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Fairies of Light

Page 30

by J. E Hanson

  He closes his eyes grinning evilly, “I never loved your mom as much as she thought I did! I wanted her, because she was the hottest angel! I fucked her a lot, and she enjoyed it! She isn’t the only one, who enjoyed me either! I have tons of other supernatural creatures dying to get in the sack with me! I also want you to know that you have a little brother, who is half-fairy and half-werewolf.”

  He makes me want to puke. “Are you telling us that you are some kind of pervert?”

  He sits there grinning evilly, “I love fucking other supernatural creatures, and I do it all the time! They love my body, and I make sure that they’re fully satisfied!”

  She stands up and she glances at me, “I can’t believe that someone like him created me. This is fucking disgusting. The sickest thing is that my mom actually fell in love with you, and my mom listened to all your bullshit. Why did you cover me up? Why would you pretend that I never existed? How could you live with yourself knowing that I could self-implode? Thanks for giving a shit, DAD! You definitely have no soul—do you?”

  He pushes me to the breaking point to where my temper finally explodes. I run over to him, and I smack his face hard, “She is YOUR daughter! You deserve to give her a little more respect! She’s carrying YOUR grandchild! You truly have no soul!”

  He sneers evilly at us, “I never wanted to have kids! When Michaela told me that she was pregnant, I did the best thing I could do! I wanted her to give her up for adoption! I wanted to eliminate her! She gave birth to you, but my nosy sister demanded to know, where her precious niece was! I had to shut Rosebud up! They would disinherit me; if they ever found out that, I created a bastard out of wedlock! I had to eliminate that stupid Phoenix! I needed him out of the house, because I knew he would keep Rosebud and Blaze safe!”

  The door crashes open. Gabriel and Joey storm through the door. They notice us standing in front of Everest. I demand even more answers, “I want Phoenix to hear this part! My true uncle deserves that much from you!”

  Phoenix's voice booms, “I’m here, darling! Try to get him to talk.”

  I peer over my shoulder, and watch him rush through the door too.

  Everest sneers at all of us, “I had to eliminate him! I wanted to prove how stupid he really is! I thought the Courts of Meropis would give him an automatic death sentence! I wanted him permanently destroyed! I found Reno at the bar, and I overheard him talking about how irritating fairies are! He offered a challenge to everyone at the bar with a shit load of money! The challenge was for anyone with knowledge of Blaze and Rosebud to come forward. I took the money and gave him directions to their house. He told me that he would help me set up Phoenix. I had women trick him and that’s how Phoenix wound up in the desert. I placed his things neatly over Misty. I left his license on the floor of her apartment. Reno drained Misty, and he hands me ten million dollars. I have something to fall back on in case my parents ever found out. I did it, and yes I’m very fucking proud of it!”

  Joey picks him up by the neck, and he slams him hard against the wall, “Blaze and Rosebud were my best friends! You look their baby in the fucking eyes, and you tell her word for word how you murdered them!”

  Joey rips off his shades. Oberon and Skylar enter with Puck, and Puck hides her behind him. My grandparents arrive just in time to witness the horror.

  Everest gives everyone his full confession, “Rosebud found out about Michaela. I managed to make Phoenix look guilty of murdering Misty. I knew Phoenix would have saved his pathetic excuse of a brother, and so I had to divide and conquer. I returned to Avalon and ordered the bottle of tranquilizers, and these were fairy tranquilizers. I lied to Rosebud by telling her that I told our parents, and that I would help Michaela raise Ember. Stupid Rosebud wanted to call mom, but I disconnected the phones previously. She was so fucking stupid. She went to the nursery and she pulls Rosalie out. Rosalie was crying like the fucking crybaby she is!”

  Joey has to hit Everest in the stomach for that statement.

  Oberon runs through the door, and he takes over by smashing Everest’s head into the table, “Please continue with your fucking story!”

  Everest screams out after Oberon places pressure on his neck.

  Everest tries to fight, “Rosalie only quiets down, when you put music on! Rosebud chose to slow dance with her. Blaze came home from work, and he took pictures of her dancing with their daughter! He took over for Rosebud, so that she could get something to drink. I spiked their water pitcher with the tranquilizers. She fills her cup first, and starts drinking a few sips. Blaze holds Rosalie against his chest, and he feeds her a bottle. He burps her, and she falls asleep five minutes later. He carried her to her crib, and kissed her goodnight. By the time Blaze returned, Rosebud was fast asleep on the couch. Stupid Blaze carried Rosebud to bed. I gave him a mug with the same exact water. I told him that I was going to leave, and he waved me off. After he had a few sips, he went upstairs to lay down. I waited around for a good hour, and walked back inside. I realized that I fucked up! She gave Rosalie the same water with the tranquilizers in it. She made her a bottle from the same pitcher of water. I quickly disposed the bottle. I left Rosalie in the closet, and covered her up. I assumed that she was ultimately dead, because she never had a pulse. I gave Reno the okay, and he handed me the rest of the money. I took Ember, and dropped her off at a crack house. I had no idea that they would allow her to live, and she should have died. I returned to see that Reno did his job. I finally got rid of my stupid sister and her pathetic husband. The only problem is that Rosalie was still alive, and she was crying in the closet. I chose to do her a favor, and call social workers. She reeked of tranquilizers, and I had to get rid of her before I called Oberon. I waited until that dreadful social worker took her out of the house. She drove down the road with Rosalie, and that’s when I called Oberon to inform him of their deaths!”

  Oberon cries out, “You’re fucking sick in the head, Everest! She was our fucking sister! How could you do that to her? She wanted her baby! She had a fucking existence, and you took it all away from her! How could you? All of us admired you!”

  Skylar even screams her pain, “She had her baby! You looked Rosalie in the eye, and you left her there! How could you do that to her? You’re a fucking monster!” She sobs uncontrollably as she holds me tight.

  Puck cries out, “You’re fucking sick! Rosalie was only a baby! Ember was only a baby too! You single-handedly destroyed two girls in one fucking blow. Rosebud would have taken care of her! You knew she would have done anything for both Ember and Rosalie. Oh, man… this makes me fucking sick!”

  Gabriel moves over, and he holds Ember close to him, “I’m so sorry baby, and now you have your answers.”

  “How did you kill my mom? When did you do it?” she yells at him.

  Everest spits out more vile shit to Ember, “After she gave birth to you, I found something to kill her. She was so tired from giving birth, and she kept begging for you. And so, I told her you were dead. I knew this would crush her. She fell into a dark abyss where she deserves to be. She has fallen, and she’s never coming back!”

  Ember slaps him hard, “You took a child away from her own mother! How could you do that to me?”

  Gabriel contains her, “I love you Ember, and you’re nothing like this monster. You take after Michaela.” All of the FOL members stand around Everest. Even Snow and Ice want to kill him.

  My grandfather shows even more contempt in his eyes, “I’m done with him! I thought my firstborn would be a good man one day! This is... this is a nightmare! I lost my daughter, and I will never have my opportunity to apologize to her. I was mad that she was involved with Blaze. I told her that he would be the death of her!” His eyes waters up and I’ve never seen him cry before now. Grandpa continues, “I thought he was too wild for her! I thought he only cared about himself, but he truly loved my daughter! There are no words... I’m completely heartbroken! Two of my granddaughters had their existences altered forever! I’m so angry with y
ou Everest! You took away my chance to tell Rosebud… to tell her I’m sorry. I should have accepted him, and I never did! I judged him wrongly. I can only apologize to Rosalie for so much. Her dad should have been the one to walk her down the aisle—not me. I’m trying to think of what he would say to his daughter now. I dealt with her pain and tears. I’m so grief-stricken right now! If only you men saw the five year old little girl, who came through my front door! She was almost lifeless! She had burn marks all over her body. She was so filthy that we couldn’t make out the color of her skin! But, we knew she was ours though. Skylar and Titania spent hours washing her, and stripping the lice from her hair! All we could do was keep giving her more elixir. I said, thankfully, here’s a miracle! Rosalie is living proof that her parents were watching over her! To hear her final moments were spent holding Rosalie close to her soul! You broke that bond between them! There’s nothing more powerful than a love of a mother for her child! You trespassed on that, and you even disrespected that! You hated, and you killed it! Rosalie is now pregnant with Rosebud’s first grandchild! Rosebud should have been there for her graduation, wedding, and now the birth of her baby! How could you do that to them? Blaze wasn’t even the monster! My own son was the monster, and it’s the worst feeling, when you’ve created a child full of hate! The most appalling thing of it all is that Rosebud loved you unconditionally! She loved you with all of her existence, and she would always cover for you! Why would she even do that for you? Rosebud loved you, and this is how you chose to repay her? Was this for all their kindness? All those battles he fought and won. To have his own brother-in-law stab him in the back! You never even fought him like a real man! You did it the most cowardly way possible! You did it while he couldn’t even fight back! I will never understand why or how you could be so evil?”

  My grandmother walks over to Everest, and she spits in his face, “You are hereby disowned, and you will face charges for murder! I want people to know, who cowardly murdered his own sister and her husband!”

  Tears are shed everywhere, and his story leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

  “I want everyone to know that Reno has met his final death by Princess Jeannie. The BIB made sure that all the rogues are dead. Khan unfortunately escaped, but he will eventually regroup,” Gabriel informs us.

  The news brings excitement to me, “I hope we meet her soon.”

  Gabriel flashes a huge grin at me, “I’m pretty sure you will have the same classes with her at least.”

  Ember smiles with relief, “I would love to meet her too, since the same people murdered all our parents. Mine are no exception. I think I can have a little peace, now that Reno is dead.”

  Chapter 17

  The Board of Meropis arrests Everest. The FOL or Fairies Of Light decide that it would be best for him to spend time in Meropis Prison. Phoenix successfully sues the board for falsely accusing him of murder. He earns twenty years of his salary back. I hang out with him every day, since he took the place of Everest in the FOL. And the best part is that he lives with us too. There’s nothing more awesome, to have the identical twin brother of my dad now living with me.

  We return home to Meropis. Meropis is a chain of islands dedicated roughly to all nighttime supernatural creatures. My grandparents gave the vampires and werewolves a place for them to roam free without persecution. The islands are sun proof. The vampires can come and go as they please without worrying about the sun. This was the least they could do for them. This is where they hold courts for all supernatural creatures. We have a large supernatural prison, which all convicted criminals go. From what I hear, it’s a scary place to go.

  As a horrible lesson, Phoenix never wants to touch another drop of alcohol ever again. I learned that my paternal grandparents were crusaders for the hybrids too. My dad wanted to honor their memory, by keeping up with their cause. My mom just happened to be on a rebellious streak in her existence, and she met him while stripping her clothes off. They still created me no matter how they did it, but they also loved me very much.

  I’m set to start school, but we also have to go to court. The university pushed back our start date for another week, “Are you ready, Rosalie?”

  Ember is ready for court just like me. We wear our business suits. I wear the canary suit, and she wears a pale blue suit. We have matching camisoles underneath our blazers. We are exactly one month along in our pregnancies.

  We hold hands as we walk inside the limousine together, thus showing unity and strength. The shock begins, when we have to deal with the paparazzi for the first time. The paparazzi are waiting by our front gate, and they are snapping pictures of us. This is what we have to deal with, and this is a huge culture shock for the both of us.

  “Why do we have to wear these sashes?”

  Our husbands are waiting in the limousine. I climb in, and think that nothing is out of the ordinary for us. Gabriel is wearing his prince crown, and so is Joey. They are both wearing sashes over their suits. We have our sashes on too. Gabriel carries the light blue sash for the angels, and Joey carries the canary sash for the fairies.

  “We are in Meropis now. There are many supernatural creatures here, so we have to distinguish between each other. It’s also in the code of conduct for all supernatural creatures to follow. These sashes tell everyone whose husband belongs to whom.”

  I hold her hand tightly. I know she’s having a difficult time dealing with what her biological father did to her real mom.

  Her face turns sour, “I’m trying to wrap my head around what he did! I have no explanations for any of it! The shock of all this is that he was an Enforcer too, and he did this! Rosalie this is just… this is so much bullshit! He never really gave us a reason why! Just that we cramped his lifestyle! I will never understand him! Not even on my worst enemy, would I have ever thought of doing such vile acts! I guess I’m still in so much shock!”

  I hug her, “The important thing is that we have each other. We know that he will serve justice soon. We know that we are nothing like him, and somehow he just... I will never really understand him either.”

  We pull around the front parking lot of a huge building that’s in a shape of a dome. The front has statues of supernatural creatures and various other statues in solid concrete. They have a flag representing each supernatural group. The paparazzi are at it again. Have they no shame? These are our existences! The paparazzi are waiting to ask us more stupid questions!

  I think I heard a few questions of, “How does it feel to know that your uncle murdered your parents?”

  These are some really stupid and inappropriate questions. I want to ask them this in return. How would you feel, if it were your parents and not mine? How would you feel if the tables were turned?

  All of our Enforcers are wearing charcoal leather outfits, except for Oberon and Phoenix. Our husbands are wearing sable business suits. Joey is wearing a canary button shirt, and Gabe is wearing a baby blue buttoned shirt. It still seems weird to see them all dressed up. The leather outfits consist of charcoal leather pants, slate boots, and charcoal leather trench coats. The Enforcers escort us from either side, and they push the paparazzi away from us.

  Ember and I walk inside the enormous dome building together. As soon as we enter this building, we see large paintings. There are paintings of all the leaders from each supernatural group. I caught a glimpse of my grandparents hanging on the wall together as king and queen. Ember’s other grandparents Michael and Mariel’s pictures hang on the wall also. I realize that she has Michael's facial features. We walk through search and seizure. A troll is in charge over search and seizure. We hear his long speech about not using our magic at any time for any reason. We have to keep our magic outside, or they will arrest us for violation of the agreement. I hold Joey and Ember's hand tightly. Gabriel takes Ember’s other hand, and we make it to court on time.

  The courtroom is packed. They left the front bench open for us, and its right behind the prosecutor’s table. Christian walks over to cong
ratulate us on our marriages and pregnancies. Oberon sits with the Prosecutor. Joey chose to sit with me; otherwise; he would have joined him. Mitch sits in for Gabriel, so he can sit next to Ember.

  They bring my uncle in, with gold shackles around his feet and hands. His shades are off, and his jumpsuit is solid orange. Phoenix sits right behind me, and I give him a quick hug, before the six judges enter.

  “All rise in the Court of Supernatural Creatures,” the chief troll orders.

  Ember and I stand up together holding hands. Everest stands in the middle of the floor. The bailiff makes him lower to his knees, and they lock him to the floor. The six judges file in one by one. The current judges are elves, dwarfs, wizards, and trolls. They consider them the fairest judges in Meropis. They are sitting on a large stage in front of us. The chief troll speaks, “The court may now be seated.”

  The name of the chief troll is Oregamon. He takes out a large parchment, and he unrolls it. He reads the parchment to the court, “We the supernatural creatures charge Everest Pine McCloud with conspiracy to commit murder on the following fairies: Blaze River Ocean and Rosebud Summer Ocean. The following charge is the first-degree murder of Angel Michaela Rayne Adarian. The fourth count is the complicity for the attempted murder of his minor child Angel Ember Rayne Aduro. The fifth felony count is the complicity to the attempted murder of Fairy Rosalie Summer Cirrus. The sixth felony count is for the false testimony against Fairy Phoenix Lake Ocean. The seventh felony count is the control of illegal substances with intent to commit murder. The eighth felony count is for the gross neglect and abandonment of Fairy Rosalie Summer Cirrus. The ninth felony count is the concealment and abandonment of Angel Ember Rayne Aduro. The tenth and final felony count is embarrassment for the entire fairy community. How does one plea?”

  They take a laser to his back, “I plead not guilty due to reason of insanity.”


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