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A Fox's Vacation (American Kitsune Book 5)

Page 7

by Brandon Varnell

  “Good. Now where were we… ah, yes! Scent killers?”

  “Uh, I don’t think I’ve got any of those…”

  “Hmm. I see. Well, don’t worry. I’ll lend you some.”

  Eric and Heather went through his entire suitcase of supplies before they repacked each article. Once all the articles and items were stashed away in secret compartments, the clothes were put on top of them. It wouldn’t be good if someone went through his luggage and found those supplies, though why anyone would go through his stuff was a mystery—better to be safe than sorry.

  “Now then, my young apprentice. This week could very well be one of the most important in your life.” Like the sergeant who paces before her troops, Heather paced back and forth in front of Eric. “While there will be many other critical moments within your life, this is the first of those moments. This is your foray into a new world of peeping!”

  “Yes, Master!”

  “We will be going to California, my young apprentice!” Heather clenched her left fist and raised it to her face, as if this was emotive of her determination and feelings. “California, home to sandy beaches and beautiful changing rooms!”

  By this point, Eric was crying. “Yes, Master!”

  “This is a most crucial first step into this new, wide world. What happens to you during this week will determine how your peeping career will go for the rest of your life. Do well, peep hard, don’t be spotted, and you will accomplish all of the goals that you set in life!”

  Eric now had snot coming out of his nose, he was crying so hard. Truly, his master was the best. “Yes, Master!”

  “Now then! Let us wait for everyone else to arrive and create a plan of action. You will need one if you plan on getting a glimpse of your female friends’ naked, nubile bodies.”


  “Good man.”

  Just then, the sound of the doorbell ringing alerted them to the arrival of their friends.

  The sound of the door opening let them know that someone had already answered the door.

  “Ohohoho! Hello, pretty girls! Let me shower you with love and affection!”

  And the loud shouting followed by the sound of clothes being ripped off let the two know that the person who answered the door was Eric’s old man.


  Christine’s voice rang out. Eric listened to the sounds that could only come from a violent beat-down: fist hitting face, fist hitting stomach, foot stomping on face, and heel grinding against balls. Eric was well-acquainted with each one, so he knew what they sounded like.

  In the stillness that followed, Heather turned to her apprentice.

  “Are you ready, my young apprentice, for this new world of femdom?”

  “Yes, Master!”

  “Attaboy! Now, let’s go!”


  “Holy shit!”

  Those were the first words Eric spoke after entering the bus.

  “That’s what she said.”

  “That was lame, Alex.”

  “You’re lame!”

  “If you two start fighting on my bus, I’m going to rip both of you a new asshole.”


  “We’ll be good.”

  “I agree with ruddy over there,” Iris piped up from where she lounged on a chair, curled up like a lazy feline. Unlike the other girls who wore either shorts, pants, or long frilly dresses, Iris was wearing a very short skirt. With the way she curled up on the chair, her thighs almost pressing against her chest, Kevin could see her panties. “That was lame, firecrotch.”



  Alex’s shoulders slumped at both the nickname and how Iris apparently agreed with his brother. Kevin felt a small pang of sympathy for his friend. It seemed today was just not his day.

  “Holy. Shit.”

  “You already said that, Eric.” Kevin rolled his eyes at his friend. He honestly couldn’t blame the perverted sophomore for being more than a little stunned. The bus’ interior looked more like something you’d find in a luxury hotel than a bus, like an RV for royalty. It even had a 50’ flat screen TV. Heck, it even had a bunkbed located in the back!

  “Alright everyone, get your butts on board. We’re leaving.”

  Eric stepped further into the bus, Heather trailing behind him… and then he stopped when his eyes landed on her. His gothic hottie. She was sitting on a couch on the opposite side of the room, looking like some dark, mysterious sex machine. The scowl on her face made his perverted desire soar. Her dress caused his pervy little insides to catch fire. He wanted her, and he knew that deep down, she wanted him as well.

  He ran to claim her.

  “Oh, my Goth Hottie!”

  Christine stood up, her scowl growing.

  Oh, yeah. She definitely wants me.

  “How I’ve longed to grab your glorious ginger bottoms and squeeze my face between those cheeks of love!”

  Her fists clenched, knuckles turning white. No doubt she was overcome with emotion at seeing him. He understood how she felt. It wouldn’t be long now.

  “Come here you—GUAG!”

  Everyone stared in shock at Lindsay, who stood over a prone, twitching, and groaning Eric, after rendering the idiot insensate via clotheslining him. The girl felt the stares upon her and looked around. Her cheeks took on a light flush as she realized what she’d just done.

  “W-what?” she asked, trying to hide her embarrassment by crossing her arms over her chest. “He was being a pervert. I just did what any good friend would have done.”

  The group looked from Lindsay to the still twitching Eric, then back to Lindsay. Christine was the first to recover, and she placed a hand on Lindsay’s shoulder, getting the girl to turn around and look at her.

  “I didn’t really need help dealing with that pervert,” Christine said, and Lindsay’s shoulders slumped a bit. “But, still, thank you.” Lindsay looked back up in shock. “I’m glad to have a friend like you watching my back.”

  Upon seeing that small smile on Christine’s face, the gratitude in her ice blue irises, Lindsay couldn’t help but blush.

  “Um, anytime.”


  With the advent of the most lecherous creature’s existence, the journey to California began. Kiara drove the bus out of Eric’s gated community, picking up speed as they exited the main streets and drove along the highway.

  With their trip to California finally commencing, the group decided to begin this most auspicious occasion by the time-honored tradition of trying to beat the crap out of each other in Street Fighter.

  “No, Ryu! Don’t do a Hadoken! I wanted you to do a Shoryuken!”

  “Ha! You think you can beat me! Check out my Lily-pad’s giant phallus of doom AND DESPAIR!”

  “It’s just a spike cannon, Iris. It’s not like I actually have some kind of random phallic weapon to use.” A pause. “And I thought I told you to stop calling me that!”

  “Lily, the game.”

  “Ah! Go, Cammy go! Spiral Arrow!”

  “No! I lost again! How can I keep losing to this girl?!”

  “It’s because your skills pale in comparison to my sister’s, puny human! Mwahahahahahaha!”

  “Ugh, please stop laughing like that, Iris.”

  Sitting on the couch farthest from the TV, where most of the other members of their troupe were centered around, was Kevin, Christine, and Lindsay. While Kevin’s mate kicked everybody’s butt in Street Fighter, these three made conversation.

  “I’m really surprised you’re not over there with the rest of the dweebs.”

  Kevin looked up from the manga he’d been reading, a story about a female ninja who wanted to become the leader of her village, and focused on Christine.

  “I’m not really interested in playing video games right now.”

  “I bet you just don’t want to play video games because Lilian keeps kicking your butt.”

  “Urk!” Kevin felt
like someone had shoved an icy spear in his chest.

  “I’m right, aren’t I?” asked a grinning Lindsay. “You’ve probably gotten so sick of her constantly beating you in every game the two of you play that you’re no longer interested in video games. You’ve probably lost all of your motivation to play.”

  “That is a gross understatement,” Kevin muttered. He then spoke in a louder tone. “And Lilian doesn’t beat me at everything, just the fighting games. I can still take her on in FPS games. Even when she gets her hands on a sniper rifle, she’s still no match for me.”

  “I can’t believe she actually likes playing those stupid things.” Christine wrinkled her nose, as if the very notion of playing a video game made her want to vomit. “They’re nothing but brain-corroding garbage that cause children to think violence is a perfectly acceptable way of solving problems.”

  “Don’t you solve most of your problems with violence?” Kevin pointed out.


  “… Ouch.”

  Lindsay giggled as Kevin sat back on the couch, nursing a new lump on his head. Kevin tossed her a mild glare, but it didn’t really have any bite to it.

  “By the way, Kevin, I forgot to ask this with all the excitement going on, but what’s up with the cat?”

  At the word “cat,” a certain feline paused in her self-appointed task of making Kevin’s lap the most comfortable pillow possible. The black furred feline looked at the doe-eyed girl with an expression that seemed inquisitive.


  Lindsay blinked. Then she looked at Kevin. “Nya?” she mouthed.

  Kevin ignored the looks he received from Christine and Lindsay.

  “I found her after delivering newspapers this morning.” He lifted the furry critter off his lap, eliciting a mewl of complaint from said feline, and presented her to Lindsay. “Isn’t she adorable?”

  Lindsay leaned back as the cat invaded her personal space. She found herself staring at big, yellow eyes that peered at her with a cat’s curiosity.

  “Um, yeah. R-really cute.”

  “I know, right?!”

  Lindsay watched Kevin rub his cheeks against the cat’s fur, wondering just where the heck his strange love for animals came from. And maybe it was just her, but that cat looked like she was enjoying herself way too much.

  Christine just glared at the furry critter. She hated cats almost as much as she hated foxes!

  While the trio of youngsters conversed, and Lilian kicked the butts of the other teens in a metaphorical sense, Kirihime tried to keep her mistress from destroying anything.

  “P-please do not touch those bottles, My Lady! They’re very easy to break.”

  “Hawa, so pretty.”

  “They’re also expensive,” Kiara piped in, walking up to the pair. “I would like to ask that you not touch them.”

  While Camellia just looked at the inu with a tilted head, Kirihime stiffened. While her childish mistress wasn’t bothered by the presence of an inu, she still felt uneasy around the woman—regardless of the past that Kiara shared with her honorable sister. Like most kitsune, she didn’t like dogs.

  “Muu! Okay.”

  As a depressed Camellia slumped into a chair, Kiara sat down next to Kotohime. Setting a small glass on the counter, Kiara opened a bottle of brandy with a flick of her thumb, and poured herself a cup. Her foxy counterpart was drinking sake from a saucer.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen my bus this lively before,” the woman commented, her business suit wrinkling as she turned about on her stool to study the youngsters playing around.


  Dark brown eyes glanced at Kotohime. The kimono-wearing woman didn’t seem to be paying much attention to anything going on around her. It took Kiara a moment, but she soon realized what had most of the four-tailed kitsune’s attention—or rather, who had the woman’s attention.

  “You know, if you keep staring at my disciple like that, I’m gonna think you’re…” Kiara trailed off. Dark eyes scrunched up in thought. “What’s that word again? Shotacon? Yes, I think that’s the one. Anyway, I’m gonna think you’re a shotacon if you keep staring at Kevin like that.”

  “I am not a shotacon,” Kotohime gave her compatriot a mild glare. “I have no interest in Kevin-sama, and certainly not in that way.”

  Kiara shrugged. “Never said you did. I just said you should stop staring at him before I begin thinking you might. Not that I can’t see why you’re so interested in him. He’s an awful lot like—”

  “Please do not go there, Kiara-san,” Kotohime said, sighing. “I would rather we leave the past in the past.”

  “You know that you’re going to have to confront your past eventually. You can’t avoid it forever.”

  When Kotohime said nothing, Kiara looked back at Kevin. The young man was still sitting on the couch, his new feline companion lying in his lap, while he read one of those Japanese comics that he loved so much. He’d occasionally make an errant comment when either Christine or Lindsay addressed him, but was otherwise engrossed.

  “You know, I always blamed myself for what happened back then,” Kiara said softly. “I sometimes wonder about what would have happened if you and Corban hadn’t gotten caught up in my fight. Would he have avoided the fate that awaited him? Would you and I be where we are now? Would we be living a better life? A happier life? I always ask myself these questions when I’m alone and have nothing to keep my mind occupied.”

  Kotohime slowly sipped her sake. “Thinking about the past is pointless, Kiara-san. It does not do to dwell on ‘what ifs.’ Had Corban-kun not been caught in that attack meant for you, perhaps he and I would still be together. Then again, perhaps I would’ve gotten bored of him already and things would still be the same. He would be in his mid-forties by now, and you know that we kitsune tend to lose interest in those who are past their prime.”

  “I guess that’s true. Heh, kinda makes me worry for the kid.”

  “Kevin-sama is lucky in this regard,” Kotohime said. “As Lilian’s first mate, she will not leave him over something like age. It is an unusual aspect of us kitsune, but our first mates are always our most important. She will remain by his side until he passes on, and even then, she will remember him and hold all other mates to the standard that he sets.”

  Kotohime thought about her first mate, the man she’d given herself to just a few years after gaining her third tail. He’d been a kitsune, much like herself, and one of the few who, like her, enjoyed fighting. It was that very enjoyment of combat that got him killed. She did not begrudge her mate for losing his life in combat, but a part of her still wished he’d not gone into that fight.

  “By the way, Kiara-san. Who is driving?”

  “Heather decided to drive.” Kiara grinned. “I don’t think she was comfortable with a one-armed person driving on the freeway.”


  Back by the television, Lilian had just finished beating the two twin brothers again.

  “Gah! I can’t believe I lost again?! How many times does this make now?”

  “Ufufufu, this is the sixteenth time I’ve kicked your butt.”

  “Damn it!”

  Having grown bored with beating the fraternal twins at video games, Lilian made her way over to Kevin and plopped down on his lap. The poor cat who’d been occupying that very spot was forced to jump out of the way, as the beautiful vixen made herself comfortable. Her midnight fur bristling, the feline hissed angrily at Lilian, who merely stuck out her tongue and wrapped her arms around Kevin’s neck, placing a kiss on his lips.

  For some reason, that kiss seemed to make the cat hiss even more.

  “Are you really picking a fight with a cat, Lilian?” asked a somewhat incredulous Kevin.

  “Hey, whether it’s defending my position from pretentious snow maidens and annoying twin sisters, or even defending it from a cat, this Lilian doesn’t do things half-assed.”

  “P-pretentious?! Regret
those words and repent, Boobzilla!”

  “Ha! Boobzilla, that’s good one. I should use that one more often,” Iris said, her body slinking up to the group, moving along on all fours. Alex and Andrew, who had the pleasure of being behind her, passed out from massive blood loss—the crimson ichor spraying out of their noses like fire hydrants to splatter along the ground.

  “Damn it.” Kiara sighed at the sight of the floor being covered in blood. “Look at that. Now I’m going to have to hire a professional to get those bloodstains out.”

  “Don’t worry,” Kotohime reassured the inu. “Bloodstains that come from a nosebleed are only temporary. They’ll disappear in about an hour or so.”


  “Ufufufu, of course. I am not one to lie.”

  “And where did you come by this information?”

  “Kotohime got it from the 100 Laws of Anime,” Lilian answered from Kevin’s lap.

  “This isn’t an anime!” Christine shouted.

  Iris continued crawling along the floor, placing one hand in front of the other in painfully slow feline-like motions. Her spine arched delightfully as she moved across the open space, and the act of putting her hands in front of her invariably caused her breasts to sway enticingly. With the dramatic plunge of her shirt, the group of four were gifted with the sight of the raven-haired vixen’s ample cleavage.

  “So, if Lily-pad is Boobzilla, what would that make me, hmm?” The fox-girl grinned at her stunned audience. Even Christine remained silent, her eyes following the arch of Iris’s back, which inevitably led to her magnificent rear. “Maybe I could be Sex Fiend McGee, or perhaps you could call me—gyaa!”

  The spell that had been seemingly cast over the group shattered when, without warning, the cat jumped on top of Iris and sank her claws into the vixen’s back.

  “Ouch! Inari’s hairy ballsack, my back! That hurts! Damn you, you stupid cat!”

  The group watched Iris as she rolled along on the ground, wrestling with the surprisingly ferocious feline. The battle was intense. The two rolled all over the floor, biting and scratching and clawing. It was, well, it was kinda hot actually, watching as the sexy girl fought against the black cat. Sure, it was also kind of pathetic, but none of the people there could deny that there was a strange sort of aesthetic appeal to the sight of Iris’s clothes being torn to shreds by a furry feline.


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