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A Fox's Vacation (American Kitsune Book 5)

Page 27

by Brandon Varnell

  “I see. There was a battle going on several miles off the coast,” Kirihime murmured. “Do those yōkai not realize what they’ve done? An attack of that magnitude going out of control…” Her hair antenna bounced as she shook her head. “They could have revealed our existence to the humans.”

  “Indeed they could have,” Kotohime agreed. “They are very fortunate that their battle was so far away, and that the yōkai who have infiltrated this country’s media networks managed to play the whole thing off as a natural disaster brought about by global warming.”

  Ever since the creation of photographs, the possibility of humans discovering the existence of yōkai had been a pressing concern. To combat this, various yōkai had banded together and infiltrated the many media networks and news stations around the globe. It was their job to cover up any incidents involving yōkai.

  “Global warming?” Kirihime made an expression of adorable inquisitiveness. “The humans actually bought that?”

  “It is not all that unusual, is it?” Kotohime asked rhetorically. “Humans fear what they cannot understand. The idea that creatures beyond their comprehension exist frightens them. Even now, after the creation of guns and nuclear weapons, the fear of the unknown terrifies them. It is better to deny that something has the power to wipe you off the face of the earth than confront it. I believe the human expression for this is: Ignorance is bliss.”

  “Not all humans are like that, though,” Kirihime added.

  “You are correct. Not all humans are like that,” Kotohime agreed. She turned to Kevin, who was buried underneath three females whose breast circumference was twice as large as he was tall.

  Kevin Swift was one of those humans who knew about yōkai and still accepted them. He treated yōkai like he would anyone else. Of course, Lindsay and Eric could also be included in this category, so it was not like he was special, but it was certainly a point in his favor.

  While Kotohime tried not to see it at first, she could not deny that Kevin reminded her a lot of her last mate. Like Corban, he had been willing to accept and love a yōkai despite their differences.

  Of course, Corban had learned of her status after they had become a couple. Kevin had discovered Lilian’s inhuman origins before they were even friends. That actually made Kevin’s acceptance all the more significant. That a human would welcome a yōkai into his life without any previous familiarity with the yōkai in question, or even knowledge of yōkai in general, showed his incredible capacity for acceptance.

  Kotohime wondered: Was this the reason she felt such a strong familial affection for him? Because he reminded her of her previous mate? Or was it his ability to accept someone regardless of their species? Perhaps she would never know why she felt the way she did. Kitsune rarely focused on the hows and whys of their own feelings. The feelings were there, they existed, and that was all that mattered.

  The door opened, disrupting her thoughts, and Kiara walked into the room.

  “I’ve got Heather looking into this incident with Lilian and Kevin. Having worked for a secret organization before, she’s pretty good at gathering intel, and we’ll need to know more about this situation before making any judgement calls.” She paused upon noticing the unusual silence. “Did I miss something?”

  Kotohime shook her head. “No, we were merely discussing the past.”

  “The past, huh?”

  Kiara walked further into the room and sat down on the floor with a grunt. Unlike Kotohime, who sat with her back straight and her calves folded underneath her thighs, Kiara sat cross-legged and with a slumped posture.

  “Are you thinking about Corban?”

  Kotohime sighed. “Yes.”

  “Mmm…” Kiara closed her eyes and leaned backwards, using her hands to support herself. “I remember the first time I met you and Corban, back when I was looking for someone to train me. I used to drag my little brother around everywhere, then I’d leave him to badger you for training.” Her lips peeled back into a grin. “I don’t think he ever forgave me for that.”

  “I never forgave you for the badgering.”

  “Ouch. Claws out tonight?”

  “Only for you.”

  The smile that Kotohime gave Kiara was about as pleasant as the katana she wielded. Kiara chuckled.

  “So, what are we gonna do about all this?” she asked, gesturing to Kevin and Lilian. Kotohime understood that she was not talking about how Kevin was buried underneath several women.

  “Without knowing exactly what is happening, there is little that we can do,” she admitted. “Of course, we could just pack up and leave, but I don’t believe what happened today—yesterday—will happen again. It seems more to me like we simply became caught up in a power struggle between feuding yōkai.”

  “Yeah, I see your point.” Kiara scratched the underside of her chin. “I’d hate to leave so soon after coming here anyway. The kid and his mate were really looking forward to this trip.”

  “B-but if we stay, something like this could happen again,” Kirihime interjected. “Wouldn’t it be better to leave before that happens?”

  “That’s only if it happens,” Kotohime assured her sister. “The chances of something like this happening again are small, especially since we won’t be going to the beach again.”

  “So, we stick around, protect the brats, talk to those kappa, and then decide from there?” Kiara asked for confirmation.

  “I believe that is the best course of action.”

  Coming to an agreement, Kirihime, Kotohime, and Kiara left the room. Tomorrow, or rather, later this morning, it was going to be another full day. They wanted to be as well-rested as possible.

  After all, there was no telling what else could happen come the morrow.


  Luna felt a smile creeping on her face as she eyed the two four-tailed kitsune bowing submissively.

  “So, Kotohime is here in California, is she? Who would have thought that I’d see her again after nearly one hundred years? You’ve done well to bring me this information. Go back to your post and put that woman out of your mind. I shall deal with her and the dog personally.”

  “Of course, My Lady,” the two kitsune said in unison before leaving Luna to her thoughts.

  Soon, I shall claim what is rightfully mine, Luna licked her lips.

  Chapter 10

  Revelations and Shopping

  Luna lay in bed with her lover of nearly a decade—the longest one she’d ever had. Her back rested against the headboard, and several pillows kept her nice and comfy. Her lover, a woman with a youthful appearance, snow-white hair, mocha-colored skin, and drooping red eyes, lay resting between her legs. The female moaned softly as Luna slowly drew circles along her hips. Both of them only had a single tail out, as having anymore while in bed would have been inconvenient.

  “Taer,” she said.

  “Yes, Mistress?”

  “I want you to do go out today and do some reconnaissance for me. An old acquaintance of mine is in town. I want you to follow her, learn what she’s doing here, who she’s with, and any potential weaknesses that I can exploit should a confrontation become necessary.”

  It pleased Luna greatly when Taer didn’t even question her motives and simply responded with a, “Yes, Mistress.”

  Really, she couldn’t have asked for a better lover—unlike a certain someone who’d refused her advances one hundred years ago.


  The hour was early. While the sun peeked into the room, casting soft rays of light on the beige carpet, it was still too early for anyone to be awake. Thus, the hotel room belonging to Camellia, Kiara, Kirihime, Kotohime, and Heather remained silent.

  “Hawa… zzz… hawa… zzz….”

  Except for Camellia’s snores.

  “Fumya-fumya-fumya… zzz… fumya-fumya-fumya… zzz…”

  And Kirihime’s snores.

  “Ha! Think you can defeat me… Kael’thas… I’ll show you… who’s boss…”

  And Kiara’
s sleep talking.

  “Hehehe… look at all them pretty titties… huhuhu…”

  And Heather’s sleep talking.

  Right, so maybe the room wasn’t all that silent. Still, its occupants slept on, their expressions peaceful, untroubled by thoughts of evil plots or what the new day might bring.

  “Kachu, kachu!”

  Within this peaceful ambience, Kotohime made several rather cute sneezing sounds. She mumbled a bit, then sunk further into her comfortable bed. The room became quiet once more.

  “Hawa… zzz…”

  Except for the snores.


  The morning of Kevin’s and Lilian’s return promised to be a beautiful day. A bright, shining sun rose over the land, blessing it with warm rays. Birds sang a beautiful and uplifting tune, as if to offer praise to the gods who controlled the weather for granting them such a lovely day.

  Iris woke up to the annoying racket that those birds made.

  Incoherent groaning emerged from her ruby lips, sensual and soft, like silk touching the ear with the gentlest of caresses. Dark lashes fluttered open to reveal equally dark crimson eyes. Those carmine orbs flickered, taking in the sights before her. The room was dark, but not so dark that she couldn’t see the people she was snuggling with.

  Kevin and Lilian remained asleep, their eyes closed, their breathing even; they looked so peaceful. There must have been some shifting around during the night because Iris clearly remembered falling asleep spooning her sister. Now she lay on the other side of Kevin, away from her Lilian. Camellia was not there, but Iris assumed Kirihime had grabbed her sometime during the night and took the woman back to their room.

  Christine and Lindsay’s beds were empty. They were probably awake and already getting breakfast, or maybe they were simply waiting outside. She didn’t know where they were, but it didn’t matter anyway. All that meant was that she had the perfect opportunity for some fun.

  She stared at the young man, trying to make a decision. Should she prank him for getting between her and her sister? The prospect was tempting. Messing with him always gave her a thrill of pleasure. He was such a good sport about it, too. Were she not so in love with Lilian, she might have fallen for him…

  Pfft! As if I’d ever fall for an idiot like him!

  As she continued to stare, her gaze going from Kevin to Lilian and back again, a beautiful, dangerous, and deadly smile caused her lips to curve in delightful artistry. A thought had occurred to her, and it sent a delicious ripple through her body.

  Why have fun with one of them when I can have fun with them both?


  Kevin woke up to a moan. It wasn’t an unusual sound, as he was quite used to making Lilian moan, but the moan itself was unfamiliar; the pitch was too deep, the noise was too sexy. It was almost a purr as much as a moan. Lilian’s moans turned his body into a furnace like no other, but even she couldn’t make a noise like this.

  He cracked an eye open to see the ceiling above him. Rustling to his left drew his attention elsewhere, and he soon turned his head to see what had caused him to wake up. He needed to blink several times, just to make sure he wasn’t seeing things.

  Oh. My. Gods.

  Iris was straddling Lilian. She was wearing nothing, absolutely nothing. Her midnight black hair did little to cover her body. Beautiful pink nipples were displayed as Iris, her hands resting on her sister’s stomach, squeezed her breasts together. Her lips were struck in a terrifyingly beautiful smile, and her eyes, locked onto Lilian, made her look every bit like the succubus that she was.

  “Morning, Stud. I’m glad to see you’re awake. This wouldn’t be as much fun without you,” Iris said, grinning at him. She then looked down. “And I see you’re standing at attention too. I do so love it when men recognize my beauty.”

  Kevin didn’t know what she was talking about—until he looked down and saw the blanket near his crotch rising to create a tent.

  “Mmmph!” Lilian shouted, though her voice was muffled.

  “Now, now, Lily-pad,” Iris chided with a grin. “There’s no need to be so impatient. I know how excited you are to have your mate watching us, but please show some restraint.”

  “Mmph hmm mpp mmmmm!”

  Lilian was wide awake. It looked like she had been awake for some time. Unfortunately, it didn’t look like she would be moving any time soon. Iris had wrapped her sister up in her tails in a sort of erotic furry bondage.

  The tails kept Lilian’s arms pinned to her side and her legs restrained. However, they also slithered over her body, particularly around her breasts, which were emphasized more than usual because of how the tails encircled them. His mate was moaning, her skin sweaty and flushed, visibly red even in the dark room.

  Kevin wanted to help his mate, but he soon realized that he couldn’t move, and the reason was because someone—all signs pointed towards Iris—had bound him in rope while he’d been sleeping.

  He looked at Lilian’s face. She was staring at him with wide eyes. She tried to speak, but her mouth was being gagged with…

  “Is that…?”

  “Yep. Mom’s underwear,” Iris said proudly.


  “Don’t be like that, Lily-pad.” Chuckling, Iris gave her sister a smoldering look that made Lilian’s entire body blush bright red. “It’s been far too long since you and I have played together.”

  Kevin struggled to move, but all he could do was flop uselessly. “D-dang it. Why am I also tied up? And where did you get all this rope?”

  Iris turned her head back to Kevin. She stared. After several seconds of this, Kevin looked away.

  “Right. Stupid question.”

  “Uhuhu…” Kevin shivered. That laugh reminded him of a perverted old man. It was seriously creepy. “I wonder… what should I do to you first?”

  Realizing that his mate’s chastity was in danger, Kevin tried to break free. It was no use, however, as the ropes were a lot stronger than him.

  “Don’t touch my mate.”

  “Ho?” Iris leered at him. “Your mate happens to be my sister, and she was intimate with me long before you sank your fingers into her.”

  That made Kevin pause. He’d never bothered learning the extent of their relationship, but he did know that Iris had been Lilian’s first kiss. Honestly, he’d assumed that it was something Lilian had done because she was curious about kissing.

  But what if it wasn’t?

  What if Lilian had done it because she and Iris actually had that kind of relationship? He didn’t know how to feel about that. Kevin had not been brought up in a religious home, but there were some things that were considered morally unacceptable by society. Incest was one of them.

  “E-even if that’s true, it doesn’t change the fact that I’m her mate now.”

  Kevin decided to ignore whatever Lilian might have done in the past. It didn’t matter. The past was the past and now was now, and right now, Lilian was his mate, not Iris’s.

  Iris nodded. “That is true, and I acknowledge you as my sister’s mate. But, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to have some fun with her from time to time. In fact, Lily-pad gave me explicit permission to have fun with her last night.”

  “HMPH MMRRRPPH!” Lilian screamed into her gag. Kevin didn’t know what she was saying, but he hoped it was a denial.

  “Now, then, it is time for you to be quiet.” Before Kevin knew what was happening, Iris shoved something into his mouth. His yell was muffled by whatever it was. He sent Iris a venomous look, but she just grinned at him. “There’s no need to look so angry, Stud. Just sit back and enjoy the show.”

  Lilian’s eyes widened as one of Iris’s tails pushed up her shirt. Her breasts sprang free with a bounce. Kevin’s eyes bulged.

  Then the room became engulfed in the sound of Lilian’s muffled moans.


  Lilian used Kevin as a shield as they walked to breakfast. After what happened this morning, he couldn’t blame her. Even n
ow, she still had several bite marks on her skin.

  “You seem displeased, Lily-pad.” Iris looked smug. “Is something wrong?”

  “Yes, something is wrong,” Lilian practically spat. “You violated me!”

  “You enjoyed it.”

  Lilian’s cheeks gained a healthy blush. “T-that is completely beside the point!”

  “Wait. Did you really enjoy what Iris did?” Kevin asked.

  Lilian froze. The blush on her cheeks spread to the rest of her face and traveled down her neck.

  “W-well, I wouldn’t say I enjoyed it per se. I mean, you know, it felt really good, but…” As Kevin and Iris continued staring at her, Lilian sank further into herself. Her skin, from her head to her toes, had gained the same red as her face. “I… I might have enjoyed it… just a little.”

  Kevin hesitated. “… Was she better than me?”

  Lilian’s guilty expression said it all.

  “Ha!” Iris laughed. “It looks like I can chalk this point up to me! Don’t worry, though, Stud. It’s only natural that she would like what I do better. After all, I’ve known Lily-pad since she was born. You’ve only known her for a little over half a year.”

  Kevin didn’t know how to feel. Lilian had all but admitted that Iris had done a better job of pleasing her than him. Her silence said as much.

  Lilian glared at Iris, silently telling her to shut up, then switched her gaze back to him. Her consoling eyes made him feel ashamed, pathetic even.

  “Don’t let what Iris said bother you, Beloved.” She took his arm and lovingly hugged it to herself. “I-it is true that Iris is… well, better than you are at making me feel good—”

  “I knew it!” Iris cheered.

  “Quiet you!” Lilian snapped, then coughed into her hand and continued. “But even if she’s better than you are right now, it doesn’t mean that will always be the case. Practice makes perfect, right? This just gives us an excuse to practice more.”

  “I’ll help!” Iris offered.

  “Shut up, Iris!”


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