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A Fox's Vacation (American Kitsune Book 5)

Page 3

by Brandon Varnell

  “There. You’re not mad at me anymore, right?”

  “Mou… you’re no fair, Beloved.”

  Despite her words, Lilian leaned into him. Her hands came up, and she placed them over his hands, which rested on her flat stomach. Kevin was tempted to take things a little further than simple hugging, but he resisted the urge to rub her entrancingly taut belly.

  “I sense deep thoughts going on in here.” Kevin kissed Lilian on the temple. He was taller than her, so he had to lean down to do so.

  Lilian hummed softly, a way of masking her anxiety. “Kitsune are among the largest yōkai population in the world. I don’t know exactly how many of us there are—it’s not like we actually keep track of our numbers—but there are more kitsune than almost any other yōkai race on the planet.”

  “I know. Kotohime’s been teaching me about kitsune.”

  “Then you probably know about what goes on behind the scenes? How our politics work?”

  “She’s… getting there. It’s a slow process.”

  “You know how our social science teacher has been lecturing us on human politics.”

  “American politics, actually, but I get what you’re saying. What about it?”

  Lilian hummed when Kevin, unable to resist, slowly rubbed her stomach, reveling in the softness of her perfectly flat belly.

  “American politicians… no, human politicians in general, speak with two tongues. They promise one thing and almost never fail to deliver something else, something you didn’t want or ask for.”

  “Kitsune politics are similar in that respect. A good kitsune diplomat speaks with a gilded tongue. They whisper soft words and reassurances in your ear, and then they stab you in the back when you least expect them to, metaphorically and sometimes even physically.”

  Kevin listened as Lilian spoke. She’d been taught politics from a young age, and though he knew she loathed them with a passion, he also knew that she, like her maid, was a font of knowledge in this regard.

  “Politics in the kitsune world are also a lot more… violent. While kitsune rarely fight in combat, that does not mean we’re not above killing and murder. It’s not unusual for a diplomat or the political leader of a clan to be… dealt with through assassination or other means. There are even some cases of entire clans being annihilated and their position usurped.”

  “You’re talking about how the Vande Clan destroyed the Ślina Clan and took over as the Great River Clan, right?”

  Lilian paused when one of Kevin’s hands slipped into her shorts. Her breathing hitched.

  “T-there are many other examples. That’s just the most recent one. My point is the kitsune world, the yōkai world, is violent. You are a human. You and all of your friends. Our world has never been very kind to humans. For every human/kitsune relationship that ends in joy and happiness, there are ten more that end in tragedy. Our way… it is cruel to humans.”

  Kevin did not speak for the longest time.

  “Are you having second thoughts about us? About our relationship?”

  “No!” Lilian twisted around in his arms, until she was facing him. Her eyes were wide, and the earnestly pained expression on her face caused a knife to twist painfully in Kevin’s chest. “Of course not! Never. I love you so very much, Kevin. You’re my mate, and I will never, ever regret this decision.” She sighed. “I’m just worried.”

  “Because of what happened with Jiāoào?”

  Five months ago, a kitsune named Jiāoào had kidnapped Lilian. Kevin had gone to her rescue and was nearly killed in the process. Kiara, his combat instructor, had also lost an arm fighting against a Void Kitsune.

  Lilian leaned forward, pressing her face against the crook of his neck. She breathed in deeply. Kevin shuddered as her breath tickled his neck. Her scent, a wonderful fragrance that soothed his mind, pervaded his nose. He would never tell her this because it was embarrassing, but Kevin loved her scent. “Yes, when Jiāoào kidnapped me, it reminded me of something important, something that I had been running away from for a while now.”

  Kevin didn’t say anything. He knew his role in this scene. He held her close, and listened as she spoke.

  “I am a member of the Pnév̱ma Clan, one of the Thirteen Great Kitsune Clans. The Pnév̱ma Clan is considered one of the strongest clans in the world. We have field agents in various positions all over Europe, and branch family members who oversee operations outside of our clan compound. While the main family, the family that I come from, is small, we have over one thousand kitsune who live under and abide by our rule.”

  While 1,000 wasn’t a large number by human standards, it was a lot in terms of yōkai. Kevin didn’t know how many kitsune existed, but he’d been given a rough estimate by Kotohime, who claimed there were probably around 50,000 kitsune worldwide. That wasn’t a very large number, certainly not when compared to the 3.5 billion humans that existed.

  “Jiāoào’s attempt to kidnap me reminded me that I’ll never be free, that I’ll always be a member of the Pnév̱ma Clan. No matter how far I run, no matter how hard I try to escape, I’ll always be dragged back into that world.” Her arms around Kevin tightened. “I’m afraid that you’ll end up being dragged into that world with me. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Her words suffused Kevin’s heart with warmth. In that moment, she could have told him that there were two thousand other suitors who would be coming for his life, and he wouldn’t have cared. For her, he would take on even a Great Clan by himself.

  “You worry too much.”

  “Yes, I worry too—huh?”

  “You’re worrying too much, you’re thinking about this too hard, and you’re forgetting something important.”

  “I-I am? What?”

  Kevin paused for a moment, but only to wonder about something. Why was every single expression Lilian made so damn cute? Seriously. Maybe he was being biased, but it seemed like, no matter what facial expression Lilian wore, she always looked adorable… and hot, but mostly adorable.

  “You’re forgetting that I chose this path. I decided to become your mate. I might not have known about all this stuff, like the politics or the crazy fox-boy stalker, but that doesn’t change the fact that this is the path that I’ve decided to walk.”

  Lilian looked up at him. Her eyes, wide emeralds that made her look like those impossibly attractive females Kevin saw so often in anime, possessed a sincere hope that made her all the more enchanting.

  “Do you really mean that?”

  “I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it.”

  It was almost interesting to watch the way Lilian’s face shifted into a variety of expressions. First came surprise: the widening of her eyes, the parting of her lips. This was followed by another emotion. Embarrassment? No. Joy mixed with shyness perhaps. Her lovely cheeks gained a beautiful rosy hue. Next came desire. The color of her cheeks darkened. Her breathing grew heavy. Eyes that were once wide became lidded. A hand settled on the back of his head, fingers threading through strands of blond hair.


  A whispered word from honeyed lips. Kevin stared at those lips, beautifully shaped, slightly parted, pink, and softer than the finest silk. They glistened in the moonlight. Lilian’s small tongue darted out and licked those lips, and Kevin found himself envying them.

  “Yes, Lilian?” he lowered his voice to a whisper. By this point, Lilian’s lips were close enough that he could practically taste them. Her warm breath carried with it the scent of strawberries and cinnamon.

  “Kiss me.”

  Had Lilian said those words when they first met, he would have denied her. Actually, he would have passed out, but it amounted to the same thing. Had Lilian told him to do this as little as several months ago, that first contact would have been tentative, a soft flutter like the petals of a flower caressing bare skin. Had she said those words several months ago, Kevin would not have done what he did that night.


  “All women have th
e ability to detect lecherous intent in their vicinity. I call it the Perv-O-Dar. In order to beat this Perv-O-Dar, you must learn to mask your presence, my young apprentice.”

  Eric Corrompere was only half paying attention to his master. The other half was dedicated on trying to get a peek at the nubile, feminine flesh that lay on the other side of the bamboo fence.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Just then, Eric felt something come over him, an overwhelming and undeniably potent feeling. Eric could do nothing to act against this feeling, for it consumed his very being, enthralling him in its libidinous embrace.

  Eric clenched a shaking fist.

  And raised it to the sky.

  He also shouted very loudly.

  “My Lord! Your greatness truly knows no bounds! I AM HUMBLED BEFORE YOUR AWESOME PROWESS!”

  “Did you hear that?”

  “It sounded like a man!”

  “A man?!” La gasp. “Peeping tom! It’s a peeping tom!”

  “Let’s murder him, girls!”

  “Well, it looks like this is my cue to leave,” Heather said. “You’re on your own, Apprentice. Good luck.”

  “Eh? W-wait! Master, what are you—”

  But Heather was already gone. She’d vanished, disappearing like a ghost. Or ninja. Or a ninja ghost.

  Eric hated it when she did that.

  Just then, several shadows covered his vision. Eric turned to find dozens of towel-clad figures glaring at him with glowing red eyes and hellfire blazing behind their backs. They were holding sharp, pointy implements that he was sure did not belong in a hot spring.

  A cold sweat broke out on his face.

  Eric whimpered.



  They had become animals of passion, of lust, of desire. Driven only by the unquenchable thirst for each other, they could do nothing more than embrace this need and the fires it had lit beneath them.

  Saliva became their sustenance. They shared in the sweet nectar. What little managed to escape their mouths was eventually scooped back up by an errant lick.

  Tongues danced to the rhythm of a hundred pulsating drums that obeyed no form of musical theory, driven as it was by the staccato bursts and nasally gasps of their dramatic breathing.

  Licking, hooking, twirling, tasting, pushing, and pulling… nothing existed beyond these concepts of action—nothing but the desire, the need, the thirst, the hunger that consumed them, that pushed their eager bodies and battling tongues to greater heights of passion.

  Lilian’s back pressed against the wall, smashed between the hard surface and her mate’s muscular body. Her shorts had long since disappeared, as had her shirt, and Kevin’s eager hand had yet to leave its place on her left breast. His other hand had yet to leave its place on her right butt cheek, and Lilian would be damned if she let it move from that spot… unless it was to switch to her other cheek.

  Her legs were hooked around his waist. Her body, slick with their combined sweat, rubbed against his bare stomach and chest, generating a ceaseless friction that caused her to moan with the desire for more. Their pelvises, the only part of their body still covered by clothing, ground together; the intensity of their rubbing privates caused her body to shudder.

  Lilian was lost. Lost in her desire for this human teenager, who evoked feelings she could only experience with him. Her need for him—to feel his body against hers, his warmth pervading her, hands touching her skin—was as inarguable a fact as one plus one equals two. Did he know what he did to her? Could he even comprehend the feelings that the mere thought of him invoked? Probably not fully, but he was certainly beginning to.


  His mouth left her lips. She would have complained, but that implied that she had the ability to speak. She did not. Anything other than her monosyllabic moans had fled long before his lips ever latched onto her neck.

  He licked her. Kevin’s tongue glided along the side of her neck, reveling in the salty taste of her sweaty skin. It left a trail, wet and glistening, from the base of her neck all the way up to her ear, which a set of teeth proceeded to nibble on soon after.


  Hardness. She could feel her mate’s arousal. She could feel him pressing against her, caressing a place on her body that only he was allowed to touch—well, that only he was allowed to touch now. She and Iris had experimented before Kevin had come into the picture, but Kevin didn't seem interested in going the harem route. Her lace panties clung to her skin, rubbing against her folds and sending her mind into delirium.

  Her small feet touched carpet as Kevin set her down. Wanting to experience another kiss, Lilian claimed his mouth again. Her tongue darted past his lips, where it plundered the inside of his mouth, even as she pushed him onto the bed and used the hardness trapped between her thighs to pleasure herself.

  She wanted him. Inari-blessed, she wanted him right now. She wanted to feel him inside of her, to feel him filling her up, sending her over the chasm, as her mind touched upon the maddening ecstasy that could only come after her body had been thoroughly plundered by her mate.

  She wanted to have sex with him so badly, but she wouldn’t do it. Not now. Not yet. She had promised her mate. Kevin was willing to indulge her need, to satiate her desire; however, there was one line that he didn’t want to cross yet.

  She didn’t understand his unwillingness to have sex—Inari knows they’d done just about everything short of it. But then, Lilian wasn’t human. She was a kitsune, and their society did not have the downright stupid taboos about sex that humans did.

  She still thought it was dumb to let something like a silly little taboo get in the way of their love, but Kevin had been firm on this. Lilian loved Kevin, so she had promised that they would not take that last step until he was ready—and a kitsune never broke her promise.

  Kevin groaned underneath Lilian as she dry-humped him. His body bucked, hips moving to the rhythm she set. He placed one hand against the bed, pushing his body up so he was sitting. The other fell upon her derriere like a baker’s hand on wet flour, and her rear muscles clenched at the most welcome sensations.


  She hissed against his mouth, an action only partially repeated by him. Kevin’s mind was even more lost than her own. She knew that, should she desire it, she could probably get away with ripping his pants off and having her way with him. Oddly enough, the thought never lasted longer than a fleeting second. Her promise and his love meant far more to her than the transitory pleasure she could derive from such an act.

  What began as a slow buildup within her lower stomach reached a crescendo. She could feel it, the tightening of coils in her loins, the impossible peak being reached right before that final release. Her panties were sopping wet by this point, the flowing juices had even stained hers and Kevin’s legs. With one final wail, she tipped over the edge—her body shuddering, vision going white. Nothing remained except that incredible feeling of rapture that could only come from an intense orgasm.

  Strength ebbing, her mind going strangely blank, Lilian collapsed on top of a just as spent Kevin. She breathed in deeply, basking in his scent and the oh so wonderful glow of what they’d done. His hands resting on her back sent tingles down her spine.

  “… Lilian?”


  “Thank you.”

  Lilian looked up, an incredible feat considering her exhaustion, and met the beautiful blue eyes of her beloved mate. Using the last of her strength, she pulled herself up to place another kiss upon his now bruised lips.

  “I should be the one saying that,” she muttered against his mouth. One kiss turned into two and two into three. Lilian was about to go for a fourth when a voice interrupted her.

  “By Inari’s sagging scrotum, that was hot.”

  The warm feelings that had been clouding the couple’s minds dispersed like a summer breeze in Antarctica. They turned their heads, slowly, mechanically, towards the door. Iris stood there, leaning again
st the doorframe. Her hands were covering her crotch. It wasn’t hard to realize what she was doing.

  “How long has she been there?” They would have wondered—except they were still trying to comprehend the fact that Iris had entered their room sometime while they’d been passionately embraced.

  “Hey, don’t stop on my account. I don’t mind being given another show.” Iris paused to grin lecherously. “Unless you’d like me to join you.”

  As the words “join you” passed through her ear, Lilian’s mind went straight down the gutter. She envisioned her and her sister ganging up on Kevin, having their way with him. Then she imagined Kevin and Iris ganging up on her!

  Several seconds later, Lilian was launched into the air as blood shot from her nose like the thruster exhaust from a Gundam. She slammed into the ceiling, her body going splat! She stayed like that for several seconds before, ever so slowly, her body peeled off the ceiling and landed on top of Kevin.


  Kevin released all the air he had in a loud whoosh! as Lilian’s soft body slammed into his stomach. He gasped, trying to suck in the oxygen that he’d lost to no avail.

  Still lying on top of him, her eyes swirling around in her head, Lilian, clearly insensate, muttered:

  “Ufufufu, Beloved, Iris, this is my first time… please be gentle, ufufufu…”

  After he finally regained his breath, a blushing Kevin glared at Iris who, if the smile she wore said anything, told him that she didn’t care if he was bothered, angry, embarrassed, or all three.

  Her mission complete, Iris left, her laughter echoing to him as she sauntered down the hall.

  Kevin glanced at Lilian, who was still giggling and muttering nonsensically in her unconscious state.

  “Ufufufu, Beloved, I promise we won’t suck you dry…”

  He sighed and stared up at the ceiling.

  “That girl is going to be impossible come tomorrow morning. I can already tell.”

  For some reason, the thought didn’t bother him as much as it once did.



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