Just a Little Complicated: A Highschool Sports Romance (SANCTUARY COVE Book 1)

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Just a Little Complicated: A Highschool Sports Romance (SANCTUARY COVE Book 1) Page 8


  It's still early, so I take my time in the shower washing and then straightening my hair. Satisfied with my reflection, I trudge downstairs with my bag in need of some strong coffee.

  Walking into the kitchen I’m halted immediately by a sight I never in a million years thought I’d see. Nick at my kitchen table deep in conversation with..my dad?

  “Uhh, what’s going on?” I hesitate causing them both to jump.

  “Morning, Kiddo. Nothing, we were just talking. I see we had a house guest last night?” Dad grins at me.

  Oh shit. “No Dad, No. It’s totally not what it looks like, I swear!”

  “Relax, it’s fine. Nick explained everything. You kids better get to school, I’m going to have a shower and a nap, it’s been a long night.”

  “Bye, Dad” he kisses my check as he walks out.

  Well that wasn’t bizarre at all.

  "I got you a caramel latte.” Nick says and hands me a matching takeaway cup to the one in his hand. “To say thanks for last night and to also apologize again for just showing up here."

  I smile and take the drink. "Thanks, but you didn't have to. I meant what I said, and I should apologize for, well, you know, for that."

  I don't know exactly what to call that, but I know it's hella embarrassing.

  Nick lets out a booming laugh, "Trust me, you don't need to apologize for that!"

  Umm okay, whatever that means.

  I take a sip of my heavenly creamy drink, surprised once again at how much he pays attention, while we stand there in a weird awkward silence.

  “So, should we go?” he offers.

  “Oh yeah, right, school.” I mumble feeling stupid.

  “I’ll give you a lift." He waltzes past me and opens my front door like he is the one that lives there.

  "Making yourself at home?" I tease, pausing in front of him already feeling less awkward. "But I can drive myself, QB."

  "Just think of it as extra thanks for last night." He grins down at me while still holding open the door.

  "Fine." I concede and walk down the path to his truck, also at home in my driveway.

  Chapter 17

  "And that's the buzzer folks, Sanctuary Cove Panthers win 41 to 25!"

  The crowd erupts onto their feet into a deafening roar, drowning out our cheers from the sidelines. A feeling of euphoria is coursing through me like a live wire. I didn't realize how much I had missed this feeling. Before the game, I was too nervous to take in the atmosphere. Now however, I can't get enough.

  My eyes scan over the team and I find who I am looking for, just as he is being hoisted up onto shoulders. Nick locks eyes with me and I'm exposed to an earth-shattering smile from him.

  Oh boy, I’m in trouble.

  The squad cheers until the boys have left the field, and then we run in after them. Most of the team run straight to the shower, but I hitch my bag over my shoulder and call a quick 'bye!' and hightail it out of there. I need to get home to drop my Jeep off and quickly shower before Tyler and Issy pick me up.

  Friday nights after a home game, if there are no other parties on that is, the team and the cheerleaders usually go out to this empty field on the edge of town. Mainly it’s the boys replaying the game and the girls gossiping over the events of the week. Girlfriends and boyfriends not on the team and dates are allowed but invitations rarely extend past that. It's a bit elitist, but I didn't start the tradition or make the rules.

  This will be Issy's first field party since she and Tyler made it official after the Halloween dance. This past week has been a steady stream of replays from the dance and questions about the game and the field party.

  Surprisingly, it was also her first high school football game. Well, it does make sense her boarding school before here was all girls. My phone chimes with a new text.

  Issy: Nearly there!

  Shit! Makeup is done but hair isn't, and I'm not even dressed. Thankfully I was prepared and had my outfit all laid out; maroon tailored shorts, black tights, black ankle boots and a white slightly feathered knit, that stops at the top of my shorts. I quickly turn my head upside down to tousle my hair before pulling back into a high ponytail, I don't have time for anything else. I finish zipping up my boots just as I hear them pull into the driveway.

  “Hails, you were incredible out there!" Issy gushes, as I get into the back seat of Tyler's brand new shiny black Camaro.

  "Thanks! Hey Tyler, good game out there tonight." I give him a pat on the shoulder.

  "Thanks, and Issy is right, you girls killed it out there tonight. We could hear the crowd going off from inside the locker room during halftime.”

  "It was a good crowd tonight, that's for sure." I bounce in my seat, still feeling the effects of the atmosphere coursing through me. Our little town takes football very seriously.

  "I could only get us a six-pack to share." Issy states apologetically over her shoulder.

  "That's cool, just let me know how much I owe you."

  "Don't worry about it," she waves me off. "My treat for my favorite cheerleader.”

  Tyler parks a row back from the other cars that are already there. It seems we are one of the last ones to arrive because they've already formed their circle of trucks around the fire pit.

  Someone a few years ago had a good idea to put tiki torches around the circle, so they didn't have to rely on leaving so many trucks running for light. That was decided after quite a few flat batteries, I presume. It's still not a lot of light, but the glow from the fire and the torches are enough and give it a rustic feel. I've always enjoyed the smaller field parties over the house parties, it's a lot more intimate and relaxing.

  Wow Hailee, that was so sappy.

  Tyler grabs Issy's hand as we walk through the trucks to greet everyone and I follow behind, not wanting to intrude on their little moment. With no kind of warning, I'm barreled up over a shoulder and spun around.

  “Ducky! You're back!" Tommy 'The Tank' Williams shouts while he runs amongst the group shouting, with me hanging over his shoulder.

  "My Ducky is back y'all!" Tank is one the team's best defensive linemen. He flits between line-backer and guard depending on the play and in my opinion, is one big teddy bear inside, with a cement hard tackle on the outside.

  Tank’s been my player right from Freshman JV to Junior Varsity. Chelsea had him this year but when I re-joined, she offered to trade me which I happily agreed. He’s also the only person allowed to call me Ducky, mainly because he won’t not. I don’t completely hate it, but I also don’t completely like being named after a short green dinosaur.

  I scream and pound on his back to put me down, but he knows I'm only joking. This used to be a regular occurrence with Tank. I was half expecting it to happen at some point during the night, hence my decision to wear shorts instead of a skirt, I just wasn't expecting it before I even walked in and got to say hello.

  So, we are doing our little routine, and everyone is laughing when out of the blue someone steps in front of him and then someone behind him causing him to halt and me to smash my nose into his hard back.


  "Tank put her down!" Mason growls from in front of him.

  "You're fucking hurting her!" Nick joins in, sounding equally fierce from behind.

  What are these two idiots on about? Everyone goes quiet. The music even stops. Tank expertly slides me down, unharmed and starts apologizing.

  "Shit sorry, Munroe I-" I put my hand up and stop him right there.

  "No Tank, don't apologize; you did nothing wrong, and you weren't hurting me." I say reassuring him.

  I turn to the two dimwits who for some reason suddenly felt the need to expel some testosterone and I let them have it.

  "What the hell was that?" I glare. "You both know he wasn't hurting me. Tank has been doing that for years. And even if he hadn't been, what is it to either of you!" I inhale a sharp breath before continuing.

  "Mason, we aren't even together, you can't act like that anymore! And Nic
k… fuck, I don't even know what you're playin' at!" I frown, throwing my hands up in the air shaking my head.

  The atmosphere is thick with tension and the only noise coming through is the low crackling of the fire. My public declaration that we are not together obviously hits a nerve with Mason because he huffs and turns on his heels storming to his truck before driving away.

  Damn, that probably wasn't the best way to phrase it, but still, I don't understand his reasoning. He’s been there countless times when Tank has thrown me up on his shoulder and he would usually just laugh along with everyone else.

  And Nick, dammit, I don't even know where to start with that.

  "Sorry, Hails." Nick mumbles, hanging his head and kicking the dirt with his shoes.

  I just shake my head in disbelief and jump up on the tray next to Issy. She offers me a beer, but I decline. I’m no longer in the mood.

  Issy is giving me a concerned look and once everyone starts back with their own conversations, she whispers. "What was that about?"

  "Fuck if i know" I shake my head still in disbelief.

  Despite the bizarre start to the party, all is soon forgotten, and everyone is having a good time. Issy and Tyler are snuggling under a blanket getting very cozy.

  Taking the hint, I slide down to give them some privacy and sit next to Tank around the fire.

  “Ducky, I really am sorry. I was just so excited that you were back." Tank says, twirling his beer around in his hand.

  He is such a sweetheart. I'm starting to fully comprehend just how selfish I was after the accident. I retreated from the world, without another thought for the actual people I was retreating from and leaving behind.

  "Honestly Tank, it's fine. How many times have you done that in the past? Heaps. It used to be our little thing remember?" I smile and nudge him with my shoulder.

  "Yeah, I knew you wouldn't care, it was just when Marshall and Harris…" He trails off.

  "Carried on like idiots?" I suggest with a laugh.

  Tanks laughs and nudges me back, "I really am glad you're back," he says and wraps an arm around me in a big brother kind of hug.

  "Me too Tank, me too." I reply resting my head against his side. We sit there for a while not speaking, just watching the fire when Nick steps in front of us looking sheepish

  "Hailee, can I talk to you a sec? Please?”

  Tank pulls me in closer and I'm not sure if he's joking or playing the protective 'big brother', but he eventually lets me go when I say it's fine. I stand up and motion for Nick to lead the way. He walks to his truck and puts the tailgate down, offering me a hand up, but I jump up easily on my own.

  "Cheerleader, remember?" I point out, but it comes out a little harsher than intended and I wince at my unintended bitchiness.

  Shit, Hails you're putting your foot in it left, right and center tonight.

  "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that.”

  "I am so sorry I don't know what came over me I really thought Tank was hurting you and something inside me just snapped, I really am sorry please don't hate me.” Nick blurts out all in one breath while looking down and wiping his hands on the front of his jeans.

  "I don't hate you." I whisper and without thinking I lift his chin up with my finger, so he is facing me and understands I mean what I'm saying.

  "Really?" His gorgeous brown eyes regard me carefully.

  "Really." I promise. "I don't understand it, but I don't hate you."

  Nick lets out a long sigh and interlocks his fingers with mine, causing a spark of adrenaline to course rapidly up my arms and spread through my veins. He sighs with a strained, quiet voice.

  "Good, because I don't think I could handle that again."

  Chapter 18

  "So, he held your hand and then what happened?" Issy says through the phone, while I picture her eager expression.

  "Nothing, everyone started heading to their cars yelling about going to that party and you and Tyler dropped me home, remember?"

  I pace my room, sighing as my mind wanders back to last night. I've been doing that a lot lately. Reliving these moments that shouldn't be happening at all.

  "Hmm. So, have you spoken to him today yet?"

  "No Issy, it's eight in the morning!" I laugh "You woke me up, remember?"

  "Well, will you speak to him today? What does this mean?" Issy presses and I can hear the excitement in her voice.

  That's the kind of person Issy is, always excited for another person's happiness. To say I am grateful she came to live with her aunt is an understatement. I don't know what I would have done the last few months without her.

  "I don't know!" I cry, throwing my arms up in the air before collapsing onto my unmade bed. "I don't know what it means, I don't even know what I want it to mean! I'm the shittest human ever for even having these thoughts. He's Hope's boyfriend!"

  "First, you're not a bad person. You never could be. Second, ex-boyfriend. They broke up months before the accident. I think you should go for it. What's the worst that could happen?"

  Uh, he will break my heart and I'll end up a bitter, lonely old hag with a hundred cats that I'll name and call my sweet sweet babies. All right, so maybe that's a little dramatic.

  "Hails?" Issy presses when I don't answer.

  "Hang on Issy, someone is at the door and Dad's already left.”

  “Jesus, where's the fire!” I mutter to myself when the doorbell rings again.

  "I'm coming!" I yell, running down the stairs before I yank the front door open, still in my maroon and white Harry Potter pajamas with the saying 'I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter' on the shirt.

  "Uh, Issy, can I call you back?" I utter into the phone, ending the call not waiting for her reply.

  Standing at my door is Mason with his hands in his pockets and a clear look of remorse across his face. Rightfully so, too.

  "Hey Hails," he guiltily says.

  I sigh and let him squirm for a minute on the front step before motioning for him to come in. I can't stay mad at the idiot, it's like staying mad at a puppy when they give you those sad puppy eyes.

  "Do you want a drink?" I offer before strolling to the kitchen.

  I still haven't had my morning coffee yet, but I think I need it now.

  "Nah, I'm fine." As he follows behind me to the kitchen and sits down on the stool across the bench from where I'm pouring my coffee.

  "Still waiting on that letter, huh?" He nods to my shirt attempting light conversation.

  I've had these PJ's for years and honestly, they are getting a bit small. The shirt is definitely tighter and shorter thanks to puberty, but I can't bring myself to get rid of them.

  “Ha, yeah. I think my owl has gotten lost.”

  "Or you got Errol." He grins referring to Ron's pathetic excuse for an owl portrayed in the books.

  "Bloody Errol." I fake grimace, shaking my head.

  I stand there leaning against the counter for a few minutes sipping my coffee while Mason looks like he's wrestling with something. His face grimaces and then frowns while he cracks his knuckles. I learned a long time ago it's best to let him sort himself out. He's a complicated person, Mason, with strong and complicated feelings. Feelings I once hurt, real bad.

  "Listen, Hails, I am really sorry about last night," he finally declares taking a big breath before continuing. “That was completely out of line and it won't happen again I swear."

  "Yeah, it was." I acknowledge. "But I know you only meant well so I'm not angry or anything."

  Mason snaps his head and responds with a hope tinged voice, "So, you're not going to start avoiding me again?"

  I cringe. Clearly, my avoidance tactics are shit if I'm that obvious. Luckily I'm not planning a career as an international spy.

  "No, I will not start avoiding you again," I say and give him a warm smile that he returns but I sense there's more

  "What else is it, Mason?" I demand, placing my mug down on the gray marble countertop over the waiting game.

sp; "Is there something going on with you and Nick?" he blurts out and seems as surprised as me that he said it aloud because he quickly follows it up with,"Shit, sorry Hails, I know that's none of my business I shouldn't have asked that."

  “Jeez Mason!" I shake my head in astonishment that he went there. "But no nothing is going on with me and Nick, we are friends, just like," And I motion between Mason and me, "we are."

  He seems to visibly relax and leans against the countertop. Nothing has happened. Technically, yes, we kissed for like two seconds, but it was nothing. And yes, technically we have slept in the same bed, but that also meant nothing. So, I'm not lying right?

  I’m going to burn in hell for this.

  "Now if that's settled." I demand, to obviously change the subject, and put my hands on my hips. "French toast?"

  "Absolutely!" Mason says with a goofy smile that reaches his eyes and races around the bench to help get the ingredients.

  “Hails,” Mason remarks later leaning back on his chair rubbing his stomach. "I forgot how good your French toast is."

  "I doubt your mom would appreciate you saying that." I laugh as I pick up our empty plates and move towards the sink.

  Mason's mom is an incredible cook, she even makes her own pasta fresh and has a little vegetable and herb garden out in the back of their house. That would be my future if Mason and I stayed together. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just feel like I want to see and do more before settling down in Sanctuary Cove and popping out a few kids.

  "Yeah, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her," he grins mischievously.

  Things are feeling as close to normal as expected, minus the dating part.

  "So, I'll see you tonight at Maddy's party?" Mason remarks as I walk him to the door a little later.

  "Yeah, I'll be there." I grin.

  "Awesome, later Hails!" He waves, jumping down the front steps towards his car, seemingly to not have a care in the world.

  Chapter 19

  I race down the stairs and out the front door. Sliding into the back of Tyler's car, I am surprised to see Mason already sitting there.


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