Just a Little Complicated: A Highschool Sports Romance (SANCTUARY COVE Book 1)

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Just a Little Complicated: A Highschool Sports Romance (SANCTUARY COVE Book 1) Page 7


  ‘Forever Young’

  It's the name of Hope's favorite songs, which ironically was also her funeral song.

  "We don't know who wrote it. It was just there when we came back after the summer break." Mads is beside me "It's beautiful though, isn't it?"

  "It is." I whisper through the lump in my throat.

  Hope would be happy I was back with the squad. I can imagine her words would be something like, 'Took you long enough HB, now get out there and kick some butt.’

  "Five minutes girls." Ms. Evans calls as she walks through the locker room.

  In addition to being the principal, she is also the cheer coach. She was captain of her high school team and they won nationals three times apparently, so she's more than qualified. See, I told you, not your typical principal.

  "Hailee." She stops behind me as I'm still staring at Hope's locker. "It's good to see you back in here. I know the girls are excited to have you back."

  "Oh, I haven't decided yet." I turn to face her.

  "I know, but if you do, and I don't want you to think I'm coercing you, because I know you have a lot going on already, so if you decide to re-join I'm able to give you extra credit towards your GPA."

  I gasp, "You can do that?"

  "I'm the principal." She smiles and tilts her head to the side. "I can do anything."

  Holy crap! If I can get extra credit, it will well and truly push me over the 4.5, that I'm aiming for.

  "I'll see you out there." She gives me another smile, sensing where my train of thought has obviously gone, before heading towards the double doors to the field.

  "All right girls." Coach starts when everyone is seated on the grass in front of her on the edge of the field.

  We have a decent football slash track stadium thanks to a few generous boosters over the years. The grass field sits in the center with a multi lane running track around it. Two large bleachers sit on opposing sides centered on the half way line. During games we cheer on the track between the field and the stands. For practice we move to the grass just in case. Falling on the track can do some serious damage, I should know from experience.

  "Most of you already know Hailee, but if you don't, please introduce yourselves before practice ends. She will be re-joining us as second flyer," Ms. Evans explains to the squad, giving me a wink knowing that I have already decided.

  Damn, she is good, I'll give her that.

  “Woot. Woot." Maddy cries out, throwing her hands up in the air.

  "All right, now warm-ups, please. Go! Go!" She calls clapping her hands before turning to me.

  "Hailee warm-ups haven't changed so you should be able to slot back in."

  "Okay," I answer and join the girls for the warm-up jog, up and down the field before stretches.

  I keep pace with the squad easily as we run past the boys who are already well into their drills. You'd have to be blind to miss the look of complete and utter surprise on both Nick and Mason's face as they see me running past with the squad. You'd think I had grown an extra head or something. I can't help letting out a little giggle to myself, as they both get tackled because they have stopped and done a double take. That'll teach them.

  After warm-ups and stretches, Coach gets the squad to run through the new routine. I follow along at the back to start with, so I don't mess anyone up, but I pick it up pretty quickly and by the end of practice, I'm at almost the same level as everyone else. I guess it helps that the squad only learned it themselves last week and also that half of the steps are what we used to do, just in a different order.

  "Good work today, girls. Keep practicing at home, we need it perfect before Homecoming in two weeks. We will also have three practices a week until the end of the playoffs. Monday lunch, Wednesday afternoon and Friday lunch."

  "Hailee?" Coach calls as the squad walks to the change rooms. "You did good today, it's almost like you never left."

  "Thanks, it surprised me how quickly it came back to me."

  "You're a natural. Now, do you still have all your uniform, bag, ribbons, jacket, etc?"

  "Yep, sure do."

  "Excellent. Here is a copy of the games calendar and events for Homecoming, which I'm sure you're already up to date with." She pulls out from her clipboard a familiar piece of sunshine yellow paper with printing on both sides.

  I smile at the use of school spirit, no longer finding it as repulsive anymore.


  At Sanctuary Cove High, we do Homecoming a little differently. We don't have a dance because we only just had the Halloween dance three weeks prior, so we have the normal spirit week festivities in the lead up to the game on Friday night and the carnival is also here for the Friday and Saturday. It's been like that for decades and I think from memory, the reasoning was to make Homecoming more family orientated and inclusive for those past students who wanted to come back.

  All the student council does for Homecoming is pick the themes for each day of the week. Then the carnival is technically a town event, so the school isn't involved in that organization.

  This year we have Monday, Pajama Day; Tuesday, When I grow up; Wednesday, Toga; Thursday, 90s; and Friday, school colors, which are royal blue, yellow and white. On Friday, the Varsity teams must wear their letterman jackets and the cheerleaders wear their full cheer uniforms.

  I don't bother showering and changing, I'm going straight home anyway, so I pick up my gym bag and head out to my Jeep. I will have to make myself a little calendar, to keep my days in line. Lucky student council is now Wednesday at lunch, so that won't affect cheer practice or cut into my afternoons that I need for studying. So, Wednesday basically is the only day I'll get out late at five and Friday is a write off with the game.

  "Lee! Wait up!" Nick calls out, jogging up beside me.

  He's in his run shorts and a black singlet only just covering the sexy tattoo that I know is under there. Whoa, Hailee... down girl.

  "You wouldn't happen to be avoiding me, would you?" He gives me his trademark lopsided grin.

  Damn, when did this guy get so confident and cocky.

  But seriously, busted! I have been avoiding him. Ever since our mesmerizing dance was rudely shattered after the song ended, causing me to tumble back to reality, I haven't spoken or seen him. He texted me a couple of times, but I haven't replied. What am I supposed to say? ‘Thanks Nick, the dance was all time but I felt things I'm not allowed to feel because you're my dead best friend's ex-boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend's best friend.

  Um, no thanks, I went with avoidance as a better tactic.

  "No, why would you think that?" I reply, feigning an innocent smile.

  "Maybe, because you've run in the opposite direction whenever you've seen me this week?" Nick raises a brow with a smirk.

  "No, I haven't! Maybe you're the one avoiding me?" I turn it back around on him as I reach my Jeep.

  "And why would I do that?"

  "Good point. I am kind of amazing," I say laughing at my own joke and flip my ponytail in mock arrogance.

  I don't do so well with these types of feelings and shit, I'm a fake it until you make it kinda girl.

  "You sure are, Munroe." He grins a smile that lights up his eyes and saunters off to his truck without another word, leaving me stunned and speechless.

  Chapter 15

  Jolted awake suddenly with a piece of my paper stuck to my face. I blink a few times to get my bearings before realizing I must have fallen asleep. My AP physics homework, still surrounding me on my king-size bed. Thunder suddenly vibrates through the house, causing me to jump. My white lace curtains are billowing from the open bedroom window.

  That must be what woke me up.

  I race over to close the window just as the rain pours down. I love the rain. I could lie awake all night, listening to it pound against the windows and the roof. Storms though, they freak me out especially when I'm home alone or have to drive in them. I'm still staring out my window when a knock on the front door startles me.

nbsp; What the hell?

  My eyes flick to my phone, still on my bed. It shows the time as eight forty-nine. Why on earth would anyone be here this late? I walk to the top of the stairs before hesitating, clutching the railing with my left hand and my phone in my right. Dad isn’t due home until tomorrow, plus he has a key.

  I hover at the top of the stairs before two more consecutive knocks pierce the air. My grip on the railing tightens. I can see through the stained glass of the front door that the porch light is on. It’s motion censored and only comes on when it's triggered. I slowly tiptoe down the carpeted steps, still clutching my phone, trying not to make a noise.

  Should I call someone? Who would I call? Wait, isn't this how just about every horror movie starts? Fuck, that thought doesn't help.

  I pause on the other side of the front door, listening. I can't hear anything except the rain pelting down. Come on Hailee, get it together and just look through the peephole, I chastise myself. I'm about to raise myself up to eye level of the peephole when another thundering knock vibrates the door.

  "Hailee! Open up, please!" I freeze in a half-crouch position, not game to move a muscle.

  The voice is muffled with the rain and the solid timber door, but I swear it's familiar.

  "Lee, come on, I can see you! It's freezing out here!"

  Nick? I quickly confirm through the peephole before swinging the door open.

  "What the?" I cry out in astonishment.

  Nick is standing on my front porch, arms wrapped around himself and shaking. He is completely drenched, hair sticking to his face, his white shirt, almost see-through and clinging to his chest. He looks awful.

  "Come in." I offer reluctantly, motioning him in before closing and locking the door. "I'll grab you a towel" I race upstairs to the linen cupboard and return within seconds to see him still shivering, trying to rub his arms with his hands.

  "Thanks," he mumbles as he attempts to dry himself, wrapping the towel around his shoulders.

  "Here, come into the kitchen." I guide him. "I'll make you a hot chocolate, you still love those right?" I give him a small smile.

  "Yeah. Thanks." Nick follows and slides onto a stool against the kitchen bench.

  I nod and go about making us both a hot chocolate with extra chocolate in silence. I catch him watching me from the corner of my eye, but don't acknowledge it or meet his gaze. Sliding his mug across the bench, I lean back on the opposite bench keeping some needed distance and take a sip before looking at him properly.

  He looks more than awful. Broken, defeated, wrecked are better words that come to mind. I've never seen Nick like this, he is always so happy and never seems to let anything faze him. A self proclaimed bad arse, not that I've ever thought that. It must be something bad.

  "What happened, Nick?" I finally ask, watching him closely. He sets his white mug down and runs his fingers along the handle. "Coach pulled me aside today after practice.”

  I hold my breath, he'd be lost without football.

  "Apparently, UCLA called him and are interested. They are sending a recruiter out to the Homecoming game." He states in a monotone voice like it's not the most life altering amazing news that it is.

  "Holy shit, Nick! That's incredible!"

  "Yeah, you'd think so." He scoffs bitterly.

  “What do you mean?" I tilt my head at him questioningly. "I thought UCLA was your dream?”

  "It is!" He cries out, jumping up from his stool before starting to pace and running his hand through his hair.

  "But nooo, it's not good enough for dear old dad. Playing football isn't a good enough career, according to him." He mocks sarcastically.

  "I mean what kind of Dad doesn't want their son to play college ball? What kind of Dad doesn't want their son to have a chance at the NFL?" he asks rhetorically.

  "I thought he was always supportive?" I question, confused.

  Okay, so yes, Nick's Dad hasn't always seemed like the most loving, caring Dad around, but you know some people just aren't wired to express emotions like that. His military background probably doesn't help either. But he was the one who bought him his first football in grade school, which makes this all the more confusing.

  "He was!" he cries out throwing his arms up

  "When he thought I wasn't good enough to, you know, get recruited and it wouldn't jeopardize me eventually following the family legacy of joining the Army and serving our country.”

  Nick’s dad is, and both Grandads were in the military. Hell half the town is ex military, considering we live less than two hours from a training base. I however, didn't realize Nick was under such pressure to follow in the same path.

  "But he can't stop you from going?"

  "No, but he can refuse to pay." He collapses into a chair at the dining table, burying his face in his hands.

  And there it is. Shit balls, no wonder he looked so wrecked. For as long as I've known him, he has dreamed of playing for the NFL. I hesitate before stepping around the counter and sitting down beside him. He looks up, and I grab his left hand between mine, attempting to be of some comfort.

  "Well, I guess you'll just have to play the shit out of the Homecoming game and get a scholarship then." I state matter-of-factly.

  He scoffs his face hard and twisted. "That easy, huh?"

  "Yes, that easy." I reply genuinely.

  "You're an amazing Quarterback, Nick. The way you've led the team, in the short time you've been here has been incredible. We sucked until you got here, and in one season, you turned it all around. UCLA would be crazy to not give you a full ride and if they don't then screw ‘em, they are idiots anyway and who wants to play for idiots."

  Nicks peeks up through his lashes to meet my gaze with wide eyes and a shocked expression. I mean every word I just said, and I hope he understands that.

  "I'm sorry for just turning up here." He stands and catches my hand after I let his fall. "I couldn't be there. I just needed to get out and before I knew it, I was standing on your porch in the middle of a crazy storm.

  "Nick, I know the past few months haven’t been the easiest, and I'll be the first to admit I've been a shit friend but I hope you know I am and will always be here for you." I smile up at him, rubbing his hand with my thumb.

  Before I even know what is happening, he’s leaning in and his lips are against mine.

  Chapter 16

  It's soft, but with a fierce intensity that makes my skin buzz. I melt into his moving lips, losing all sense of my surroundings. But only for a minute before realizing what epically bad timing this is.

  "Nick…" I trail off as I push his chest away gently with my hands. And then the guilt kicks in. Nice work Hailee, just move in on your dead besties’ boyfriend.

  "I – I'm sorry, Hailee. I shouldn't have done that." He stutters before marching out of the kitchen. Shit and we are back to 'Hailee'.

  "Wait!" I call after him, almost jogging to match his long strides.

  Nick pauses, with his hand on the door handle, head down, not looking at me.

  "You can't go back out into that." I gesture to the storm and right on cue the house shakes with another bout of thunder.

  "Stay in the guest room and I'll drop you home in the morning. I'd offer to drive you tonight, but you couldn't pay me enough to voluntarily drive in a storm like this." I wince with a forced laugh.

  "Really? You sure?" He looks up apprehensively.

  "Yeah, no big deal. It's always made up, anyway." I wave it off, before motioning to the stairs.

  Not too long later, I'm snuggled up in bed, the storm still hammering down. I gave Nick one of Dad's T-shirts and a pair of running shorts before practically running back to hide in my room. Him being so close could prove extremely dangerous. I run my fingers over my lips, still feeling the tingle from our kiss earlier. It was short and sweet, and completely not the right time.

  Wait, do I want there to be a better time? No, I tell myself again. It cannot happen and for so many reasons. Nick probably only
did it because he was upset, and I said something nice. It means nothing. It can't mean anything. I just need to go to sleep and stop thinking about it.

  Not wanting to wake up I scrunch my eyes closed and nestle back into the strong comforting arm that's wrapped around me. A content smile crosses my face.

  Wait, what!

  Instantly, my eyes spring open and I sit up, looking over to see Nick's arm falling back onto the bed. My Bed. What the hell!

  "Mornin’ sunshine," he mumbles sleepily and stretches causing the covers to slide down exposing his bare torso in all its tanned glory.

  I panic and lift the covers. Okay, I'm still wearing my nightshirt and underwear. Good sign. He notices my panicked expression and chuckles.

  "Don’t freak Munroe, nothing happened." He confirms, causing me to exhale loudly in relief.

  "Wow, good to know how you feel," He muses, half sitting up and putting his hands behind his head.

  "No…I mean…but why…how?" I stammer, trying to piece together a sentence.

  His gorgeous smile and toned body being so close is not helping.

  Dammit, stop looking, Hailee!

  "You were having a nightmare and screaming. I came in to check on you and when I tried to wake you up…" He chuckles again.

  Damn that laugh, why is it so frigging hot? Dammit what is wrong with me right now?

  "You kind of snuggled into me, little spoon style and wouldn't let my arm go."

  I groan and fall face-first back into my pillow, hiding my beetroot red face. How mortifying. I don't even remember waking up last night, let alone forcing him to spoon me.

  "It's fine, you're a good snuggler." he says, and I can hear the amusement in his voice.

  Glad he thinks it's funny. I stay curled up with my head buried for a while longer, even after I sense him get out of my bed and walk out the room.

  Finally, I drag myself up poking my head out of my room and when I can't hear him, I check the spare room. The bed is made, and there is no sign of him ever being there. He must have gone home. Good, that saves me any more embarrassment.


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