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Queen of the Lycan

Page 4

by Karina Espinosa

  This must be William.

  This dude was big. Not gigantically tall, but pure, beefed-up muscle with tree trunk arms that could easily knock me out. Jacob had an arm around William’s shoulder, whispering in his ear, and William nodded in understanding. Behind them, I saw Ranulf hurrying to catch up, but instead of going toward the councilmen, he headed straight to me and Bash.

  “Princess,” he greeted as he reached me. “Yer father refuses to attend,” Ranulf added with a nod.

  I dipped my head in acknowledgement. It didn’t surprise me. Alexander didn’t like to see me get hurt. During my battle with the Wendigo, he became physically ill. There was no way he would be able to stand still and watch me fight with this William guy, especially if he was as good as everyone said he was. It would drive Alexander insane.

  “That’s fine, Ranulf,” I replied calmly, but he bristled beside me.

  “It is nae fine, Princess! The King is very upset. Stop this now,” Ranulf urged, stark worry shining in his dark eyes.


  The last thing I wanted to do was upset Alexander. I let out a heavy sigh, about to tell them I would withdraw, when Jacob sauntered over with William.

  “Here she is!” Jacob crowed as he motioned toward me. “The luna ye’ll be fighting.”

  William’s head whipped around to gape at his grandfather in shock. “Ye want me to fight a luna? I cannae do that, Grandda.” William peered over at me nervously again, catching the amused look in my gray eyes, and his amber ones widened further. “She’s the bloody Princess!”

  I guessed they didn’t tell him who he would be fighting. Interesting. William might be a beast in the ring, but he had a moral compass. I decided I liked him.

  “Aye, I agree,” Ranulf cut in. “The fight is off!”

  “Hold on one bloody second!” Jacob held up a fat finger to stop everyone and raised his voice. “A challenge was made, and the Princess must answer. Now, if she’s too afraid …”

  I locked my jaw to keep from growling. He was obviously trying his hardest to bait me and it was fucking working. “I’m not afraid,” I gritted between my teeth.

  Jacob grinned maliciously. “Good. Then the challenge must be answered.”

  William looked horrified by his grandfather. “She needs a champion,” he quickly suggested, trying to save me from fighting him.

  For fuck’s sake.

  I rolled my eyes and stepped forward. “I don’t need a champion,” I announced, making sure my voice rang out across the arena. “That means it’s me and you, buddy.” I pointed between us. “And don’t go easy on me because I’m a luna.” I winked at him in the hopes it would ease the tension, but he only gaped at me like he was afraid he was about to be accused of being a woman beater.

  Walking past him and everyone else, I tore off my shirt and whipped it over my head, tossing it to Bash. I stood there in my sports bra and started to limber up. I heard a chorus of gasps all around and heard their hushed murmurs.

  What happened to her back?

  She’s completely scarred!

  I ignored them and stretched my arms on my way to the center of the ring. All around us, the guards stopped what they were doing and watched me intently. I reached into my pocket for a hair tie and pulled my hair into a low ponytail.

  The men of the Council surrounded one end of the ring, giddy with excitement to witness what they were convinced would be my upcoming downfall, while Ranulf and Bash walked over to the other side with Liam to watch my back.

  Jacob kept whispering in William’s ear and patting him on the chest, pumping him up for the fight ahead. I could tell from William’s stony expression that he wasn’t happy with what he was being instructed to do. As discreetly as possible, I opened my hearing and attempted to hear what was being said, but could only catch the tail end.

  “… teach her a lesson, lad.” That was the last thing Jacob told his grandson before sending him off into the ring. William stumbled inside in complete shock as the guards trickled closer and surrounded the circle to watch.

  When William faced me, I saw the uncertainty in his expression and felt bad about the position in which he’d been placed. Even though he was intimidating as hell and looked like a beast, he didn’t seem like a bad person. Unfortunately he was just stuck with a shitty-ass grandfather.

  “Hey,” I caught his attention. “Don’t overthink it. We’re just having some fun.” I gave what I hoped was an encouraging smile. “Give me your best shot, because I won’t hold back.” My grin spread wider.

  “Are ye sure?” he stuttered, looking dazed and unsure of himself.

  I nodded. “One hundred percent. And if you kick my ass, it might even help me a bit,” I chuckled. “I’ve been a little too arrogant lately.”

  Poor William. He looked so confused, like he wasn’t sure whether to believe me or not. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to process his thoughts any further before someone rang the bell and I pounced. I ran toward him and jumped up with a fist ready and swung, hitting him square in the jaw. His head whipped back and he stumbled backward, but my punch had all the effect of moving a mountain. The lumbering oaf barely moved.

  I didn’t pause my assault; I struck him multiple times in the abdomen, but it felt like hitting stone. He finally shook out of his stupor and backhanded me. I went sailing across the ring, rolling until I hit the edge. I looked up and saw Ranulf and Bash’s concerned faces.

  “Oh, hey,” I mumbled as I stared up at them from where I was lying on my back. If looks could kill, poor William would have been blown into oblivion by the thunderous looks on their faces. I groaned and rolled over, getting to my knees and then hurrying back to the center where my opponent waited.

  I threw punch after punch, but William easily dodged every single one. His movements were lightning fast and as precise as a machine, his arms blurring so fast, I didn’t even see him strike. He punched me on the side of my face and I felt the blow in slow motion, my whole face jiggling from the impact. I may have even lost a tooth.

  “Watch her face!” Ranulf yelled. “Her coronation is Sunday!”

  I almost wanted to laugh at the absurdity of his comment to leave my face looking pretty, but then I realized the left side of my face was suddenly numb.

  Holy shit!

  I was still stumbling, trying to get my bearings when William grabbed me by my throat and hauled me above the ground, my toes barely grazing the floor.

  I saw Jacob’s smug face on the sidelines from the corner of my eye and wished I had the energy to roll my eyes. Did he really think this was the way I was gonna go out? Give me a break, man. He obviously didn’t know who he was fucking with.

  I kicked out and used my feet to climb up William’s body as he held me aloft. He frowned when he saw what I was doing but realized my intentions too late. I wrapped my thighs around his neck, my crotch practically in his face, and heard Bash’s irritated growl in the background. So predictable. I applied my hard-fought leverage to twist my body until I was able to rotate his arm at an odd angle, just enough to force him to release my neck. I used my upper body to haul myself up to perch on one of William’s shoulders and fell to the side, bringing him down with me. As we flipped across the floor, I heard the surprised gasps and groans at the sight. I knew if I hadn’t landed just right, I could have broken the guy’s neck.

  William was already on his hands and knees trying to stand, gasping from the exertion, when I pounced on his back and wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, squeezing tightly.

  “Night, night, buddy,” I wheezed in his ear. My arms trembled from the exertion, but I was determined not to let go until he was unconscious. Once he relaxed in my arms and I could tell I’d knocked him out, I released my hold and his huge body slumped to the ground, motionless.

  I climbed to my feet and turned to the assembled councilmen, but my glare was reserved solely for Jacob. “Wanna give it a go, old man?” I asked, out of breath.

b looked like he was about to blow a gasket. His face was splotchy and bright red and his hands were fisted by his sides. I knew he would love to fight me – really teach me a lesson like he wanted William to do – but after seeing what I did to his precious grandson, he was a bit scared. He saw now that I wasn’t some luna who grew up submissive in the Lycan world all her life and couldn’t fend for herself. No. I grew up human and had to fight all my own battles.

  They needed to change their perspective on what kind of Queen they were getting, because they weren’t just getting a queen, they were getting a warrior.

  Bash came up behind me and handed me my shirt. I shrugged it on and faced the Council members again. Ranulf stood beside me.

  “Are we going to have a problem, boys?” I placed my hands on my hips and raised a brow. “Because I can do this all day long.” Truthfully, I couldn’t. I was beyond battered and ready to collapse. That punch William got in cleaned my clock and my whole face was still numb. Though I refused to let it show, I was barely keeping it together.

  “Ye think yer so clever?” Jacob grunted angrily.

  “Clever?” I frowned and shook my head. “No, not at all. But just know that if you ever want to handle anything with your fists, you’ll lose against me. Remember that next time you set up a challenge and remember that as the days lead up to my coronation. I don’t break easily.”

  “Princess,” Ranulf growled, cutting off the rest of my tirade. He didn’t want me giving them any more ammunition to use against me.

  “Pick him up!” Jacob ordered some of the younger councilmen. They rushed to lift William, still knocked out, off the floor. Without a backward glance, Jacob and the rest of them stormed out of the Guard’s Tower in a flurry of ruffled indignation.

  “Hells bells, Princess, that was amazing!” Liam came up to me as the other guards murmured their excited agreement. “Ye should be guarding me instead of the other way around!” he laughed.

  Ranulf glared at him and Liam’s smile dropped. With that look, Ranulf told him he was getting a little too chummy with a member of the royal family.

  “It’s okay, Ranulf.” I held up a hand and turned to Liam. “Maybe you should hire me. How much are you willing to pay?” I laughed and he smiled broadly.

  “Yer all right, Princess.” He bowed and excused himself to get back to training.

  I turned to Bash and Ranulf and my smile dropped. “Okay, guys, I’m ready to collapse,” I murmured. “Get me to my room, now.”

  Bash started to pick me up in a cradle but I shook my head slightly, knowing if I didn’t walk out of there on my own, I would lose the respect for which I’d just fought. Understanding my train of thought, Bash led the way to the door and we hurried out of the tower.


  As soon as we reached the guest wing and entered the living room, Bash lifted me and rushed to the bedroom. I gave a relieved sigh because I didn’t think I could have made it to the bedroom on my own. He set me on my feet long enough to pull the covers back and then he laid me gently on the bed.

  “What can I do for you? Where does it hurt?” Bash asked as Ranulf entered the bedroom.

  “My face,” I mumbled. “I feel like he rattled my brain.”

  Ranulf grunted, “Aye. That hit was nasty. It should have knocked ye out.”

  I tried to grin. Maybe I did. I didn’t know for sure, because I couldn’t feel my face move. “You would’ve liked that, wouldn’t you?”

  Ranulf gave a long-suffering sigh. “Contrary to what ye may believe, Princess, I don want ye getting hurt. This is exactly what yer father didn’t want happening.”

  “Don’t tell him,” I said quickly. “I’ll go into the forest and shift before he sees me.”

  “I can nae keep this from him, Princess,” Ranulf scolded grimly, “but I’ll get a few guards to escort ye to the forest.” He turned and left the room, leaving me alone with Bash.

  I peered at Bash and saw a storm brewing behind his ocean blue eyes. I was already dreading whatever he had to say. I knew accepting that challenge was reckless, but I’d been uptight and cooped up all week. That fight gave me the opportunity to release some pent-up energy.

  “He could have killed you, Mackenzie,” Bash bit out stonily. “Did you think about that?”

  I reached for his hand, but he jerked out of my reach. I let out a sigh. “He wouldn’t have killed me, Bash. William barely wanted to fight me as it was. Everything worked out; don’t stress.” I tried to sit up to punctuate my point, but every bone in my body chose that precise moment to protest. I couldn’t hide the wheeze that escaped my lips from the effort.

  “Don’t – don’t move, Mackenzie.” Bash gently pushed me back down.

  “I have to shift or else I’ll be sporting a shiner at my coronation,” I joked, but he didn’t find it the least bit funny. Tough crowd.

  “It would be well deserved,” Bash growled. “You need to stop being so reckless, Kenz. You’re no longer in a position where you can think only about yourself. I thought we were past this.”

  We were ... sort of. But he still didn’t understand that sometimes I just had an overabundance of energy that needed to be released, and no amount of sex – though fun in the moment, would help. It was why working at the SIU was so beneficial for me. Fighting in the streets and getting paid for it? It was a win – win. But now? I was stuck being a docile princess and my restless energy overflowed and made me cranky. I needed to expend it. So no, I wasn’t being reckless, I was merely trying to find release.

  “I’m sorry, okay?” I reached for his hand again. This time he let me interlock our hands.

  “Mackenzie!” Alexander yelled as he stormed into the guest wing, stomping through the living room and into the bedroom. He took one look at my face and his gray eyes widened in horror.

  “It’s not as bad as it looks,” I tried to ease his growing concern. “After I shift, I’ll be brand new. Fresh out the lot.” I attempted to wink but it probably looked like I had a bad twitch.

  Alexander huffed and his whole face turned beet-red with anger. A vein on the side of his head started pulsing. “I told ye to lay low, Mackenzie,” he snapped, his voice low but firm.

  “I won’t do it again, Alexander,” I promised lamely. “You have my word.”

  And it was true. I wouldn’t stress him out any further than he already was. Glancing at Bash, I decided I wouldn’t worry him anymore, either. I needed to cool it and find another way to get rid of this pent-up energy.

  Alexander exhaled loudly, accepting my promise. “Very well. There are some guards outside yer room, ready to take ye to the woods to shift.”

  I smiled at him, or at least I tried to. “Thank you. Bash, can you help me up?”

  Bash helped me out of bed, but I stopped short of letting him carry me, though I could tell he wanted to. I hobbled out of the room and followed my silent escorts out of the castle through the back exit that led to acres of luscious green pastures that bordered the woods. I glanced in the direction of the stables, itching to go and see Shadow, the horse Alexander had gifted me, but that would have to wait. I was in no condition to go for a ride.

  Once we crossed the bridge and stopped at the edge of Caledonian Forest, Bash helped me remove my clothing. In a matter of seconds, I was naked and the change was already beginning. Before I knew it, I was running through the forest in my wolf form, enjoying myself for the first time since arriving in Scotland.

  Shortly after returning from my run, evening fell and Bash and I were summoned to the dining hall for dinner with Alexander. We had dinner with the King every night, so this wasn’t out of the normal, but I’d assumed he wouldn’t want to see me after the events earlier in the day.

  Bash and I strolled into the vast dining hall and took our customary seats, me beside the King and Bash on my other side. Helena, my grandmother, sat across from Bash, but the other chair beside Alexander remained empty. It had been since we arrived. It was where Ivana, his ex-wife, used to sit. We hadn’t
spoken about it, like ever, but I knew her betrayal during the Freedom Wars hurt him a lot. Hell, her betrayal when it came to Adaline probably hurt the worst. Even after all that, there was still a part of him that loved her. I was sure it wasn’t easy dealing with all those feelings. And don’t even get me started on Andrew, his son who ended up not being his son. That was a whole other cup of noodles. Alexander had never confided in me about that part of the story, and I wondered if I should bring it up one day when it was just the two of us.

  “How was yer shift?” Alexander asked cordially as he took a spoonful of soup.

  I nodded. “I feel good. Like I said, brand new.”

  “I heard what ye did to Jacob’s boy, chickie,” Helena gushed. “Good for ye!”

  Alexander eyed his mother warily like he wanted to disagree with her strongly, but their relationship was still mending so he wisely chose to remain quiet.

  I bit my lip to keep from laughing. “Yeah, Granny, but William was actually really nice,” I admitted. “I probably should have backed away from the fight.” My eyes traveled to Alexander and then back to Helena. It was fairly obvious I was looking for his approval.

  Helena snorted. “Nice?” she scoffed as if the notion was absurd.

  “Yes. He didn’t want to fight me because I’m a luna, and especially when he found out who I was,” I explained. “But I forced his hand.”

  “I figured the lad was just like his Grandda,” he mused.

  I shook my head. “Nothing like him.”

  “Still,” Bash interrupted, “he nearly knocked her out.”

  I kicked Bash under the table and gave him the evil eye. I wasn’t trying to throw the guy under the bus and Bash certainly wasn’t helping. Truthfully, William was actually pretty decent compared to his grandfather.

  “I knew it!” Helena shouted as she took a mouthful of her soup.

  I cleared my throat and attempted to change the subject. “How are the ceremony preparations going?”

  My grandmother was in charge of mine and Bash’s mating ceremony. I looked down at my engagement ring and twisted it around my finger, loving how the light caught on the stone.


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