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Fairies of Light

Page 15

by J. E Hanson

  My robe falls to the ground, and I slowly crawl in bed beside him, “You can open your eyes.”

  He opens his eyes, and he snaps the show in reverse, so he can see what he missed. I pull the covers tightly over me, and I watch the dance competition with him.

  I immediately point out, what each girl does wrong, “She’s too nervous, and her foot isn’t out. She’s good, but she could have done a different move.”

  He turns his head to me, “That’s correct. Okay Princess, you may know a little bit about dancing.”

  I continue to impress him, by pointing out their faults, “She needs to lean her foot out a little more. That one over there is too nervous, and she will screw up.”

  I have his full attention. He leans on his left arm to face me, “I admit that you may know even more about dancing. I still don’t believe that you can hold a candle to me. You might be better in other arenas though.”

  I smack him with my pillow, “You can stop being such a pervert now.”

  I thought he would stop, but he traces his index finger on my jawline, and taps on my nose.

  “You need your beauty sleep, Princess. I would hate for you to forget how to dance.”

  He leans back on his pillow, and he keeps his eyes boring into mine, while he smirks at me. My body unexpectedly responds to him. I inch my pillow closer to his, and readjust it. My body even shifts closer to him. He wraps his right arm around my waist, and he snaps the lights off with his fingers, but he finally notices.

  “What are you wearing, Rosalie?”

  “You might want to keep the blankets up. You will receive an eyeful if you don't.”

  “I’m afraid to see what you’re wearing, since there are quite a few holes here and there. Are you wearing lace by chance?”

  The heat rises in my face, “I told you that I chose the wrong nightgown.”

  “I have no complaints, but I should warn you that my guy has the tendency to roam, while I’m asleep.”

  “Do you always have to be so filthy? You better tell him to stay put.”

  He leans in, and he kisses my forehead, “Goodnight Rosalie, and I still struggle to believe that you can out dance me.”

  I drift off to sleep with him holding me tightly in his arms. For the first time, I feel protected and safe in his arms.

  I wake up the next morning laying on his chest. The most embarrassing thing is that I have a puddle of drool from where my head rests on him. I panic and try to wipe the drool off before he wakes up, but unfortunately, he notices.

  “What are you doing to me, Rosalie?”

  I found a towel to wipe the drool off him, “I’m so sorry, and I feel completely embarrassed.”

  He observes what I’m doing, “That’s okay baby, and I have no problems with drool. It just means that you want me,” he smirks while he teases me.

  I still lay on top of him, and I notice all his tattoos upon further inspection. I stare at his chest and point, “What does this tattoo mean?”

  There are weird symbols and writings all over his body.

  “What is this one right here mean?” I ask him while my index finger taps on his tattoo in the shape of a trophy.

  “That’s the first trophy I won. This tattoo is my first motorcycle. That tattoo is my ex. I have to remove it, but I haven’t had the time. This tattoo is my first rogue kill. The symbols that you see are the names of my friends who have died.”

  I point to his forearms, “What are these symbols of?”

  He leans up on the pillow and he shows me his forearms, “There are eight of us, and all of us have the same matching tattoos; Christian, Alexander, Mitch, Gadriel, Gabriel, Ransom, and Zalir. This means that we are an elite and extra special kind of brotherhood. We have been friends for at least two thousand years, and remain loyal to each other for centuries. Zalir unfortunately is dead now. The rest of us are still around though. This just means that we are brothers forever. We were drunk one night, and chose to have matching tattoos. This was from a wild night of drinking. We just killed a bad vampire that kept making rogues, and she was a deadly bitch. She was the same vampire, who made Christian and Alexander. She trapped them, but once again we saved their asses.”

  I start to lose myself in his perfect crystal eyes.

  “What are the others?”

  He points to his side, “That is a memorial for your dad, and the other side is a memorial for your mom. They were my best friends. Your mom and I hardly ever agreed on anything, but we tolerated each other.”

  I point at the spot that has five gold stars on it, but there’s nothing below it, “What does this mean?”

  He glances down, “Why do you want to know? Are you that curious?”

  I tap on it again, “I want to know why this spot is empty. That’s all, and I’m sorry for being so nosey. I just want to know what each tattoo means to you. I’m sorry for wanting to get to know you better.”

  He places my hand over his heart. We don’t need our hearts, but they are there in case we stay too long on Earth.

  “This spot is reserved for my future wife. I have five basic requirements that I want in a wife. I have come close a few times, but I’ve never had all five stars. I chose to set that in place for the next time I fall in love with anyone. I literally have a black book with every woman I have ever dated—or been with.”

  “Okay, so what qualifies for your perfect five stars? I have to understand you better.”

  He snaps his fingers, and he hands me his little black book, “Try not to be so judgmental. Some of these women are still in my existence, and I would like them to remain my friends. This is also how I rate women.”

  I peer through it, and he really has their names written out. There are tons of names in it too. He rates them anywhere from a one star to a five. I flip through the pages, and notice that nobody has a perfect five out of five.

  “What are your five requirements?”

  He seems a little upset, “You will believe that I’m a jerk. Each star represents one trait I demand to have in a woman. The first trait is personality, and she has to be outgoing. The second quality that my future wife must possess is that she needs to be great in the sack. The third is that she has to want kids, and is great with kids. My fourth quality is that she has to be able to cook. The fifth and final is that she has to be able to dance, or at least keep up with me. There you have it.”

  “I guess that Melissa K. only has three stars. Which stars is she missing?”

  He nervously bites his bottom lip, and he shakes his head at me, “I really shouldn’t be discussing this with you.”

  “Why doesn’t she have all five stars? I want to know what’s so wrong with Melissa K.”

  He stares at the name, “She had a terrible personality, and she couldn’t dance. I spent more time teaching her the basics than enjoying myself.”

  I hand him the only name with four stars by it, “What was wrong with this one?”

  He seems frustrated with me, “Do you have to know everything?”

  I am determined, and he knows it, “You were the one who handed me your thick black book. What was wrong with Janie? Why did she only score a two?”

  He groans, and then he snaps his fingers. I watch his thick black book disappear, “She had some, but she also couldn’t dance. You see, I find a great looking woman, but a terrible dancer. I’m sorry for being so fucking honest with you.”

  “So you have five requirements, well I find that idea to be very bold of you. Good luck in finding that perfect girl. You might just remain single for all eternity.”

  “I need to have a woman who can dance. That is my ultimate and only requirement. I also want a house full of kids. I want to become a dad someday, and I’m not asking for too much.”

  I move out of bed and I forgot all about my nightgown. I quickly realize what I’m wearing after I stand up. I pick up my robe and cover my body.

  “Do you have to look so damn good in the morning? You are purposely teasing me! You wa
nt me to notice you in that negligee! Why else would you have picked it out?”

  “As I told you before, I chose the wrong nightgown. I’m so sorry that you were watching.”

  I change my clothes, and I step into something more comfortable. I chose a beautiful teal summer dress with cute sandals. I exit the bathroom and drool over a naked Spike changing into a pair of tight blue jeans. I never see his front end, only his ass. He has muscles from his neck down to his feet. That has to be one of the nicest ass, I’ve ever seen on a man. It’s not as if I’ve really seen that many naked asses anyway.

  “You should really warn a girl first.”

  “You can open your eyes now. I promise you that I’m dressed. By the way, did you enjoy what you saw?”

  My voice trembles, “I refuse to dignify you with an answer to your already overinflated ego. I think it’s time to eat anyway.”

  He has a six-pack with rings all over his chest. There is no hair on his perfectly sculpted chest. I love drooling over his body, but he has too many tattoos.

  “Why do you have that many piercings?”

  He purposely stares at his nipples, and he flexes his chest on purpose, “I love piercings. Once you have one, they become addicting. I also have a lot of them for sexual purposes. That is for me to know, and you to find out.”

  Our suitcases return to the RV. I make one more quick check and run smack into him, “I’m sorry for practically mowing you down.”

  He pulls me close, “You never answered my question. Did you enjoy what you saw?”

  Today he wears a skintight shirt with those tight blue jeans. The charcoal shirt shows off his muscles very well. I move even closer to him to inhale him.

  My hands grip his muscular arms. I stay there to inhale his musky scent for a few extra minutes. I give him a dose of his own medicine in return.

  “That is for me to know, and for you to find out.” With malicious intent, I softly kiss his firm cheek, and walk away. It’s so hard to walk away from him. My body wants to throw him down on the bed and fuck him. With all my courage, I managed to make it to the lobby. I meet up with everyone at the small hotel diner.

  Ember appears fantastic today in her light blue summer dress, “I reviewed our itinerary. Oh, and the guys fixed the RV. The Mustang is already back on the car lift. Now we are heading to Florida, and I’m so excited!”

  Spike manages to rejoin us.

  I focus only on Ember, “Do you want to do the resort things first or Walt Disney first?”

  “I want to do Disney first, and then the resort things later. We will go from there.”

  We have our breakfast at the diner, and Spike keeps eyeing me with his shades off. I’m falling in love with his crystal eyes, and his blonde hair. My eyebrows furrow to try, and remember where exactly I’ve seen him before. The piercings are littering his beautiful face. He would be a gorgeous man, if he took all that shit out of his face. I glance at him a few times, and bat my long eyelashes at him. He seems to notice, because he smiles back at me.

  Chapter 8

  By popular request, I cook for the men. Spike slaps me hard on the ass, “I think I know who taught you how to cook.”

  I flirt back with him, “She’s an excellent mom, and I love her dearly.”

  He takes his second heaping plate of food. He slaps my ass again, and he sits down to eat. Gabe, Gadriel, and Blade hug me, or pat my head. Ember makes her salad. We have hearty meals in our stomachs thanks to my impeccable cooking skills.

  Spike washes the dishes, and I dry them. He peers over to me, “Do you really think that my list is set too high? I mean, I just want that perfect woman, who I can spend eternity with.”

  I dry off whatever he hands me, “I think it might be a lot, but if that’s what you want, then you should make yourself happy. I think your list isn’t too extreme. I know Brandy can dance and cook, but she’s with Oberon. Brandy is really good for him.”

  He shakes his head, “Brandy is not enough for me. Brandy can dance, but not at my level. I need someone, who can handle the spotlight on her own. I need a stronger co-dancer. Brandy does nothing for me.”

  “I would be your co-dancer, but I charge a very hefty fee. I’m not exactly cheap either, and I charge by the hour,” I teased.

  “Oh really… do you think you’re that good? I love the ego trip that you’re on right now. You are easy on the eye, and you can even cook, but I doubt that you can dance though. You’re not strong enough to handle this much perfection.”

  “I’ve never heard any complaints from the other males, where we are from. I can make all of them glow just by walking out on the dance floor.”

  “Okay, now your ego is worse than what I previously thought. I think this RV might explode from it. Now you’re telling me that you can make others glow. Now I know you’re full of shit. Not even your mom could do that. You would have to not miss a beat, or make them anticipate your style.”

  “Since I was five, I have always reinvented myself. I’m so sorry that you have trouble comprehending that concept, but I’m that damn good.”

  He smacks me with a dishtowel, “I think you’re full of shit too. I fully believe that I would have heard something about you by now, if that were true.”

  A couple of knocks hit the door, and to my surprise, Snow and Ice show up. Ember is equally as surprised to see them as much as I am.

  “We have been recruited to be your drivers for the remainder of the trip,” Ice informs us. Snow walks over to me, and he kisses my cheek, “How is our favorite dancer doing?”

  “You need to keep your fucking lips off of her, if you’re not her man!” Spike yells at Snow.

  Snow may be slow, but this sets him off, “I always kiss her cheek! She has no issues with it! I have no problems kicking your ass! The last thing I heard about you is that you ran away like a little bitch that you are!”

  My mouth gapes open, and Spike slams Snow against the wall, “I don’t take kindly to idle threats! I definitely deserve more respect from someone calling me a bitch, who is a fucking wannabe! You forget that you’re in my backyard now! You’re playing with the big boys now! I’m not a person to fuck with, if you catch my drift!”

  I grab his arm, “I’m so glad that Ember went to the restroom! You guys need to cool it! Snow, don’t do that again! Please don’t piss him off! Please don’t make this into a game!”

  He drops Snow on the ground, and he changes his personality in front of me. He flashes me a sad glance, “I’m sorry for that, Rosalie. I will be more mindful with she is around,” Spike slaps me in the ass, and he starts to tease me once again.

  Snow seems hurt, “We have been friends for many years, Rosalie. I have always kissed your cheek. I’m sorry, if that’s no longer allowed now.”

  Spike turns to him, “I overreacted, and I apologize man.”

  They shake hands, but Snow still appears extremely upset.

  Spike faces me with his eyebrow raised, “Nobody, is better than Rosebud, and I will keep my opinions to myself. Snow, you’re not that great of a dancer yourself. You always miss a few simple moves.”

  My phone rings again, and the tension between the two eases up. Oberon’s name flashes across my screen.

  “How are you doing, my darling uncle?”

  He sounds as if he’s driving on a freeway, “How is everything going? Are you and Spike getting along finally?”

  I wave at the men, and gesture for them to stop, “We haven’t killed each other yet, if that’s what you’re implying. He just put Snow in his place. I need to talk to you about a certain missing snap capability, and this would be for protection.”

  “I have to make sure that you won’t leave her. You can have your ability for offense and defense. You won’t have all your powers back yet. You won’t be able to return to Avalon, but you can at least defend yourself. You have to promise me that you won’t use it against Spike either.”

  “I kind of like him, so that’s no longer an issue.”

“I knew you two would hit it off. He’s a really great dude, once you get to know him. Will you please go to the back bedroom and lock the door? Please take him with you, because I need to see this for myself.”

  I tell him bye and glance at Spike, “You can leave Snow alone, because we need to have a talk in the bedroom right now.”

  He gives me a guilty stare. I inform Ember that it will only be a minute, after she returns to join all of us. I take his large hand, and make him follow me to the bedroom. As soon as he steps in, I lock the door with him inside.

  “The coast is clear, Oberon.”

  “I realize that leaving you defenseless is a horrible idea. I’ve talked to dad about it, and he gave me this staff to return your snap. Don’t abuse it! Please make sure that she never notices you using your magic either. We don't need her to find out who she is at this time.”

  Oberon takes out the wooden staff. I kneel before him, and Spike holds me tightly. Oberon spins the staff, and he hits the floor three times. The light flows from the staff and shifts into me. The light almost knocks me back, but Spike holds me still until the light finishes flowing through my body. I flip my arm around to stare at my veins, and my veins return to aureolin.

  “I hope you two continue to work together, and I will be waiting for your answer to join, Spike.”

  “I will let you know after this vacation ends, but I promise to keep Rosalie and Ember safe.”

  “See that you do, and now I have to return home. A few more fairies are in labor right now, and the Pines are having twins right now.”

  Spike waves him off. I start to toy with my snap. I snap the bathroom door open and close.

  “I was starting to wonder, if you were an actual a fairy—or not. I’m glad he restored some of your powers, but make sure you don't take advantage of it.”

  I snap a single crimson rose in his hand, “I will try not to, but I need to check in on Ember right now.”

  Ember is dancing in the living room, and she appears exasperated, “Now I know I need to stick to singing instead.”

  Spike nods approvingly, “That wasn’t too bad, and who taught you those moves?”


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