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For the Love of Magic

Page 20

by Natalie Gibson

  Michael dropped onto his knees in front of her. He clutched his head and commanded, “Stop.” She didn’t. He couldn’t make her. The pain kept him from concentrating. She brushed away his feeble attempts to compel her. Though it ripped through her head as well, her years with him had taught her endurance. Nathalia screamed silently, knowing her wail tore through his logic, ripping away every thought.

  Clenching her eyes, she continued to pull power and focus it on her enemy. The pain lanced through her vision, into her brain, inflaming her entire body. As she craved death to escape the agony, she knew what she had to do. She had to die.

  As long as she lived, he would have power over her. He would always use that power to hurt the ones she loved. She continued to pull power and focus it on Michael, feeling the blackness taking over with each push of magic.

  She would kill as her last act as Abbess. She would free the Daughters of Women from this horror. Forcing her eyes open, determined to see the end, she found herself looking instead under the bed. The scissors Michael had used to make her cut off her hair caught a glimmer of light, inviting her to do the unthinkable. She couldn’t just die, she had to meet a violent death by her own hand. Reaching under the bed skirt, she grasped the cold metal and smiled. She brought her hand out and sat up. Her bones of her head sounded like a car on a gravel driveway.

  She waved the scissors in Michael’s face, feeling sweet satisfaction when his eyes widened in alarm. Before Michael could grab them away from her, she stabbed them through the side of her own neck behind the windpipe and yanked them forward before the shock could stay her hand. Blood spewed, gushing heat down her chest and abdomen. She focused all those suicidal feelings, all that guilt over the death of her friends, all the evil black energy from the Capacitors, toward Michael. She funneled her own death through him.

  His control broke in that moment. They both felt it. The murder of her parents had bound her and her suicide unlocked her.

  Enjoy the intimate caress of the evil you created.

  Time stopped. She watched as blackness seeped from Michael’s ears, nose and eyes. He couldn’t breathe. He didn’t want to. He wanted to die. She controlled his thoughts now, forcing him to crave death. Then she gave it to him.

  It was over. Nathalia embraced death, slouching, crumbling to the floor. Floating in peaceful bliss, she heard frantic yelling and banging on the door. Strong arms lifted her weightless form. She heard singing and tasted sweet nectar. Then she flew with his arms around her and his life force coursing through her. He was warmth and he permeated every cell of her body.

  Her last thought was that death was the best moment of her life. There was a heaven, after all, and they had let her in.

  Maeve sat at the Abbess’ desk, her own desk, and wondered where the time had gone. She had been interim Abbess for four months, but still missed her friend and superior every day. She scooted the chair under the desk as far as her new baby bump would let her. She stared down at the stomach that prevented her from wearing her beloved corsets. No one believed that she was so early in her first pregnancy; she showed even more than Marcie, whose pregnancy was several months ahead. Aaron thought it was the contrast of seeing her with a cinched waist versus this that made her seem so big.

  Maeve turned her eyes to the window into the courtyard. It was starting to get warm again, but it was too early in the season for the rain to have started in earnest, so the children were enjoying the outdoors under the careful watch of Christy. The girl who Maeve and Aaron had saved was becoming a staple on the compound, blossoming into a wonderful woman. It warmed Maeve’s heart to think that in a couple of years her child would be running out there too. She only wished Nathalia had lived to see it.

  Maeve noticed, and not for the first time, an abundance of Guardians stood around while children frolicked. She was glad Nathalia couldn’t see this. The prior Abbess would never have tolerated all of these additional men stationed within the compound walls. Nathalia would have considered the great good of her sacrifice undone by the heightened testosterone hidden beneath the guise of security.

  She smiled at her Guardian standing in the corner of her office. He had been staring at her baby belly. Again. The Guardian blushed and averted his eyes, but smiled shyly in return. Although it was a little unnerving at first to have him around all the time, she was glad to have him now. The same man who had shared living quarters with Margaux now offered Maeve the same security. He only allowed her to be alone with Aaron. It seemed he could not be far from the One. Maeve had grown comfortable with him. Aaron too seemed to accept the new order of things once he was convinced that the giant man wasn’t interested in Maeve in a romantic way. He and Samsiel had come to an understanding that was blossoming into a real relationship. His cats, Homer and Stirfry, were another thing entirely.

  The Daughters’ collection of snakes loved the Guardians, escaping their cages to seek the powerful men. The cats: not so much. Homer and Stirfry accepted all men but the Guardians, arching their backs and hissing before hiding beneath furniture whenever the larger new residents were near.

  The Guardian stiffened in his corner and made a step toward the door. That movement brought Maeve’s mind back to the task at hand. Today was Maeve’s first visit from the new Voice of the Counsel. Since Margaux’s departure from the position, the Counsel corresponded through the Guardian, but now the representative approached the door.

  There was a knock on the door and her Guardian looked to her for permission to admit her guest. Pushing her chair back, she slowly stood, hands pressing the armrests to steady herself while her back arched. Widening her stance, she straightened. After tidying her clothes, she nodded to him.

  He opened the door and two people came in. Both were robed in the long, dark, hooded capes that the Guardians preferred. Both were extremely tall. The first was a woman. Long brown hair flowed out of the hood and laid on the slight swell of breast. Her hood was pulled down over her eyes, shielding her features. The second was her Guardian. His hood was thrown back; his iridescent eyes darted around. His gaze settled on Samsiel and they bowed, never taking their eyes off each other. He was tall, muscular and tan, but Maeve found him nondescript, like all of the Guardians. She now knew it was camouflage, a spell cast to keep outsiders from recognizing them.

  Maeve welcomed them and offered the representative a drink, but the Voice silently shook her head. A hand slid from the confines of her robes; a gentle touch ran down the Guardian’s own robe. The relaxation was instant; his shoulders sagged and the camouflage spell faded. The Voice’s Guardian was a blond, Maeve noticed, now that his guard was not quite so high. He stood next to the Voice, placing himself between his mistress and the other Guardian in the room.

  The Voice started a formal speech:

  The grandson of heaven has found the daughter of man and their joining has brought the One to earth. Rejoice, highly favored one, She is within you; blessed are you among women. You, Maeve, are chosen by fate to mother the savior of mankind and to be this chapter’s Abbess Primo.

  Maeve scarcely heard the words. Shock and hope battled within her. Placing her tingling hands against her fluttering stomach, she whispered, “Nathalia?”

  Yes and no. The Nathalia you knew died but was born anew in me. I am Ereshkigal of the Kafzeil family line.

  The representative pushed her hood back and showed her face. Maeve gasped, because it was the same one of her lifelong friend, but it was also different. Nathalia’s skin glowed. Her beauty sharpened to a level that cut. It stung Maeve’s eye to focus on the familiar yet strange features of her face.

  It had been long enough since Nathalia’s presumed death that Maeve was over the grieving steps. She had accepted that her friend was gone and now here she was standing just feet away. Maeve waddled around the desk, her arms extended for an embrace, but Nathalia held her hand up quickly in a motion for her to stop.

  It’s better if we don’t touch. I love you too much to handle seeing the look of disgu
st that would surely follow an embrace. Please be satisfied in knowing that I’m alive and happy with the second chance to sit together.

  The Daughters can no longer live carefree, believing that if we do no harm then no harm will be done to us. There’s much evil in this world and we must do more to protect ourselves from it. We’ll continue to practice as we always have and increase the good and love in the world, but we’ll also hunt down and destroy the evil in it too. We can no longer sit by and wait for danger to come to us.

  Maeve, we were foolish to think we alone had found power in this world. There are others out there collecting power, for less noble reasons. We’re in the midst of a battle and didn’t know it.

  “Your mouth isn’t moving, Nathalia.” She must be speaking telepathically, but Maeve was not nauseated by the foreign mental disturbance. “How can your ability be so much improved after only a few months, when it took you years to reach the level you were at when you died?”

  I have no idea how long ago it was that I last stood in this room. Time’s perceived differently by us. My ability’s changed because we have a different power source. I can still access the Capacitor’s power, but if I were to power my voice with their collected supply you’d be very sick by now and they’d be completely drained. Telepathy is not the only current draw on our attentions and abilities. We’re in a constant battle for control of our thoughts and it consumes energy in abundance.

  “Who is ‘us’ and what are you talking about?” Maeve’s voice cracked slightly.

  Be not afraid. You’ll find me much changed since our life here together. So much so, that I now consider myself one of the Guardian kind.

  Maeve could not help but laugh. “You consider yourself one of them? Just minutes before you came in, I was thinking that you would roll over in your grave if you knew that there were so many men walking around the compound.”

  Nathalia stopped smiling. I’ve come to understand many things. One of which is that I misjudged and mistreated men. They’re tortured creatures, wholly unaware that they’re being influenced by evil. I deeply regret my old attitudes, but nothing can be done concerning my past life. The second of which is that these Guardians are not men.

  The second revelation punched Maeve harder in the gut than the fact that Nathalia’s attitudes toward men had changed. “What do you mean, the Guardians aren’t men?” Maeve felt like the floor was falling out from under her and nausea washed over her as the heaviness in her stomach was replaced by weightlessness. She lost her balance, listing to the side.

  Nathalia moved so quickly that Maeve did not see her do it, but felt her friend’s strong lean arms catch her own limp body and the slight repulsion Nathalia had warned her about. With her eyes closed, Maeve bluffed, “Sorry to pull a fast one on you, but if you wouldn’t let me hug you I had to make you come to me. I knew you couldn’t resist a Maeve squeeze.”

  Nathalia smiled and laid her on the couch. Both Guardians stepped to their women’s sides.

  “Perhaps it would be better if you left us alone to talk,” Maeve suggested.

  Perhaps so. Nathalia raised an eyebrow at Samsiel, who folded his arms and shook his head in refusal. Nathalia’s Guardian also refused to leave her side.

  Maeve pushed up to sit and raised her voice. “I’m ordering you both out. This is my office, my chapter, my decision.” She jabbed a finger at Samsiel. “You, to the roof and you—” She pointed at the other Guardian. “If you prefer, may stay close to Nathalia, but on the other side of that door.”

  Both men bowed and made their exits. Nathalia closed the door behind him.

  “Ugh!” Maeve exclaimed as soon as they were alone. “That one’s been attached to me every second since Jolie’s wedding and Aaron’s no different. Being pregnant may feel empowering to some, but it imprisons me. The men in my life seem to think I’m weak because of it.”

  Your daughter is of great importance to all men and Guardians alike. Some don’t know it, but those who do are bereft to think She might come to some harm during their watch.

  “We don’t know it’s a girl. The sonogram was inconclusive.”

  She will be called Sarvamata and Yamina Prima as She will be mother to all proper and suitable love to everyone who lays eyes upon Her. She will be the true mother of peace and take the throne of her ancestor and will reign over Earth forever; Her kingdom will never end.

  A bloodcurdling scream cleaved through the door. Both women spun around as the voice shouted from the hall, “Guards! Guards! The Abbess is in danger!”

  The door flew open, slamming against the wall behind it and tearing two of the three hinges out of the wooden jamb. Nathalia’s Guardian flew into the room and landed at her feet.

  “I read him,” Elle panted, stumbling into the room with a pale, sweaty complexion. She staggered over to Maeve and said, “He’s pure evil. Every thought in his head’s about killing, consuming flesh and drinking blood.” Elle flinched as Samsiel appeared right beside his ward, but then she clasped her hands and pleaded with him, “His thoughts are of hurting Maeve most of all.” Shaking violently, looking nauseated from the thoughts of violence and cannibalism, she begged, “You have to save her. Grab him. Kill him before he kills her.”

  Peace to all. Nathalia broadcast to everyone in the room. No one is to make a move toward us. He’s no danger to anyone who doesn’t harbor evil in his heart.

  “Is that you Nathalia? We thought you were dead.”

  I’m now the Voice of the Council as I have made my sacrifice to the cause. Nathalia tugged her cloak neckline down to show the room her jagged scar over her jugular. I gave up my voice and they gave me a new one.

  “Nathalia or not, Maeve’s acting Abbess. Maeve, you’ve never questioned me before and I’m telling you he’s beyond dangerous.”

  To kill him is to kill me.

  Maeve turned to her now and asked, “How much do you really know about him, Nathalia?” Elle was never wrong.

  I know everything about him, Maeve. We are one and the same: he’s my beloved, my twin, my husband, my own. He straightened to his full height, given strength by his wife’s pride. She took his hand and they stood before the others, unified. Nathalia gave them all a moment for that commitment to sink in. Elle, the thoughts you saw are not his own, but those of the ones he keeps prisoner for the safety of mankind. They torment him and attempt to seduce him into acting out their desired violence. He’s devoted his life to withstanding them and has never failed to do so.

  Now I must come to the reason for our visit. We’re here to ask for the Daughters’ help. An evil one has been released into the world. He has renewed strength and the fervor of purpose to match. He wants to plunge this world into darkness through violence and bloodshed. We must find him and the weapon capable of destroying this invincible ageless foe. He will come for all of us if we cannot.

  Maeve had to sit back down. “Who released it?”

  Nathalia looked at her mate, who held a stoic look of determination in his eyes. She straightened her spine.

  I did.

  The Daughters of Women are a worldwide network of covens. Each branch organizes into concentric circles according to hierarchy. The largest exterior circle is made up of the uninitiated, new members who have taken no vows and may be unsure of their magical powers. Inside that are the Novices, who know their power types and have taken the first step toward being full sisters. Inside that are the Sophomores, selected as the best of the Novices, and have mentors from the next group in. The Inner Circle is made of the Primos. There is only one Primo of each magical type at a time. Primos are privy to the Daughters’ great mysteries and can only advance after taking the final vows. Then all secrets are revealed. At the center of all the circles are one or two women of the utmost authority for that branch. If there is only one, it is the Abbess, who can be any type of magic user but she is always the boss. If the branch has a particularly strong member, and if the Abbess chooses, the highest-ranking matchmaker stands next to her in
the center.

  It is important to note that not all branches have all types of Primos. If a Novice comes to them but there is no Primo at that branch for the same type of magic, then that Novice must remain a Novice or be shipped to another branch where there is a Primo to train and mentor her.

  The Abbess sets the tone for each branch. If the Abbess is distrustful of men, there will be fewer or no males allowed to live on the grounds with the Daughters.

  Rankings in order of importance and power from greatest

  to least:


  Matchmaker (Vinculum) Primo





  A group separate from these but who play an integral part in the lives of the Daughters is the Holy Capacitors. These women reached and held the position of Primo for a number of years. They sacrifice their lives to serve as a magical power collection system, holding a pool of energy from which Primos can pull to work their greater magic.

  Types of Magic Studies

  Vinculum means the “bridge or bond.” These are the matchmakers. They do small magic and facilitate “hook-ups” for ceremony or relaxation. Their greater magic makes an unbreakable bond between two people that will drive them to find and recognize each other even if they have never met. A Vinculum finds mates for those who need them. They also build the “bridge” from that matched couple to the Capacitors to gather excess sexual energy generated by said couples. Vinculum is the most rare and sought-after ability. A very strong Vinculum can mean the rise in power of a branch. In this story, Maeve is a Vinculum Primo, and she is the strongest in known history.


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