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Fairies of Light

Page 2

by J. E Hanson

  I try to crawl away from the mean woman, “You better shut the fuck up right now, or I will give you something else to cry about!” She yells at me, and then she kicks me hard in the stomach. The pain from her shoes hurt badly.

  “You think you’re allergic to it? I bet this is all in your fucking head!” she screams.

  Mr. Jeffries walks in, “What the fucks is going on round here?”

  “This girl says that she doesn’t want to wash our fucking dishes! Can you believe that shit?” the mean woman lied to him.

  “I’m deathly allergic to lemons! If I touch them, it will kill me! Honest, Mr. Jeffries, I would have done the dishes!” I yelled.

  He yanks his leather belt from his jeans, “I’m going to give you something to cries about! How dares you disrespect my wife! You’re a selfish little brat!”

  Mr. Jeffries continues to hit me with his black leather belt. He picks me up, and he threw me on the kitchen table. The rickety kitchen table breaks in half. He picks me up again, and he threw me against the wall. He stands over my body, and he then starts to choke me with his huge hands. After five seconds, the evil man stops choking me, and then he returns to hit me with his black leather belt.

  I beg him to stop so many times, “Please don’t hurt me! Please stop and I’m so sorry! I never meant to yell! Please stop!”

  Mr. Jeffries ignores me, and then he continues to hit my body. The worst part is the hard kicks to my chest. Mrs. Jeffries even enjoys kicking me in the stomach too. My body cracks as if it’s wooden branches from a tree. I can’t even stand up from the pain. There’s no way for me to run away now.


  After a few minutes, they stop kicking me. They laugh at what they’ve just done to me. My throat burns, and my body feels broken. There’s no one who can save me now. I keep praying with all my might to stay alive. What did I do to deserve this? Did I cry too much? Was I annoying as a baby?

  My blue eyes fight hard to stay awake, but the dark light is closing in. I’m so afraid of the dark, and I hate the dark. He lifts my head for a brief second, and he is aware of what he just did to me, but he doesn’t care. He talks about my eyes. They’re afraid of the police catching them from their attacks on me.

  “Go get the fucking blanket from our bed. We need to get rid of her,” Mr. Jeffries sets his plan in motion.

  “They will find us! What do we do now? Where do we go?” she sounds worried.

  Mr. Jeffries takes the blanket from her, and he rolls me inside, “Go pack Kayla in the truck. We can drive and hide out in Mexico. We will be long gone, before the police ever find us. You have to trust me that this will work,” he pauses and then he walks over to me, “help me load her ass in the back of the fucking truck!”

  Instead of taking me to a hospital, they chose to leave me in the middle of a forest. They left me there hoping that I will die. The Jeffries drove off with their family. The blanket hides my body quite well. I try to move, but the pain throbs throughout my body. My tiny hands hold each other just praying. My skinny legs are now broken into tiny splinters, and my arms are equally as broken. There are no shoes on my feet as I lie there in a raggedy shirt with raggedy shorts. I beg God to help me, but my prayers can no longer come out.

  Because of my prayers, there are two men talking from a distance. “Damn it, Ian! We’re lost again!” the first man sounds upset.

  “How the fuck did I know that a few fairies were going to spike our blood again, Zane?” the second man argues back.

  “Thanks a lot Ian! I just spent the last couple of hours with Big Bertha! Leave it to you to screw us!”

  “I believe that the fairies got us good! Remind me to never go to another fucking fairy party ever again!”

  “Hang on man! Do you hear that?”

  I cry out for help, but I can’t move.

  “I hear crying in the distance, but it sounds like a coyote.”

  “Zane that cry doesn’t sound like a coyote, and it sounds more like a baby.”

  Something inside of me cries out again. I cry out for help one last time. Someone walks over, and then the strangers unroll me, “HOLY FUCK, MAN! THIS IS A KID!”

  “I will give her my blood to help her out!”

  “Wait, Ian! She smells different, and she smells more like a baby fairy. I know that scent too well.”

  “This has got to be some kind of sick prank! How does a young fairy make it out of Avalon? Aren’t they supposed to stay there until they reach puberty? I think she needs to be in Avalon at this time.”

  “Alexander will know what to do better than us.”

  “You have a much better plan, dude.”

  I cry out, and I stare at the funny looking man. His neon blue hair sticks straight up. He has many weird drawings on him with earrings all over his face. Even though the moon is out, the man is wearing sunglasses.

  “Hang on, little fairy! We will get you help, sweetie. I’m going to get you medical attention right now, little girl! Just hold on! We’re going to take you to Dr. Alexander right now,” he says with a calm voice.

  I could have sworn he said fairy, but I fell asleep in his arms. My body shuts down, and my eyes close.

  It feels like seconds later, but someone places something warm over my face. The warmth from the washcloth causes me to wake up. A tall man stands there, and he has long blonde hair, with black tips at the end of his hair. The man appears really white.

  He smiles at me, “Hi, little fairy. I will inform you that I have contacted someone, who might be able to tell us who you are. You must have been here for such a long time to have red blood flowing through your veins. Your body is use to the human ways. If you stay on Earth too long, your blood will turn from yellow to red. If that happens, then your heart will begin to beat. By the way, my name is Dr. Alexander Hunter. I am a doctor to both the supernatural and mortals. I hope you do not mind, but I called in a very special fairy friend of ours to give us an idea who you are. You have no business being here on Earth. I am giving you medicines to help you with all your nasty injuries. Am I making any sense to you?”

  I shake a slow no.

  “Do you like balloon animals? Your fairy doctor is taking longer than anticipated,” the man gently asks me.

  Dr. Hunter blows up a white glove, and then he ties it at the bottom, “What do you think this looks like, little one?”

  “It looks like a chicken.” I barely spoke.

  Dr. Hunter smiles nicely at me, and draws a face on it, “This will be your very own chicken.”

  I try not to laugh, but I do anyway.

  He places a stethoscope on my chest, “I would gladly give you my blood, but it may do more harm than good. I will leave it up to Dr. McCloud instead.”

  A bad smell is coming from Dr. Hunter, “What smells really bad?”

  He lifts his arm up, and then he sniffs himself, “Oh, I forgot! I am truly sorry for the horrible smell, but I am wearing bad cologne today. I will give Dr. McCloud another quick phone call. Those two guys, who saved you, are tracking where you came from.”

  Dr. Hunter left my room to make another phone call. I look around the hospital room and stare at the white walls. There are strange television screens beeping, and an IV in my arm. I don’t need all of this, and I have to go back to get my things along with my doggy.

  The door opens and a tall man with short blonde hair stands in the doorway. He walks into the room with Dr. Hunter. He laughs until he looks at me strangely. After he looks at me, his face frowns and tears start to fall from his brown eyes.

  Chapter 2

  I try to see who this strange man is, but he runs over to me, and then he sits right next to me.

  “I believe she is one of yours. Do you know who she is?” Dr. Hunter asks the tall man.

  The new visitor starts to cry, and I can’t help, but feel sad for him.

  He stares right at me, “I know exactly, who she is. This little girl belongs to my older sister, and she is her only child. We have searched
for her for five years now. Someone took her away from us before we were able to bring her home. Where did you find her?”

  “Ian and Zane stumbled upon her in the forest. They found her in a blanket, and she was left for dead. They are retracing her last steps as we speak. We want to find out who did this to your niece, and we demand justice for her. Given the fact that we are vampires, this was uncalled for,” Dr. Hunter answers.

  The young man looks at me, “I can recognize her from anywhere. I know that she’s her daughter. She is half McCloud and half Ocean. She has a familiar scent about her that is highly recognizable. All fairies are able to recognize their own kin.”

  “Will you please get my doggy, and my things? I need my things! Will you please get my blanket? My necklace is still there!” I can barely talk to them, and I cry out from all the pain.

  Dr. McCloud cries too, “I need to return to Avalon as soon as possible, but she isn’t quite stable enough to transport. Where are the fuckers, who did this to her? They really hurt her badly!” he yells.

  “The men are searching for the people who did this to her,” Dr. Alexander answers.

  He stands up, and he searches his bag, “I’m so thankful that I at least remembered to pack the elixir from Avalon, or else she would be dead within the hour. This should stabilize her.”

  Dr. McCloud shoots a clear vial of liquid in my IV. After a few minutes, my body starts to tingle.

  I’m still sad about my necklace and blanket, “My things are still at that house!”

  Dr. Hunter rubs my hand with his, but his hand feels like ice, “Christian will retrieve your things, and he can move pretty fast.”

  I remember to use my manners by thanking Dr. Hunter. I love the soft pillow, and the way it feels around my head.

  Dr. McCloud puts something else in my IV, and then he holds my hand in his, “This is a magical elixir, and this special elixir will heal all fairy wounds. You will need plenty of sun, and elixir to finish healing.”

  Something inside of me continues to warm my body up.

  Dr. Hunter wears a yellow sweater, and a pair of black jeans. He looks odd for a doctor, because doctors normally wear a white coat. He still smells bad from his stinky cologne, “It does intrigue me that the sun will burn us, but it will heal you.”

  Suddenly, a few more men talk to each other in my hospital room. One of the voices belongs to Ian, “I found her blanket and things. The dog is starving too, and we brought the dog back here. You would have been pissed, man! This is deliberate child abuse, and it turns out that she was in a foster home. The foster parents are the ones who did this to your niece. There are arrest warrants out on them, but we caught them before they could escape to Mexico. Christian is downstairs with them right now. He let the other girl go live with her grandparents. He erased all her memories of her parents, and he made the grandparents adopt her. He has the couple downstairs, if you want to interrogate them.”

  Dr. McCloud looks at me with sadness in his eyes, “Alexander and I have stabilized her for now. I would love to help Christian deal with those assholes. Were you able to retrieve her things?”

  “Yeah, man. Her blanket is pink and it has these initials on it, ‘RSO,’” Zane answers.

  “Her name is Rosalie Summer Ocean,” he shouts, and then he continues, “did you find her locket? My mom sent her a locket, but we were unable to retrieve it.”

  Ian looks at me with sad eyes, “I found that too. Sophia is washing her blanket as we speak. She will remove the lice and the stains from her blanket for her. The blanket will be freshly sewn for her also.”

  Dr. McCloud kisses my forehead, “Please tell Sophia thanks, man.”

  Zane leans against the wall, “How is she doing? Will she make it? Our hearts are completely broken. I didn’t need to see this shit tonight, man.”

  “Do you mind staying with her for a few minutes, while I help Christian?” Dr. McCloud nicely asks them.

  “Sure, man! It would be my honor to watch your niece.” Ian smiles at me.

  I look up at Ian, and the odd man scares me. He has earrings on his face, blue hair in the middle of his head, and strange drawings all over his body. He wears the same stinky cologne as Dr. Hunter.

  I want to move away from him, but he hands me a toy, “I have no idea, what to get you. I know little girls like teddy bears. I hope you like it, little fairy.” he says as he shakes the pink teddy bear in front of me.

  I cautiously take it from him, “I will never hurt you, little fairy! I’ve never met a baby fairy before, and this is really awesome.”

  “Are you going to hurt me?” I can talk to him now.

  “Heavens no! As I’ve stated before, I will never hurt you, baby fairy. As a matter-of-fact, I’m your unofficial vampire uncle. Please don’t freak out. I’m a vampire, but a very cool vampire. We are not the scary monsters that people on television try to make us out to be. This will never ever happen to you again, and I can promise you that for as long as I’m around. I promise that you’re safe, sweetie. Your Uncle Oberon, will make sure to protect you from now on too. The fairies will spoil you rotten. Especially after all the hell, that you have been through, kid. I hope you love the teddy bear, and I had no idea if you would like it—or not. I hope I didn’t disappoint you.”

  I squeeze the teddy bear tightly to my chest, “I love it, and I will name it Ian. Thank you for my bear.”

  Ian hugs me in return, “I love babies. Babies are the only things, I will never have. Well, maybe one of these days I will. You supernatural babies make me want one though.”

  My new uncle returns with his sleeves rolled up, “What are you two talking about? Oh, I see that Ian bought you a new teddy bear. I know you might want to stay here, but you have family members who really want to meet you. I have to take you home.”

  Oberon unhooks all my machines. Dr. Hunter hands him a backpack, “Good luck Oberon, and please keep us informed.”

  Oberon hugs him, “You tell that brother of yours that I truly appreciate his kindness.”

  Dr. Hunter places the bags over me, “My brother loves babies, and he did what he had to do. We want you to take her home, and make her better. Christian packed her bag full of her things, and he even fixed her locket for her too.”

  I look for my dog, “What about Jazzy? Can he come too?”

  Oberon smiles at me, and he shakes his head yes. The men brought the dog over in a dog carrier. My uncle snaps his fingers, and he makes my doggy disappear into thin air.

  Dr. Hunter kisses my cheek, “Of course, he can come. You will make a beautiful princess someday. We cannot wait to see what things you accomplish in the future. But right now, you need to return home to heal.”

  He wraps me up in a white sheet, and he carries me in his big arms.

  Ian hands me my teddy bear, and he kisses my cheek, “Goodbye little fairy princess, may you forget about this world ever hurting you.”

  A couple more smelly men greet us at the door. One of the men looks exactly like Dr. Hunter, “The front yard is clear, and take care of this precious little one.”

  “I will man, and thanks for everything, Chris. If you ever need anything just give me a call.”

  Christian kisses my forehead, and he smiles at me, “We want you to have a wonderful existence. We will see you after you grow up, Princess.”

  Uncle Oberon carries me to the front yard, “You have to close your eyes, and we will return home in no time flat. Do you understand?”

  I shook my head yes, and we take off. We fly like a rocket ship into outer space. My eyes stay closed, because this scares me. The dark red and purple sky changes into a dark blue color. I can feel the warmth from the sun, and it kisses my skin. There are tiny flashes of yellow light at first, but then the flashes of yellow light turn into bright white light. I think I might be dead, but I’m not sure. We shoot through a white tunnel, and the light changes into day.

  He lands softly on the ground, “You can open your eyes now.”

nbsp; My blue eyes open, and I look around at my new world. He smiles at me, “We are back in Avalon.”

  There are strange people walking around, and they are wearing funny clothes. These people stop what they’re doing, and now they’re all watching us. The grass on the ground has a dirt path. Jazzy paces in his crate, and he looks scared too. People cautiously walk over to his doggy crate, and look at him.

  He carries me, while he walks on a dirt path. People place their hands over their mouths. There are no cars, or traffic jams here. The air feels fresh and clear. I can hear the strange looking people whisper. I have no clue where I am, or what I’m doing here. He continues to carry me for a little while longer. He stands in front of a huge white house with a gold roof.

  “This is our home,” he points with his head. This house is an expensive looking house too.

  He carries me through the front door, “MOMMA, MOMMA! COME QUICK! I GOT HER!” he screams.

  “Oberon, what in the clouds are you screaming about?” a woman shouts from another room.

  Another woman, who smells like the air from outside, walks over to us, “OH! IN MOTHER CREATION! HE FOUND HER MOMMA, AND COME QUICK, MOMMA! OBERON FOUND HER!”

  The big woman with red curly hair picks me up in her arms, “OH, MOTHER CREATION! ROSALIE IS ALIVE!”

  An older skinny woman with red curly hair joins us in the big living room. “OH, FOR GOODNESS SAKE! WHERE DID YOU FIND HER? ROSALIE IS ALIVE! EVEREST AND OBERON SR., COME QUICK! ROSALIE IS ALIVE!” she screams.

  The room fills with more funny looking people, who are wearing silly clothing. I think someone needs to tell them to put their clothes back on. The women are wearing short yellow skirts, and they’re walking around in their bras. The strange men are wearing only shorts, and their shorts look like skirts.

  A man, who has long grey hair with brown eyes take me in his arms, “Thanks to the Creator, for making sure their baby is still alive!”

  They carry me to a yellow bedroom. A yellow with white canopy bed sits in this room, and I always wanted one of those. I used to look at magazines, and wished for one. They carefully place me on the bed.


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