black tee with the word SWAT across the chest.

  "Hailee Munroe, are you checking me out?" An eye crinkling smirk crosses his semi shadowed face.

  "What! No! As if!” I squeak attempting but failing to cover it up.

  “Because I don’t mind.” he whispers.

  A shallow breath catches in my throat as his deep chocolate brown eyes lock with mine.

  Something cracks open and ignites inside me without approval or warning. Something I had long thought I'd locked up and thrown away the key to. I can't move. I don't want to move. I can make out the faint scent of his cologne. It's an intoxicating aroma of vanilla and citrus that reminds me of summer. His eyes flicker to my lips as his body moves closer, removing the little distance left between us.

  My lips part as I watch his move closer to mine. I close my eyes waiting for the soft touch of his lips on mine.

  Chapter 13


  The ear-splitting shriek of my cell phone alarm that forced us apart is burned into my brain on a never-ending loop. The grating, hateful sound is the only reminder that it was actually real.

  That we almost kissed. Mason and then Nick.

  Holy shit. I need to get it together. I cannot be giving Mason the idea I want to get back together. I also cannot be crushing on Nick and most definitely cannot be finding myself in positions where he thinks I want him to kiss me. Dumb Hailee, so dumb.

  Issy was right when she said I had gone soft towards him. I have accepted that he was not at fault for Hope's accident. It was an accident. A tragic, awful accident that I still believe should never have happened. But that still doesn’t mean I can have these kinds of feelings towards Nick.

  "Kiddo, are you all right?" My dad standing in front of me, looking concerned quickly brings me back to the gym, more specifically the refreshments table.


  "Oh yeah yeah, I'm fine." Smiling to reassure him.

  "You sure? You looked like you had up and left the planet the way you were just staring off into space.”

  "I'm fine Dad, how was work?"

  "It was good. Lucky, we weren't delayed too long and I could still make it. This place looks incredible, you did an amazing job."

  "Thanks, I'm happy with how it turned out."

  "You should be," he beams at me with obvious pride, which makes my heart swell.

  I seriously got lucky in the Dad lottery.

  "You want a drink?" I offer since that is my job right now.

  "Just two bottles of water. Thanks, Kiddo." I give him a sly smile as I hand over the waters.

  He looks happy and relaxed as he walks away and I, for the first time in a while, don't feel the need to analyze this recent discovery. I already know how I feel about it. I love my Dad, and if he is happy, then that is all that matters. In saying that though, I think I'll wait until he mentions Ms. Evans to me when he’s ready.

  Once relieved from my shift, I stroll back through the dance. I should appreciate this more. It will after all be my last ever high school Halloween dance. This is why I originally joined the student council during Sophomore year. To be part of these moments, creating epic lasting memories and all that. I smile to myself at the use of Hope's favorite word 'epic'. She would be so proud right now.

  "Hey!" I cry out as someone grabs my hand and spins me onto the dancefloor.

  "Nick, what are you doing? I cry out, half laughing at the surprise and half nervous at the thought of his hand clasped around mine so tightly. Visions of our almost kiss flit back into my head.

  "Stealing you for a dance," he grins mischievously at me for the second time tonight and spins me around again.

  "Is that okay with you, friend? Wait, we are friends, again right?" He suddenly gets unsure of himself.

  It's a side he doesn't let a lot of people see.

  "I'll allow it this time. Friend." I return his grin and let him spin me one more time. He has this effect on me. Making me forget about everything else and just be free in the moment.

  We dance and laugh at his truly terrible dance moves, but he doesn't care. Even when his moves get even more cheesy and dorky as the songs continue. An eighties pop song fades out and into a slow melody. I step back but Nick grabs my hand and slowly pulls me back towards him. He keeps a grasp on my right hand and holds it against his chest while sliding his free hand down my spine before resting on my lower back.

  “Um." I hesitate as Ed Sheeran plays out across the gym and I look up at him shyly.

  "It's just a dance, Munroe," he nonchalantly answers.

  "Yeah, I know." I whisper, holding his intense gaze while trying, unsuccessfully to regulate my pounding heart.

  If this is just a dance, then I'm in trouble because whatever the spark was before, it has now turned into a full-blown inferno and is hell-bent on taking me down with it, apparently.

  I reluctantly break his gaze, afraid my heart is about to give out, and with newfound confidence I rest my head against his chest.

  "You look incredible tonight." Nick whispers into my hair and tightens his firm arm around my back. At that moment the inferno inside me jumps out and melts away the entire gym, leaving just the two of us, swaying in our own alternate reality.

  Chapter 14

  "Hails! Wait up!" I turn and stop when I glimpse Maddy weaving through the slow-moving Monday morning crowd towards me.

  "Hey, Mads what's up?"

  "Did you hear Jane broke her leg yesterday
at practice?"

  I had heard they rushed her off to the hospital in an ambulance but didn't know the specifics.

  "Yep, it was poking out of her skin and everything." She makes a disgusted face.

  "Ouch!" I wince thinking of the poor girl. She'll be out for the year probably. Lucky she's only a Junior and will still have next year.

  "Yeah, she's not going to be cheering for a while and she was our only other flyer, apart from me, since we could never replace you. So, the girls and I were talking, and we really want you to come back."

  "Oh, I don't know Mads, with student council and doing three AP subjects this semester, I'm pretty stretched already. Plus, I haven't practiced in months, I don't even know if I remember any of the routines."

  "You'll be fine it's like riding a bike and you're the best flyer we've had, better than me." She nudges.

  "Just come to practice this afternoon and see how it goes before saying no. We need you please.” she practically begs, which makes it really hard to say no.

  "All right, I'll come to practice." I concede with a small grin. "But no promises!"

  "Yay!" She jumps up and down clapping her hands making her auburn hair flick around everywhere. "I'll go tell the girls! See you later!"

  "You're here!” Mads and Chelsea squeal, as I walk into the girl's locker room after the last class. Lucky, I had a spare after lunch and could race home to grab my gym bag and some workout clothes.

  "Your old locker is still free.” Mads points to my gray tall locker in the middle of the row. I pause in front of it and notice that it still has my sticker in the center of the metal door.

  'HB' with a pink heart drawn on the end. It was Hope's idea of a joke because pink or the heart aren’t exactly my style. My eyes drift over to the locker on the right that I know is empty, but still has a name tag. 'HOPE' with a gold star on either side.

  However, the part that really chokes me up is what is handwritten below her name in gold sharpie.


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