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Fate's Intentions

Page 15

by Stevens, Dawn Nicole

  Ashlynn and Scarlett scurried to the bathroom and gathered the things they each had in there. They hadn't really unpacked anything so the few things that were sitting on the counter, they stuffed into their bags and walked out into the hall. They came down the steps and met Aaron and Adam who had just stepped back inside. Adam took the bags the girls were holding and looked around the cabin. "I wonder if Ben needs any help."

  Just then a voice came from the hallway. "Adam, I packed some of your things from the lab. I hope I grabbed the important stuff!"

  "Shit!" Adam blurted. "Thanks Ben, I never even thought about that stuff! I just wish I could bring it all!"

  Ben stopped when he saw Aaron standing next to Scarlett. "What's he still doing here?" When nobody answered he walked toward the door where everyone else stood and stared at Scarlett. "What is he still doing here?"

  Scarlett's voice quivered as she answered, "He's coming with us."

  Ben shouted. "Coming with us! Does he know?"

  Scarlett shook her head. "No, I haven't told him yet."

  Aaron was puzzled as he turned to Scarlett. "Told me what?"

  "Tell him!" Ben said firmly.

  Scarlett turned to Aaron. "Remember I told you a lot had happened since I left Illinois?" Aaron nodded, but didn't speak so she continued. "I'm a werewolf now."

  Aaron laughed. "What do you need to tell me Scarlett? I don't think now is the time for jokes!"

  "I'm serious Aaron." She said unwavering.

  Aaron looked around to everyone else and when none of them laughed his expression changed and he looked scared.

  Ashlynn gave Adam a little shove and patted Ben on the back. "Why don't we go on outside and give them a minute?" Adam followed her but Ben hesitated for a moment. Adam spoke his name in a low, gentle voice, asking him to come with them, then he finally stepped out as well.

  Scarlett pushed to door shut and stared at Aaron. "I am a werewolf."

  Aaron shook his head. "Have you gone mad since you left?" Scarlett pulled her shirt up over her head and threw it on the floor. Her bra came off next, and then her shoes, pants and underwear. "What the hell are you doing Scarlett?" Aaron was unsure how to react to what she was doing.

  "I'm just going to show you." She said in a determined manor.

  Aaron raised his eyebrows at her standing naked before him. All of a sudden she was gone and a gray wolf stood at the door. He almost fell over at the sight. Scarlett transformed back and stood quietly waiting for his reaction. He stuttered a little as he spoke. "You wer- weren't kidding?"

  "No, I'm not kidding." Scarlett said as she began putting her clothes back on. "I'm sorry to force you to decide your future the second I slap this on you, but we really have to leave right now!"

  Aaron stood breathless for a moment. He looked down at the floor as his mind raced but then his head snapped up at her and he said, "I love you Scarlett. For better, for worse, or for weird."

  Scarlett giggled and as she pulled her shirt down and slipped her shoes on and then she flung herself into his arms. "Aaron, I thought I was gonna die without you! Actually, I almost did." She added sarcastically.

  Aaron petted her hair as he held her tight, "What do you mean you almost did?"

  Scarlett shook her head. "Let's not worry about that right now. It's a long story and we need to go now."

  She took Aaron's hand and opened the door. They walked down the steps to find everyone in Ashlynn's car. Everyone was already inside. Adam was behind the wheel with Ashlynn in the passenger side. The windows were tinted but Scarlett assumed Ben was in the backseat. Adam rolled the window down, "If he is coming with us, I think you should follow us in his car. If anyone finds it here, he's going to be connected to all this whether he wants to be or not. That's why I thought we should take Ashlynn's car."

  Scarlett turned to Aaron, "Is that okay with you?" Aaron nodded.

  Adam nodded also. "Okay, well I'm not sure where we are going, planning to find a motel in a nearby town and sort things out tomorrow."

  "Okay, well we'll follow you." Scarlett replied.

  They got into Aaron's car and as they followed Adam out the driveway, Aaron glanced over to Scarlett. "Okay Scarlett, I think you have some explaining to do."

  Scarlett grinned, "I was waiting for it. Do you want the long version or the short version?"

  Aaron smiled at her, "Well, it's hard to tell how long we are going to be on the road, might as well slap me with the long version."

  Scarlett nodded. "Well, as you know Ashlynn was coming up here to attend college, I planned on staying here with her a couple weeks to get away. One night we were in town, we met some local girls who invited us to a party at a campground and of course Ashlynn thought she just had to go, so she drug my pitiful ass with her. At said party, the girl we came with ended up too drunk to drive so some of the other people there gave us all a lift. The two guys that volunteered to take me and Ash back to her car wanted to freak us out by stopping on the way to show us some wolf den by the river. We objected but they wouldn't give, so we were trudging through the field when the one guy, Cody, asked me to walk back up to the truck with him to grab some beer. I figured it would prolong my little journey to see the wolves, so I went with him." Scarlett paused in her story. She couldn't decide how much detail she should give him. She didn't like the idea of reliving it all and was certain he wouldn't like the story either so she left out a few things. "Cody started acting like a jerk and we were arguing and he drew back to hit me, then all of a sudden this big gray wolf came swooping in and attacked him. He got freaked out and took off in the truck and blah blah, we had to get another ride."

  Scarlett paused again. This time Aaron wasn't quietly waiting, he could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong Scarlett?", he asked placing his arm around her.

  Scarlett embraced the feel of his arm around her. She was happier than she had ever been to have him here with her. When he nudged her she began to speak again. "Well, I wasn't going to tell you everything, but I guess for me to tell you the rest of the story about what happened and how I ended up a wolf, and why we are on the run, I have to tell you. Cody wasn't arguing with me when we stopped on the way back that night. He was drunk and attacked me."

  Aaron was immediately angry. "What do you mean he attacked you?"

  Scarlett mustered all the nerve she had in her to tell him the rest. "He tried to rape me." She held her head down feeling ashamed and dirty.

  Aaron was frozen in thought. He fought the outburst that was trying to tear its way out of him and sat quietly for a moment then he pulled her tight against him and kissed her head. "I'm so sorry that this has happened to you, I feel like it's my fault for throwing you out."

  "It's not your fault Baby." She whispered back. "I'm just glad Ben was there."

  Aaron looked down at her. "Ben? The other guy with Ashlynn?"

  Scarlett nodded. "Yea. Ben and Adam are werewolves too. The wolf that scared him off was Ben."

  Aaron was confused again. "Both of them?"

  Scarlett sighed. "Yes. So, the next day I went to the police to tell them what happened and when Cody found out they had placed charges against him, he showed up at our cottage that night and kicked the door in. Once again, Ben and Adam rushed in and chased him off."

  Aaron interrupted her. "Why were they outside your place?"

  "Ashlynn asked the same thing. I guess after what happened in the field that night with Cody, Ben was watching him and followed him to our place that night."

  Aaron sighed. "I'm sorry for cutting you off again. So how did you end up a wolf?"

  Scarlett started where she left off. "They invited us to stay at the cabin with them so we didn't have to worry about Cody coming around, but somehow he found us there too. Two days ago I was standing in the kitchen, cleaning up after breakfast and the next thing I knew, I was waking up on the couch. Apparently Cody had been lurking outside with a gun and tried to shoot me. Well, he did shoot me and as I laid there bleeding to death,
the only thing Ben could do to save me was to make me a werewolf so I would heal. After turning me, Ben chased Cody down and killed him. He and Adam moved the body down near the campground and staged it to look like a wild wolf attack. It was in the newspaper, they believed it to be a wolf attack. Today, Adam and I went hunting in wolf form, and ran into a group of people in the woods looking for the wolves responsible. Ben and Ashlynn found out about the mob and came to warn us. Ben ended up shot trying to shield me and almost died and we are pretty sure some of the people saw Adam and I transform. "

  Aaron didn't say anything right away. Once again, he sat thinking of what she'd just told him. He laughed a little when he finally did speak. "I'm not trying to be insensitive Babe, and I do believe you after seeing you turn into a wolf, but this crap that has happened to you is crazy! I really don't think you could make something like that up, but wow!"

  Scarlett giggled. "Yea, I guess you're right. It does sound pretty nuts. But that is what happened. I owe everything to Ben. If not for him, well, I don't even want to go there. But there is your story. That's how I became a wolf. And now Ash is in heat, drooling all over Adam, so she wants to become a werewolf too."

  Aaron laughed, "She probably just doesn't want to be left out."

  Scarlett laughed and agreed, "Yea, I think you're right!"

  Chapter 23

  As they drove down the road behind Adam, Ashlynn and Ben, Scarlett smiled to herself as she wiggled around at Aaron's side. It was heaven to be next to him with his arm around her, even if they were on the run. "You have no idea how lost I've been without you Aaron!"

  "Probably about as lost as I've been without you." He replied and then kissed her forehead. "I love you Scarlett, and I'm never letting you leave my side again!"

  "That's good, because I don't plan to. You and I are going to be like Siamese twins." She laughed at him.

  "Maybe instead of wedding rings, we should get a set of handcuffs." He joked, but then his expression changed. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to push the marriage thing. It's just, that's how I envision our future. I want you to be my wife!"

  "It's okay. Honestly, I'm ready to get married. Everything that has happened to me has made me realize a lot, but on the other hand, I think maybe we should wait because there's some more stuff that you have to be willing to accept."

  Aaron sighed. "Scarlett, don't you ever doubt my feelings for you. I was wrong to throw you out like I did. I was just hurt and angry, but it didn't change the way I feel about you. Nothing could ever make me love you any less!"

  Scarlett didn't reply. She was watching Adam's taillights as he slowed and then pulled in to a motel. Adam parked outside the entrance and Aaron pulled in and parked to the right of him. He rolled down his window and Ashlynn put hers down as well. "Adam is going in to get us a room. Do you two mind if we all bunk together?"

  Aaron shrugged and looked around to Scarlett. "What do you think Babe?"

  "I'm okay with it if you are."

  Aaron turned back to Ashlynn. "Yea, we'll room with you guys."

  Adam got out of the car and entered the motel. In a few minutes he was back. "I think it's best if we leave our luggage in the car in case we need to leave quick."

  Everyone agreed and they entered the motel, making their way down the hall to the room. Adam and Ashlynn lead the way with Aaron and Scarlett following them and Ben bringing up the rear. Adam unlocked the room and they all filed in, looking around, taking in their surroundings. There were two full sized beds and a couch. Ashlynn flopped down onto one of the beds. "Dibs!" She yelled and then pulled Adam backwards onto the bed as well. Scarlett awkwardly looked at Ben, "You can have the other bed Ben."

  He shook his head. "No you take it. I probably won't be sleeping much tonight anyway."

  Everyone gathered around and sat facing one another. Ashlynn threw her hands up. "Okay, so what is the plan? Are we going to Mexico or something?"

  Ben shook his head. "No, we just need to stay low for a couple days and see what is going on in town. We need to find out what is becoming of today's events."

  Adam nodded. "Yes, we need to know if any of us have been identified and if they did indeed see us transform." He looked over to Aaron. "How are you handling all of the information you have been informed with tonight?"

  Aaron shrugged his shoulders. "I can't say it's easy to take in, but I'll stand by Scarlett no matter what!"

  Adam couldn't help but notice the look that appeared on Ben's face as Aaron said this. Ashlynn interrupted. "If only we had one of those memory eraser thingys like in Men In Black." Everyone laughed until Ashlynn began to speak again. "Hey, nobody in town knows Aaron or his car, we can send him in to get the 411."

  Adam nodded, "That's a good idea. If you don't mind Aaron, maybe you could ride into town to the grocery store and pick up a newspaper. Maybe you will overhear some gossip."

  Aaron shrugged again. "Sure. I can do that."

  Ashlynn fell back on the bed and made a noise sounding irritated. "This needs to all be over. It's spoiling my plans!"

  Adam raised an eyebrow at her. "What plans?"

  She smiled. "For you to make me a wolf before the next full moon!"

  Adam didn't reply to this and when no one else said anything, Aaron spoke. "If you guys don't mind, could someone explain this werewolf thing to me?"

  Adam nodded. "How much has Scarlett told you?"

  He looked around to Scarlett and then back to Adam. "Nothing really. Only how she ended up a wolf."

  Adam ran his fingers through his hair and wondered where to start. "'Well, Ben and I were born werewolves. My parents were werewolves, my grandparents, Ben is my grandfather's brother. I'm not sure how our family ended up as wolves but we are."

  Aaron looked confused. "Hold on, you say Ben is your grandfather's brother?"

  Adam nodded. "Yes. I know he doesn't look to be that old, but we don't age as humans do. Humans live for decades whereas we live for centuries."

  Aaron was taken aback. "So how old are you guys?"

  Adam sighed. "I am 73. Ben is 128."

  Aaron looked like a feather could knock him over. "Wow!"

  Adam continued. "We are not dangerous animals. 90 percent of the time, maybe more we are humans. We transform at will, whenever we like, and we transform against our will on nights of the full moon."

  Aaron nodded as he listened as if the nodding was helping the information settle a little easier. "So what happens on a full moon?" He was a little leery of the answer.

  "Well, besides from us turning into wolves uncontrollably, nothing. We usually go out and run the forest and hunt small game. Our lives are not much different from everyone else. We just don't stay in the same spot for extended periods of time. Every ten years or so we move somewhere new so locals don't get suspicious that we don't age."

  Aaron seemed mesmerized by the things Adam was saying. "That sounds like an awesome way to live!"

  Adam laughed. "Yea, it just gets a little lonely. For many years it has only been Ben and I. We can not make friends or tell anyone what we really are. You three are the only people we have told."

  Before either could say anymore, Ashlynn blurted in, "I feel so privileged!"

  Aaron, Adam and Ben looked at her like she was crazy, but Scarlett and Ashlynn erupted with laughter.

  When the girls quieted down, Ben spoke. "We should all get some rest. We don't know what tomorrow will bring."

  Everyone settled into bed to get some sleep. Everyone but Ben. He laid back on the couch and decided to stay awake and keep an ear out, just in case anyone found them.

  Scarlett laid in Aaron's arms and thought about how right it felt to be next to him again. It had been too long since she'd fell asleep with him at her side and woken up to see his face. She found sleep quickly. Although there were many things to be weighing on her mind, it all felt like it would be okay now that she was with him again.

  Adam wrapped his arms around Ashlynn and hoped that no one had found out his
secret. He couldn't ask Ashlynn to live a life on the run, she deserved happiness and success. He loved this girl more than he ever thought it possible to love someone.

  Ben was stretched across the sofa, listening and smelling, trying to detect any change in the environment outside their room. He replayed the events of the past week in his mind and wondered what it all meant. He was a firm believer everything happened for a reason and he tried to determine the reason fate had for bringing Ashlynn, Scarlett and now Aaron into their lives.


  The next morning, Ashlynn, Adam, Scarlett and Aaron were awakened by Scarlett's phone ringing. Ben had been the only one already awake. After her sleepy haze had cleared a bit, Scarlett realized the noise that had woke her was her phone, and grabbed it off the nightstand. It was Officer Branson. She swiped the screen. "Hello."

  "Hello, Miss Williams, I was phoning to inform you that your attacker had been found dead two days ago. It has been confirmed that he was killed by wolves."

  Scarlett's mouth fell open from the shock that this is what he was calling to discuss, but she quickly recomposed herself. "I actually knew that Officer. We had caught wind of the gossip from town, something about a mob?"

  She heard a laugh on the other end of the phone. "Yes, some of the townfolk felt the need to go on a wolf hunt. A couple older gentlemen were the only ones to see anything, but they weren't exactly credible witnesses. At least that was what the alcohol on their breath told me. They probably scared the hell out of a couple tourists."

  "Tourists?" Scarlett asked in confusion.

  "Yes, we get tourists regularly off the highway to see the mountains. From what I gather, the old men caught two of them in the middle of some personal business and chased them naked out of the woods. They claimed they saw wolves, but after their breathalyzers, I doubt they remember what they saw. We have informed everyone not to be out hunting wolves anymore. Thank God no one was injured."


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