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Fairies of Light

Page 4

by J. E Hanson

  “This is Rosebud's daughter, Rosalie. Rosalie this is Mr. Puck's mom. It is lovely to see you once again, Mrs. Cirrus.”

  The woman shrieks, “You can’t be serious, and this is Rosebud's daughter? She’s alive! Oh, thank goodness!”

  The woman squeezes me, “I’m the mother of three boys. If you can return home, then I know my other two sons will return home too. You resemble your mother.”

  “Momma, please leave Rosalie alone. My idiot brothers are too busy with their existences on Earth.”

  His mom starts crying very loud, and she shakes her finger at Mr. Puck, “Puck, don't you dare say that! Your brothers will return home soon! I know they will not stay away forever. I just want to hear something from them.”

  The woman squats in front of me, “Please don’t be a stranger, you hear. Feel free to stop by my house any time you want. I make the best chocolate chip cookies in all of Avalon. I want to catch up with you. I know that I seem like a basket case, but I can assure you that I’m perfectly normal. I’m just dealing with a broken heart from my sons.”

  “I promise to come and visit you, Mrs. Cirrus just as long as you stop crying. I’m sure they will come home soon.”

  She cries again, and she makes me feel bad, “Oh you’re nothing like your father! You’re too much like your mommy! I’m excited for your visits in the future. Come visit me any time you want.”

  Oberon bites his cheek, “We will bring her to kinder fairy in two weeks, but right now I have to take her home.” I wave goodbye to Mr. Puck and Mrs. Cirrus.

  We return home, and Jazzy falls asleep, while he’s snoring on my bedroom floor. I have all the books to the “Nancy Drew” series laying on my bed. They look brand spanking new. Seeing these books on my new bed, makes me want to cry. I sit next to Jazzy, and hug him tightly. I have a yellow with gold bedroom. I open the first book to read it. I even sleep right next to Jazzy on the floor.


  My grandparents allow me to watch shows about fairies, vampires, werewolves, and angels on television. Skylar taught me how to play hide-go-seek and hopscotch. She even taught me how to swim, jump, and skip. Even Jazzy is gaining all his weight back, and he can swim in the water.

  Luckily, Mrs. Spears taught me how to read and write. In addition, she taught me how to read, and that’s how I’m able to read the “Nancy Drew” series. This has to be a dream, because I’m not really in this house. I still believe that I died, and I’m in heaven.

  Chapter 3

  I wake up in my bed, and Jazzy is asleep at the foot of my bed. I sure don’t remember how I got here. The bed feels warm, clean, and smells nice. I jump out of bed, and wait to see what today brings. Jazzy wakes up, and he follows right behind me. As I open my bedroom door, there’s a sweet smell of fresh maple syrup. My belly starts to growl loudly.

  We follow the scent to find Skylar cooking a lot of food, “Oh, there’s my girl! Would you like something to eat?”

  “Is it okay that I eat? My other homes never let me eat their food until they finished eating. But, I don’t eat a lot either.”

  “Well, in this house, we feed babies and children first. Now, come and sit down. Let me give you some of this good food to put in your belly. No child is ever allowed to starve here in Avalon.”

  “I forgot to tell you that I’m deathly allergic to lemons and iron. Does this have either?”

  She hands me a very large plate of eggs, pancakes, and bacon. She seems even more upset, “Oh Rosalie, you’re my little sweetheart! You will never find anything of lemon—or iron here! Everything is a hundred percent iron and lemon free!”

  I slowly take out my fork and knife. I cut off a tiny portion, and I watch her, because I’m afraid that she will take my food away.

  She makes me jump, “You probably don’t even know how to cut your food! Here! Let me to help you, sweetie.”

  She takes my plate back, and she cuts my pancakes for me. I watch her move quickly with the fork and knife. I thought she would keep my food from me, but she hands my plate back.

  “Now, you eat! You need to put some weight on those bones of yours! I’m not taking your food from you, child. In fact, I’m cooking my breakfast too, so we can eat together, if you don’t mind.”

  She quickly makes her plate, and she sits right next to me. Skylar pours a lot of maple syrup over her pancakes, she slathers butter all over them, and she cuts her pancakes. I slowly take another bite, and her pancakes taste good too. Everyone should try her food, because she can really cook. I take a few more bites, and I slowly trust her. She doesn’t appear mean, and she never takes my food away. I finish my first plate of actual food. She made breakfast for everyone.

  We sit around a very large dining table together as a family. Oberon puts whip cream on my nose. He gets Everest good, by switching out his orange juice with orange soda. The drink makes Everest spit. My grandma and grandpa even laugh. I laugh for the first time too.

  After breakfast ends, grandma carefully takes my hand in hers. I’m nervous, but she squats down, “Today we will visit a jewelry store. I need to add a few things to your locket.” I don’t want to give it to her, “I know the Hunters fixed it, but for a very late birthday present, I want to add a few more important things to it. I hope that’s okay with you. I will let you hand your locket over to Heidi Golden. She is a very special jewelry maker here in Avalon,” she explains. Grandma’s voice is soothing and gentle.

  I shake my head yes, and hold my locket in my hand. My grandma takes my other hand, and she snaps her fingers with her other hand. A huge crown sits on her head.

  I signal for Jazzy to come, and he follows us. We walk outside, and there are many fairies bowing to her.

  “Why are people bowing to you?”

  “I am the queen of all fairies. Out of respect, they bow—or courtesy to me. That is how you show royalty the properly respect.”

  We walk along the dirt path together. The fairies bow, or curtsy as we walk by. The sun shines brightly, and the heat is on. The grass is on either side of the dirt path, with tons of flowers. This still has to be heaven. There are bugs here, but they won’t hurt you. There are birds, trees, and beautiful butterflies of all colors. We walk by a row of white buildings with gold roofs.

  My grandmother stops in front of a solid gold store, and we walk inside the small store that says “Golden's.” A woman stands inside the shop with a gold skirt, gold bikini top, gold hair, and she even has gold fingernails. She has black with gold eyelids. She walks over to my grandmother, and she curtsies in front of her.

  My grandmother points at the woman, and she motions for her to stand before us, “I would like to introduce you to my granddaughter, Rosalie.”

  The dark woman smiles sweetly at me, “Hi Princess Rosalie, my name is Heidi Golden. I’m the jewelry maker, and the owner of Golden’s Jewelry. Your grandmother wants me to add a few things to your locket. We will make it even more special for you than it already is.”

  She has gold flakes imbedded in her skin, and gold eyelashes.

  “You are very pretty, and I love your nails.”

  “Thank you, Princess. Come with me, and I will show you where I’ll keep your necklace.”

  She takes my hand, and she shows me where she will keep my necklace. Miss Heidi takes out tape, and she measures my neck, “I will finish in a few minutes, and feel free to look around.”

  I walk behind grandma until I see this huge ring. This huge ring has a gigantic yellow rock, and it sits in the middle of the case. I stare at the way it sparkles and shines.

  Grandma stares at what I’m looking at, “That ring is the most expensive engagement ring Heidi has.”

  I stare through the glass case, and look at how shiny it is. I can see my head inside this ring. This ring sits in the center of the case with the others surrounding it.

  “Grandma, what’s an engagement ring?”

  They are all the same color of bright yellow. Grandma motions with her finger at another woman
inside the jewelry store. She takes her key out, and she turns off the loud buzzing noise in the case. She takes out the ring, and she hands it to my grandma. Grandma places the huge ring on my left hand. The ring is silver, but it feels heavy.

  “This is an engagement ring. All the rings are the same color and stone, because it represents my crown. The stones in my crown are yellow diamonds. This is a yellow diamond on a pure silver setting. This is a very expensive engagement ring too,” Grandma carefully explains.

  The other woman agrees and laughs, “I thought so too. Who could afford such a thing? We had people look at it, but nobody wants to spend that kind of money on it. I don't know any rich fairies either.”

  The engagement ring has a one with a bunch of zeroes next to it. Grandma places the ring around my fourth finger, “This finger is called a ring finger. One day, and I do mean one day in the future, hopefully, you will meet someone extraordinary. After you date for a long time, that special someone will want to marry you. So that special someone will visit Heidi, and purchase a ring from her. All these rings with the yellow stones in the middle are engagement rings. After you two fall madly in love with each other, the love of your existence will buy an engagement ring. After falling in love, one day you two will exchange lights. You will give him your light, and he will reciprocate his in return. When a fairy gives you an engagement ring that means you are with them for eternity. It also means that you will remain a couple forever. This is the ultimate bond, and sacrifice made between two fairies. This is a pure love like no other. The fairy will place this ring on your finger, and then you will marry soon after.”

  The pretty diamond sparkles, “Will he buy me this exact ring?”

  The women laugh in the jewelry store along with my grandmother, “This ring is worth over a million dollars. You would have to find, and marry a very rich fairy to be able to afford this ring. This ring has been sitting here for over a thousand years, and it remains untouched. Nobody can afford a ring at this price. He would have to be nuts to blow his money on it in the first place.”

  “That ring will be mine one day. That sure is a pretty ring though!”

  The women laugh again. My grandmother takes my future ring back, and she hands it to the woman. I watch my future ring return to its case. They lock it down with the buzzing noise. I guess it must be an alarm of some type. We look at all the other beautiful rings, and wedding bands.

  Miss Heidi smiles at me, “Princess Rosalie, I am finished with your locket.”

  Heidi puts my locket around my neck. My chain is solid gold with a new and improved locket. There are yellow diamonds around the heart with the keyhole still in the center. The back of my locket has my birthday and initials in it. RSO is still on the back of my locket. Well, I think it says my birthday. The locket says April 14, 1994.

  “What are these numbers?”

  “Those numbers are your birthday, sweetheart. Your grandma wanted it on.”

  I hug Miss Heidi, “Thank you for fixing my locket and it looks beautiful!”

  “You are most welcome, Princess. We are very thankful that you’re home now.”


  I love my new life, since I’ve been here. I’m sorry, but they call our lives existences instead. Fairies can live for a very, very long time. My grandparents are old. They talk to me about calling God by a different name. They recognize God as our Creator. Even the angels call him our Creator. I notice a man with long red hair, and he talks to my grandpa. I accidentally run into him.

  He has bright blue eyes, and he even hugs me, “Hi, Princess Rosalie, and I see that you’re finally home.”

  “Rosalie, this is Mitch and he is an Angel Enforcer,” grandpa explains to me.

  “Will you please tell the Creator, thanks for letting me live, and for bringing me home?”

  Mitch kisses my cheek, “The Creator says for me to tell you that you are most welcome.”


  The best part about living in Avalon, besides having a family is that I get to take all the bubble baths I want. There’s nothing better than popping bubbles. Popping bubbles is so much fun! I swim in my bubbles for hours in the bathtub. Skylar keeps an eye on me, while I play in the tub. After my fingers turn wrinkly that ends my bath. The oddest thing happens to me. My skin smells funny. It smells like roses and salty water.

  “The smell is still staying, Aunt Skylar!”

  “No honey! That is your scent returning to your skin. We use this scent to name all our baby fairies, and even I have a special scent. Your skin smells like roses, so your parents were able to name you.”

  I sniff my skin, “Did my mommy and daddy name me?”

  “They named you, as soon as you gave them a scent. I think your mommy picked your name out before you were born.”

  “I wish I knew, what my mommy and daddy look like.”

  She holds up a finger to me and leaves. I want to freak out, but grandma returns instead. She helps me out of the tub, and she takes off her necklace with a tiny gold key. She puts her tiny gold key inside my locket to unlock it.

  I cry happy tears, since she has the other half of my necklace, “I always wanted to know, who had the key!”

  Grandma squeezes me to death, “Oh darling, Uncle Oberon found the key that belonged to your mommy. After their deaths, he returned this necklace to me. I’m so sorry, and I forgot to show you this sooner. I love you so much!”

  Grandma opens my locket. I get to see what my parents look like for the first time. I’m still crying, while I stare at them. My daddy held me up to the sky as a baby, which I wished. He had many weird drawings on him, and earrings all over him. My daddy had the same kind of hair as Vampire Ian, except his hair is red. My daddy has blue eyes too. My mommy is standing there with us.

  I look at my grandmother, “I really do look like my mommy!”

  In the other picture, my mommy stands by a window, and she is pregnant with me. My daddy stands behind her with his hands over her tummy. It is hard to believe that I was once inside my mommy.

  I stare at grandma, “They seem so happy!”

  “That was the happiest time in their existences. They loved and wanted you very much. You were the best thing that ever happened to them. You should always remember that, and they would have never left you under normal circumstances.”

  I cry and hold Skylar with grandma. My locket will remain open, so that I see my parents any time I want. They will always remain close to me.

  You have school today, and we want to make sure that you have a decent breakfast. Now it’s time to eat,” she reminds me.

  I follow behind her into the huge dining room. The gigantic table has food stacked on top of food. Jazzy has three dog bowls full of food. He even looks surprised to see so much food. The table is full with bacon, pancakes, fruit, biscuits and gravy, eggs of all kinds, and toast.

  “These are crepes, and make sure you eat as much as you can.”

  I start out by eating very little again, and Skylar shakes her head at me, “You need to eat. We will never take your food from you either. Allow me.”

  She snaps her fingers, and she places a huge amount of food on her plate. She turns, and snaps her fingers again. My plate has food coming out of thin air.

  “You will eat, because you need to grow. Now please eat.” I can’t finish all this food on my plate. I eat more buttermilk pancakes with fresh maple syrup. After taking a couple of plates, I finish my breakfast. She stuffs me from all her yummy food, and even Jazzy is full for a change. My aunt puts my red hair in pigtails, and she ties my pigtails with blue ribbons.

  Uncle Oberon returns home, “Are you ready for your first big day of kinder fairy?”

  I smile big, and take his huge hand.

  She hugs me, and she kisses my cheek, “You have a great day at school, Rosalie.”

  Jazzy returns to my bedroom. After eating all that food, he will be in a sleep coma for a while. Snow has been working with Jazzy, by teaching him commands. To m
y surprise, Jazzy listens to him.

  He carries me to school for the first time. The other girls and boys are still crying. I never cry, because I’m used to being in strange places.

  He places me on my feet, “You have a great day today, and I will see you in a few hours.”

  When he starts to walk away, I wrap my arms around his waist, “I love you, Uncle Oberon.”

  “I love you too, Rosalie. I promise that I will be here when your day is over, squirt.”

  My teacher Mr. Puck consoles a couple of fairies, who cry for their mommies and daddies. I don’t have my mommy and daddy, but I still have my uncles and aunt. I also have my grandparents.

  Their crying stops and he smiles at all of us, “Okay class! You need to go to the table, and find your names.”

  I look down to see my name on the table. I do what Mr. Puck asks, and sit down. The others sit down too. Skylar caught me up on reading, writing, and shapes.

  “Today, we will learn our names. I will point around the table, and you will tell the others who you are.”

  A short blonde hair girl raises her hand first, “My name is Poppy Breeze, and I’m a sky fairy.”

  “It is so nice to meet you, Poppy.”

  The fairies continue to tell their names.

  “My name is Marigold Floret, and I’m a land fairy. That is why I’m extra special, because I wear green.”

  Mr. Puck smiles at her, “Nice to meet you too, Marigold.”

  The others say their names until Mr. Puck comes closer to me. Another girl who sits next to me also has short blonde hair, “My name is Daisy Meadows, and I’m a land fairy.”

  Mr. Puck smiles at me, and he waits for me to talk to the other fairies. I look around to see that I’m the only water fairy in here. This makes me lonely to know that most of the fairies are either green—or yellow. I’m the only one wearing blue.


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