Book Read Free


Page 24

by Christian, Claudia Hall

  Seth nodded.

  “He’s not dead, is he?” Sandy asked.

  “Why do you ask?” Seth gave her a long look.

  “Did you see his body?” Sandy asked.

  “No, but . . .”

  “Do you know anyone who did?” Sandy asked. Seth shook his head. “They rushed him to . . .”

  “Denver Health,” Seth said. “But surely . . .”

  “We thought he was going to take me to do something horrible,” Sandy said.

  “He was going to take you or Rachel.”

  “What if that wasn’t the reason he was involved?” Sandy asked.

  “We were able to dismantle Patty’s entire network,” Seth said. “ICE swooped in and arrested them all. Because of you, they shut down half a dozen child pornography distribution sites, confiscated entire warehouses of material, and . . . It’s the largest bust of its kind. Period. And Charlie and Sissy’s mother is never getting out of jail.”

  “What if he went along with all of that to appease Patty?” Sandy asked.

  “He thought she had this work.”

  “Right,” Sandy said.

  “He grabbed you to give to Patty in exchange for this,” Seth said. “But you had the box. I mean, you have everything of Andy’s.”

  “In exchange for something,” Sandy said. “Something Patty said was this piece.”

  Seth looked at Sandy for a long moment before he nodded in agreement.

  “He’s still alive,” Sandy said. “I just know it.”

  “Then he’s going to be looking for this,” Seth said. “Do you want to . . .?”

  “Do you mind if we take it to your house?” Sandy asked.

  Seth nodded. Sandy went to the closet to retrieve the box. She started packing everything.

  “Did you read this newspaper?” Seth asked.

  “The packing material?” Sandy asked.

  Seth held a page out to her. The paper had a picture of Tanesha and Jill at the Colorado State track meet. Sandy and Heather were in the background. Someone had drawn a heart around Sandy’s face.

  “She knew I was alive,” Sandy said.

  “Looks like it,” Seth said.

  Sandy finished packing the box, and Seth picked it up. They were halfway across the hair salon when Sandy said, “Why do you think everything is so weird?”

  “No idea,” Seth laughed.

  “I mean, first I hear that she didn’t know I was alive,” Sandy said. “Then I hear that Dad knew her and she helped him buy the condo. Then Red Bear says she killed herself because she knew I was safe and then . . .”

  Sandy cleared her throat.

  “Lies,” Sandy said in a low voice. “Tangle of lies.”

  “Exactly,” Seth said. “We have to sort the lies from the truth.”

  “At least I know . . .”

  They went through the salon door, and Sandy locked it behind her.

  “Know?” Seth asked.

  “That my mom loved me,” Sandy said. “A lot.”

  “She did,” Seth said.

  Sandy smiled. He put the box on the jump seat of the truck and let her in. He went around to the driver’s seat.

  “Ready?” Seth asked.

  Sandy nodded, and they drove to his house.

  Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety-nine

  Fairy madness

  Monday afternoon — 4:35 p.m.

  “Dr. Wilson!” The doctor stood from his desk to shake Bumpy’s hand.

  The nurse had just escorted Jeraine and Bumpy into the pediatric rheumatologist’s office. The doctor was an expert on childhood autoimmune diseases.

  “Please have a seat,” the doctor said.

  The doctor sat down behind his desk. Jeraine and Bumpy took seats in front of his desk.

  “First, I’d like to thank you for all the work you did with the boys in the recent East High School rape case,” the doctor said. “My nephew got caught up in that. He was dumb enough to purchase one of the videotapes. Thought it would be sexy.”

  Bumpy nodded.

  “He’s in counseling on your recommendation,” the doctor said. “Two years, no problems, and it all goes away.”

  “That’s a good thing,” Bumpy said. “We don’t need any more boys lost to the justice system.”

  “Yes it is,” the doctor said. “He needs the counseling. His father was a brute. My nephew would have never gotten it any other way.”

  The man took a breath and put his reading glasses on. He looked down at the file in front of him.

  “I’ve reviewed all the records for Jabari Wilson,” the doctor said. “From Atlanta, as well as from our Children’s Hospital. I took the liberty of consulting with the doctors here and spoke with the doctors in Atlanta.”

  The pediatrician nodded.

  “My staff tells me you have some legal issues in this matter,” the doctor said.

  “Custody,” Jeraine said. “We have custody for now, but Jabari’s mother is suing us and the court.”

  “Are you looking for a legal opinion?” the doctor asked.

  “We’re looking for a course of treatment,” Bumpy said. His voice was firm. “We have lawyers to take care of legal issues. Right now, all we want is to get the boy well.”

  “From what I gather, the mother takes a certain medication for her migraines,” the doctor said. “She gave this medication to her son because she thought he was having a migraine. Do we know why she gave this medication to her child?”

  “She says that he asks for it,” Jeraine said.

  “And the child?”

  “He doesn’t know anything about any medication,” Jeraine said. “He thinks of the pills as a treat.”

  “Candy?” the doctor asked.

  “He doesn’t know,” Jeraine said. “He says he takes what his mother gives him because she gets upset when he doesn’t. He was trying to be a ‘really good boy’ so he could stay here in Denver. That’s what he told my mother-in-law.”

  “He doesn’t know why he gets sick,” Bumpy said.

  “He doesn’t connect it to the medication?” the doctor asked.

  “No, sir,” Jeraine said.

  “Well, it’s from the medication,” the doctor said. “All of this.”

  “And the lupus?” Jeraine asked.

  “We aren’t sure what causes lupus,” the doctor said. “As Dr. Wilson can tell you, there’s a strong family relationship, but not always.”

  “Our concern is that he has now developed the disease,” Bumpy said.

  “It sure looks that way,” the doctor said.

  “And?” Jeraine’s voice rose with his concern.

  “We won’t know for a while,” the doctor said. “It’s possible that the child had the predisposition for lupus. He might have developed it anyway. It’s also possible the medicine initiated a cascade. The medication may have dumped extraneous DNA into his blood. This caused his immune system to over react. Unfortunately, we won’t know until he’s through this crisis.”

  “And a course of treatment?” Bumpy asked.

  “As you know, Dr. Wilson, autoimmune diseases are best treated with quality nutrition, water, exercise, rest . . .” The doctor looked at Bumpy.

  “There are medications,” Bumpy said.

  “I’d recommend holding off on the medications for now,” the doctor said. “Let him get through this crisis, and we’ll see where he’s feeling. Specifically, we’ll have to see how his kidneys are doing.”

  The doctor looked at Bumpy and then at Jeraine.

  “I’d like to see him,” the doctor said. “Get some blood work started and track how he’s doing.”

  “That’s fine,” Bumpy said.

  “I’m happy to work with you, Dr. Wilson,” the doctor said. He looked at Jeraine and cleared his throat. “My daughter would kill me if I didn’t ask . . .”

  The doctor pressed a CD copy of Jeraine’s latest album across the desk.

  “Would you mind?” the doctor asked.

��s her name?” Jeraine asked.

  He looked around for a Sharpie pen. The doctor gave him one.

  “Jessica,” the doctor said.

  Jeraine signed the CD to Jessica.

  The doctor nodded and then cleared his throat again.

  “Our staff . . . uh . . . I know it’s a tremendous imposition. I’d understand if you said no.”

  “Outside the door?” Bumpy asked.

  “The girls on the ward, children. They are very ill, and . . .” the doctor said. “Uh, would you mind . . .?”

  “I’d love to.” Jeraine smiled. “Do you have a guitar? Maybe we can play something.”

  Jeraine looked at his father, and Bumpy nodded.

  “On the ward,” the doctor said.

  “You’ll help my son?” Jeraine asked.

  “I’ll do my best whether you visit the children or not,” the doctor said.

  “Then lead the way,” Jeraine said. “Miss T doesn’t get done for another hour. We’ve got time to burn.”

  The doctor stood, shook their hands, and led the way to the children’s ward.


  Monday evening — 5:55 p.m.

  “What do you think?” Yvonne asked. “Spaghetti for the boy in you? Steak for the man in you?”

  “What’s Mr. Chesterfield having?” Jabari asked.

  While Jabari said he was “one hundred percent better,” his energy had lagged. The child spun around at the counter, and then grabbed a barstool to keep from falling over. Yvonne caught him. She held him for a moment while he panted. When he was breathing evenly, she kissed his cheek and set him squarely on the bar stool.

  “Mr. Chesterfield eats dog food.” Yvonne went to the cabinet and took out a cup of dog food. “I probably wouldn’t feed him this, but it’s what he’s always had. Would you like some?”

  “Okay,” Jabari grinned.

  Yvonne got a bowl from the cabinet and put in a scoop of dog food. She gave Jabari a spoon. The boy started to giggle. His giggle became a laugh, and Yvonne laughed.

  “What’s this?” Rodney asked as he came in the back door. “Did we get a new puppy?”

  The idea that he might be a puppy was too much for Jabari. He started screaming and laughing. When the laughter turned to coughing, Rodney lifted the small child from the barstool to hold him.

  “Maybe we should let Mr. Chesterfield have his own food,” Yvonne said.

  Rodney and Jabari nodded in unison, which made Yvonne laugh.

  “We were just talking about dinner,” Yvonne said.

  With Jabari still in his arms, Rodney kissed Yvonne on the cheek.

  “Oh shoot,” Rodney said. “I forgot to remind you.”

  “Did I forget something?” Yvonne asked.

  “Maybe,” Rodney said. “Miss T’s friend Heather’s mother is having everyone over for dinner.”

  “I know Abi and Fin are going,” Yvonne said. “Are we invited too?”

  Rodney nodded.

  “Did I forget?” Yvonne asked.

  “I probably didn’t tell you,” Rodney smiled.

  Yvonne laughed and Jabari giggled with her.

  “We’re going to a party?” Jabari asked.

  “With your daddy and our girl, Tanesha,” Rodney said. “How does that sound?”

  “Good,” Jabari said. “Why is there a party?”

  “A couple reasons,” Yvonne said. “My Tannie got custody of the cutest little boy.”

  “What boy?” Jabari’s mouth fell open. Tears appeared in his big dark eyes. “What?”

  “Oh baby-boy.” Rodney held the boy tight to him. “She means you.”

  Jabari rested his head on Rodney’s big shoulder. Because Rodney’s hands were so large and the boy was so small, Rodney held the child to him with one hand under the boy’s rear.

  “I was thinking we’d rest for a while,” Yvonne said.

  “We’re not due for a bit,” Rodney said.

  “Can we rest all together?” Jabari asked. “In your big bed?”

  “You bet.” Rodney looked at Yvonne and she smiled at him.

  They carried Jabari upstairs. Yvonne got into her side of the bed. Rodney set Jabari next to her and got in beside him. The child was asleep in a moment.

  “Do you think we should bring him?” Yvonne asked. “He’s so fragile.”

  “I think he needs to be loved,” Rodney said. “We don’t have to stay long.”

  “Just long enough for him to get loved by everybody,” Yvonne said. “That’s a good idea.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Rodney said. “I’ll set my watch.”

  “Good idea,” Yvonne said.

  She lay in the quiet room on their soft, warm bed and listened to Jabari and Rodney breathe. It wasn’t a big moment, or even one she’d necessarily remember forever. It was just one of those moments when she knew her life was really good. She smiled and enjoyed the quiet.


  Monday evening — 6:00 p.m.

  “Ok, I looked it up,” Jill said to Heather on the phone.

  “What did you find?” Heather asked.

  Tink was getting ready in the upstairs bathroom, so Heather was half-listening to Jill while she gave Mack a quick bath in the bathroom in the basement.

  “Hedone means the quest for pleasure that only has good consequences,” Jill said. “But it’s also the root word ‘hedonism.’”

  “Stupid fairies,” Heather said with a laugh. “That’s totally not me.”

  “I know,” Jill said. “It also says that Hedone is the daughter of Cupid, or Eros, and Psyche.”

  Heather snorted a laugh.

  “Yeah, my dad’s an immortal cherub,” Heather said. “No wonder I get so soft around the middle.”

  “Heather!” Jill said. “You’re beautiful.”

  Mack said something, and there was a splash.

  “Well, I should go,” Heather said. “We’re supposed to be at Psycho’s house . . .”

  “Psyche?” Jill laughed.

  “Psycho’s more fitting,” Heather laughed. “Do you think any of this . . .?”

  “Who knows?” Jill asked.

  “Yeah, whatever,” Heather said. “I mean, you’re a Titan’s child. Tanesha’s a fairy. Sandy’s, well . . . Sandy. And I’m . . .”

  “Hedone!” Jill laughed.

  Heather laughed.

  “Doesn’t matter to me,” Heather said. “I yam what I yam, dats all that I yam.”

  Jill laughed.

  “You sure you can’t come?” Heather asked.

  “I’m spending the night with Katy,” Jill said. “Girls’ night. Jake’s with Blane and the boys are with Meg.”

  “I wish you were here to sort this fairy crap out,” Heather said.

  “Me too,” Jill said. “Katy just needs a little one-on-one time. But if you need me, we can always come over. Just call.”

  “Ok,” Heather pulled Mack from the bath.

  “Plus, Tanesha’s going to be there,” Jill said. “You know she made Fin tell her everything.”

  “Crazy,” Heather said. She wrapped Mack in a towel. “Her super-hot lab partner is her great-grandfather, and he’s a fairy prince – a fairy prince.”

  “I know,” Jill said. “Of course, Tanesha’s like, ‘None of this is going to help me become a doctor, is it?’”

  “You know about the tea, right?” Heather asked while she dried off Mack.

  “She told me,” Jill said. “She’s pissed.”

  “Mostly for her mom,” Heather said.

  “I wish I could be there just to see the big fairy confrontation,” Jill said.

  “I doubt it will happen tonight,” Heather said.

  “Why?” Jill asked.

  “I think Psycho’s going to be the center of attention.” Heather’s voice was bitter. “As always.”

  “Oh honey, I’m sorry,” Jill said.

  “It’s okay,” Heather said, as she was putting a diaper on Mack. “I just wish . . .”

closed her mouth as the well of sadness rose up inside.

  “Blane’s really good with your mother,” Jill said.

  “Mm-hm,” Heather said.

  “Heather!” Tink yelled from upstairs. “Blane’s on the computer!”

  “Gotta go,” Heather said with a sigh.

  “Remember our deal,” Jill said. “You need us, you call. We’ll kick some fairy ass.”

  “And the Greek goddess?” Heather asked about her mother.

  “Hey, my Katy can kick anyone’s ass,” Jill said.

  Heather laughed at the idea.

  “Love you,” Heather said, and hung up.

  Jill looked at her cell phone. While she no longer had any of those “stupid” powers, she tried to figure out what might happen. She looked up to see Katy and Keenan, Delphie’s adopted son, in the doorway. Their round, dark eyes glistened in the dim light of her office.

  “Yes?” Jill asked.

  Keenan looked at Katy

  “He wants me to say that a ‘great injustice will be resolved.’” Katy looked at Keenan and he shrugged. “But mostly it’s going to be a lot of yelling and stuff.”

  “Drama,” Jill said.

  Katy giggled. Keenan’s eyebrows worked for a moment before he laughed. Katy ran out into the loft, and Keenan followed.

  “Mommy!” Katy yelled.

  Shaking her head, Jill jogged after her daughter.


  Monday evening — 6:23 p.m.

  “And Jeraine Wilson is back in the news again today,” the female news announcer said.

  Jeraine’s face came up on the television.

  “As questions of Jeraine’s sobriety continue to be raised, he visited the Children’s Hospital cancer ward,” the male news announcer said.

  The screen filled with what looked like a video taken with a cell phone. The video showed Jeraine and Bumpy chatting with children on the cancer ward and playing a song with the kids all around.

  “His ex, the reality television star Annette, responded,” the woman announcer said.

  “Our son lies on his death bed, and his father couldn’t give a damn,” Annette said. “Not one damn. He’s out promoting his music, singing his songs of love of the fabulous Miss T. After he paid off the court to get custody. You’d think he’d care enough about his own child to . . .”


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