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Fairies of Light

Page 9

by J. E Hanson

“I’m stripping you of all your powers to make sure that you never return. I will decide when you can have them back. Until that day comes, you will remain powerless,” grandpa orders.

  “Please don’t do that Grandpa! Don’t strip me of my magic! I’m so sorry, and it will never happen again!”

  Jesse watches me from a distance in horror. The other Enforcers shield him away from me. He can no longer save me even if he tried.

  Grandpa raises his wooden staff, and then he slams it hard into the ground. The wooden staff turns into a vacuum, and it sucks all the light from my body. The only thing I can do is heal myself. My body falls on the ground, and I feel incredibly weak. Snow and Ice pick me up, and they snap their fingers. We fly through the air, and through the tunnel of light. The daylight quickly fades behind us. My feet dangle right in front of me. I can feel the air pressure change in the atmosphere. We break through the barrier, and now we’re on Earth. My feet touch nothing, but total darkness. We break through the darkness, and land on a plush lawn. There is an enormous bleached mansion standing in front of us. I test out my magic, but my magic is gone. I patiently wait until Oberon lands from the clouds.

  I can no longer wait, and so I run over to him, wanting to hit him, “You’re such a fucking asshole! I can’t believe that you told on me! I will never forgive you for this!”

  He snaps his fingers, and then he tapes my mouth shut, “You need to chill the fuck out! There are fucking rogues out here! You keep this up, and you will kill all of us! Do you understand?”

  He holds me in place until I calm down. “Now you will pick out your bedroom, and you will order everything you think that a mortal teenage girl needs. Do you understand my explicit instructions? You also have school tomorrow. The story is that you’re returning from spring break as a new student. I forged all your documents and grades to make it look like you’ve been on Earth this entire time. You also have to study for your license. It is time that you lead a human life here on Earth. You are currently residing in Franklin, Tennessee. Congratulations Rosalie, now you will deal with your cousin,” he gave me explicit instructions.

  I trudge through the FOL mansion, and pick out my human bedroom. I right away give him a list. He snaps everything into place for me, and he’s even nice enough to give me a decent wardrobe. There are high heels, tennis shoes, and boots. I have a huge walk in closet. I went ahead and ordered all the toiletries that I will need. My feet feel funny in heels, but I quickly adjust to them. My heels need to be a little cuter. Apparently, I have a new shoe fetish.

  “It is time to go to bed as a normal mortal teenager. You will remain this way for a couple of years. We will not allow you to drink any elixir unless you’re badly injured. Now don't be stupid, and enjoy your teen years.”

  He slams the door, and I cry myself to sleep. The loneliness and emptiness leads to more sadness.

  A strange noise buzzes in the air, and the stupid thing never wants to shut up. No matter how hard I slap the damn thing it refuses to shut up! As a last stitch effort, the unusual contraption rests on my floor in a million pieces.

  There is a sweet scent of coffee brewing in the air. I need a cup of coffee and toast. Today, I wear a super cute pallid miniskirt with an off the shoulder teal sweater. The other FOL members are still playing poker at six o'clock in the morning. They are wearing mortal clothes, and they appear foreign to me.

  “You need to cover up that ass. They will send you home for violation of their dress code policy,” Drake Fira warns.

  Drake has dark cherry hair with scarlet eyes. He’s a natural disaster fairy. He hands me the dress code policy and a ruler. With his ruler, I measure my skirt, “My skirt is within the limits, Drake.”

  Oren Pines sits up in his chair, “You will learn that you can’t cross those lines here, Rosalie. You’re unable to do things here as you did in Avalon.”

  I carefully read over their dress code policy, “I think these dress code policies are over the top. Who really measures tanks?”

  For the first time, Snow refuses to back me up, “I hope you abide by their rules, since you love to break them. The object here is to fit in as a normal teenager. This is for your cousin.”

  I glance at the other members of the ‘Fairies Of Light.’ They are our Fairy Enforcers, and the members are as follows: Oberon is the new leader, since Mr. Puck is currently teaching. Everest is a member, but he’s under lockdown for breaking the law of fornicating without permission.

  Snow and Ice Winters are identical twin brothers. They have matching long snowy hair with steel eyes. Their faces are long with high cheekbones. They are odd, compared to the other fairies, but they are equally physically fit. Their chins are long and pointy. Snow and Ice can manipulate the weather. They are not the only set of twin brothers in the group.

  Terrance and Alston Wind are another set of identical twin brothers. They are both over six feet tall, dark velvet skin, and both have dark eyes. They like to keep their heads shaved. Both of the brothers are extremely fit, and they were recruited for their speed.

  We have the Pines brothers. Oren and Foster Pines. Both have dark brown hair with jade eyes. They are short, but muscular too. They have small and angular faces with high cheekbones also. They are attractive to many fairy women, but both of them are happily married. Oren has more of a tan than Foster does. They are also the uncles to Ashe Pines, who is my best friend.

  Their parents have over twenty children. Luca and Forest Pines breed like rabbits. They are always making babies. I find it unusual to have a grandchild older than your children are, but that is my personal belief. Luca and Forest are the parents of Foster and Oren Pines. Oren and Foster can disable bombs, and they have a knack for sniffing out bombs too. They know chemical warfare, and they tested the highest cadet scores in fairy history. Nobody can prank these two.

  Drake Fira is odd in appearance. He has long dark cherry hair with scarlet eyes. He is over six feet tall. His face appears identical to Snow and Ice’s, because they are cousins. His ears resemble his dad’s ears. He is also the biggest pain in the ass there is. All natural disaster fairies are extremely cocky. Drake is also a pyromaniac. He manages to keep his personal life private, and I don’t even know if he even dates. He can take a car apart, and put it back together in one hour. He knows everything about a vehicle in general. They promoted him as their mechanic and fire starter.

  Elvin Laurels is slow for a fairy. He is also one of the nicest from all the Enforcers. He never says anything out of the way to me. He is under six feet tall, auburn hair, muscular, and with chestnut eyes. He has a round face and his body has a deep tan. He keeps stubble on his face. He is a land fairy, and he is in charge of security, so he is the one who keeps us safe at night.

  The last fairy from the Enforcers is Dain Lyric. He is naturally a song and dance fairy. He is a wiz around electronics. He can take electronics apart, and put them back together. He can be annoying with his constant whistling. Dain has violet eyes with long violet hair. His goatee is even violet. He seems odd, but in Avalon, he is among the plethora of odd fairies. Dain has a tongue ring, lip ring, and tattoos. He’s a comely guy, if you love the color violet. Dain has high cheekbones with a narrow face. His did not dye is hair, because he was born this way. His skin is alabaster and he is paler than the Winters. Coincidentally, he is also a cousin to them.

  Elvin hands me a map, and he gives me the perimeters of the high school.

  Dain hands me my class schedule, “I made sure your classes match Ember's schedule. This will keep you with her at all times.”

  Oberon decides to drive me to school today in his canary Corvette. I guess I won’t be fitting in with the others according to plan. Teenage mortals gawk at me strangely.

  On the first day of school, I stare at the huge building. This place looks like a huge shopping mall. I take out my nifty little map, and saunter inside this huge ass shopping mall. To my amazement, I’m able to locate the front office. They take my files, and point me in the
direction to where my first class is, so much for help there. The mortal boys gawk at me just like the male fairies from Avalon. I make sure I appear like a badass with my cool shades. Another double wow is that I actually make it to my first class on time. There she is sitting in the corner of the room wearing a fugly floral dress. This girl has similar matching scarlet hair. We could easily pass for twins. I knew right away that she has to be my cousin, but she has no idea that I’m her cousin. The Enforcers reminded me never tell her who I am. I’m only supposed to be just her friend.

  There is an available seat right next to her. I chose to take that seat with my school supplies. She quickly turns around and the poor thing has Uncle Everest’s emerald eyes. Yep, she’s family.

  She appears annoyed, because all the other girls are wondering why I’m sitting next to her.

  “What do YOU want? Can you see that I’m studying?”

  Oh, this is certainly going according to plan, “No you’re not. You’re just doodling in your notebook, and I believe that it hardly qualifies as studying. I wonder what this teacher is like.”

  “He’s a sexist pig. Does that answer your annoying question?”

  Yep, she’s a moody cousin too, “Are you normally this rude to new kids? I am trying to have a polite conversation with you, and you’re acting like a bitch.”

  “Thanks for calling me names. I’m sure your parents raised you to talk to them with that filthy mouth.”

  “I would, but both my parents were brutally murdered, when I was a baby. There is also a huge difference in acting like a bitch, and actually being a bitch. I didn’t call you an actual bitch unless you want me to.”

  She seems upset after I explained about my parents, “I’m so sorry, and I had no idea! I’m so stupid for popping off! I’m sorry about your parents! Look, my name is Ember Tucker. I’m adopted, so I have no idea who my real parents are either. What is your name?”

  Hearing her name, instantly relaxes me. I’m thoughtful for about a minute, “My name is Rosalie Ocean-McCloud, and I currently reside with my overbearing, Uncle Oberon.”

  “I have overbearing adoptive parents. Their hearts are in the right place though,” she quickly changes the subject, “I need to warn you that this teacher is a huge prick. We are in the hardest class of the year.”

  We must have similar personalities, and now I’m finally getting somewhere with her. Now I have to listen to all these boring lectures. I’m clearly too advanced for this shit. We have twenty-four hours a day in Avalon, so we studied the world, and all the advances from the mortal world. I have straight A's in fairy school. This will be a breeze and very dull. I accomplish my first mission of making Ember my new best friend.

  “Make sure you call me before nine o’clock. My parents will be irate, if you call too late.”

  That surprises me, because I always received calls from Daisy in the middle of the night, “You can call me at any time, Ember. Here is my address, if you ever want to stop by.”

  She takes my directions and her face drops, “That’s a gated community!”

  What is so special about a gated community? “I have no clue, what that means.”

  “You have a gate, and that means you live in a wealthy area,” she explains the significance of a gated community.

  A wealthy area, what does she mean by a wealthy area? It is just a fucking house, “Oh that… yeah I knew that. I hate to break it to you, but it’s not that wealthy. I’ve been in much bigger houses.”

  She shakes her head at me with humor in her eyes. One of the preppy girls joins us, “I don’t understand why you would want to hang out with stupid Ember, but you can sit by us tomorrow.”

  Wow, her attitude is crappier than mine is, “Why wouldn’t I hang out with her? She is actually pretty funny.” Ember’s mom picks her up in a station wagon.

  Ice pulls in after her mom picks her up. I shock those mean girls by hopping in Ice’s Corvette. Ice seems to have noticed, “How did your first day of high school go, honey?”

  I mumble under my breath, when he tries to wrap his arm around me, “My first day sucked ass, and now those girls will believe that you’re my fucking boyfriend.”

  Ice stares at my breast, “I wouldn’t mind if we date, just as long as you let me cop a feel.”

  I smack his hand off me, “You cop a feel on me, and I will tell Oberon on you. Keep your fucking hands to yourself.”

  After driving home, I storm inside the mansion only for Oberon to hand me a manual, “You have to study this to earn your license. How did your first day go?"

  “Everything is going according to plan, but Ember has Everest’s eyes.”

  “Now we are making progress.”

  I snatch the manual from his hands to study the complex book. The manual bores me to tears, and it completely confuses me.


  After a couple of months flies by, I have miraculously earned my permit. I think I showed the man my cleavage, after I failed it for a fifth time. Boobs are extremely powerful here on Earth.

  The Enforcers have a much harder time with teaching me how to drive. After the first ten cars are completely non-functional, Dain and Elvin refuse to be in the car with me. Luckily, for them, I found a mortal who offers driving lessons.

  At least with the mortal, the car never runs into things. Maybe, it’s because the poor guy has a brake pedal on his side. He keeps braking with his feet and hands. This is such an odd thing for a mortal to do. On my nights that I feel lonely, I sit on top of the roof longing to be with Jesse. I wonder if he even thinks about me—or misses me. Jazzy allows me to cry on him.

  Snow scares me by sneaking up behind me, “You’re not missing out on anything special. Jesse isn’t a great choice for you.”

  My hand itches to backhand him, but deep down inside, I know he’s right. Snow is usually right and I hate that.

  “If Jesse really wanted to be with you, he would have proven it to your uncle. He’s not man enough for you, kid.”

  Snow watches me jump from the rooftop, and then he waits for me to return safely inside the house. From the corner of my eye, I notice a picture of Joey and Wally Cirrus on my nightstand. The two males maintain the same features as Puck. They hugged each other; right after he won another one of his many dance competitions in Avalon. A great idea pops into my head. On my own personal mission, I snatch the photo, and quickly storm off to his office. I lightly tap on his door.

  “Come in, Rosalie.”

  Whoa, that was unexpected. How in the heck did he know it’s me? With his okay, I open his office door.

  “How did you know it was me?”

  “You have the lightest knock here. What can I do for your now?”

  I hand him the picture, “Do you know where I can find these two guys? I promised Mrs. Cirrus that I would keep an eye out for her sons, and bring them home to her.”

  My uncle smiles wide, and he taps on his desk, “Are you still wondering about Joey? Why do you want to meet him so bad?”

  Umm… maybe it’s because he’s actually gorgeous. I won’t tell him that though, “I’ve heard that he’s this great dancer, and I want a chance to face off against him one day. I think I can give him a run for his money. I’m just curious about the stories.”

  “You honestly believe that you can give him a run for his money? Are you serious? I will see what I can do, if I happen to see him around.”

  Ah… so he is alive, “Have you seen him? I really want to meet him badly!” Oops, that sounds a little too enthusiastic.

  Oberon hugs me for the first time in weeks, “I’ve seen him around a few times. If I run into him again—well, I will see what I can do for you. He’s really tough to get a hold of though.”

  “That tells me he’s still alive then.”

  Oberon clasps his hands together, “He’s alive, but he doesn’t want to be found at this time.”

  He never wants to be found. Who forgets to call their own mother, after all this time? “After all these
years, his mother has been frantically searching for him! If you know anything about him, you should call her.”

  “That is not our place—or our business. He needs a little more time. He suffered a broken soul from Clover Hurst. That is not an easy thing for a male fairy to recover. You need to realize that fact, especially since he gave his light to her. He will never be the same fairy he was before. Broken souls change fairies.”

  I finally realize what’s wrong with him, “That’s incredibly sad that someone did that to him, but I still believe that I can take him down.”

  “I also believe that one day you will give him a run for his money.”


  The weeks turn into summer heat. We break out the bikinis, and we spray water at each other. Ember is now my latest partner in crime. We manage to find trouble wherever it is these days. I won’t even bother to tease the guys, but they are watching us wash the cars. With Ember having a bust as large as mine, I no longer have issues with myself. We laugh and spray more water at each other.

  “I will be so fried compared to you, Ms. Perfect Tan!”

  The heat is on this year. The weather in Tennessee is hotter than hell as Ember says. Speaking of Ember, she has an amazing voice, and she can sing just about anything. The last time I sung anything, was when I was a small child. I can only dance, but she has never seen me perform yet.

  “It is hard to believe that we are now juniors! How does that fucking happen?”

  I pause her enthusiasm and bring up Jesse again, “We will be out of high school soon enough, and then I will be able to return home to Jesse.”

  “You are still going on about him as if he’s some kind of hot shit. Why has he not seen you after all these months, if he loves you so much?”

  She starts to sound like Oberon, “I guess it’s because he’s busy teaching now. I’m sure he will come and see me soon. He said that he loves me.”

  She faces all the Enforcers, “You are always surrounded by gorgeous guys, who want to be with you in school, and yet you wait patiently for Jesse. I’m sorry for saying this, and I never want to make you cry again, but I don’t believe that he will ever come. I struggle with the idea that he even cares, because if he did, he would be here right now. I still believe that Jesse doesn’t truly love you as you think he does. Your uncle did a great thing by moving you out here, and I believe your uncle saw right through him.”


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