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It's Our Secret

Page 11

by W Winters

  Chapter 20


  * * *

  Pissed is something I’m used to.

  Enraged, irate, resentful.

  But none of them compare to how I feel right now.

  “Dude, you can’t even really tell it’s her,” Daniel tells me, and I don’t trust myself to answer just yet. I can’t even take my eyes away from the picture on the phone.

  “You think she’ll be upset?” he asks me.

  Do I think Allison is going to be upset that a picture of her cumming on my dick by the dumpsters of the diner is on the university’s social media accounts and it’s circulating like wildfire? Yes. Yes, I fucking do.

  I grit my teeth and flex my jaw, looking over my shoulder and back at Allie.

  “Yeah,” I answer him with one word as my heated blood pumps harder. “I fucked up,” I tell him, wiping a hand down my face. The anger is nothing compared to the feeling of hurting her.

  I fucking loved what I did to her in that moment.

  And I know she loved it too.

  “Dude, don’t read the comments. It’s just going to set you off.” I glance up at him before involuntarily scrolling through the messages. “I know how you are,” Daniel adds. “Fuck, just ignore them,” he tells me and reaches for the phone, but I push him back.

  What a slut.

  She’s getting fucked by the dumpsters like the trash she is.

  That bitch is dirty.

  I wonder if there’s a line for that whore out there now.

  Every comment makes my muscles tighter.

  “Seriously, people talk shit. It’s what they do. It’s not like they can even tell it’s her.” Daniel keeps rambling on, trying to calm me down but all I can see is red.

  “They’re not going to know it’s her. She’s fine.”

  “I don’t want to show her this,” I tell Daniel.

  “I mean… you might want to give her a heads-up. Just in case?” he suggests, and I know he’s right, but fuck that.

  “A heads-up about what?” Allison’s voice is happy but reserved as she walks up to the two of us right outside the classroom door.

  My back stiffens.

  She shifts the strap of her backpack as a few people walk past us, heading out of their classes and toward the stairs. “Everything okay?” she asks, peeking up at me.


  When I don’t answer, Daniel chimes in. “What’s going on?” he asks her.

  She shrugs. “Not much. What’s going on with you?”

  “Same,” he says and then it’s awkward. Real fucking awkward as she looks between the two of us.

  “Some shit happened,” I tell her. I try to keep my words even, although my chest feels tight and I don’t know if I’m breathing. I only just got her ass to settle down. And now this?

  “I’m sorry,” I tell her and Allie’s smooth forehead pinches with a deep crease. Again, she shifts the strap, holding on to it with both her hands.

  “So, what is it?” she asks me in a hollow voice.

  Daniel and I exchange a look before I hand Allie his phone.

  It takes her a moment to register, a long moment but then her eyes go wide, and she covers her mouth with her hand.

  “Oh, my God!” she breathes through her hand and then uncovers it to reveal a bit of a smile. “I look so fat,” she says comically as if it’s a fucking holiday portrait of her.

  “You can always go back, and I’ll take a different one,” Daniel jokes and I want to smack the fucker upside his head.

  “These people are assholes,” Allie says as she scrolls through the comments without any change in response.

  I’m surprised she isn’t shaken in the least. She’s a strong girl, I know that, but still. The comments are brutal. She hasn’t even read them all. Her smile dims, but she isn’t pissed, she isn’t angry, she isn’t hurt. If she is, she’s good at hiding it.

  Daniel’s smiling. Like a fool. “Well if it makes you feel any better, the picture doesn’t make me think about you any differently than I did before.” His comment makes Allie laugh but not me.

  “Fuck off,” I tell him.

  Daniel puts both hands up. “Just trying to lighten the mood,” he says although his eyes darken slightly. He’s good at joking, but it’s only a cover. I know one when I see one.

  “It’s fine,” Allie says easily, handing him the phone. “Seriously, I don’t care. You can’t even tell it’s me, can you?”

  “Nope. That’s what I told the Hulk over here,” Daniel says, and I glare at him.

  “The Hulk?” Allie smiles. “Is that what they call you?” she asks.

  “It’s a stupid fucking nickname.”

  “It’s ‘cause he gets pissed so often,” Daniel says to Allie, sliding his phone into his back pocket and then looking up at me, but someone else catches his eye.

  “Anyway, I’m going to head out,” he says to both of us although he’s watching some chick. I get a quick look at her climbing down the stairs and when I look back at him, his gaze is fixated on her. I don’t think I’ve seen her before.

  “Hey, thanks,” I tell him before he heads off chasing whoever she is.

  “Yeah, no problem,” he says and then finally looks back at me. “Seriously, it’s not a big deal. Just thought you’d want a heads-up.”

  “Thanks, Daniel,” Allie calls after him as he walks away in the opposite direction of that chick, “Delete that from your spank bank, please.” I love her smile and humor, but not right now. Not when I know a piece of her has to be hurting.

  If only she’d admit it.

  “You sure you’re alright?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, I don’t care.”

  I lean against the wall as I consider her. “Not even a little?”

  “Nope,” she says, really emphasizing the word and her mouth lets out a little ‘pop’ as she does. “It is a little dirty. I’ll admit I’m happy you can’t really see my face,” she says, lowering her voice as she walks closer to me, letting her hands settle against my chest. “And you kind of look hot from that view. It’s not one I get to see.”

  I let out a hint of a chuckle and give her the response she wants.

  “If you want, I’ll track this asshole down who shared it?” I offer her. I don’t add that I’ll be breaking his fucking phone over his little prick head.

  “Seriously, Dean. It’s not that big of a deal.” She gets up on her tiptoes and plants a small kiss on my lips as if to end the conversation.

  I don’t like it.

  I don’t like it at all.

  “Your ass is coming with me this weekend,” I tell her, and her mouth opens in surprise. It’s the possessiveness in me that made up my mind. If I’m going, she’s going.

  “I’m coming with you?” she repeats my statement like it’s a question.

  “Yes,” I tell her sternly, wrapping my hand around her waist and crushing her into my chest. “I want you to come with me.” My skin tingles with the heat of anxiety.

  I anticipate a fight, but I get a sweet, “Okay,” and a quick peck on the lips.

  I guess I’m going now.

  Chapter 21


  * * *

  It’s an uneasiness in the pit of my stomach.

  That’s what makes me so aware that everything is wrong and off-kilter.

  I know it when I get into the car. I’m conscious of it in every fiber of my body as I click the seatbelt into place. This unsettled feeling won’t leave. I know something bad is going to happen.

  But he keeps smiling at me.

  So, I swallow it down and try to breathe.

  It’s partly because I’m so fucking aware that I want more of him. That I’m on the verge of giving him whatever he’d want, just to keep him. That’s the crux of it. I want him. And more than that, I want him to want me.

  The car engine clicks over and the radio booms to life. And I keep telling myself that I can pretend. I lie and tell myself I’ll like pretending.
  I think I’ve lied so much up to this point that I’m not even sure what’s real anymore.

  “This song blows,” I say, reaching for the stereo just to fuck with him and distract myself, but Dean smacks my hand away. It stings for a moment and I feign a pained expression.

  “You blow,” he says deadpan, completely ignoring me.

  “Seriously,” I tell him, giving up on switching the dial since he keeps thwacking me with the back of his hand. “I’m not listening to this for two hours.” My brow is raised and the most serious of expressions is on my face.

  “You have to be kidding?” Dean stares at me with a look of despair in his eyes and I finally break my composure, settling back into the seat and kicking off my flip-flops so I can sit cross-legged.

  “Yeah, I am. This is the only station I actually like up here.” I can’t hold back my smile as that familiar warm feeling flows through me. The one where I give a damn about how my words will be taken. If he gets me.

  I’ve heard Dean laugh a few times, and usually, it’s this sexy, deep and rough chuckle that seems to vibrate up his chest, but this laugh, this is different. It’s easy as he throws his head back and gives me a handsome smile.

  It’s a dangerous look because it makes me smile too.

  “Thank fuck,” he says and then he turns the radio down before putting the car into reverse. It’s at that volume level where you know the other person wants to talk. And right now, I don’t like that level. I’d rather blare music the whole way down.

  “Hey, I like that song,” I tease him, but he ignores me. The car moves easily out of the parking spot in the garage and for the first time since this trip came up, I start questioning it.

  Dean clears his throat and puts the car into drive.

  “You alright?” I ask him, feeling a sense of wariness grow in my chest.

  “My mom’s kind of a bitch,” he tells me and as much as that sucks, I’m happy to hear that’s what’s making his face look all… uncomfortable.

  “I think that’s normal maybe?” I tell him and take another look around the car. The bags are in the back seat, but he doesn’t want to stay long and assured me we’re definitely not staying at his mother’s. Which is nice because fuck staying over at someone’s mother’s house. That’s a given.

  Next to my duffle bag, there’s a white plastic shopping bag.

  “What’s in the bag?” I ask Dean.

  He glances at me and then blows out a short huff of a laugh. “I picked up a shirt. For you.” He examines my expression, watching to see how I react.

  “From where?” I ask him as I reach into the back seat, taking the bag and reading the drugstore label on the bag.

  “From the mall, it’s just in that bag ‘cause it was laying around.”

  The wide and joyful smile on my face won’t budge. I lift the fabric out of the bag. It’s simple white cotton, but high quality. It’s not quite like the one he ruined, but it’s pretty and soft. I’m sure I could make it look dirty though.

  Even as my playful banter and dirty thoughts try to shove it all down, this little feeling pricks up, making me hot and uncomfortable. A feeling I want to reject. Immediately. Or at least I would have before. Before what, I’m not sure.

  “I didn’t know your size,” he says and then I cut him off before he can continue.

  “I love it.” I wait for his gaze to meet mine before I lean across the console and plant a chaste kiss on his lips. “You didn’t have to, you know?” I say, slipping the shirt back into the bag and setting it down in the back seat again.

  “Well, I’m happy it made you smile.”

  “So, your mom?” I prod him for more information.

  “She’s just,” he pauses and the sound of the turn signal, the steady clicking, fills the cabin. We come to a stop at the crosswalk and he looks at me. “We haven’t gotten along in a long time, but my,” his eyes flicker to mine and then back to the road before the car moves again, “my anger management therapist…” he says the words slowly.

  “Your shrink?” I correct him and when he quirks a brow and gauges my expression I give him a comforting smile. “What’s your shrink say about her?”

  “Not much about her. He thinks I should go see her though.”

  I pick at my nails and peek up at Dean. Freshly shaven. I hadn’t noticed that before. “Has it been a while?” I ask him and suddenly feel way too uncomfortable.

  We’re not even ten miles from his place. We have hours to drive. And this conversation is a little too heavy for comfort.

  But… I’m curious. I can’t deny that.

  “A while,” he says and his answer’s short. Maybe it’s heavy for him too, but that only makes me want to push him more.

  “How long’s a while?” I ask him.

  “I left home when I was sixteen.”

  “Sixteen is a good age for change,” I mumble, looking out of the window as he turns onto the highway and finally picks up speed. The trees blur by and I keep talking before Dean can comment. “When was the last time you saw her?”

  He doesn’t look at me as he switches lanes and answers, “When I was sixteen.”


  “Yeah,” he says and then adds, “I probably should have told you.”

  “I mean… I’d have thought it would have come up in conversation, maybe?” I say jokingly, but really… what the fuck?

  “I wasn’t going to go, but then I wanted to get away after that picture. And I wanted to take you with me.”

  “So, you just figured it’d be fine?”

  He shrugs, making the shirt that’s already tight across his shoulders look that much tighter. “It seemed like a sign, I guess.” His words come out softly and they’re nearly drowned out by the faint music and the sound of the air conditioner, but I heard them.

  “Anyway, I just wanted to apologize since it may be a little weird. But you asked for this,” he adds, lightening his tone and trying to be playful.

  My heart thuds and feels like it’s flipping. Like it’s trying to move inside my chest. It takes a moment for me to realize it’s because I’m not breathing. “Yeah, I did.”

  “So, it’s normal for moms to be bitches?” Dean asks me, and I peek at him in my periphery, picking at my nails. That’s all he’s getting right now. He doesn’t let up though, eager to push the conversation. “I’m guessing mine’s going to be worse than yours.”

  “I was just trying to make you feel better,” I tell him, and he gets a chuckle out of it that makes me smile.

  “Well, shit,” he answers and then glances up at the large green sign on the side of the road.

  “So?” I ask him.


  “What’d she do that made her a bitch?”

  “Oh,” he replies, and his tone drops again. “She just is.” I nod once, thinking he’s going to leave it there. But as I pull my book out of my bag to read, committed to sitting in silence the whole trip, Dean proves me wrong.

  “I didn’t think she was when I was younger.”

  “Most kids love their moms.” I think about how my mom was my hero. She was the one who was supposed to make it all better.

  “She was bad with money; my parents were always fighting about it.” He glances at me and then asks, “You really want to know?”

  I place my hand on the book in my lap and tell him, “Consider me the in-car shrink. Tell me everything.”

  “There’s not much to tell. My mom’s a greedy bitch. My dad got sick and my mom cashed in on his insurance.”

  “Is he okay?” I ask hesitantly, and Dean shakes his head.

  “He died a long time ago,” he tells me and before I can even tell him I’m sorry, before I can share that my dad’s gone too, he keeps talking. I recognize the nature of his voice, how it’s like a story. Someone else’s story he’s telling. It’s so he can pretend it doesn’t affect him anymore. And that makes the wound that much deeper. “She couldn’t wait for it to come. She married a guy mo
re well-off than my father,” he says and then lowers his voice, “who was a fucking asshole.”

  I’d laugh at his tone and the way he said it, but he can’t hide the pain in his eyes.

  “And then he died, so now she’s all alone.”

  “Your stepdad?”

  “Yeah, his name was Rick.”

  “She has bad luck with men,” I tell him in a monotone and then quickly add, “I’m sorry. “

  “It’s alright. Rick was an asshole and a drunk.”

  “Well, about your dad and everything. I’m really sorry.” I mean every word and that unsettled feeling that bothered me when we first got in this car comes back, but I push it down.

  It’s not about me right now.

  He tries to shrug it off, but I feel compelled to at least reach out to him. I shift in my seat so I’m leaning close enough to him to rest my hand on his thigh. My fingers move rhythmically against the rough denim. “I really am sorry.”

  A warmth spreads through every inch of me when Dean covers my hand with his. It starts at the very tips of my fingers but then spreads when he picks up my hand and kisses the tips of my fingers ever so gently. He’s a beast of a man. A brute. And that makes the soft touches that much more meaningful.

  He sets my hand back down and it’s soothing. Deep inside of me, something feels not so broken anymore. Like a kindled fire come back to life.

  “I’m alright,” he says like that’s the end of it. But I want more now.

  There’s something about knowing other people’s shit that comforts me. Like if they can go through all that and come out okay, then maybe I’ll be alright. It’s why I like to read thrillers and dark romances. No matter how bad it gets, when it ends, usually there’s a happily ever after. That doesn’t happen every time though.

  “So, why does your anger management therapist,” I repeat the words like he said them, but it doesn’t budge the stern expression on his face, “want you to go see her?”

  “My uncle called and said I should see her since Rick died. He said she’s not handling it well.”

  “So not awkward at all,” I shrug and try to bring back the playfulness.


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